
The start of the new conquest

After waking up from his prayer positions the man took a deep breath and stood up to stand in the of the room, facing the window.

He seemed to be looking outside but his face was totally out of focus, a testament to his deep meditation to tamper and keep his discipline over the soul and mind.

A long time passed and the sun started to set. Coming out from the depths of his mind he took a few breaths and began to tidy his room, Starting with smearing his earlier formation and putting a rug over it.

Standing in the doorway and looking at his room the way it was when he first came into it, he closed the door and made his way downstairs.

Climbing down the stairs he could see that a few people had come to enjoy their evening to the canteen. While walking toward the door a few people did glance at him but thought nothing of him, just another outsider.

Just as he was reaching out for the handle of the door, somebody from outside opened it and rushed in, only to bump into him. confused this young man looked up to see it was someone completely unkown. frowning he asked:

"Who are you? it's rare to see strangers normally, but now in the middle of winter and a brutal one at that, what are you hoping to find here?"

The young stared at the eyes of the man but gained nothing but silence from him. Continuing he started to feel unnerved due to those eyes, deep, extremely deep eyes that were nothing like anyone else's

Not many seconds passed until he thought it would be in his best interest to step out the way before something happens. It none of his business afterr all what this man was doing in this town.

Standing in the middle of the village the man was looking at a crude map that showed a singular road could lead out of here. Not a even a shred of discomfort seen on his face while traversing trough the snow and cold in his minimal equipment was a feat not boasted by many, but he made it look effortles.

A while after walking you could hear him mutter about it:

"As the ancestor's said 'cold is but a feeling, it shall be tamed and conquered as any other, but be aware as for frozen is a state and not even the strongest of minds can bend reality'."

He continued to walk along the road devoid of any life along it beatiful yet so ominous at the same time. Soon the sun had fully set and the moon was out in its full glory, basking everything in its glim but soothing light. Stopping for a moment and gazing at the moon admiring its beauty, the reality began to set about what was to come. Letting out a deep melancholic sigh he began to once again tear hks old wounds open.

"Yet again i am here, in this accursed world...

When does the cosmos ever let this go. For how many times have i done this in the search of nothing. destined to quest and search until it is found...

i am but the ancient one reduced and forced to this state to continue this madness. Forever i have begged for them to end it but to no avail.

I plead to end it for i am now but a broken man, remnant of the glorious and mighty, just a shell of the great one that once upon a time existed."

A plead filled emotion, the loneliness and sadness emitting from those lines almost palpable, his voice broken beyond measure, but still failing to project any of that to that stone cold face.