
A Sorcerer's Ambition

Grayson doesn't have a bad life, not really. But given the chance to improve his on his alright life, he'll grab it without a second thought, even if he has to make a deal with a devil to do so. The sorting hat did say his ambition was dangerous, after all.

DarkWolfShiro · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Back to School

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter 06: Back to School

- Gray - 29/08/1994 -

Looking down at the kneeling girl, I think carefully over what Keira said to me earlier.

If I want to gather the maximum amount of essence, I should brutalise and kill her. No-one else is in the house, manor really, and she lives far enough away from anyone else that no-one will come to her help.

Honestly, there's a decent amount risk of my nature being revealed if I do that... the basement reeks of demonic magic from the summoning, nothing compared to Dantalion's but it is still noticeable. If I kill her, I can't say for sure that none of the muggles will be able to recognise what happened here. Samantha is a known occultism fangirl, she has 'demonic' texts and 'magical' artifacts all around her bedroom.

If she disappears, I can't guarantee that I won't accidentally bring demon hunters down on my head, even if I get rid of the evidence of the summoning... I can't do anything about the demonic traces.

To add onto that... as strange as it sounds for a Demon, I'm just not comfortable with the idea of torturing, raping and killing someone who, at worst inconvenienced me just for some extra Essence.

Human sacrifice is unavoidable, and I can already tell that I will do a great deal of evil deeds, horrific acts that would disgust and horrify regular humans... but looking down at her as she literally trembles in fear I just can't bring myself to do it to her for a mistake.

If she had tried to summon and bind me, it would be different. I would brutalise her without a second thought to punish her for her arrogance... I've always been a vengeful one after all, but she's a dumb teenager who fucked around with something she didn't understand.

"For your arrogance, your freedom is forfeit. You are mine now, your life, your body and your soul belong to me, to do with as I wish... now lead me to your bedroom." I order, watching her face turn bright red as she slowly rises, she is afraid... and her fear is delicious, but she is also aroused, I can smell her arousal leaking down her leg as she stands up.

"Y-yes... M-master?" Samantha asks hesitantly.

"Master will do." I confirm as I wave my hand and vanish the remains of the summoning circle, causing her eyes to widen in shock.

I won't kill her, but I can use this... she has brought this upon herself after all.

As she walks up the stairs from the basement, I confirm my earlier thoughts. I know a little about architecture, and this looks like one of the older American manors. It likely dates back to the colonisation of America.

It's very much 'Upper-class' and her family are about as Old Money as American families can get. Her family must have come over early and just never left. We are in Salem, I got that out of her head.

Because of course we are.

Heading upstairs, we enter an elegant bedroom all decorated with black and lace. She has a bookshelf full of fake tomes, what appears to be a shrunken skull (also fake), several amulets with pentagrams on them (not magical). All in all, it's the room of a magic fangirl.

Honestly, as annoying as being pulled out of bed is, I might have struck gold here... even now she's standing in front of me in anticipation, her mind filled with images of me claiming her body and soul as my own... I'm a good two feet taller than her, she's barely five-foot tall and I'm a beast in my demon form... I could crush her skull with a punch, rip out her throat with my claws...

And she's getting off on it. The fear and danger are just exciting her, even though her fear.

She has issues, but then she also has absentee parents, a father who died young and a mother who threw herself into her work to overcome the grief... her family don't have full-on servants, so little Samantha grew up in this big empty house all alone. Her social skills suck so she didn't make any friends even after she convinced her mother to let her go to a public school, so she just has a reputation as the beautiful loner girl.

Which makes her perfect for some... experimentation.

Keira mentioned something earlier... that Demons could grant people blessings, and it plays into what I know of them, and what my research has shown.

Demons can grant wishes, usually at the price of the soul of the petitioner... so couldn't I do the same? I can't grant wishes, not yet at least... but I do think I could imbue her with power... at the price of my precious essence.

I'm not eager to lose my essence, but I need to practice with my powers before I risk using them on Keira after all.

As ruthless as it might be if something goes wrong with Samantha, who cares? As long as the demonic taint from the ritual has faded, I can dispose of her easily. She's just a muggle after all, there are billions of them.

I have nothing against them like some Purebloods, but that doesn't mean I care about them any more than I care about the Goblins, Centaurs or House-elves.

"W-what should I do now... Master?" Samantha asks, standing in front of her bed with a mixture of fear and anticipation as I prowl towards her with a scowl.

Reaching forwards, I simply grip the front of her dress and tear it from her body making her yelp at the slight pain, her bra and panties meeting the same fate as I rip her clothes off her, my claws scratching her pale skin leaving small red marks along her body.

Never enough to draw blood, but enough to keep the fact that I could end her with ease in her mind.

Now, I've only ever used the Contract method of Mindslaver magic before, but I do have the Ritual method available and I need to test it out. Its main downside is the time to use it... but Samantha's mother isn't expected back any time soon.

Smirking at the shivering naked girl, I remember something I overheard an older Slytherin say... Compulsion charms are effective against muggles because they don't have the internal magic to fight them off... and if they are used right, the muggle doesn't even notice. Compulsion charms are a part of mind magic... and I've always been good with the mental arts. So good I can do them wandlessly with a bit of trouble.

Which is good since my wand is sitting on my bedside table, something I'm going to need to think about. I don't like being disarmed like this.

Experimentation is the cornerstone of progress...

- Samantha -

Standing bare before Raum, she could only shiver at the look in his eyes. If it was pure lust, she'd be more... comfortable? Well, not comfortable, she was a virgin with no experience but she would be less worried then she was at the calculating look behind his beautiful red eyes.

As one of his powerful hands came up to her chest, she could only whimper at the feeling of his claws against her breast, grazing the flesh but never cutting as he groped her naked body.

As he shoved her back, she could do nothing to stop herself from flying back onto the king-sized bed from the immense strength in his majestic form.

She understood now, why so many covens sold their souls to demons. What was she in comparison to the almost divine form of Lord Raum? What could humans do but worship the demons, begging and pleading to be granted even a shade of their glory?

Without being ordered, she spread her legs willingly, as wide as they would go to make room for the mammoth-like member hardening between his legs.

Moving towards the bed, he held a hand over her, a beautiful purple light leaking from it as it came down and engulfed her.

"M-master?" she asked, her body freezing up as the light swarmed around her body.

"Silence. You are mine, I am simply... making it official." Raum replied coldly as her body stopped obeying her commands, leaving her unable to move as her room was lit up in an eldritch purple glow.

