
He knoweth things present, past, and to come

Disclaimer: I own nothing

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Chapter 16: He knoweth things present, past, and to come

Looking over the ruins that were once a flourishing city, Gray scoffed to himself as he took a moment to form another ball of hellfire, tossing it with unerring accuracy and smirking as it smashed into one of the feathered fuckers pouring out of the golden rift in the sky, the flames engulfing the angel and spreading quickly as they ignited several more angels who had the misfortune of flying too close to his target.

As the angels returned fire, lances of golden light firing down on him, he simply stepped to the side and smiled as each of them missed him by barely an inch, leaving him unharmed.

Glowing red pentagrams lit up the night as demons of all shapes and sizes tore their way through the already shredded barrier between Hell and Earth, immediately rushing to attack the heavenly forces.

They were decimated, naturally. The lesser demons being pierced by golden weapons as they charged the angels but Hell had one thing Heaven didn't, sheer numbers.

Watching as an imp managed to avoid the arrows, Gray smirked as it lunged at an angel and latched onto her, its claws and fangs digging into the celestial beings flesh. The angel skewered it quickly with her golden blade, but it was too late and the hordes of lesser demons smelt the blood in the air and charged in a feral frenzy, dozens of claws tearing her apart as they started to feed on her holy flesh.

The howling of hellhounds made him smile fondly as they joined the fray, and while for every couple of dozen demons that fell, they took an angel with them. It seemed an unfair trade, and it was.

He could sacrifice a hundred demons for each angel and he'd still come out on top.

As one of the angels smashed his way though the lines of demons between Gray and the front-lines, Gray watched idly as he rushed towards him, a golden spear aimed at his heart.

Considering dodging, he decided to just go back to scorching the heavenly forces and smiled as a flash of pale blue light halted the angel in its path, its head separated from its shoulders in a single swing of Ciri's blade, the white haired beauty not even waiting for it to fall before she flashed away in pursuit of her next opponent.

Whatever humans had lived in London had long since fled, or simply been torn apart as they found themselves stuck in the middle of Heaven and Hell. For all of Heaven's vaunted virtues and holier-than-thou attitude, they hadn't hesitated to cause as much damage to the humans as the demons themselves.

They could use whatever excuses they wanted, but Heaven was just as guilty of the chaos engulfing Earth as Hell was, perhaps more.

With his enhanced vision, he easily spotted Mazikeen tearing through the angels, her blades spinning as she shredded anything that got to close, demon or angel. She was a little berserker, and cared little for friendly fire. It was no surprise, she had been made to defend Lucifer, and with that no longer being an option she could only seek to avenge him.

"My Lord, we need to pull back." a cultured voice said making him turn, raising an eyebrow at his ever-faithful butler.

"And why would we do that? I'm happy to bleed Heaven for all they are willing to throw at us." Gray scoffed, his hand coated in purple lightning before he launched it forwards, intercepting an angel making it fall from the sky immediately, the lightning bouncing towards the next target.

"Duke Emhyr has betrayed you, his forces move on your lands as we speak." Sebastian reported making Gray pause, growling to himself.

"I should have taken his head, regardless of Ciri's pleas. I'll fix that error in judgement now, call everyone important back, then detonate the lair core. Keep the expendable forces engaged with the angels so they don't suspect anything until it is too late to retreat." Gray ordered with a scowl.

The London Lair was one of his biggest, and losing it would hurt him, but if he had to chose between the Raum territories in Hell and a lair under an already devastated city, the choice was clear.

The blast would wipe out whatever angels were dumb enough to stick around, and as he said... he had demons to spare. He'd see it all burn in hellfire before he let Heaven plunder his lair of its resources.

The advantage Heaven had over Hell was equally simply, they were united and Hell was too busy fighting amongst themselves to focus their full attentions upon Heaven.

Taking one last look at London, he scoffed and headed through the portal back to his lands, readying himself to fight off the siege from the traitorous Demon Duke.

London had been a beautiful city, and it spoke of Heaven's zealot nature that they didn't hesitate to destroy it just to get to the lair beneath it.

As the scene blurred, he blinked in confusion before he focused again, staring down at the glaring angel on her knees before him, her robes torn and stained leaving her barely clothed, one perfect breast on display from where his blade had cut a hole in her robe, golden blood leaking from dozens of cuts.

