

Kokomo, a world filled with magic, and creatures of mythology. This universe is said to be old yet young at the same time. It's really just a matter of perspective. To us the authors and readers, it's pretty new. To those there, hundreds of thousands of years. I say world, but it's more of my view of dimensions. Select people can travel in and out of each type of world as they are needed. Of course, as the author, I would have the authority of who exists and are part of the over-arching universe, multiverse? I don't know and don't care enough. I like what I like and whatever I write you don't have to pay attention. I personally like your overpowered protagonist with harem stories. I was told my taste in anime and books are trash but my roommate still likes me. He said that at times you would find my tastes trashy, You like your half and I like mine so we'll just be a room that likes a whole. If I get a moment of inspiration that connects to my universe I'll write it. Don't expect a whole 1,000-word chapter. Except for a poorly written, run-on paragraph. I was never good in English class. I skimmed by due to the astronomical level of grace my teacher had. Now, back on topic.

On the highest mountain in the land of Kokomo, a ray of light descended upon it. The colors bright and brilliant focused on a single point lighting up a magic circle. Intricate in pattern, it started to slowly crack and break. At the center, you could see a large, red, reptilian eye open as move. The giant figure of a dragon rose from the breaking circle. It's arms and legs, or should I say just legs… we'll go with limbs. They were shackled to the ground, the chains started to weaken and disappear.

"I am free. My master calls once more, I shall aid him in whichever way possible. First I must get out of here."

He saw the weakening chains and began to pull with everything he had. The ground cracked under the force and was pulled up. So much force was used that the end of the chain hit the ceiling. As he freed himself he roared. The whole mountain shook. As he blew a hole open on the side of the mountain he flapped his wings. (He had a 50 ft wingspan by the way. He headed to the nearest civilized town. Even if the townspeople heard the loud ruckus made by the dragon, they were unprepared for such a calamity. He devoured the town without exception. All the buildings were destroyed, the last one alive was a child of 8 years of age. He scrambled to send a message to the capital. He reported that a large dragon from the mountain has destroyed his hometown. Shortly after the message was sent the boy was also eaten, clothes and all. (He's pretty brave, isn't he? I was the author could I couldn't do that. I'm in reality am a coward. I can only write and imagine I could do that.)

The capital tried and gathered all of it's best adventurers to face it. They identified this dragon as the long-sealed Cookie Monster who was beaten by a mysterious man thousands of years ago. Those brave adventurers mobilized to meet this monster before more innocent lives could be lost.

Though our losses are minimal, the Cookie monster still lives. He has gone back in hiding. It has been exactly four years. Today he shall emerge once again from his slumber to wreak havoc upon our countries, our cities, our homes. Our children. They live in fear. Will today be my last day? Tell me. Will you let this beast stomp over their dreams and bright futures? The beast must die. I ask this of you, brave men and women to slay this beast. I will relinquish my pride and give up my strength for the future generation to live. What will you do now? Will you sit back and watch the carnage and destruction that is sure to happen? Or will be the mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, or the friend everyone needs you to be? It's now or never.

The country of Irum has fallen millions have died. A whole nation wiped off the map! Florin led the brave troops to engage Cookie Monster. They fought to the last man and could not prevail. After four years of feasting upon the flesh of adventurers and citizens alike, it is on the move once again. Kareen is next. I refuse to watch my countrymen be a meal for that world calamity. I know we can be fearful as it is back but, how much health does it really have? It may look fine from the outside, but it spent four years healing and eating. Do you think it's completely healed if it is still active? Go, or are you all chickens that can only cower in fear. The strong must stand up for the weak. Yet here you are watching the ones you are to protect, protect you. Are we all in agreeance now? We better get ready. It's right there on the horizon

Two nations have fallen. Can we please set aside our differences and fight for the future of the world? Just this once. We have had war after war to determine the strength of one another. Today marks the new age of peace as we have a common enemy. Step forth the representative of the zombie race, ChaosVal. Grim Teach of the Dragonewts. Azaroth king of all slimes. Guede the Lich king. Mr. Daedra whose power rivals the daedric prince Mehrunes Dagon. Monarch of the human race Silica Keiko. Last but not least, the queen of all vampires Queen Balth. You are gathered here today in an alliance to defeat the great dragon Cookie monster. As for me, I must have a majority of votes from the council of hashiras to help in the slightest way I can. If we fail today, there will be no going back.