She had no idea how long she spent staring up into the cold eyes of her master, her owner... but it seemed to pass in seconds, the light fading as she gasped, looking down at her body with wide eyes.

Directly above her crotch, she had a new... addition. She knew the symbol well enough... it was the same one she drew on her cellar floor after all... the seal of Raum marked on her skin.

A brand to show all who see it that Raum is her owner... her master.

Deep in her mind, something screamed that this was wrong, that she should be horrified at the slave brand burnt onto her skin... but it was drowned out by the feeling of... belonging, that this was meant to be.

She was supposed to find that tome, to accidentally summon her master... she was meant to become Raum's slave.

"Thank you, M-master." Samantha said, staring up at the demon who owned her mind, body and soul, her legs moving apart again almost on instinct making him smirk as she exposed her pristine pussy to his eyes.

She'd never had more than her fingers inside her before... and he was a lot bigger than her fingers.

Moving forwards, he placed a single claw on her chest, between her breasts and languidly moved it down her stomach, a hint of pain adding to the anticipation as it passed her belly button and her new brand, pausing before he reached her needy slit.

"P-please..." she whimpered, her hands moving towards his before he smirked.

"Samantha, don't move." Raum ordered, freezing her in place.

Grabbing her legs, he pulled her to the edge of the bed, inches away from his throbbing shaft as he stared down at her with a cold smirk, his finger moving back to its spot above her mound before he moved it lower still, the claw pressing against her slit.

With no warning or chance to prepare, she could only moan wantonly as he plunged it into her, a pair of thick fingers filling her as she laid there, unable to move. For a brief moment, she wondered why his claws weren't tearing her apart, as there was no pain, but she realised that Raum would never hurt her accidentally, if he hurt her than it was deliberate... she would deserve it.

Her body still frozen, she could only whimper and moan as he pumped his fingers into her, watching her with cold but amused eyes. She couldn't even clutch at the bedsheets or writhe as the waves of pleasure rushed through her body, laying perfectly still as he added a third, leaving her fuller than ever before as she moaned obscenely.

In her mind, she compared his fingers to his shaft, realising that she would be far fuller before long.

When she masturbated, it often took her around fifteen minutes of gentle groping and fingering before she drew her orgasm out... Raum ripped a climax from her in less than two minutes, her inner muscles clamping down on his exploring digits as she screamed.

...She never screamed before, merely moaned into her pillow. And yet, the scream that left her throat could only be described as primal.

Pulling his fingers from her, he told her she could move again, licking his fingers clean with a hungry smirk as he grasped his shaft with his free hand, moving closer to her again.

With a meaty thud, he slammed his gargantuan member down onto her body, drawing another moan from her at the... sheer hotness it radiated as it rested on her stomach, reaching her belly button... and then some as her eyes widened.

"M-master... please... take me." Samantha begged, staring up at him with a lustful gaze.

"You want this... don't you, slave?" Raum chuckled, slamming his shaft down on her stomach again, his balls slapping against her quim as she whimpered in need.

"I... I do, please... Ruin me master." she pleaded, making him smirk.

"But tell me, Samantha... why would I reward you when you haven't earned it?" Raum asked, making her freeze as she stared up at him. "All you have done... is inconvenience me. You deserve no reward, it is only due to my kindness that you still draw breath." Raum growled, a deep guttural sound that set off alarms long dormant in the primitive parts of her brain.

Despite the danger, it wasn't fear that overwhelmed her... only sincere despair at the truth. Her master was angry at her... looking into the cold red eyes, watching the power swirling within them hypnotically, she realised that she wanted nothing more than to make it up to him... to prove her worth so he wouldn't toss her aside.

After seeing a hint of the power within him, she couldn't go back to worthless baubles found in tourist trap occult shops. This was the real deal...

"I... I... Master, what do I have to do? I can make it up to you, I know I can!" Samantha pleaded, going to sit up before he pushed her back down.

"Stay still. You haven't earned the right to be taken by me, but I can give you a taste..." Raum said, grabbing her legs and lifting them to his chest, his shaft trapped tightly between her thighs as he started to thrust.

With each thrust between her thighs, his heavy testes slapped against her drooling cunt making her moan as it sent jolts of pleasure through her small frame.

She'd always been small... but she didn't realise how petite she truly was until she stood before the giant that was her lord.

Laying back, she couldn't help but play with her modest breasts, practically mauling the pale flesh for her master's approval, feeling his gaze roam her body, his thrusts speeding up as he slammed himself forwards.

As he fucked her thighs, he snarled slightly, showing a pair of incredibly dangerous looking fangs as he stared down at her, his flawless face contorted in anger.

Such a beautiful face shouldn't be stained with rage... and it was all her fault.

With a grunt, he slammed his hips forwards once more and let loose, thick white seed bursting forwards and coating her breasts and face as she flinched, her open mouth catching some of the strangely... spicy seed.

Swallowing reflexively, she felt the sticky fluid slide down her throat making her body heat up to an insane degree as he painted her front with a smirk, pulling back away from her despite her whimper.

"P-please..." Samantha begged as he moved away, taking enjoyment in her desperation as pure need flooded her body.

"As I said, you haven't earned it." Raum said coldly, his shaft softening. "But I will give you a chance, a chance to earn my love, slave. You failed to make a sacrifice to me, with any other demon it would have cost you your life... but I am a generous demon. You will bring more mortals to me, make them see my glory as you do... Samantha Page, you will build me a coven of worshippers. That is the price for your life." Raum ordered as her eyes widened, laying there covered in the cum of her master.

"B-but... I don't know how to-" she started, freezing as the seal on her body glowed briefly.

"I have given you a... gift. Or more correctly, an investment. A tool to help you in your duty... just remember, when dealing with demons nothing is free, you will pay for your gift, one way or the other." Raum said coldly, staring down at her.

"I... yes, master. I understand... what does it-" Samantha started.

"Find out for yourself, I expect some level of competence from my slaves. If you let your new... status get discovered, I can assure you... my secrets will die with you. You have one month before I expect you to have gathered the first new worshipper. Do not disappoint me, for both our sakes." Raum said with a piercing stare. "Oh, and clean yourself up." he added as an afterthought as her vision blurred, when it cleared again the room was empty, the only evidence Raum had ever been there being the cum coating her body.

Despite the new deadline hanging over her head, despite her new status as a slave of Raum... the only thing on her mind was pleasure.

Scooping up the cum from her body, she licked her fingers clean as she fingered herself rapidly, trying to match the pace he had set earlier, her body burning up as she drank his seed, ensuring to get every last drop.

