
A Story of Adventurer

Born to a wealthy family doesn't mean your life is gonna be happy. It's what John feel. But one day everything changes. He stumbled upon the secret heirloom of his family line that has been long forgotten by the rest of the familiy. The record of his ancestors life and knowladges as one of the ancient force that roam the earth in the past. Keeping the balance on the blue planet to prevent the destructive force that may destroy all life on the earth. He began to immersed in it and became an oddity in his family and other people in his life. Unfortunately, he feel into a coma for saving a girl by taking bullet in his head. His father, feeling guilty used cyrostatis technology to preserve his body. Hoping that medical technology in future can cured his son. But he keep it secret from the rest of the family. Unbeknown the other, John soul and consciousness traveled to other plane and reality. Possessing a dying body of ordinary orphan that life in the great forest alone. Thus began his journey in on the different land. As he travelling, he learn some stuff and slowly became a powerful and respect man. At the end of his life fighting an evil armies. His soul travel back to his original body. But many years has been passed since his comatose. Many things have changes in his original world. Thanks to the technology, his body doesn't age. This started his new and the REAL adventure in his life.

jadedarms · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

- 1922 -

"I knew they exist, Jarvis, I knew It!!!"

"I'm not crazy Jarvis!!!"

"I understand Master Alan but- "

"Enough Jarvis, leave me alone".

"Yes, Master Alan".

The Butler close the door gently and leave quietly. Meanwhile, his master, an elderly man with full white hair, sitting on his couch. Everyone he knows had said that he becomes paranoid and senile. No matter what he said to them. But he knows, something is watching over this city. Some kind of secret organization, lurking in the dark and watch over every single life in this city. But they never believe him. They think it's just his paranoia, that he is still shocked by his wife death. But he knew they are real because he had seen them.

"No matter what I said, they never believe me. Even my own son, my only child….".

Suddenly a voice emerges behind him. "You are not crazy Alan, we are real…".

"You…you are from the Court aren't you…".


"I knew it!! I'm not crazy, I'm not senile, this is not just my paranoia!!!".

"Yes…But sadly your knowledge has a price for it...".

"You- ".

Many years later, people believe that Alan dead in natural ways, and so did his descendent.

- Many Years Later -

Alan descendent, Patrick, have developed their family business and became one of the greatest conglomerates in the country. Patrick has three children. The first daughter, Agatha, was born in 1937. The second child and the first son, Thomas, were born in 1941. And the youngest child, the second son, John born in 1946.

- 1951 -

Five years old John searching for antiques in his family basement. Upon old rack of book, his eyes focused on one peculiar book. The cover is made of animal leather. The page is so ancient as its content. John opens it up and reads it. "In this world, there are many natural entities that keep the balance of the Earth. These entities are the personification of an aspect of nature. The Green, the Red, the Black, the Grey, the Clear, the White, the Burn, the Melt, the Metal, and the Divided. Each one has a great role in every life on this planet. The balance must not be destroyed as it may cause catastrophe and endanger the life of every creature. It is our role as humans to prevent it and balance the situation. Our family has- ".

"Master John!!".

"I'm coming, Jarvis!!".

- - -

"Father, can we build a botanical garden."

"What would you do in such a place."

"I-I want to plant something there."

"Like what?"

"L-like rare plants, herbs, and plants that have medicinal properties."

"Why so sudden?"


"Okay, we will build it."

- - -

"How's your school, John?"

"Nothing peculiar, Father."

"I have heard that you gain an A+ in your biology?"

"Nothing special Father."

"How about arts, your teacher has told us about your recent accomplishment."

"Well- "

"I'm done!!"


- 1956 -

"What do you want for your 10th birthday, John?"

"I want to live on my own father, I want to be independent."


"I'm so proud of you John. I will fulfill it. I will give you your uncle Silas old home."

"But Dear!!- "

"But Father!!- "

- 1961 -

"What do you want !?"

"Ugh, brother calm down. It's not like I will steal your date, after all, this is your birthday."


"Sooo...what's your name beauty?"


"You look so beaut- "


"Everybody don't move!!!"

"What the hell!!!"

"What's going on!!!"

"This is robbery!!! Give us your money and anything valuable."

"Or what!!!"

"Thomas no!!!"


"Or this girl will die!!"



"Don't move!!!"

"What the-aghh!!"

