
A New Beginning

Inside the headquarters

Michael sits back in his chair, finished with his work. He looks to the stones, each one requiring a mere touch with the material to effectively write a series of runes. He mostly uses this for the forges, for the rune to radiate the required heat. And perhaps the spinning mill which spins threads using the force of magic.

He carefully lowers it down, to have them sent to their trusted officers. Well, trusted due to the rings on their finger. He takes out two golden rings, his eyes light up as he reads the runes once more, making sure that each ring held the function he intended.

A knock comes from the door as Mary enters, her ear length red hair something Michael immediately noticed. Mary enters in slack like pants and a doublet covered by a fitting jerkin. Michael consciously fiddles with his clothes as he thought, 'She wore it better than me.' Michael pushes away the thought as Mary stands in attention.

"Sir Michael? I heard you asked for me?" Michael nods in affirmation before he gestures to the chair in front of him. "I have, but I also called for Madelaine. and I rather have both of you here once I explain my plans." Mary nods in affirmation as they sat in silence.

A few seconds of awkward silence pass before Michael speaks, "So you've also cut your hair?" Mary shyly nods as she replies, "Yes, I remember father lecturing about the disadvantages of long hair." Michael nods in understanding, "Yes, I'm sure it's a disadvantage. Regardless though, it suits you quite well."

Mary gratefully bows her head, a bit calmed by Michael's bright smile "Thank you sir." Michael then notices the sword at her side which curiously asked about, "Then how was training?" Mary's eyes shine as she excitedly explains her training regimen and the sword forms her father seemingly left her.

Michael looks to her with an eyebrow raised, "Didn't I tell you to get an instructor?" Mary stops before sheepishly rubbing the back of her head as she replies, "I didn't think it was necessary to do so, since back home my father has a planned training." Michael thinks on her answer, "Truly? Why would he-"

Michael stops as he notices the sadness radiating of the topic, Michael's eyes lower a bit guilty for bringing it up. "It's fine, if you really believe that such things are better for you." The words make Mary smiles as her green eyes shine in happiness. Michael though raises a finger to make a point, "But remember the experience with actual opponents should be considered." Mary nods her head furiously.

The door suddenly opens, Madelaine walks in with a bright smile wearing her typical long skirt and blouse. She waves to Mary to whom she immediately hugs as she excitedly, "Kyaah, Mary you look so cool." Mary stiffly smiles, flustered at her friend's action.

A few seconds pass, Michael finishes enjoying the view of Madelaine playing with Mary. He clear his throat taking Madelaine's attention from the flustered Mary whose eyes was thanking him in relief. Michael smiles as he gestures to the seat next to Mary, he spoke in a voice filled with amusement "Get a seat, I wish to tell you both what's next."

Michael's atmosphere turns grim, something which the two women follow, a bit concerned. "The two of you have greatly helped me in founding this business." The words were followed by a soft hum as countless runes crawl from underneath Michael, It covers every inch in pulsing light as the room was swallowed up in darkness.

The two women freeze in fear, he smiles brightly, something that makes the two girls sigh in relief. "Don't mind it, I just soundproofed the room due to the confidential information," He flourishes his hand as the runes recede leaving two bright golden rings, "I have chosen the two of you as my right hand."

He gestures to the ring, "These rings hold the same functions as those you currently wear," He pushes it towards them, "Though there are safety precautions this time." Mary takes it from the table as she plays with it, she looks to Michael as she asks, "What precautions?" Michael smiles smugly "Magic shield, capable of taking any lethal damage."

Madelaine takes one and curiously asked, "So we won't get hurt ever?" Michael shakes his head before he replies, "Of course not, the ring can take up to five city-destroying magics." Both of them looks at the runes, inspecting them. Michael continued "The ring's integrity will fail, it would probably need reforging by then."

Madelaine wears the ring to her fingers as she looks at Michael. "I'm assuming these rings wouldn't allow us to betray you right?" Michael nods, "Yeah, the same thing the last version did." Mary wears it as she spoke, "Then what extra features are there?" Michael smiles and spins his chair, facing his back to them, the both of them looked at each other confused before a screen pops up in their view.

Michael waves, making them look at his back, a bit confused. Michael chuckles at their confused expression before speaking, "These are video calls, I can send light and sound from my own ring and vice versa." The two girls smile excitedly as they do the same, waving their hands around excited to see something so new.

A few moments pass and two girls still excitedly talking about the rings function. Michael clears his throat with a cough taking the girls attention. "Though the ring can be more than capable of handling a video call 24/7 it cannot do any more than that. It will be unable to handle any other function."

Michael looks back then sighs, his nerves a bit shaken on what he's about to do "Though that isn't the only reason I have sent for you here," He held his face as the mask hums, its lock, unlocking as he smiles to the two girls. The mask appears as his face changes, to one the two girls are familiar with.

""SIR MICHAEL!"" Michael only grins as his black eyes shine in the delight at their surprised expression. He chuckles before he spoke, "That's my name don't wear it out."

He gestures to himself, "My name is Michael Magna." The two girls listen intently, "I assume you understand, why I choose to hide my face?" The two girls nod before Madelaine speaks, "But why show us now?" Michael sighs before he speaks a bit shy, "Well, I trust you guys enough now. it just felt safer, you see."

The two girls nod in understanding, making Michael smile in relief before he said "I see, that's a relief." A few moments pass and an uncomfortable silence settle between the three of them. Michael sighs as he looks at the two of them, "Look, I haven't really made much connection throughout my life."

He shyly looks down, "And despite me being your boss and all." Michael smiles brightly, "The two of you have been one of the few people I've been closest to." The words make Mary teary-eyed and as she wipes her tear, she tries to speak. But was interrupted by a flurry of movement.

Before Michael could even react Madelaine already hugged the sitting Michael. She coos sweetly, "Aww, don't worry. Older sister is going to take care of you." Michael suffocates to her surprisingly bountiful chest.

He looks up to her to see her teasing expression as she looks at him eye to eye. He snuggles deeper to her hug, 'She was always the teasing type, maybe she felt a distance between us fade.'he thought with a hug. Something Madelaine was more than happy to reciprocate

Mary shouts, "Madelaine let go of Sir Michael!" Madelaine squeezes harder as she smiles at Mary. She then spoke cutely "No! didn't you see how adorable that was? The only proper response was hugging him." Mary reddens as she stands and tries to pull Madelaine away, a few moments pass with the two arguing that Mary stops.

Michael looks up at Mary who blushes deeply before giving the two of them a hug. She then whispers, "Your older sister will protect you." Both Michael and Madelaine open their mouth in shock before laughter comes from the both of them.

Mary realizes they were teasing her, making her shout, "Madelaine! Michael!" The two only laughed as Mary remained flustered. Mary watches their laughter before she giggles, "I'm kind of glad that Sir was able to tell us this." Mary says as Madelaine only nods in affirmation as a comfortable silence settles between them.

"But I can't believe Mary would say that, haha." Madelaine sits back down in laughter as Mary pouts. Mary responds "I at least didn't debase myself to such devious methods." Madelaine raises an eyebrow as she points to Michael, "He certainly enjoyed it."

Michael nods in affirmation, "Yes, I did. It was the best feeling ever." Madelaine was flustered with his words as Michael cackles. Mary squeals, "Pervert!" and Michael nods in affirmation as he dramatically gestures to himself, "I am fourteen and a man honestly expressing his feelings." Mary and Madelaine watch the theatrics and giggle. Before they knew it, the three chattered as if the circumstances that pushed them here never existed and they weren't people above their years.

They talked as if they mere teenagers.