Her bedsheets were ruined, stained with her sweat and his seed, but she could replace them before her mother returned with time to spare.

So engulfed in her lust and pleasure, it was only much later that she realised that the tome of Raum she bought, the prize of her collection, was missing.

- Gray -

This book is going deep in the family library, far far away from idiot muggles who could summon me. It's written by a mage who seemed to have a contract with my ancestor in the past. It's more of a diary than a tome, but it still has a detailed explanation of the summoning method, with diagrams.

Imbuing her with power cost almost half my essence, honestly it was pretty... whimsical, but I do want to see how it works... and again, if this ends badly for her I should be able to lessen the effect it has on me.

I'll be happy if she succeeds, this could even be the start of something wonderful... but until she proves herself I simply don't care if she fails and I have to end her life.

She's bound to me now, I can feel the connection between us in the back of my mind... it's there for Keira and Morrigan as well, but Samantha's is stronger than either of the other two. I can peer into her mind even without her being within my eyesight.

I spent the entire time I was with her flooding her mind with compulsions, carefully to not leave her a broken mess, the mind arts are a subtle form of magic, after all, one that needs careful consideration so conflicting compulsions don't leave her broken or insane. She shouldn't betray me or reveal her occultist status to anyone she isn't convinced she can convince to join her.

It'll be interesting watching her progress, and if it goes wrong? Well, there's always plan b. Who knows, she might even enjoy dying for my benefit.

...It's going to be a pain getting home. I don't have enough power to just apparate all the way back to England and the Floo network isn't international. I can apparate up to Alaska in a couple of jumps, then over to Russia, and then make my way home that way but it's gonna leave me exhausted.

"Leaving so soon?" a voice says as I stand in the manor's foyer and prepare to start my journey home, making me jump slightly as I swivel around ready to defend myself.

I'm still in my demon form, so the casual tone of voice means I'm dealing with someone who knows about my kind.

Locking eyes on the amused woman sitting on the stairs, I almost instinctively summon a ball of hellfire, her smirk growing as I do.

"Oh, I really wouldn't do that if I was you..." she says in amusement as I look her other. She looks human, but that doesn't mean much since I do the same most of the time...

In her late twenties, she has fairly dark skin that is only accentuated by her leather corset and trousers as she rests a beautiful face on her hand, uncaring about the hellfire aimed at her. Equally dark eyes staring me down with... hope? She wants me to attack her.

Snuffing out the flame, she sighs dramatically as she stands up.

Mazikeen of the Lilim

Faction – How attached are you to your eyes?

Lesser Secrets – Mind Your

Major Secrets – Own Business

Biggest Secret – If you want to keep them.

Thoughts about you – Bloodlust, Sadism. I'll give you that for free.

…oh, dear.

"Is there something I can do for you?" I ask, making her lips twitch slightly.

"How polite, Raum. Guess it runs in the family, the old Raum was a stuffy bastard too. Drop the demon form, get dressed, you have a meeting to attend." Mazikeen says, making me hesitate before I realise that I am out of my league here.

She just screams danger, even looking perfectly human I can tell that challenging her would be the last thing I ever did.

Ironically, the fear I'm feeling is the same fear Samantha felt when she first saw me... a pure realisation that you are in the presence of something higher on the food chain.

Dropping my demon form, she immediately bursts into laughter, making me raise an eyebrow at her.

"A kid? The new Raum is a literal child? Oh, he's gonna love this." she laughs. "Come on, this isn't a meeting you can refuse. Feel free to run though, it might make this more entertaining."

"I'm not exactly dressed for a meeting." I point out, naked as the day I was born.

"I really don't care."

- Later -

After being thrown through some kind of demonic portal, getting dressed in a simple black pair of trousers and a black silk shirt, Mazikeen led me to a nightclub... in Los Angeles.

Quite literally, the other side of America.

I am in my normal form... which means I look like a fourteen year old boy, maybe I could pass for fifteen or sixteen in the right light, but I am still clearly underage.

Which is why I'm fairly surprised that no-one even gives me a second glance as Mazikeen leads me up into what seems to be a VIP lounge.

"And there he is, the man of the hour!" a rich voice says drawing my attention to a small booth where a smiling man with dark hair dressed very similarly to me is staring at me, a pair of half-dressed girls hanging off him.

Shooing the girls away, he stands up with a grin, and I have to admit... he is incredibly handsome. I have no interest in men, but I can at least recognise that the man standing in front of me is probably the most attractive man I've ever seen.

I could use my eyes on him... but I can take a hint, if it didn't work on Mazikeen I doubt it'll work on the man who must be her boss judging from the way she moved to the side, watching us.

I... can't sense anything coming from him. Mazikeen just screams danger, but I can't pick up anything from the smiling man as he walks towards me.

"No need to look so worried, when I felt you get summoned I just had to meet you. Raum's been dead a long, long time, after all, his line thought extinct and yet here you are. But where are my manners, It's a pleasure to meet you little Raum, allow me to introduce myself... Lucifer, Lucifer Morningstar, at your service." Lucifer says with a flamboyant bow as my heart freezes in my chest.

For just an instant, I felt his power. Mazikeen could kill me in her sleep, and him? He could kill everyone in this city, her included, in the blink of an eye.

He is definitely who he says he is.

And he could sense me being summoned from the other side of America.

"Like I said, you don't need to worry. Frankly, if I wanted you dead, Maze wouldn't have been so polite in bringing you here." Lucifer says easily. "Now it's your turn, I can't just call you Raum Junior after all."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lord Morningstar, M-my name is Grayson Raum-Black." I say, a slight stutter in my voice as I fall back on my Pureblood etiquette training.

"Oh, no need for that. Just call my Lucifer, please, take a seat." he says, grabbing my arm and moving me into the booth as he sits right next to me an arm around my shoulder as he grins. "Now, aren't you something special? You are a demon, body and soul... but you're fairly new to this, aren't you? I can sense a trace of... humanity in you. I don't think I've ever seen something like you before... but Raum always was a clever one. How are you enjoying life as a demon?" he asks casually.

"It's... different? Enjoyable." I admit making him chuckle.

"Shall we just get this out of the way, ask away. I can see you have a thousand questions. Go ahead, I'll humour you." Lucifer says with a grin. "Well, go on. I'm not going to kill you for asking questions."

"I... don't even know where to start? I don't know that much about Christianity but shouldn't you be in..." I trail off, making him chuckle.

