
A Southside Story

So, check it out This is as the name implies a southside story it follows the character Andreas "Ace" Winters A man born and raised on the south side of Chicago this is his story and his rise to be the best.

Younggod01 · Urbano
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1 Chs


November 11th, 1995.

When asked what I bring to the table I ensure they understand that I bring the table I bring credibility There exist no man woman or child who can ever make me doubt this. I am leagues above any other so called tough guy I have fought and survived situations most would fold once encountered. please understand me when I speak. I am undisputed to me that is the understanding I play by my own rules not yours. - Issac Musa 

Poverty a big thing to learn and experience as a young child coming up in the world. I learned of the difference between being poor and rich. Through the act of putting down a fellow human being for being different than you for not having what you have growing up I moved around a lot and experienced many things the struggle for food and money and the euphoria of having money to spend I experienced firsthand the war zone in the slums or hoods of America not a pretty thing to learn of as a child but my first true experience with this happened when I was 12 as a young and growing kid I would be curious and explore the things my mother forbids whether it be weed and drugs or gangs and violence I was curious how these men had so much money while we were stuck with a single mother struggling to pay the bills. So I did what any curious kid would do I explored and learned through trial and error I learned the different types of drugs and guns and the ways to identify them I learned more from those I would at the time consider friends about the world I heard being so idolized and adored the men I heard being immortalized for sticking it to the man for saying fuck You to the system keeping so many brothers and sisters locked up in time I would come to appreciate what it offered me the freedom to pursue money and a good meal at night and hate what I had to give in return the price of blood the price of true freedom from the woes that plague a below middle class family of five. A nasty price to pay for.

 so often unable to be rejected for the sins we have to bear to move forward in life often times come with steeper prices but for what is a man without his sins for at the end of the day when we are judged for what we have done a man's true character the one he hides shall be what we see so when asked why and how I have lived for the last couple of years I say hard because I have walked the path of life and pay for my sins in what I know in my heart to be the way I fight the way I wage war against a system. Said System sets us up for poverty this is the struggle to live my struggle began when I was 7 and became awoken to what's around me from being stuck in Iowa with a cancer ridden mother sickly brother and no food. To being forced to grow older to care for myself and brothers while my mother fights for her life. But we all fight and give what we have to fight to become rich enough that a meal is the least of our worries many of these Americans pay a price and are now residing in a Four-by-Four room. I lost my friends to a system built against them and nearly lost my mother because of a system built to keep her living in poverty with no chance for help. 

Even though still young I have seen a lot of things many other men would break down at and I've lived a life filled with struggle when I was younger, I had to fight for my life from multiple angles gun violence in my area, abusive father, low money and a mother and brothers who both had to fight off cancer and heart diseases. I lost my cousins and uncle to a fire and diseases. And my favorite cousin even though we weren't that close he understood what it was like to struggle I lost him to a bullet in 2010 from a friend of his. But please do understand this isn't me crying no this is me roaring telling you this is me telling the world fuck you I'm the number one biggest balls around here and you cannot stop me a man dies but a name and legend lives forever. This is my story the story of Issac "iceman" Musa.