"Ugh!! My hand!!"

"Ricky!!! That's it you die lady!!"




"John!! Noo!!"

*Police Serine*

"Shit!!! It's the Police!!! Let's Go!!!"

"Oh My God, John!!! What the hell are you thinking!?"

"Ughh…hey…Big Bro…. I- "

"Stop talking!! Call the ambulance!!!"

"I-I-I think I'm not gonna make it Tom…."

"Don't you dare to talk- "

- - -

"It's miracle he can make it this far."

"Your Son has survived the surgery, but the damage to his brain…I'm afraid he can't make it Sir."

"There must be a way Doc."

"There is, but it still theory and- "

"Whatever is it Doc, please do it."

"It's a cryo- "

- - -

< John's POV >

"Ugh… Where am I?" he woke up and brought his eyes on his surroundings and realized, this place is so unfamiliar for him. But there is something in his mind that told him this place is so familiar for him, just like his home. He then stands up and opens the door. Green lush field come to his eyes. He was surrounded by big trees. This place is so lush full, but at the same time give him an ancient and majestic vibe.


Suddenly a great breeze sweeps his face. But he can't tell what causes it. He brought his eyes up and notice a red blur in the air. He knew that's not a bird but something else, something big. Then he realizes the blur has wings but is not feathered like a bird. It's look batwing but bigger, and scaly, almost like.

"What the- Is that a dragon!!!" dragon, he can't believe it but roar that he heard right now confirmed his doubt.

"I-I think this is not earth anymore." He goes in and sat in his chair. Still thinking, what happened to him. He also knew that this body is not his. This place is so strange. Even without great concentration, he can feel magic in the air. He inspects his room and sees some old books. He read it and realize the language is unrecognizable to him but he understands what it's mean.

"Well, whatever is it, just face it!!!"

- Many Years Later, In Unknown Plane -

"Ugh that phantasmal beast is still raging!!"

"Damn it!!! Which entity that opens this gate!!"

"There are even a Tarrasque and Demons!! What the hell!!" in front of him stood a titanic monstrosity. It has a turtle-like shell and three pairs of feet. It looks draconic and rode upon that thing is the great nemesis of humanity and every life in this world. Demons. But it's so strange. Not on his great mind that demons have control upon a Tarrasque. It's bizarre, the monster itself is very rare and people had said that is only one Tarrasque in this universe. But in front of him, there is three of them. As not enough, he notices some creature he believed as an aberration. And of course, in such an evil army there are armies of the Undead.

"Those damn evil gods!!! At this rate, the great forest will be destroyed!!!"

"Ugh…I miss my old life..."

Suddenly a green-ray makes its way to him. "Oh shi- "

- Earth, 19xx -



"Ugh…where am I? Why it's so cold."

He wakes up and fell a strange sensation. He was naked and soaked in a strange fluid. He tries to cast magic to dry his body but can't cast it. He tries again and again but still can't cast it. He can't feel his magic like he uses to do he know there is a magic pool in him, barely. It's almost like his childhood. He looks at his body. It's felt familiar but he knows this isn't his body. But deep in mind, something told him, this is mine, and then he realized. His past, his early life. This body's his. His original body. The true John Alan Wayne. The chilling air stabs his body, but he doesn't bother it. His mind is still processing what just happened. He's back. Back to his original body, his old world. His true life.

He searches for something to cover his body. He finds some hospital gowns. He then realizes his current location. He's in some kind of place in the hospital. He also sees many tubes here. One of them is broken. He knew he's on the inside of it before he woke up. He walks to the endurance. He still feels weak. His step is unbalanced. But soon he regains his strength. Not on his pike, but feel like a normal person. His body brought him to the lobby. The interior is unfamiliar to him but he recognized some of it. He's in the Gotham General Hospital. A nurse approaches him.

"Can I help you?" she said in her tender voice. Her eyes look worried.

"Nothing, Ma'am. I just taking walk. It's so boring laying in my room every day."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Ma'am." He then walking to the calendar on her desk. He can't believe what his eyes see. "The year, w-wh-what's going on?"

"Are you okay?"

"Ye-yeah." He realized, he had spent many years in those tubes. "What happen?".

Hello, I'm a newbie and my English is still average. So, if there is a mistake in grammar, i hope you can forgive me. Thank you for reading this book.

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