"Hell? I'm not surprised you aren't that acquainted with Christianity, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live after all... you're right of course, in Father's 'Great Plan' I should be ruling over Hell... but daddy dearest is dead and gone now, and I realised something a long time ago. From my creation, everything I did was what the big man planned for me, even my rebellion was all part of his plan. I had no free will, all I was doing was following the path he laid out for me... so I decided to take a different path, headed to the mortal Realm and never looked back. Father made a barrier between the realms to stop demons from coming and going as they pleased, but I knew what he was planning before he finished it and left a backdoor. I brought Maze with me, and left Hell behind. Naturally it fell into a giant civil war moments later, and it has two new kings now but frankly? I don't care." he admits with a shrug.

"God is dead? How... God can die?" I ask, trying to work my mind through that.

"Quite easily, actually. But that's nothing you need to worry about... I didn't kill him, really." Lucifer says with a laugh at my look. "For the last thousand or so years, my brother Michael has been sitting on the throne of Heaven. They know I'm here, of course, it's not like I'm trying to hide, but none of the Church exorcists could hope to kill me, and the angels can no more enter the mortal Realm than the demons can." Lucifer says with a chuckle.

"I've been to a church... if God is dead, what causes that... effect?"

"Ah, that... God was very, very, powerful. Even now, his commandments still have an effect, and demons aren't welcome in the houses of God. If he was still alive you wouldn't have been able to enter at all, and you would have drawn His attention the moment you tried... but Michael might be able to sit on the throne, but he's no Father. Your little escapade would have gone unnoticed unless you walked into the Vatican itself." Lucifer says with a smirk.

"So... do I need to worry about the Church?" I ask. Honestly, I'm terrified but this is the best chance I am going to get to gather information... and Lucifer is pretty friendly, as ridiculous as it sounds.

"Well, that depends, doesn't it? If you do anything too overt, like burning down a church or kidnapping a nun to satiate your lusts on, Church Exorcists will be sent to investigate. They specialise in wiping out demons and demonic cults... but if you avoid drawing their attention, or just make sure not to leave any evidence, you should be fine. Really, it's Hell you need to worry about. No-one can kill demons like demons, after all. Raum had enemies, and they won't be happy to see his seat filled again." Lucifer warns with the same casual tone as ever.

"Wonderful." I sigh, making him chuckle again. "If God is dead, and you are away from Hell... why hasn't the war been won? Hell and Heaven are at war, right?" I ask, making him smirk.

"Oh, certainly. Heaven and Hell have warred since day one. As for why it hasn't been won, well, that's simple. To destroy Heaven, you would have to wipe out all its worshippers in the mortal Realm and then steal all the souls gathered in Heaven, which no demon can do since even the strongest Demon Lords would burn up the moment they took a single step into Heaven. To destroy Hell, you'd have to get rid off all sin in the mortal Realm, and free all the tortured souls in Hell... which no Angel can do. See the issue? Two sides fighting a war which neither can ever win. Ever since Father made the barrier to protect the mortals, the war has been fought through proxies, demonic cults fighting the church, all while Demon Lords and Archangels pull their strings, making the mortals dance to their tune. Despite everything, Angels and Demons share more in common than either would ever admit." Lucifer says with a grin. "Every so often, a church gets burnt down, it's worshippers sacrificed... and the Church responds in kind, slaughtering the demon worshippers, then they cover up the crimes to stop the sheep from losing faith."

"I see..." I say, thinking about Samantha.

"Worried about your new pet? It's written on your face... honestly, there are hundreds of demonic cults around the world, if she keeps her head down the church will probably miss her completely. They have very little presence in Salem, too many magicals there and the Church can't afford to get caught up in a war with you wand-wavers, even if they don't like them. Keep her away from the church, and she should be fine, Oh, just a little request from me..." he says, his smile fading. "Keep your cult out of California, this is my territory. I don't mind you coming here in person but if your cult starts to push into my land? Well, we will have a little problem, won't we?"

"Message received." I say quickly, making him smile again.

"Wonderful." he says, all smiles again.

"One last question... why does the barrier keep Angels out?" I ask, making him smirk.

"Because the mortals were fathers favourite of all the races. It made plenty of angels fall from pure jealousy, which was pretty funny to watch. He wanted the mortals to be able to lead their own lives, without any Demons or Angels interfering. He was big on free will... for humans, less so for angels." Lucifer says before a malicious smirk appears on his face. "As you can see, it didn't exactly work out. You'd be surprised how many of Father's plans ended poorly, and I didn't even sabotage this one."

"I see, thank you for the information." I say calmly, making him chuckle.

"Oh, it was no problem... now! This is a nightclub, and you are entirely too sober. Maze, bring our guest a drink from the special stock." Lucifer orders.

"...you realise that I'm fourteen, right?" I point out as Maze starts mixing a drink. "I'm underage."

"Oh, I'm sure it will be fine..." Lucifer says as he passes me a glass. "If anything, it makes it more entertaining, would you like some drugs to help it go down?"

- Samantha -

Looking over her room, she smiled at how innocent it seemed. You could hardly tell that a demon covered her bed in cum last night.

Heading downstairs, she winced at the slight soreness from how... enthusiastically she had played with herself last night.

Making some breakfast, she moved to the table, greeting her mother as she read a financial report, barely even looking up to return her greeting as she sat down.

Despite her best attempts, she failed to hold in a yawn due to her lack of sleep, getting a glance of disapproval from her mother.

"Late night again? No doubt you wasted the night away with your silly 'supernatural' books instead of doing anything productive." she scolded making Samantha flinch at the cold disapproval in her tone. "How long are you going to waste playing pretend before you actually start taking your studies seriously? It's a miracle that your grades are as high as they are." she ranted.

Normally... Samantha would obediently sit there and take the scolding, the mocking towards her hobbies and insistence that she had to do better to live up to her father's expectations...

Her mother was a cold woman, one who had thrown herself into running her families business after her father passed away, and she expected Samantha to do the same. Anything not related to business was looked down upon as a waste of time.

This time, she snapped.

"Shut up! My hobbies aren't stupid. I'm not wasting any time." Samantha shouted before she froze at the shocked look on her mothers face.

"I... you're right, they aren't stupid. You aren't wasting your time... but make sure to study as well, you have responsibilities after all." her mother said as Samantha's eyes widened in shock.

What... just happened?

Did she just...

"Mother, can you give me some money." Samantha asked, waiting for the cold response to stop wasting her money on stupid baubles.

