
A spacewolf in westeros

An Australian man dies and ends up meeting who was responsible for his early death and ends up in Westeros as a near immortal death machine with a plan…..to stay away from all the bullshit……and relax and recover from a harrowing experience I don’t own game of thrones or warhammer 40k

Love_dem_fanfix · TV
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Meth addled hobo

What a night….truely a sneakier space marine there has never been….is what I'd like to say but honestly it wasn't really all that challenging….I however did have a few inspirational moments during the two hours I was inside deepwood motte looting shit.

Like killing all the guards on my way toward the northwest exit/entrance to create a trail for people to follow up…dragged a few randomly stolen wagons to create wagon tracks to look like that's how they got all the loot away..

The tracks lead to….where I was cutting trees near the bay, I even went as far as to dig some grooves in the sand to look like multiple ships were beached…..long story short….it looks like the iron born pulled a sneaky raid on deepwood motte…

I also found the guards were not very alert….like at all….It wasn't till half way through my impromptu shopping spree that I realised my sneakiness was going to waste…pretty much no one took the job seriously.

Probably 80% of guards were asleep and the ones that weren't were drunk, I axed em real good, eat a smidge of the more important looking people to get some info and moved to where to needed to go

Got plenty metals, took about 80% of their stash….the armoury was better than I expected, steel, while not rare was expensive due to it being so hard to make, was quite abundant in the armoury…I stole a bunch of steel swords and leather armours from the "fortress" of the Glover house.

They had a bunch of seeds yet to be planted in their granaries of a variety I didn't have so that worked out pretty well…..mostly just your general grain crops, and even some more exotic ones like beets…which according to my brain google I can squeeze some sugar from…

I won't say we were lacking seeds for all the farms, but now we can have the farms running at 100% without waiting for more seeds to grow….. and that's pretty cash money

I didn't forget to raid their textile supplies either….plenty of materials for new clothes for both me and my guys curtesy of the 5 finger discount..

While freeing the dead guards of their armour and weapons I thought up something petty as a final fuck you to the Glover estate…..I took all their shoes and clothes….that was the most challenging part of this raid….and the most fun….running through Lord Glovers estate plundering all his clothes was the easy part…..the hard part was trying not to laugh and expose myself while inside of his room emptying his closet…as he was asleep like 15 feet away….but the big sneaky space marine got away with it…

Man I wish I could see this man's face in the morning when he finds all his shit gone, no shoes, no pants, just wearing his ridiculous night frock and nothing left…..the confusion and anger almost enough to give him a stroke…

Funnily enough I didn't actually touch his gold, mainly because I was running out of room in my inventory, but also because I'm pretty flush with cash if you include my savings in the iron born bank I've yet to withdraw…..

It will confuse him even more wondering why the iron born robbed him blind of everything but his gold…it will take years for him to recover financially from my little stunt after replacing what's been thieved….

But with all that said and done I was running back to my territory with a pep in my step and a song in my heart….fergalicious to be precise….and it just wouldn't leave…even space marines aren't exempt from annoyingly catchy songs being stuck in our big enhanced brains..

It was just a random spiral of events that led to that song stuck in my head that started out me whisper singing sneaky songs while pillaging supplies that ended up with this song dominating my every thought…..it must be my punishment for my transgressions…..the old gods must be truely mad at what I've done….

But I ended up making it home before the night was finished and headed straight for my Willhouse, and opened the door without knocking which was met with silence….all my shits in here and anyone can just walk in, and I was laughing about the Glover guards being useless….I guess it's time to start training Will and a couple of the teens in the village….

I have the gear to equip them now, and I'm freed up a bit time wise, I might start my men out with general body conditioning and a little indoctrination to keep my guys on the straight and narrow…..of being totally loyal to only me

Only problem is I don't really have enough people….and I'll only be training the younger and more impressionable teenagers as a decent war won't happen for a few years yet and by the time it rolls around they should be hardened and brutal killing machines….

I picked up some tricks from the imperium that could help out on that front….

So a couple thrall raids are going to be necessary to pick up some grateful survivors….

But before all that I need to a couple more things….mainly build me a house so I can stop being homeless vagrant, which is bothering me more and more….and actually construct some more permanent docks, we have a decent bay for it…..the current docks are just driftwood that's roped together….

But house first….I should have enough bricks for my house at least….. only thing I need to do is plan out exactly where I'm going to build it…..

I already have a rough outlay of how I want the city built and a general area I want my house and how I want to build it…..buuuut…..

You know what…..fuck it...fuck doing shit for everyone else all the time I need to treat myself better, running around like a meth addled hobo for the last few weeks has worn me out….ima build my house on the hill overlooking the sea that's close enough to set up some pipes to the freshwater river a few kilometres east…

Ima start building it in a few hours after waking up my kitchen gals to make me some grub and taking a moment to rest my eyes….

I unapologetically knocked on both their houses before the sun has risen and demanded food…. Kinda of a dick move but I'm hungry and they work for me so….chop chop

Both of them while weren't pleased at my pre dawn intrusion, still made their way over to my Willhouse where the big kitchen is with lamps and got the food started.

I also asked them to start making as much noise as they could have once they started cooking, mainly to wake up will…..who ran downstairs with a lamp and a sword still wearing his night frock....looking both terrified and determined to stop the "intruders"….I will train that fear out of you buddy…..it will not be gentle….

It's one thing to just let me walk into the place at night and not notice but it's another to let these two cooks literally just walk in off the street with no resistance what so ever….he didn't know I was back so there was no excuse for him not to have someone defending the place all night…..it's where all my stuff is....I made it clear that if something goes missing that I would punish him in cruel and unusual ways….

One idea I pitched much to the horror of Will was to feed a goat a near fatal amount of aphrodisiacs and feed Will just enough muscle relaxants to not knock him out, but enough to make him very slow and lock him in a room naked and see if you survives the night unmolested ...he finally understood my punishments wouldn't be fatal…well socially they might be….but more…..cruel and unusual...

Another thing I don't get is why most men or any men really in these times, wear night gowns to bed….just sleep in your undies like a man….or naked if you got that chad vibe going on

But while Will was down here I had him assist the cooks with preparing my food as I went to sleep…

I woke up roughly 2 hours later pretty refreshed, the food was apparently ready a awhile ago but they didn't want to wake me up, the kitchen staff were already busying themselves with other work while Will was going over my stuff again to make sure nothing was missing...and possibly be going through a list of people he could employ as night time guards….

It wasn't till after brekky I left to find the exact location of my new home to be….I was kind of excited about the prospect of building my home with my own two hands….I'll need to whack together some gear with my stolen iron and steel for the house….hmmmm

I'll need to build some water tanks….. and some off manor storage….this is a big job that I can't rush into….

So while sitting down and thinking over plans for my new home the day continues on.


I know some people think my chapter titles are strange but I like to keep people guessing, personally I hate when they give away the chapter in the title…..I hate it even more when they name chapter things like "the situation part 1" and then have part 2 and 3 onwards….that's just me personally so….yeah, strange titles….


Hit me with some stones if you got 'em and are enjoying the story

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