
A Spring Night's Entanglement

(An elder above purity, beneath the High Mountain Flower, the divine altar.) In summer 2021, it was Jiang Tan's first encounter with Zhou Yingzhun. The man grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a shady corner, "Jiang Tan, there's a shortcut right here, will you take it?" Upon hearing that, Jiang Tan looked up at him. Jiang Tan loved Zhou Yinghuai. She loved his refined gaze when he lightly laughed, always composed, never captivated by emotions. But it wasn't tender-hearted devotion, rather an unspoken agreement. Ironically, it was Jiang Tan who broke the rules and allowed herself to fall, covered in heavy snow, her voice was crisp and cold: "Zhou Yingzhun, don't just like. Love!" The man's eyes were faintly aloof, a rare display of seriousness: "Tantan, I simply do not possess such a thing." She left him on a snowy night, Zhou Yingzhun did not utter a word to keep her, but the lights stayed on all night. In summer 2023, Jiang Tan's startup began to take shape, while the once low-profile man now attended all sorts of meetings, dominating the headlines, revealing his wealth as well as his charisma. Jiang Tan looked at the mole near his eye corner, lightly touching the screen, a lump forming in her throat. Meeting at the conference table, they were now just strangers. Jiang Tan argued with his subordinates, but was defeated each time. He, on the other hand, spectated from a higher position with an indifferent look. When the meeting ended, Jiang Tan gritted her teeth and packed up, while Zhou Yinghuai, with a slight lift of his eyebrows, said nonchalantly, "Jiang Tan, it's been a while." Jiang Tan left without turning back. Finally, during a cup-and-toast night at the Yangshan port, an intoxicated Jiang Tan settled in a corner, Zhou Yingzhun approached nonchalantly with a cigarette in his mouth, holding a pair of high heels in his hand. Under the public eye, the most indifferent man bent down to help her put on her shoes. Breaking into sobs, she said, "Zhou Yingzhun, you don't love me, why do you appear in my dreams?" His gaze turned gloomy, and after a moment, he softly replied, "Tantan, then can I light a firework in your dream as an apology?" Regardless of whatever else life offers, I am only fond of you. I will beg her to turn around, I will ask her to love me. Utter composure, profound obsession.

Master Five Lullabies · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
316 Chs

Chapter 1 Will You Like Me More Today_1

In 2021, the deep autumn of Ning City was exceptionally cold and lengthy. Jiang Tan woke from her dream, and it was still the wee hours of the morning.

The harsh light permeating through the floor-to-ceiling window came from the most common vintage wooden lamps in Mingyuan; it appeared utterly cold and bleak.

Just like the owner of Mingyuan, there wasn't much warmth or affection.

Groggy with sleepiness, Jiang Tan wondered if Zhou Yinghuai had returned.

It had been six months since she moved into Mingyuan. It was incredible to think that she'd been by Zhou Yinghuai's side for half a year now.

Zhou Yinghuai was a poor sleeper. Jiang Tan slept in the room next to his, rarely permitted to share the same bed.

Her throat was somewhat dry. She turned on a little lamp, donned her robe as she sat up, and rose out of bed.

The history of Mingyuan was said to trace back a hundred years. Hence, its architecture retained an antique style—dark wooden floors, vintage embroidered lamps, and a constant waft of aloof and faint aromas of aloeswood.

Jiang Tan trudged barefoot to the outside, crossing winding stairs, only to spot Zhou Yinghuai sitting in the hall's sofa.

He must've just come back from outside, still in his meticulous attire.

Jiang Tan observed him with the curiosity of a child.

He was turned away from her, his dark suit embroidered with intricate patterns, underneath which was a superiorly tailored white shirt. His side profile was cool and disciplined, exhibiting an indescribable aloofness. His hands, pale as if bloodless, emerged from the rigorous sleeves, the bones distinguishable, elegant yet potent.

Jiang Tan had a partiality for hands, and Zhou Yinghuai had a beautiful pair, akin to pieces of art.

At this moment, he held a cigarette between his fingers, the tip glowing scarlet, and his knuckles slightly bent.

Jiang Tan stood in place, obediently watching him.

Her hair was long, Zhou Yinghuai liked seeing it spread across the dark bedspread, a sight pure yet alluring.

Just like right now, barefooted, she was watching him.

"Come here."

The man spoke, his unspoken dominance explicit, his voice magnetic.

His unbridled aggression was covered by a noble temperament, presented an excessively aloof demeanor, maintaining a heavy distance. Yet, there was a tear mole at the corner of his eyes, adding a touch of sentimental yet indifferent look.

Jiang Tan duly walked toward him.

The floor was cold, she stepped on his leather shoe, effortlessly spread her legs apart and settled into his lap.

Zhou Yinghuai smirked subtly, the tear mole at the corner of his eye captivating, gently pinching her chin, his voice indifferent: "So eager, do you need something from me?"