"Hmm? Oh, sure. My purse is over there." her mother replied, never looking up from her paper.

Raum said he had given her a gift... no, an investment. One she would have to pay back by bringing him worshippers and sacrifices.

Glancing at her mother, she smiled to herself.

She was chosen to build her master a coven of worshippers... she wouldn't let him down.

- Three Days Later - 01/09/1994 – Thursday -

"Finally awake?" Yen asks as I sit up, my head throbbing in pain, the light burning my eyes.

"What... how did I get back here?" I ask, trying to remember what the Hell happened. I was... drinking with Lucifer?

"Your new friend... Lucy dropped you off home last night, thankfully you did send a rather drunken message back home a couple of days ago to let us know that you weren't in danger." Yen says, a mixture of amusement and disapproval on her face.


"As much as I'd love to ask you how you ended up partying with Lucifer Morningstar, he explained a bit and the rest will have to wait..." she says making me sit up with a frown.


"Because the Hogwarts Express is due to set off in two hours and you aren't even dressed yet." she says, amusement in her tone as I shoot up, pushing through the pain. "All your things have been packed, your robes are on the side. A hangover potion is on the bedside table, but you need to hurry up. You can't risk drawing attention to yourself by not showing up to Hogwarts." Yen says making me groan as I reach for the hangover potion, downing it.

It doesn't completely get rid of the throbbing headache, but it is a start.

I thought I couldn't get drunk... but it turns out I was just drinking the wrong alcohol.

"I'll be down soon." I promise, getting out of bed. "Good, hurry up. Everyone is waiting." Yen says as she leaves the room, my head hurting too much to enjoy her swaying ass.

Ugh... my head is killing me.

Where did the last three days go?

...and why do I have so much demonic essence? Almost a hundred more than I had before.

No seriously, what did I spend the last three days doing?

Spotting a piece of paper on the side, I pick it up with a frown.

You really know how to party, consider yourself to have an open invitation to the Lux.

Have fun with the mortals.


That was my favourite corset.

If you come back to the Lux, I'm stabbing you

x Maze

...No, really, what did I do?

- Later -

I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea what happened at the feast.

Something about a tournament? Also Mad-Eye Moody is our Defence Professor. He's infamous for being batshit insane with a severe case of paranoia so that should be fun. We got a new History of Magic teacher as well, Margarita Laux-Antille. Honestly, she could be a troll, and she'd be a better teacher than Binns.

My amazing occlumency skills turned out to be insufficient to hide my... less than healthy state, and Damian of all people forced me to go to the Hospital Wing... which is how I find myself sitting on a hospital bed as the nurse's assistant stares at me with an amused smile.

"Really, Grayson?" Shani asks with a smirk.


"Gray, I'm a nurse. Do you think I can't spot the symptoms of a powerful hangover?" Shani points out. "Honestly, you're lucky I convinced Madame Pompfrey to let me handle this before she got a good look at you... have you already had a hangover potion?" she asks, making me nod. "Good, hate to be the one to tell you this, but the only cure for this will be rest. Hangover potions aren't that good, and the ministry likes it like that to keep people from over-indulging in their drinking. This is your punishment. I expect this from Damian, maybe even Keira but you? And here I thought you were the good one." she says with a laugh.

She's an old friend of my father, which is likely why I'm avoiding detention.

"I'm in my rebellious teen phase." I say making her burst into giggles.

"Ah, of course, you are. Do I need to give you some contraceptive potions like I do Damian?" Shani asked, making me pause, her eyebrows rising at my hesitation. "...I was joking, but I'll get some delivered to your room." she says with an amused smile. "Like father like son, I suppose. Go on, get to bed. I'll put down that you had a migraine, and I don't want to see you back here with another 'migraine', okay? I don't mind covering for you, but don't push it." she warns as I nod.

"Thanks, Shani. It's nice to see you again, how was Africa?" I ask, making her smile at me gently.

"And it's nice to see you as well, don't tell Keira I said this, but you're my favourite. Africa was... utterly horrible, but I was there to work, so that's to be expected. Reading about Nundu's is one thing, visiting the chaos and misery they leave behind is an entirely different one. It's times like this I miss Geralt the most, he would have had that beasts head on his wall within a week, instead it took a small army to deal with it." Shani says with a sigh.

That's my father, the monster hunter. Apparently, he was a real badass who hunted some of the worlds most dangerous creatures for fun. Turns out dark lords are harder to fight.

"Honestly, you have my admiration for being willing to go anywhere near a Nundu." I admit making her smile as she ruffles my hair.

"I'm a healer, I go where I am needed. Besides, I've gotten to see the entire world in my travels. It has its perks. But I'll admit I'm happy to be back in Hogwarts dealing with pranks, Quidditch injuries... and hungover students." Shani quips.

"Glad to be of assistance." I counter, making her laugh.

"Go on, get out of here. Honestly, I'm glad Damian is leaving after this year... I don't think I could handle two rebellious Raum boys at once." Shani says making me smirk. "That's not what I meant, stop that." she warns with a light blush.

"Probably for the best, I don't like sharing after all. Damian will have to find his own cute nurse." I say watching her sigh fondly.

"Like father, like son... you are terrible, and I pity the poor girls in your year." Shani laughs with a light blush, slapping me on the chest lightly. "Go on, get to your room before Madame Pompfrey returns."

Shani Vanderbeck

Faction – Hogwarts Staff

Thoughts about you – Fond exasperation, flattered

Lesser Secrets – She is bitter that Yennefer won Geralt away from her

Major Secrets – ???

Biggest Secret – ???

...Seriously, is there any older woman that my father didn't sleep with at some point?

"Will do, thanks, Shani. I'll make sure to visit you when everything is settled down, I want to hear about your travels after all." I say, making her smile.

"Of course... just make sure you don't come with another 'migraine' please." she says quickly.

Shani is on my list of people I want to turn to my side... because when something is wrong with you, where do you go but to the healer? If I can subvert Shani and Pompfrey, I can limit the risk of any student I target getting help against me.

But she's also a family friend, and one I've always liked.

"Understood, see you, Shani."

"Goodbye, Gray." Shani says easily.

Maybe it's time I started learning healing magic?

I know a few common household healing spells, for small cuts and bruises, and I know how to make most of the potions used in healing, but I think I could convince Shani into some... personal lessons.

Heading to the Slytherin common room, I pause seeing something that... well, it's not that unusual down here, but it still stands out.

"Is there a problem here?" I ask slowly, making Theodore and Pansy freeze as they turn away from the eleven year old they had cornered.