"You will pay for your transgressions against all that is good, hellspawn." Gabriel swore as she glared up at him, her pain and defeat doing nothing to break the arch angels spirit as he glared right back.

"Perhaps, but not soon enough to save you." Gray said simply, clicking his fingers as blackened chains shot forwards, wrapping around her wrists and dragging her back to the wall, her front pressed against the cold stone of the lair dungeon as Gray strolled towards her, a single clawed hand gripped the torn remnants of her robe and tearing it from her body. "No matter how this war ends, nothing will save you."

"Do your worst, devil spawn. I die knowing your kind will be wiped from this realm." Gabriel spat back as a clawed hand forced her head against the stone, she knew trying to fight was pointless now, these chains were made to strip an angel of their powers and she'd exhausted herself fighting Raum.

Despite her words, she felt herself grow cold from fear as two chains wrapped around her ankles, forcing her legs further apart, something hard and hot pressing against her most sacred place. The hand that wasn't holding her head reached around and mauled her breast, claws digging into the pale flesh deep enough to cut into it.

She knew it was coming, she knew the fate of female angels that were captured by the demons, and she could only hope he slew her before she was forced to spawn nephilim for his forces. Her body being used to create such unholy abominations would be the ultimate defeat.

"No, it won't." Raum scoffed as he rubbed his thick bulbous head against her virginal slit, not even bothering to hide that he had invaded her mind. "I've had plenty of angels in this dungeon, and I've learnt how to truly break them. I could just breed you, I've lose quite a few of my nephilim in the war, but as useful as it would be... I am going to break you, Gabriel." Raum said as he moved his hands away from her head and breasts, each gripping the base of one of her wings. "And of all the tortures and degradation I can inflict on you, I've found that one thing hurts angels more than anything else, depriving them of their precious wings." Raum growled, his grip tightening as her eyes widen, a pained scream leaving her as she started to struggle once more.

She'd thought she understood the depths of cruelty Raum was willing to go to, but she had been wrong. An angels wings were... everything, a sign of their rank, the source of their power, living proof of their fathers love, and to strip them of it was worse than anything she could imagine.

"N-NO!" Gabriel screams, trying to thrash in place as the chains held her firm, unable to truly achieve anything with her struggles as she looked back into the cold eyes of the Demon King Raum. "Kill me, torture me, r-rape me, do as you please with me but don't-" she pleaded, hoping to awaken the human side of the half-breed as he scowled at her.

Before he smirked, his hands releasing her sore wings as he stepped back, the chains releasing her and making her fall to the floor.

"You killed my mother, Gabriel, and regardless of your excuses, I'm going to destroy you for that." Raum said simply as she considered attacking in desperation, but she was in the depths of his lair, beaten and exhausted.

Raum had already recovered from their fight, and was clearly on guard for any attempts to ambush her, who could you ambush someone who saw your moves before you'd even decided on them?

"Yennefer Black was guilty of the highest of crimes, her actions led to the destruction of the barrier my father erected to protect the Earth." Gabriel said quickly, making him scoff.

"It weakened the barrier, true... but it was the forces of Heaven that struck the final blow and opened Earth up to invasion and destruction, but we aren't here to point fingers, instead you are going to try and convince me to let you keep those precious wings of yours." Raum said simply as he reached down, gripping her golden locks and forcing her to her feet roughly, tossing her towards the luxurious bed he kept in his torture dungeon. "Offer yourself to me, convince me to keep you as a pet, a trophy, and I'll let you keep your wings." Raum said simply as he prowled towards the bed, smiling down at her cruelly.

Unwilling to test him, she laid on her back, resting on her wings as she spread her legs wide, feeling tears sting her eyes as she presented herself for him.

"P-please, King Raum, take this foolish angel's purity." Gabriel said, her voice weak as he climbed onto the bed, lowering himself on top of her as he pressed his throbbing length against her again. "B-breed me, show me my pla-."

Cutting off with a scream as Raum thrust into her, she couldn't even attempt to continue her attempts as she was penetrated for the first time.

"I've found that angels won't just fall from sex alone, as long as you don't take pleasure from your defilement, as long as you don't become overcome with wrath at your helplessness, you won't fall." Raum explained easily as he started to move, her lower regions trying to force out the invading member as he took her. "But I've also found that not a single one of the angels I've had beneath me has been able to stop themselves from falling, perhaps the almighty arch-angel Gabriel can do better?" Raum asked casually as he rutted into her.

