
A split between old and new

After a long battle 001 also titled as reaper was sent to a new world gaining a body of his future self can he survive in a world he doesn't know off?

Endlessdragon · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Spiritual roots

Corruption is considered one of the early spiritual roots. It was a sub-variant of chaos it was found during the war of the cosmos. The outer god of ky or silence in new tongue used this root with his ability.

The combination of the corruption root and the emotion of silence was disastrous wiping out most of the intelligent outer gods. After this war, many people came about that used this spiritual root.

Every one of these people were considered crazy and ruthless many of those people became legends that had both fear and respect under their name. Cyanide was considered the second one to appear with the corruption root the man was famed for his marksmanship.

Many people remembered him for his split personality when he wore the mask the personality of cyanide would appear. In all aspects, cyanide was considered a normal girl if not for her fascination with firearms.

From small weak hunting rifles to strong bar weapons she used any weapon when she fought. Cyanide was always seen with her favorite weapon the K-bar 719 a sniper rifle made for mechs. It shot a 1-inch rectangular digitized bullet. this gave the weapon a strong power as it ignored any obstacles and could increase its power output at any time.

The combination of a digitalized weapon many cybernetic augmentations and many combat stims made for a lethal combo. Once the corruption root was used it was easy for him to destroy a galaxy by turning a black hole into a bomb.

The problem with the root soon became apparent as each of those people became crazier and crazier. The root would slowly try overpowering the user's mind the stronger they were the less of an effect it would have on them. This meant the effects of corruption took a long time before it consumed them because of this cyanide was soon locked in the lost city.

Reaper went into a meditative trance and focused on his corruption root. Each root took a form his earth's spiritual root took the form of a huge tree. His corruption root looked like an expansive maze of many confined emotions.

He soon looked at the other roots he had he looked to his right and saw his light and darkness root. They were in the shape of humans they each held a sword and stared at each other.

Reaper focused his attention on his light root first. even if he couldn't clearly see the facial features he could still feel the sadistic expression on its face. The eyes contained an arrogant and emotionless look as if everything was beneath him.

He then looked at his dark root and saw the man's expression it looked unbothered by anything as if everything he had left him but his eyes had a fading hope. the two slowly raised their swords and were about to fight but a third figure appeared.

The figure was grey reaper couldn't see his face as it was covered by the man's helmet. This was the chaos root it lifted the huge sword on its back and slashed the ground. No mark appeared but the light root backed off while the dark root didn't even care.

The chaos root looked at the dark root before nodding his head this caused the dark root to fall to his knees. The light root laughed but it suffered the same fate the chaos root walked up to the light root and chopped the light root's hand.

The roots nearby watched the scene in shock as they has never seen these types of roots the light and dark yes but the abyssal, chaos, order, nihility, erasure, infinity, corruption, and finality roots were unknown to them.

Those roots were ruthless with each other not like the normal roots who tried to help and be kind. Chaos was the most nicest but still, he would easily kill you if he needed to.

They had a small grasp of the personality of the roots but still, it was hard to guess how they would act.

Chaos was silent and wouldn't mind helping but if he didn't like something he would kill it. Corruption kept to himself but would silently try to mind control you. Erasure would instantly consume you the same as abyssal. Infinity and finite were twins that had opposite personalities infinity was very extroverted and would start a conversation out of all of them he was most like the normal roots.

nihility and order were always together they like light and darkness always fought. Order always said he would be the grand lie while nihility just attacked order.

Chaos turned around and looked at reaper the aura he radiated scared the normal elemental roots.

"I hope you came become strong Odin if you easily succumb to that bitch corruption then I'll make sure you suffer." his voice sounded ancient and more beast than man he lifted the sword and pointed it at reaper.

Reaper nodded and left as he opened his eyes he saw white scar right in front of his face. He instinctively launched an attack at white scar sending him flying back.

Realizing his mistake reaper quickly got up and grabbed white scar.

"I really think I'm not qualified to teach you." white scar said in a daze as he recovered from the punch.

Reaper didn't know what to say so he stayed silent it was true white scar wasn't a good teacher for him as he already had profound knowledge. But what he didn't have was knowledge of the world he was in white scar would probably never be able to teach him how to fight but he could teach reaper how to live and learn in this world.

White scar soon got his bearing sand stood up brushing off any dust or dirt he had on his robes. He coughed and soon walked out of the cave reaper followed behind as he didn't know where he actually was.