"Mr- Heir Raum-Black, we were just... making some things clear." Theodore Nott says calmly.

I'm not powerful, magically... but I know the rest of my year noticed the ring sitting proudly on my finger, which makes me suddenly far more worthy of respect...

Raum and Black are two ancient houses, some of the oldest... and in a house where Pureblood and Politics rule, that makes me very important.

Last year, Theodore and Pansy would have been scowling at me for speaking to them without invitation, now? Nott and Parkinson are fairly young families, and it's an honour for them to have my attention.

Just another intricacy of the Slytherin House.

"Is that so? I don't believe we have met..." I say to the cowering girl. "I am Grayson Raum, Heir of the Raum and Black Noble Houses, and you are?" I ask.

"J-Juliet Granger..." she stutters, making my eyebrow raise as I look back at the two elder Slytherins.

"I see." I deadpan, suddenly understanding a lot more. Pansy isn't a nice girl, but Theodore is a fairly neutral person, outright bullying a child isn't what I would expect from him...

Unless of course, it was the younger sister of the girl who showed him up in every class.

Juliet Melody Granger

Faction – Hogwarts Students (Slytherin)

Thoughts about you – Hope

Lesser Secrets – She wants to step out of her sister's shadow

Major Secrets – ???

Biggest Secret – ???

"I'm sure I can handle... inducting our newest member." I say, making them both look away, scowling but unwilling to mess with the Hierarchy of the Slytherin House, a hierarchy in which I am now far above them both.

"Of course, Heir Raum-Black. A pleasure as always." Theodore says, guiding Pansy away. Those two are in a betrothal as well if I recall, which means if Pansy loses her noticeably short temper, it would affect Theodore's reputation as well.

"You've come to a dangerous place, Miss Granger. You will find few friends here." I warn as she wipes away some tears. "A word of advice... never show weakness. You are surrounded by sharks, you can't afford to let them smell blood." I say before I walk away without another word.


Very interesting.

"I would have thought you of all people would have no reason to look after the know-it-alls little sister." a voice calls my attention, making me smile.

"Cousin. I don't believe in passing the sins of the sister down." I say turning to Lyra Malfoy. "I've dealt with enough people angered at Damian, taking it out on me after all."

"Fair enough, I can understand that at least." Lyra says as her grey eyes lock onto me. "You look... off, are you feeling okay?"

In any other situation, it might seem like a polite question from a girl worried about her cousin.

"I'm fine, just a slight migraine."

Lyra Malfoy

Faction – Hogwarts Students (Slytherin)

Thoughts about you – Anger, Ambition, Indignation

Lesser Secrets – She wants your ring

Major Secrets – ???

Biggest Secret – ???

"That's good, it would be terrible if anything happened to the new Heir Black." Lyra says, her eyes lingering on the Heir ring sitting on my finger.

"I'm sure Morrigan wouldn't mind taking over if anything does happen to me." I say easily, watching her calm face fall into a fierce scowl at the reminder that she isn't even second in line. Morrigan and Keira are above her... and Morrigan would kill her for fun, let alone for crossing her.

Lyra has always sucked at Occlumency.

She's always hated Damian because he was the Heir Black which she believes she deserves more, even though she isn't the actual Heir since Narcissa Malfoy is mother's little sister.

Before, me and Lyra... got along? We aren't friends, but we aren't enemies, and we are closer than acquaintances. Now, she's moved all that greed and anger onto me.

The Malfoy's, despite their wealth, are a French family that only came over to Britain during the French Revolution, which makes them fairly irrelevant in politics... except when they throw around the Black name.

Uncle Lucius threw it around constantly when he first married Narcissa, but mother made him stop with threats of disowning Narcissa if he didn't, which has left the Malfoy Family uninfluential in the Wizengamot.

Lucius isn't even a Lord despite having managed to get a cosy position as Minister Fudge's chief advisor.

"I doubt someone as... abrasive as Morrigan would be interested in politics, and we both know Keira is too lazy for it." Lyra pointed out.

"Oh, definitely... but Morrigan likes power, and I pity anyone who would try and suggest she gives up any kind of power. You know how she is... anyway, how is Aunt Narcissa?" I ask easily.

"She's well, Father is as well... even if his recent proposal to the Wizengamot was rejected, it's a shame he couldn't get the support he needed." Lyra said with a cold smile.

I remember that one, something about tagging and tracking werewolves?

Mother shot it down, if I recall correctly.

"A shame, but that's just how politics goes. No proposal, no matter how good, can get traction... without the proper names behind it." I say watching her scowl again.

"Indeed... a terrible shame that he couldn't get the right people to endorse it." Lyra bites out. "By the way, how did you do in our exams? I take it you're in the same place as ever?" she asks, raising her voice slightly.

Oh, Lyra... why give me an opening like that?

"Naturally, second place in the country certainly isn't bad... how did you do?" I ask watching her pale, as if I don't already know she wasn't even in the top ten this year. "Ahh, I see... It's been a pleasure, as always, cousin... but I need some sleep, healers orders." I continue, walking past her with a calm smile, hearing some quiet laughter in the common room.

If me losing to Granger is shameful... our entire year needs to be ashamed as well. Lyra has never been the best at verbal duelling, she leaves herself open to counters far too often.

Heading up to my private room, I smile to myself. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff apparently have dorm rooms, but Ravenclaws and Slytherins have our own private rooms due to our House Founders personal beliefs.

Helga Hufflepuff and Godric Gryffindor wanted their students to mingle, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin believed that students needed a private place to study and rest to be more efficient... and no-one can change that without massive backlash, not to mention the effort required to replace the rooms with dorms.

It's just not worth the effort.

My chest is already here, courtesy of the house-elves, and I take a moment to move my Mokes bed onto my bedside table, and then more importantly... refresh the wards around my room.

Slytherin is a viper pit, and learning to keep the vipers away is important. There's an unspoken rule in this house.

What happens in Slytherin, stays in Slytherin.

No running to the teachers, or in worse situations, the Aurors... and if you break the unspoken rule, you'll find yourself surrounded by enemies. You don't talk about the Slytherin traditions, or anything that happens here.

Apparently, it didn't use to be this bad, but the Rise of Voldemort changed the Slytherin house, and Snape has made exactly zero attempts to change it back. Whether because he doesn't care, because he approves... or because he fears the backlash from the Death Eaters whose children now attend Hogwarts, I don't know.

Placing my Moke on her bed, stroking her for a few minutes, I pause.