Retreating into her mind, she prayed to her deceased father for the strength to withstand this defilement.

"I wonder what Raphael would think, seeing his sister spread her legs for the man who ripped his still-beating heart out of his chest?" Raum asked making her eyes shoot open, looking for any sign of deception. "Or what Uriel would think of you for willingly taking the cock of the man who tore her wings off, using her as little more than a toy for my pleasure. I suppose you can ask her later, she's just upstairs after all." Raum said easily smirking down at her. "I'm afraid you were unconscious for... quite a bit longer than you realised, Gabriel, but you have my thanks~ you served as the perfect bait for those two fools."

Hearing the truth in his words, she felt her tears start to fall as she was taken by the enemy of her people.

The scene blurred again, and as Gray pulled out of the broken angel, he smiled in cold satisfaction as he looked over her pitch-black wings. Three down, one to go. Michael had his mother soul, and he'd be taking it back as he brought down the heavens themselves.

Everything went black, and when it cleared again, Raum sat upon the corrupted seat of the heavens and looked over the Earth with a cold stare, boiled seas and burnt continents scarring the world told of the long and brutal war between the realms and looking over his faithful grimoire he smiled.

Half a billion human slaves, and a few billion more souls, the spoils of his war, and with his victory solidified he could look to the future again.

Looking at the massive portal being built by his slaves under Keira's demanding oversight, the Demon God Raum smiled and stroked Gabriel's hair as she leant against his leg, naked and wanting as her hand snaked towards his manhood.

A single world, even with all its realms, could never satisfy the eternal hunger he felt for more power.

Opening my eyes quickly, I sit up in my bed and look around in confusion. Tracey moans slightly in her sleep as her me-shaped pillow is taken away from her but quickly falls back to sleep, wearing just a small white thong making my manhood throb at the sight of the slight sway of her breasts.

What the hell was that?

It was no mere dream, I can feel my demonic power settling again as if used recently, but-

Summoning my Grimoire, I slip out of the bed and look out of the window, it was early morning from the looks of it, the first glimpses of the sun peaking through the curtains as I take my seat at my desk, flipping through the grimoire rapidly.

Finding the chapter dedicated to the different demon lords, I track down my ancestors entry once more and frown to myself in thought.

Raum steals treasures out of kings' houses, carrying them where he wishes, and destroys cities and dignities of men (he is said to have great dispraise for dignities). Raum can also tell things past, present and future, reconcile friends and foes, and invoke love.

'Raum can also tell things past, present and future'

My eyes can tell me of the past, telling me of the secrets of the past, and now I dream of the future?

Searching the Raum Grimoire, I frown again as I think on the dream

Lucifer died, a war between Heaven and Hell spilling out into the Mortal Realm, My mother being murdered by Gabriel, among other things. Lucifer's death was alarming due to the beings power, and a war was equally worrying.

But I will not allow mother to be slain by some angel, arch angel or not.

Looking for wisdom in my ancestors writing once again, I read quickly and find an entry by Raum.

One must understand that the future isn't determined, and even prophecies that might seem set in stone can be shattered into shards and rearranged. More often than not, the mere act of seeing the future will change the future, the smallest of changes in your actions echoing through time to alter your 'destiny' and warp your visions. Of all the powers demons possess, future sight is both the most powerful and the most unreliable. I saw my own death centuries before it came, and yet in my rush to avoid my fate I set it in motion, making enemies where I could have avoided doing so, forming an alliance against me by my own hands. Yet at the same time, I have seen countless events in my dreams that I prevented with ease, abusing my future knowledge to twist the timeline and change the destinies of those around me, for better or for worse. Do not obsess over whatever future you see, Heir of Raum, lest you bring it about in your rush to change it.

So, it might come true or it might not? That... is rather unhelpful.

What was it Gabriel said? That Yennefer Black had brought about the destruction of the barrier protecting Earth from Hell, and I said Heaven was the one to actually destroy it. I like that barrier, and I'd rather it remain up since it allows me to build my power here in peace.

Is this something to do with the Lodge? No, mother is working against the Lodge at this point but I just can't understand why she'd even start to weaken the barrier that apparently is the only thing stopping a fucking apocalypse.

I am lacking some important information, clearly.

"Mhmm, Gray?" Tracey moans as she sits up, looking around in confusion. I was horny when I got back, and Tracey is a good source of stress-relief since she is very talented with her mouth. Besides, I like having someone sleeping besides me.

