
A story that was never meant to be.

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A story that was never meant to be ....

"If i can count the days i thought about you,I can never stop counting."

"I" this one letter is really confusing for me. Because till this time the only thing that i cared was about you. I don't even know the term "I". Because all my thoughts were covered by the term "we". You were my dream, my hope, my inspiration, my regret ,my sorrow, my joy, my only happiness that i remember in my life. If i could describe you in one line that would be "You were shining like a bright sun and i was blinded by your light." . If i could remember my life the only thing that was in my life was you .I couldn't even stop describing you .But if i could rewrite my story, my only wish is to not meet you...

This all started one day, where i was just living my life either dreaming or just breathing. I didn't know what life was. I didn't know what happiness was or sadness was . I was just existing having no expectations or whatsoever. If i know this day is going to change my life forever . I would have avoided it at any cost . It was nothing new for me as the teacher asked me to change the seats with you .At first you hated me saying this line that i will never forgot "You will change the seats when the teacher goes outside. Because i want to sit with my friend". I was afraid of you, because i thought you hated me . You were always surrounded by the people , you were popular ,you were funny. And every time when i see you, you would be shining like a sun. On the other side i was surrounded by the darkness that i didn't even know that it was killing me. As i said i was just existing. I used to admire you. You were really good at sports. On the other hand, the only talents i had were eating, breathing, sleeping. At first i was jealous of you . You always attract people around you. People always loved to be around you. On the other hand, people didn't even know my name. I was quiet and didn't have many friend or should i say that i have no idea what a friend is supposed to be. But this all

changed when i started to sit with you.

At first you hated that you had to sit with me.(a boring person in your prescription).And demanded that i had to change my seats. But as the fate had its own planthe teacher never allowed us to change the seats. I really wished to change my seats because i really didn't want to disturb you. And the classes also begin shortly. I was a

late bloomer, so i barely listened to the lectures .The only thought that i had in my mind was how i am going to sit with you. I wanted to be like other people to be friends with you.

But i was insecure about me. I didn't know how to talk with you. Because for me "you were a dream that i could never achieve" So i gave up the idea of being friends with you. But as the time went by. You couldn't stand the silence and awkwardness between us . So you initiated the conversation with me . I clearly remember that day where i started to talk with you.

I was just doing my usual routine of being weird and silent. But the only difference was i liked watching animedoreamon and you also liked it . So one day when i brought some doreamon stickers you asked me where i brought it and how much it was. I said that it was cheap and you started to become interested in it . Because it was a trend at that time because they Introduced the anime doreamon for the first time in our country. And you started to keep a diary for the stickers I brought for you . We had a casual relationship of partners and

not even a friendship. But it was my first time talking with you and maintaining a diary with you. So I thought I achieved a dream by sharing a picture diary with you . But I know

for you it doesn't even matter.

But as the time went by, we started to talk about the things and most of the time it will about the sticker business where I brought you some stickers and you

would give me the money you saved from your parents . I still remember that it would be mostly coins. And I would give it to shop keeper and got scolded for not paying in the

rupees. But this was just the starting of my only big events that happened in my life..

"My eyes will search for you everytime even when you are not there, hoping to meet your eyes for one time."