Juliet Granger is in trouble... Hermione Granger is practically public enemy number one in the Slytherin House, worse than even the Gryffindor Golden Girl.

But she's also untouchable because she's best friends with Rose Potter who has a protective streak almost as strong as her vindictive streak. Plus she takes lessons with Dumbledore, is world-famous and the Heiress of a family as old as the Blacks.

Challenging Rose would end badly for basically anyone, even if they could beat her (which is unlikely because she is very, very good at Defence).

Juliet is a girl thrown into a house full of people with a grudge against her, with no stupidly strong best friend to protect her...

If things are left alone, she'll probably be attacked tonight. Usually the 'attack' is basically just a bit of hazing, which varies depending on how powerful your family is and if you are the Heir.

Mine was annoying but nothing I couldn't handle, a low-level curse that irritated me for around a day and some physical abuse that was healed to hide the evidence. I think Morrigan threatened to brutalise anyone who did more than that, not that she would ever admit it.

I honestly think there's a chance that Juliet's would be far, far worse.

So, that gives me an idea.

Heading out, I go to the first-year rooms with a mostly blank face, knocking on the door with Juliet's name on it. I make sure someone sees me, Pansy glaring at me as Juliet opens the door hesitantly.

"May I come in?" I ask calmly, watching her eyes widen as she glances around before nodding shyly.

Entering, I close the door behind me as I turn back to the girl, noticing how red her eyes are, she was crying before I came.

"You are in danger." I say easily, her eyes widening in shock. "Your sister has made many enemies in this house, and they want to take their anger out on you. You will almost certainly be attacked tonight." I say calmly.

"But... I haven't done anything to them..." Juliet replies, making me smile wryly.

"You exist, that is enough for them." I say making her pale as her lip trembles.

"What... what will they do?" she asks, making me pause as I look over her.

"Physical harm, destruction of property, curses... you look like you've started puberty early so that could work against you." I say casually as her eyes widen, her face turning stark white. "You are in for an unpleasant seven years... if nothing changes... and you last that long."

Rape is basically unheard of in this house, for a simple reason... the virginity of a pureblood girl is a very delicate thing, and houses have warred for far less than a defiled daughter. Almost all of Slytherin is Pureblood, with a few half-bloods like Tracey... but a Muggleborn?

I have no idea if they would go that far, if they did they would almost certainly obliviate her afterwards to hide the evidence... but I am fear-mongering, so I'm not going to mention how unlikely it is.

"Why are you telling me this?" Juliet asks as she looks up at me with tearful eyes.

"Because I can protect you... for a price. I am the Heir of two powerful families, and one of the smartest people in my year. I can keep you safe, if you make it worth my while." I say with a calm stare.

"I... I don't have anything you would want?" she says, her mind turning.

I've noticed something about her, glancing into her mind, she's almost as smart as Hermione... which means she has potential I can't afford to ignore.

"You do, yourself. If you agree to serve me until I graduate, I will keep you safe from those who would harm you." I say calmly.

"I... why me?" Juliet asks, making my eyebrow raise. "Why help me?"

"Because I can see you have potential, and I would find it... less than acceptable to see it crushed by your sister's foes." I say, pulling out a piece of parchment and writing on it. "This is a magical contract, if you sign it you are agreeing to obey me in exchange for protection, it will end when I graduate Hogwarts, but by then I expect you will be talented enough to protect yourself." I say imbuing the parchment with demonic magic.

"You think... I'll be powerful?" Juliet asks as she takes the contract from me, staring at it with intense eyes.

"I do, you have great potential, Miss Granger, perhaps even more than your sister, I can help nurture that potential... but everything has a price." I say as she reads it.

I didn't even put in any secret clauses since I honestly do believe she is intelligent enough to find them. There is a clause to stop her from telling anyone about our deal, though.

"I... what would you have me do?" Juliet asks, showing far more intelligence than any eleven year old should.

"Whatever I want." I reply with a dark stare, making her gulp. If I was too nice, she'd be just as suspicious. I want to make myself the lesser evil.

"I-if... I sign this, you'll make me strong enough to look after myself?" Juliet asks hesitantly.

"I will." I promise, handing over the quill.

"Then... please take care of me." Juliet says, the quill touching the parchment as she hesitates before she signs her name.

Eleven year old girls aren't the best at impulse control.

"What happens now?" Juliet asks as I take the contract back and pull out my wand.

"I will ward your room to prevent any intruders first, and I have something for you." I say as I spend some time warding her room to withstand an assault.

Reaching into my expanded pocket inside my robe, I pull out a small tome and hand it over.

"Occlumency, a beginners primer?" she reads off.

"Occlumency allows the user to truly control and protect their minds, it is how I keep my emotions from showing on my face, and it even helps with memory and increases the speed of your thought process. You will study this, and learn to stop yourself from showing weakness. I will help you advance once you have read through the book and done the exercises. I can give you the tools to survive, and even excel here... but it is up to you to put them to use." I say making her brush away her tears, a look of determination on her face as she nods.

"I... I will. Thank you, Gra... Heir Raum-Black." Juliet says as I smile.

"Goodnight, Miss Granger." I say, giving her a kind smile and ruffling her hair, making her blush.

Leaving the room, I put my emotionless mask back on.

"Why the hell are you protecting Granger's sister?" Pansy asks with a scowl the moment I re-enter the common room, getting the attention of the students still hanging around. "I didn't know you liked them that young... poor Daphne."

"Miss Parkinson, how exactly did someone as short sighted as you end up in Slytherin? Truly, with your brashness, you are a Gryffindor at heart." I drawl, watching her face flush red as she reaches for her wand, Theodore stopping her with a pale face. "I suggest you remember... I have more reason than anyone to dislike Granger, and unlike you, I know the value of patience. Juliet Granger is under the protection of the House Raum, I expect you all know what that means?" I say looking around, catching a few scowls and glares.

More importantly, there are far more thoughtful faces.

All thinking the same thing, why would I protect Juliet when I dislike Hermione?

A few turn to smirks quickly as they assume this is a scheme to hurt Hermione far more than just a regular attack would, and that is what I wanted.

Heading back to my room, I ignore the whispers behind me and smile internally. Even if they tell Juliet what I said, I can use the excuse that I was lying to protect her... and who is she going to trust?

The people wanting to hurt her, or the man protecting her?

Taking some time to move all my clothes into the wardrobe, my books to the bookshelves and generally get my room set up how I like it (I am going to be in here for another year, after all, and I am a creature who enjoys my comforts), I smile to myself at how today has gone.