Closing the Grimoire and putting it away, I glance at the clock with a small smile before I turn to Tracey with a hungry look. I have an hour or two before I need to get up.

Seeing my smile, she quickly returns it with a lustful look of her own as I move back to the bed. I need to find out more about barrier, but I can't do that now anyway.

- Later -

"Imperio!" 'Alastor Moody' shouts for the dozenth time as he places Daphne under his control, making her hop around on one leg and cluck like a chicken before he cancels it, dismissing her.

Daphne's face is bright red as she glares at anyone who dares to laugh, but at this point most of the class have had the same treatment and it is less funny when you've had your own control ripped away from you.

We all had to both sign off on this, and have our parents do the same (for the ones who aren't muggleborn) before we could do this class but Yennefer thought it'd be useful to be able to recognise the feeling of the Imperius and I get the feeling she wishes she thought of it first.

"Potter, get up here." Mad-eye barks making Rose rise quickly and practically strut to the front as she smirks at our professor with far too much confidence. "Imperio! Get on all fours and bark like a dog." Barty Crouch Jr orders with a barely hidden smirk as he stares down at the girl responsible for his masters death.

Rose's knees buckle slightly, falling down to one knee before she struggles and after a moment, rises back up with a smirk as she stares the disguised death eater down, his eyes widening slightly. She was too confident, she's done this before. Her mind is far too well protected for me to hope to take a peak inside, unfortunately.

Rose Potter

Faction – Gryffindor House, The Golden Trio

Thoughts about you – Curiosity, Gratitude

Fetishes – Humiliation (Undiscovered), Exhibitionism (Undiscovered)

Lesser Secrets – She hates her relatives, she hates her fame.

Major Secrets – She is the Chosen one

Biggest Secret – ???

What in the fuck is a Chosen one?

"Hm, not bad girl. Go sit down and stop strutting around like one of Malfoy's peacocks, or a Malfoy themselves." Barty growls after a moment making Rose and Lyra blanch slightly.

He enjoyed embarrassing Lyra earlier, so I'm guessing he has some bad blood with Lucius Malfoy. He didn't go overboard, but it was clear that he held her under his control for longer than he had everyone else.

Bartemius Crouch Junior

Faction – Death Eaters

Thoughts about you – A Grudge over your mother's secret crusade against the Death Eaters

Lesser Secret – He is impersonating Alastor Moody on Voldemort's orders, he has his father under the Imperious curse

Major Secret – He is plotting to bring Voldemort back to his full power, under Voldemort's orders

Biggest Secret – ???

Worrying, especially since there's a bigger secret than the fact that The Dark Lord himself is still around, even if he is clearly weakened from the wording.

"Who hasn't gone yet? Weasley, oh right your mother is an over-protective shrew, can't have anything happen to her precious baby boy. Fucking Howlers." Barty grumbled, Ron going bright red as the class laugh quietly. "Right, Raum get up here."

Getting out of my seat, I move towards the front of the class calmly. I have no idea if I'll be able to resist, but it doesn't really matter if I can't since everyone except Rose has been embarrassed as well so it will be forgotten quickly.

"Imperio!" Barty barks immediately as I reach the front, not giving me time to prepare as I feel something foreign try and take a hold of my mind.

Unfortunately for him, I already have something unnatural effecting my mind and have done ever since I became a demon, and the spell splashes against my shielded mind with barely any effect.

It was made to affect human minds, and while my outer shell is human my mind is not, I am well aware of that fact and it comes as little surprise that whatever order he tries to sent through the spell doesn't reach me leaving me staring at him in curiosity.

I would have faked it if I knew what he wanted me to do, but he only spoke the order for Lyra and Rose and I have no idea what to do to make it look like I'm under his control, causing whispers to fill the class as he stares at me in shock.

"Your dear old mom prepare you for this, boy?" Barty asks after a moment, continuing before I can reply. "Go sit down, take 2 points to Slytherin."

Moving back to my seat, I ignore the looks of curiosity and admiration as I mentally curse. I don't particularly want to stand out like this, and glancing at Rose as I walk past, even a blind man wouldn't miss the jealousy and surprise in her eyes.

Defence is her class, and I just out-shined her in it.

Millicent looks at me in awe, and Pansy isn't far behind as Lyra half-glares in jealousy, before she looks away quickly.

