
A split between old and new

After a long battle 001 also titled as reaper was sent to a new world gaining a body of his future self can he survive in a world he doesn't know off?

Endlessdragon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Unknown world

[Detecting low power storage running on low power mode]

[97% of internal and external structure has sustained major damage using limited power to start repairs]

[Time until power hits 0 5hours]

Reaper heard his AI speak but he could not move his body felt unresponsive he soon felt his consciousness slip into the embrace of darkness. He soon landed in a field of roses the bright moon shined on each rose. Reaper walked into the field and smelled the scent of the roses.

Soon he reached a tree that was at the end of the field at the tree he saw another him he was dormant his head was facing the ground. Reaper reached the body and found it was more advanced than his. The skin or more the nanites that made it was not made from simple akralight but a more advanced metal it even contained bio-organic structures for constant improvement.

The hair was a more advanced neural connector he couldn't tell what it could do but he knew it was better than his. The central system contained his scythe which was improved instead of a black harmonium alloy it was made using jackal metal. His hands contained his siphon sword it was the same body and weapons but more improved by a huge margin.

Reaper placed his hand on the other head and closed his eyes. "Transfer consciousness."

With that reaper fell into a state of limbo again as he watched his body in the real world form into the one in the rose field. The broken and torn limbs soon turned to normal the nearly gone upper chest and head also repaired.

He saw as his body shined with blue light before it faded and he entered his body. He opened his eyes and felt an influx of sensory overload adjusting his senses he soon returned to normal.

[returning to normal power mode time until recharge 120 years]

[you are in a suppressed state and will not have full access to Extinction Reaper]

[current level planetary Reaper]


[yes you only have a planetary scale strength]

"Then what is extinction?"


"What does that mean?"

[insufficient authority]

"Who gave this to me then can you tell me that scarlet?"

[This reaper form was given to you by the future you know as Odin he has given me a message to send to you]

[Times have started to change and I need more power you have no memories but you will do so get strong and also entertain me a bit]


[main objective: become strong

Sub-objective: learn about the planet

Investigate the culture

Experiment on the species

Find a way to the stars]

"Understood." Reaper stopped his questioning as he heard the orders and he soon stood up. He reached for his back and took out his scythe the dark handle shined in the light from the sun. soon a blade came out of the scythe made of pure energy.

He looked around to study his surrounding but found it was a pure dessert. He used his optics to scan for the highest radiation or electromagnetic signature for any living species. Heading to the most abundant area he was met with a sand storm but it did not stop him he marched with an unyielding spirit.

The reaper had no fear since his name was the fear of worlds his presence meant the death of a world for they were now traitors to the empire. He soon entered the eye of the storm and saw a creature floating in the air it stared at him with its crimson eyes.

The creature did not hesitate and lunged at Reaper. He stood still and swung the scythe into the air the blade entered the creature's head and the energy it was made of entered the scythe. it started to squirm but it ended quickly as Reaper shot the creature with his hand cannon.

The storm soon stopped with the death of the creature Reaper saw a small white stone and he decided to inspect it. His optics found that it was a concentrated form of energy that surprised him which meant this world was at least a tier 2 world. he had to be careful if he fought again during his trek he had tried contacting the empire but he received no answer.


[energy absorbed time until battery depletion 260 years]

Reaper continued his walk to where he expected to find civilization. After an entire week of heading in the same direction, he finally arrived at what looked like an ancient village. The people wore robes and carried steel swords around them not even an industrial factory existed in the village. In his previous scan, he found that there was very little pollution in the world but he thought they just used a planet purifier so he didn't bother with it.

He studied the village for a while before turning his nanites into matching clothes of the village so he wouldn't stand out. He started his walk to the village his augments became hidden turning from metal to actual skin.

Walking into the line at the entrance of the village he saw the people at the front showing a piece of metal to the guards of the village. he used his eyes to scan it and turned the nanites into the token. He spread his hearing around the area to start learning the language the civilians spoke in this world.


"Ha 93@, 82!:&*}£, !"

The language soon started to become more clearer as he continued to analyze it.

"He #+#^ killed =#*|*\+."

"+#*#^ strong =##+^}* artist!"

Soon after a few minutes, he learned the language. He started to hear the language that sounded like random sounds turn into a complex linguistic but still primitive language.

"The wind sect has sent a cultivator to this village if I can get their attention that would be the greatest achievement in my life!"

"Haha, you joining the wind sect you're already thirty and have not moved up into even a martial arts disciple!"

The surrounding people laughed at what the red-robed man said the man who was excited about his future lowered his head down as he heard the laughs.

"If I were you I wouldn't go it's already obvious what will happen it will save you time and you won't embarrass yourself!" one of the men in the line shouted as he laughed this causing the other man to clench his fist tightly.

Reaper watched them as they were the ones to casually throw out information for him. He knew now that there were martial arts and cultivators. he knew there were organizations known as sects and that people based themselves around strength.

Reaper once fought cultivators on a world scheduled for extermination he called himself a cultivator at the cross tribulation but no matter how arrogant he was he died the same with his world. He based the average strength of the cultivators on the man he fought but raised it a bit. It was better to think everyone was strong and leave unscathed than think they weren't and become nutrients for the soil.

Who knows maybe those cross tribulation cultivators were just an average cultivator so he couldn't underestimate anything right now.

[001 you are too paranoid here is the basics of cultivations levels]

Reaper received a influx of information and soon learned he really was too paranoid. The man he fought back then was already the strongest on his planet these people couldn't be common in this world. At most from what he knew the average realm was golden core or maybe nascent soul.

Reaper waited for his turn to enter the village many people came here to join the wind sect making the village very overpopulated. Reaper didn't care since he didn't need food or sleep so he could always be active and find out about the world he was now in.

After an hour reaper showed the token and he was let in entering he saw many people walking back and forth it looks like an ocean of people. He made his way around the outskirts of the village trying to find more information but received either little or the same information he had already gained.

After a day he had been to every part of the village and to his disappointment gained little to nothing on the information of the world. He looked up to the dark sky and started to study the stars in the hope he could find his location in the galaxy. but like last time he tried, it failed he didn't know these stars at all he looked in every way but gained nothing.

He sighed and small arks of electricity left his mouth and appeared in the air in front of him. He leaned on a wall and closed his eyes to check his memory banks for any missed information.