
A Story Called Destiny

What would happen if one day your life changed drastically? If everything you have for granted disappeared in just one moment? If you wanted to go back to the past and fix your mistakes, but you realize that it isn't possible? In that case, will you blame someone? Will you accept his demands on a good term and surrender to his omnipotent status? Or will you get up and face him with all your will? Welcome to one of those possibilities. This is my story... a story called destiny

SilverMigri · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
133 Chs

The Reason for the Determination (IV)

A strange sensation arose from my sword. The sheath burned in blue flames disintegrating into ashes. These were not hot and did not hurt my hand at all, then they rose to the edge of the blade and integrated with it.

This part changed its color a little to a bluish tone, on the sides of the katana some strange symbols appeared. They were nothing like any other language I had seen, if I could associate it with anything, I would say they looked like runes of some kind.

A new power emanates from within. It feels heavier.

This is definitely what Corneria was talking about.

"How can you use liberation? Does your Object have the ability to do that too!?" he shouted red in shock and anger.

I don't know, but it's time to put my determination to the test.

My opponent stands on guard. I must approach and attack, close the distance as fast as I can and strike first.

Inside my mind some words appear, which guide me to unleash the forgotten potential. With my right hand I hold my weapon steady and with my left touching the side with my fingertips I utter the faint incantation.

"First Ability Rune: Sonic"

In a second my consciousness seemed to fade away. My surroundings became a blur and before I knew it I was already in front of my enemy.

"How the-!?" said red.

I took advantage of the surprise by thrusting my katana forward burying the tip in his shoulder. Quickly he raised his scissors in my direction and I jumped backwards away. Again I had that feeling of vanishing, and the next moment I was already about 5 meters away.

Unbelievable. Now I have a practical power for combat with this weapon.

I observe in detail what I hold in my hands.

Undoubtedly it is the same katana I got since the day I entered the Holder's dimension, only that at this moment I can say that it is more powerful, as if I have just discovered what I can really achieve with my Object.

One of the runes on the blade is glowing faintly, does that mean I am using this particular skill? The important thing is that this is very useful, this gives me the confidence to continue.

"Let's see if I understand..." I said taking a slight breath. "Here I go!"

Again I got into position and in one leap I appeared in front of him cutting his face.

"Ahhh! Damn insect!"

Before he even touched me I jumped back to where I was in a jiffy.

"What's wrong? Don't you like that I have the same power as you? Now we can have a fair fight"

Showing off a bit I appear next to him and lightly cut his leg. I keep moving forward and at about 10 meters I turn around to be at his back again and bury the tip in his leg.

"Stop moving! Air Cutter!"

Thanks to this new technique I can close the distance in a second, because of this my opponent can't touch me.

I repeated this several times to dodge his attacks without problems, so much so that I begin to understand his limitations.

Every time I use it my vision fades and remains blank for a while until I reach where the jump ends, which seems to have a maximum range of 15 meters. If I use it to go backwards then it's only about 7 meters.

Once I execute it I can't change the trajectory, so I need to clearly determine where I'm going.

As I repeat this I get more and more used to it. While this technique stops just before I attack him, so I don't have an increase in strength, this instantaneous speed is enough to turn this situation in my favor.

This way it is not difficult to find an opening to cut him off.

This guerrilla strategy of attacking and dodging is actually not something I am very proud of, but I don't care. I must win this tournament no matter what. Compared to being 2 against 1 this is fair, I don't feel bad about it.

Besides, if I lose this battle not only my death awaits me, but hers as well. That's why I need to use everything I have at hand.

Waiting for red to eventually bleed out without giving him a hard hit isn't a bad idea, perhaps he'll pass out and that will be enough to grant me the victory.

Although I doubt Rowen will let me pass just like that...

Mmm I'm starting to feel a bit exhausted, like my mind is clouding over.

"If I can't cut your old ties I'll cut your newer ones!"

Having lost patience this one raised his scissors over his arms, and as he concentrated I could see a thinner thread materialize above me, just like the last time it happened. Again memories pop up as I watch him, but this time they seem fresh and I can't stop my mind from starting to flood with memories of my trip with Maria.

Is he pretending to do what I think he is? No, this time he's crossed the line.