The rest of the class passes quickly with Barty demonstrating the other two unforgivables on a rat, enlarging it and taking pleasure in the fear he causes as he tortures it, it's screeching filling the room.

Making eye contact with me, I realise I was looking too... casual about it, unlike the disgusted and horrified classmates and for just a moment he smiles a ugly smile at me, giving me a nod before he kills the rat with those two simple words.

Longbottom has already passed out, but I know what happened to his parents and clearly so does Crotch.

"Raum, stay behind." Barty barks as the class ends making me sigh as I put my things away, giving Millicent a nod as she hesitates, sending her away. She's obedient and frankly zealous in her loyalty to me, but she is far from subtle.

"Is there something I can do for you, Professor?" I ask calmly as the class files out, leaving me with the death eater in disguise. He isn't going to risk his disguise to attack me so I have little to fear, besides the corridor outside is fairly busy.

"You've got potential, brat." Barty starts as he stares me down. "I've known powerful Aurors who couldn't come close to shaking off the Imperious that easily, and while I'm stuck here teaching I might as well try helping that potential grow." he scoffed making me pause.

"What about Rose?" I ask after a moment making him chuckle darkly.

"She's got her own private teachers, Snape and Dumbledore are seeing to that, and she couldn't resist as well as you despite all her training. Bet that kicked her right in her over-inflated ego." he chuckled as he stared me down. "Neither of us have time now, but when things have settled you should clear some evenings. It'd be a shame to waste your talents with whatever pillock Dumbledore tricks into taking this job when I'm gone. That's all." Moody says as he goes back to his desk, the dismissal clear.

Bartemius Crouch Junior

Faction – Death Eaters

Thoughts about you – A Grudge over your mother's secret crusade against the Death Eaters, Curiosity

Lesser Secret – He is impersonating Alastor Moody on Voldemort's orders, he has his father under the Imperious curse, He's hoping to recruit skilled students to the Death Eaters

Major Secret – He is plotting to bring Voldemort back to his full power, under Voldemort's orders

Biggest Secret – ???

"I'll keep that in mind, Professor. Good day." I say calmly as I make my way out. I think I just accidentally got marked for recruitment into the Death Eaters, though as the future lord of two powerful, traditionally dark families that shouldn't really be a surprise.

Interesting, and possibly useful in the long run.

Leaving the classroom, I pause as I watch the hordes of students heading towards the grounds. It takes me a moment to remember what is happening, and following behind the crowd (quickly joined by Millicent like an overly eager guard dog) I find a good spot to watch the lakes.

It takes almost ten minutes before anything worthwhile happens, and to the pleasure of the easily entertained students the shadow of a flying carriage being pulled by Abraxans flies over us making me roll my eyes.

With the angle they came from, they would have had to fly around Hogwarts just to make that dramatic entrance, and really if they wanted to make a show of it they could have at least added some magical effects.

The arrival of the Durmstrang ship is equally unimpressive as it comes out of the lake and ruins an otherwise lovely view by putting a big ugly ship in the middle of it.

The students don't come out, but they are supposed to make some grand entrance at the feast later. Fun.

...I'm gonna skip it.

I hate events like this, and I've already read up on the Tri-Wizard Cup and I have no interest in taking part in such an overblown event.

- Fleur Delacour -

If anyone asked her what she wanted to be doing on her first night in Hogwarts, she'd say she'd like to be in her carriage away from this cold and confusing castle.

The Beauxbatons uniform wasn't made for this type of climate, and she could feel the cold wind blowing through the castle tickling her inner thighs thanks to her fairly short skirt. It was lovely this time of year in France, less so in the Scottish highlands where Hogwarts made its home.

In truth, she barely wanted to be here at all but this was where the Tri-Wizard Tournament was to take place, and that meant this was where she had to be to win the damn thing and take her trophy home.

Instead of being nice and cosy in her private room in the carriage, she was stuck scouring the castle for her quarry, much to her annoyance as she once again found herself on the wrong floor.

How? She went up three flights of stairs and ended up in the dungeons? What madman made this cursed castle and why hadn't anyone tried to fix that stupid stairs that seemed to be out for her blood?!

Going back down the stairs she just went up lead her to the second floor, which would be fine if she hadn't come from the fourth. She'd been here a day and she already hated everything about this castle and the people inside it.