Main Cannon: In a room in an unknown place sat many people around a large table. You could see empty seats as well. They all watched as the events in Kokomo were unfolding. As they saw the two figures and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that he got there in time huh." said a man that looked to be in his twenties.

"Of course he did. If he didn't, he would be very mad at us. I know how he is very well. He seems to be very fond of what happens there". As the second man in his 30's or 40's. He looked at an empty large seat at the end of the table. All those present nodded in agreement at his statement.

About six hours pass and the injured person starts to wake up. His wounds mostly healed, however, that doesn't mean his mental state was fine. He starts to remember the events of the fight with Cookie. ( Will add later)

"Wait, what happened with my comrades? I remember that Cookie was faster than we anticipated. He came up to me and knocked me out." He asks the one with the crystal clear short swords.

The silhouette replies "Calm down, they will be fine. They are doing just fine fighting a dragon. Now rest up. We have some things to discuss and I need you to be in working thinking condition." The injured person lays back down. They didn't have enough strength to argue.

The sovereign of the destruction felt something wrong. Mumbling to himself. "Part of my army is gone. Where did they all go? I have to start the invasion, I can't bother about this. The sovereign of shadows is on Earth stopping our plans, it must not continue."

At that exact time, a legend was forged into the history of a land named Kokomo. A beast that has scales stronger than steel. The land was taken by surprise as they have never dealt with a creature so massive and destructive as this monstrosity.

In a cave away from other people, a man thought 'I can't believe I just saved a Lich. I had no choice in the matter. I'm pulled by the council to save people from a dragon that they claim to be my responsibility. The sovereign of destruction is coming and I have to save a group of rag-tag, the misfit group of people from a land that seems impossible. I can't exactly complain can I, I'm in the same situation as them. I should get used to this though as we already have multiple demons and vampires at the table. He holds our fate in his hands anyways.'He could see the image of a young, scrawny, black-haired, Asian male dreaming ever-so peacefully in a classroom. He then sees movement at the corner of his eye. "I guess it's time."

Racmar, a beast of legend. Its scales are said to be stronger than steel, larger than any beast before it, killing all in his path. It is up to us the new generation for slaying this dragon as it has awakened.

"He is strong enough that I suggest that we bring the nation Kareen to help us. I would also like to put in motion a treaty between all races of Kokomo."

Everything was black. Everything devoid of colour until a certain figure could be seen shining brightly fighting the darkness. There would be fluctuations in its brightness, as if there was something driving it on. "Can you see it? Can you feel it? This is what I feel. The hurt, the darkness, the lack of life. The absence of love! You call yourself a hero? Heroes shouldn't kill everyone in one group for the actions of a singular being. Are you not the hypocrite that fights for good but slays good in the process?"

"You don't understand, dear dragon, where-ever I go, I decide what is good or evil. If I choose to say that you are evil then that is what you are giving me authority to do with you as I wish. I hold the fate of many in the palm of my hands. I give them power and status to be able to rule the world as they wish. All they have to do is heed my words if I want something done. You know it well, do you not? You lead many to oppose my mine. In the end it has and will always be the same result."

"Jack truedream!"

"Quin Talen."

"The whole Dakian army!"

"Tanya Degurechaff."

"The great dragon Cookie Monster!"

"I will send the shadow sovereign Seong Jin-Woo. Are you finished yet? As I said, no matter what you choose to do I will always have a counter to you. Even now, do you think you're doing anything that I can't control?" (Me of course.)

I know. It's all confuzaled. I mean, I wrote most of this on different days and in different documents. So, I'm trying to piece it together from memory.