Jiang Tan looped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, her face pressed against his, enjoying the warmth of his body, her voice carrying the adorable drowsiness of sleep: "You said last time, that I should be more assertive."

"How do you plan on being assertive?" Zhou Yinghuai's voice carried a coldness, but was fairly rich in tone. To use a younger generation term, it was the kind of voice that sounded expensive.

On one occasion, Jiang Tan thought, Zhou Yinghuai, despite being penniless and destitute, could become a top-tier star based solely on his exterior advantages.

At this moment, his pleasant voice felt like a death sentence.

Jiang Tan's face was boiling hot, she tightened her grip around his neck, tilting her face up to lick his earlobe.

Zhou Yinghuai almost imperceptibly arched his eyebrow: "Where did you learn that?"

"From a book?"

"Such an inappropriate book..." His voice faltered, making Jiang Tan a bit nervous, but then she heard him say: "Read more of it in the future."

He held her waist and pulled her closer, leaned down to kiss her heavily.

Tears naturally welled up in Jiang Tan's eyes. No matter how many times she had been through this, she still couldn't bear Zhou Yinghuai's dominance and control in such matters.

His ostensibly composed and indifferent facade was meant for others to see. Jiang Tan knew he was all about cravings and indulgence.

Zhou Yinghuai pinched at her waist and with his other hand he dragged her to her feet.

Fear sparked in Jiang Tan, she instinctively wrapped her legs tightly around him. Her voice was vulnerable, a little sticky: "Zhou Yinghuai..."

It sounded adorably irresistible.

"Do you like it?" He looked at Jiang Tan's blushing eyelids, "Shall we give it a try then?"

His tone made it hard to discern his sincerity, Jiang Tan got scared and her tears were about to fall.


Zhou Yinghuai seized the moment to retreat, his voice still effortlessly calm, "Then don't call out my name like that."

Having understood that he was only bluffing, Jiang Tan wasn't scared anymore. She looked at him, eyes wide open and said: "I want to turn off the light."

Zhou Yinghuai couldn't help but laugh, carrying this overstepping young lady towards the upstairs.

"Can I?"

"Let's keep it on today."

Jiang Tan's eyelids fluttered, she stayed quiet.

After a while, she asked timidly: "Zhou Yinghuai, will you like me a bit more today?"

Zhou Yinghuai gave her a peck on the face, as if pacifying a child, "Don't be such a downer."

Jiang Tan often dreamed of Zhou Yinghuai.

Back then, it was the peak of summer, Jiang Tan joined Weixi Group's administration department as an intern. As one of the pillar industries of Ning City, the competition here was naturally fierce.

On the eve of her probation period ending, Jiang Tan received a termination notice.

It was a hot day, Jiang Tan stood in the director's office, teeth gritted as she withheld her quivering voice, feigning composure: "Can you give me a little more time? I will sort this out."

The director had a cold expression, utterly professional: "Jiang Tan, this is not a school, nobody will give you time. You clearly knew Mr. Zhou had a trip yesterday, why did you choose a flight an hour later when booking the flight?"

Jiang Tan was speechless, looking at the director's forehead gleaming in the sunlight, her eyes stinging from the brightness.

Nobody could have expected Zhou Yinghuai to appear.

From the moment he arrived, the director looked as if his pants were on fire, his face instantly changed, standing up immediately.

"Mr. Zhou... Good day, Mr. Zhou!"

Zhou Yinghuai, the founder of Weixi Group, had reached the pinnacle of Ning City at just 28 years old.

Jiang Tan instinctively turned her head around to see the man behind her.

His noble eyes were unpredictable, a cold tear mole hidden in the depths of his eyes. He glanced directly at her, his voice flat, "Jiang Tan, come with me."

Jiang Tan wanted to leave, but her legs felt as if they had been weighed down with lead, and couldn't budge.

Zhou Yinghuai wasn't fond of women. He was the High Mountain Flower all fashionistas dared not touch. But on that day, he grabbed Jiang Tan's wrist and led her away under the attentive gazes of many, leaving that unbearable scene.

Many memories from that day are unclear now, but Jiang Tan does recall Zhou Yinghuai pulling her into a shaded corner.

In front of her, he finished smoking an entire cigarette. Through the thin smoke, the man's expression was somewhat blurred. His voice was hoarse: "Jiang Tan, here's your shortcut. Will you take it?"

No matter how Jiang Tan looked at it, this deal was, to say the least, extremely disadvantageous for Zhou Yinghuai.

But Jiang Tan had no intention of telling him. After all... her selfish desires told her she wanted to stay by this man's side.

Jiang Tan slept well into the daytime. She vaguely heard Zhou Yinghuai say that he was going to be busy for a while.

So, she forced her eyes open and told him to remember to eat on time and to take care of his health.

Zhou Yinghuai let out a soft laugh, his voice was faint: "Jiang Tan, does my body need taking care of?"