On the dubious bright-side, the 'men' of this school proved as weak-willed and dumb as the ones in Beauxbatons which meant that while she was constantly being gawked at, she could chase them away with a single look.

She had a mission to fulfil, given to her by her beloved grandmother which meant it was one she would not fail, and she wouldn't let this labyrinth masquerading as a castle stop her.

Auriane Delacour had friends in very high places, and aside from being the de-facto leader of the European Veela, she spent most of her time dealing with the highest of society, which had led to this.

Anna Henrietta, one of the two Duchesses of Magical France, had spoken both frequently and very highly of a upcoming artist, who lived in England of all places, like the English knew anything about art, and it had intrigued Auriane enough that she had decided she wanted a portrait doing by Anna's new favourite artist.

But getting in touch with him was difficult as he was still in school and his mail went to his mother instead, and Adeline was too used to getting her way to simply wait until the Winter break like Lady Raum-Black had suggested.

Which meant she had to track down Grayson Raum-Black and convince him to meet with her grandmother and paint her, and while she should have no trouble wrapping Grayson around her finger she had to find the little bastard first.

She'd gone over to the Slytherin table during the feast to find him, and after almost getting drooled on by some half-troll, she found out he hadn't bothered coming to the feast at all, and no-one knew where he was.

His sister, Morrigan had politely told her to go drown herself in the lake when she attempted to gain her assistance and his brother Damian had been no more help. While the smug fool was clearly more strong willed than most, he simply made lewd comments and was no help as he made it clear that the only place he wanted to lead her was to a broom closet.

His offer to bring Grayson for a ménage à trois in said broom closet was what caused her to slap him, deliberately catching him with her sharp nails after he intentionally butchered her language, but that just made him laugh harder and she'd stormed off. She was used to getting what she wanted, and the crude comments and mockery from Damian caught her off guard.

As if she'd do something so crass, a fucking broom closet. He was an attractive fool, and a powerful one at that from the way her magic tingled around him, but he was a fool none-the-less and his behaviour had killed whatever minor interest she might have had in him. The other Raum girl was as elusive as Grayson himself, leaving the feast early.

So far, she had already decided that she hated two of the four Raum's hiding in this maze of stone and paintings.

By questioning one of the other fourth year Slytherin boys she had found out that Grayson was a known bookworm, but his directions to the vaunted Hogwarts library had been baffling to say the least and she had quickly gotten lost in her mission.

She didn't want to waste time as her Grandmother had warned her that she wasn't the only one wanting a painting done, and being the first person in France to get a portrait done by the Duchess's favourite artist would be a great boon.

So she had to find the little bastard.

It took her another hour to track down the library, barely making it before it was closed for the night as she entered the admittedly massive library, reluctantly impressed at its size and variety.

Finding a dark haired boy in a Slytherin uniform who matched the age-range she was looking for she quickly stormed towards him, his eyes widening in shock as she stared down at him.

"Are you Grayson Raum?" Fleur asked quickly, making him stammer something as she glared slightly. She should have been more polite but it had been a long day and she just wanted to get this over and done with.

"I can be? What was the question?" he stammered as she stared down at him in disgust.

"I believe she is looking for me, Theodore. Why don't you go back to the common room." an amused voice said from behind her, making her jump as she spun around, staring at the slightly smirking source of the voice as she felt herself grow confused.

She was looking for a fourteen year old, and the teen currently smiling at her with a couple of books under his arm looked like he was around her age, at least. He certainly didn't look like a boy barely in his teens as a pair of intense violet eyes stared her down curiously.

"Y-you're Grayson?" Fleur asked, cursing the waver in her voice as the possible Grayson gave 'Theodore' a look and sent him running. Turning back to her, Fleur was horrified as she felt her lower regions heat up in response to the slight smirk on his face, a dampness starting to appear in her panties.

"Grayson Raum-Black, a pleasure I'm sure. May I ask who you are, and why you are searching for me?" Grayson confirmed as he leant against the table before he paused, glancing over at where the librarian was glaring at them. "On second thought, we should go somewhere more private. Follow me." he ordered, turning and placing his books back on the shelves before he set off out of the library, to the approving nod of the librarian.

Before she could even think about it, she felt her legs start to move as she followed behind him as ordered, her mind racing and her cheeks heating up. Staying close to him, she could feel his magic with her own, a trait all Veela had, and her eyes widened at the strange texture to it.

While a powerful mages magic would give her a pleasant tingle, like Damian and Morrigan's magic had, Grayson's sent a completely different feeling through her as her legs grew weak and her breathing heavy, she could feel her nipples hardening against her bra and she had no idea what was going on as she followed him into an empty classroom.

She could feel his magic, but where there would normally be a single source Grayson had two separate forms of magic coming form him, one that she expected and one she couldn't explain. The regular magic was nothing impressive, fairly average especially compared to his siblings but the unexplained magic was something new entirely and it felt... deep.

She could almost feel the strange magic touching her back, phantom sensations running through her body as she stopped in front of him, trying to gather her thoughts.

She needed to talk to her mother, or grandmother, as soon as she could.

"Now, as I was saying. Who are you and what do you want with me that was so important that you assaulted poor Theodore?" Grayson asked in amusement as he stared her down, making her pause as she realised something. She had lost control of her aura, and he hadn't even noticed as his gaze remained firm with none of the usual glassy eyed weakness.

"I am Fleur Delacour, Heiress of the Delacour family." Fleur started, taking a deep breath as she forced her blush down, unable to do anything of the wetness currently leaking down her thighs. "I wished to speak with you on behalf of my grandmother, Auriane Delacour, to inquire what it would take to commission you to paint her." Fleur said quickly, her tone awkwardly formal as she fidgeted.

She was the (future) Champion of Beauxbatons, the most beautiful woman in her school and certainly more beautiful and powerful than anyone from the other schools, she shouldn't be blushing and fidgeting like a schoolgirl asking out her crush.

"I see, are you aware that I'm not accepting commissions while school is ongoing? I have to focus on my studies after all." Grayson said easily making her frown.

Nothing made her feel more disappointed in herself than failing her grandmother.

"I was, but I would be happy to make it worth your while to reconsider~" she said flirtatiously before she froze, looking into his eyes as he raised an eyebrow at her.

Turning and fleeing the room, she left her target behind as she set off back towards the Beauxbatons carriage, assuming the stairs wanted to cooperate.

What the fuck was that? She was no blushing virgin, but what the fuck was she doing?

Finding her way through the castle and back to her room she threw herself into her bed and buried her head in the pillows, ignoring Leliana's confusion as she blew past her.

The worst part of all this was the fact that she could feel her panties soaked through, and as she quickly locked her door and undressed, she stared down at her naked body before biting her lip and sighing.

Laying on her back, she closed her eyes and let her hands start to wander lower, and just as her nimble fingers reached her soaked core, a pair of amused violet eyes flashed in her mind making her eyes shoot back open as she immediately pushed herself over the edge, grabbing a pillow and biting into it to muffle her moans.

What on earth was going on?

- Gray -

What in hell is going on?

Fleur Delacour

Faction – Beauxbatons

Thoughts about you – Annoyance, Lust, Anger, Desire, Irritation, Hunger

Fetishes – Submission (Undiscovered), Being Worshipped

Lesser Secret – She uses her Veela aura to bend men to her whims, using them to get whatever she wants

Major Secret – She is a supremacist, believing that Veela are superior to humans

Biggest Secret – ???

Having an incredibly beautiful woman want to speak with me is always nice, but when she flip-flops from lust to anger with basically no warning or reason it's all a bit confusing.

Heading back to my room I decide to do the same thing I've done every time I've been confused lately and hope Raum knows more about this fuckery than I do, because I could definitely feel demonic magic... in her.

When in doubt, read.

...I'm such a fucking bookworm.

It takes me a while to even find any reference to Veela, but I get there eventually and realise something important.

Boredom is as dangerous to demons as it is humans.

Curiosity is a dangerous thing, and while looking into my research on how to turn one of my human heirs into a full-blooded demon, I got an idea. Could I not combine a human with various forms of demons to create a new kind of creature? The answer as it turns out is usually no and cost me many human slaves as they exploded from my attempts to alter their base form into something more interesting but I did manage to succeed with at least one sub-species of demon.

By taking magical human women and samples from some of my Succubi, I was able to create a new species entirely possessing traits of the Succubi but with a form that allows them to pass as regular beautiful women. That said, after through testing I have come to the conclusion that Succubi are better in bed and as such make better sex slaves, and set the couple hundred Veela I created loose into the human world. I will keep an eye on them as I impregnated many of them but I've grown bored of this experiment. I kept a couple of my favourites and the rest can go do something else, I don't care.

...Fleur is probably related to me, very very distantly. Keeping reading, I pause as I find the answer I sought.

Though while Succubi are better lovers, I have discovered that the creation process I used, using both my blood and the samples from Succubi to make these fetching creatures, left a rather unusual side effect. In my presence, the Veela find themselves overcome with lust and a desire to submit to me due to the fact that I used some mind-slaver magic to alter their mindsets and get them to stop complaining about my warping their bodies for my experiments. It doesn't seem to pass onto other demons, but they showed the same desires around one of my bastard sons. Interesting, but I can break a Succubi and get the same result with a little effort..

Lucifer damn it, Raum.

Still, lust and a desire to submit? Fleur is very prideful, and suddenly her rapidly changing emotions make sense, she's fighting the baser instincts that Raum accidentally implanted in her species.

I can use this.

After all, if she feels this then doesn't that mean her entire species will feel the same?

Spotting a letter on the side, I close my grimoire and put it away as I scheme.


Please come down to the hospital wing as quickly as possible, we need to discuss you rapid growth (I think I know what is causing it but I need to make sure there aren't any negative side-effects.)


I know what is causing it, but what in the fuck does Shani think is responsible?

- Bonus Scene – Yennefer -

"Carmilla, I'm sure of it." Vesemir said stroking his moustache as he sat opposite her, making her pause.

"I know most of Geralt's adventures, but I don't know that name." she admitted after a moment making him grunt slightly.

"You wouldn't, Geralt never fought her. As far as I know, she was sealed decades before Geralt ever became a Witcher." Vesemir explained. "But before he... retired." he started, giving her a dirty look. "He stopped the Council of Sisters, a coven Carmilla once ruled, from unsealing her and was forced to slay them all, it was a long and bloody battle, and we both thought it was over and done with. Carmilla should still be sealed away, I checked the tomb myself after we dealt with her coven."

"Someone unsealed her, and possibly pointed her my way." Yennefer said after a moment making Vesemir grunt again. She didn't bother questioning if he was sure they hadn't come undone over time, she and Geralt's mentor didn't get along but she didn't doubt his skill, or judgement.

"Hmph, that sounds more like the games you and your Lodge friends play, I wouldn't know about that. Wouldn't even know how to undo the seals myself, they were complicated to say the least." Vesemir admitted as she paused, was there anyone in the lodge who might have done this?

No, Philippa might have tried something like this but not until Grayson was stronger, she wouldn't try testing him so soon.

"I know her legends, and I doubt she'll attack directly. She's a schemer, more likely to find agents to use to get to you... or the kids." Vesemir warned. "I've brought one of my apprentices with me, well one of Roche's apprentices. He'd have come himself but he's the commander now, and there's been an increase in work lately, not a good sign, but Ves is a good girl, she knows her stuff. You have my aid."

"I see, and thank you for coming on such short notice." Yennefer said politely making him chuckle.

"Those kids are my grandkids in all but blood, even if you decided to lock them in a big mansion away from the world, think nothing of it." Vesemir said calmly making her smile at him fondly. "We all took Geralt's death hard, I don't blame you. Still have trouble believing the stubborn fools gone, seemed like he'd live forever."

"Indeed it did, but nothing lasts forever it seems." Yen said with a sad sigh. "With as many fights as he picked, even Geralt had to fall eventually."

- In another plane -

As the horse-sized hell hound lunged at him, he dove forwards and rolled under its claws, barely avoiding being torn apart as he rose, stabbing his crappy blade into its soft exposed underbelly.

"Damn you're ugly." he scoffed as he sliced the beasts stomach open, pulling his blade back and preparing for the next fight.

The crowds cheered and jeered in equal measure as the hell hound fell to its wounds, giving him a moment of respite.

"And the White Wolf wins again, ah well, sooner or later something is going to get him." The Announcer said in amusement as another gate opened, a horned ogre with red skin appearing from the depths, its claws glowing with a strange red energy.

"Guess they never learn." he muttered to himself as he got back into his stance.

Authors Note: This was going to be longer but I have an eye infection and I'm basically half blind at the moment, everything on the screen is blurry and I keep needing to lean until my face is pushed against the screen to double-check what I'm writing, so that's fun. Still got a chapter done in one sitting so whatever.

DarkWolfShirocreators' thoughts