Considering my headache and tiredness, I don't think I have done badly at all.

I've laid the foundations to start turning the Healers, I've recruited a rising star (who can provide me with a way to work on the Golden Trio of Gryffindor), and I've raised my status in Slytherin by convincing them that I am a truly cunning Slytherin. I'll need to keep an eye on Lyra, but she's almost as impulsive and brash as Pansy, so her plans are unlikely to be that complicated... and I can probably point her at Rose and have her focus on her little rivalry instead of me.

Or I'll have Juliet accidentally tell Hermione that Lyra is bullying her, who will tell Rose, who will use it as an excuse to target Lyra even harder than usual, giving her bigger things to worry about than her jealousy of me.

Looking at my class schedule, I nod to myself. It's about what I expected.

Tomorrow I have a free period first thing, followed by Care of Magical Creatures, then Defence against the Dark Arts, Double Potions after lunch, then History of Magic, and finally I have Astronomy at Midnight.

I knew what I was getting into, taking so many electives.

I only have three free periods a week, every other time-slot taken by a class.

Hearing a knock on my door, I open it with a casual gesture. I need to give whoever is on the other side permission to enter before the wards let them in any way.

"I... Heir Raum-Black, can we speak?" Pansy says, fidgeting at the entryway to my room with a barely hidden scowl.

"Miss Parkinson, you may enter." I say, feeling the wards accept my command as she steps into the room, closing the door behind her.

Staying in my comfy seat, I stare at her with a blank face making her squirm slightly as she approaches.

"What can I do for you?" I ask as she comes to a halt, entering her mind with ease.

"Were you not listening? Grayson's the Heir of two of the strongest families around, it doesn't matter if he's weak when he could destroy both our families with a letter home. What the fuck where you thinking?" Theodore shouted after they were in private, a glare on his face.


"But what? Lady Yennefer Raum-Black has destroyed families more powerful than ours for minor slights, and she hates Death Eaters... which both our fathers are, and you've just given her reason to do so. Fix this, before Grayson writes home." Theodore ordered making her scowl, this was her betrothed? A quivering coward who folded at the first sight of conflict?

"How am I supposed to do that?" Pansy asked with a scowl.

"Go and apologise, beg for forgiveness, kiss his ass as much as you need to." Theodore said quickly making her snarl. "Look, do you want to lose your noble status? Because that's what happened to the last family to cross Yennefer Raum-Black, the lord died starving and homeless on the streets, do you want that? No, you don't. So go and fix this." Theodore said with a growl making her pale as she realised the danger. "I'm not going to have my family crushed by the fucking Black's because my father made the mistake of setting me up with a hot-headed idiot. Grayson's right, you are a Gryffindor."

"What... what if he doesn't forgive me? You know Morrigan can hold a grudge, and so can Keira and Damian." Pansy asked with a shaky voice, remembering the stories about what Morrigan did to those who pissed her off.

"Then drop to your knees and keep begging until he does, kiss his feet if you have too. If that doesn't work? You're decently attractive, and I've heard Daphne is as cold to him as she is everyone else..." Theodore's said suggestively making her eyes widen.

"You... are you suggesting that I..."

"Fuck him? No, our contract says you have to be a virgin when we marry, but if you have to suck his dick to fix this, do it. Frankly, I'd rather have a fiancée that's sucked the dick of every guy in Hogwarts than have my family be crushed because she couldn't keep her fucking mouth shut. You've been in Slytherin for three years now, you should know how the Hierarchy works by now, and we are low on the totem pole. Grayson just moved up near the top, and you just picked a fight with him."

Ahh, Theodore. I always thought he was a smart one.

"H-heir Raum-Black, I apologise for my thoughtless words before, I did not think my words through properly." Pansy says shakily as I stare at her.

"You rarely do, it's mildly amusing how polite you have become now that I have a shiny ring on my finger." I point out making her blanch. "It's a sign of poor upbringing, but what can you expect from a family as small and irrelevant as the Parkinsons?"

What, you thought I forget you being a bitch for three years?

She was right about one thing... I can absolutely hold a grudge.

Mother told me something once... be careful who you cross, you never know how dangerous they truly are... or when they are going to hold your life in their hands.

- Bonus Scene – Loyalty –

"Have you heard? The Raum Circle has become active again, you know what that means?"

Walking through the street of the neutral plane of Hell, he paused mid step as his ears twitched, his eyes glancing towards the bar where a pair of lesser demons were gossiping.

"That there's a Raum again... but I thought all the Raum Demons were slain?"

Continuing walking, his mind raced as he changed his destination. He needed to confirm this for himself.

The Raum circle had lain inactive since the death of the Great Earl Raum, all his children and family wiped out before the Demon Lord himself fell to his enemies.

And yet... staring up at the Demonic Monument with the sigils of every demon lord carved into it, he stared at the now glowing Raum circle with confused eyes.

It would only glow if there was a Demon with Raum blood alive, but Raum's enemies had hunted his kin down to the last.

It had taken an alliance of three demon lords to defeat Raum, splitting Raum's wealth, treasures, forces and Realm between them... and they would not be eager to return their spoils of war.

The new Lord Raum, though a Lord without an army or Realm to call his own, was entering a world where he was frankly unwelcome. He would have countless enemies, those who had been wronged by her predecessor, willing to pass the sins of the ancestor down, the vultures who would want him dead to keep their hold on their stolen goods, picked from Raum's corpse... and the countless opportunists who would want him dead simply so they could boast killing a demon lord. And that was in Hell alone.

As for allies? Raum had a few, but alliances were brittle amongst demons. Raum's forces have long since been taken by the victors who slew him, his generals all served new lords now... and they would be watched carefully by the paranoid lords when they realised the circle was active again. His inheritance was stolen and spread throughout Hell, Raum's Realm looted bare.

There were a small few who were loyal to Lord Raum and had avoided being forced into another's forces in the millennium since Raum's death, himself included.

...he served Lord Raum obediently for thousands of years, but Lord Raum was dead. He had been a free demon for a very long time, in truth, he could have become a Demon Lord himself at any time since his master's death, but he didn't have such an ambition.

The new Raum was almost certainly much weaker and less experienced than his predecessor... and as loyal as he was, he was still a demon. A demon of pride at that.

He had a lot to consider, but first... he needed to find his 'new Lord'.

With a frown, Sebastian set off to track down the new Lord Raum. If he was worthy, he would consider swearing his fealty once more, after all... he was simply one Hell of a butler.

Authors Note: Lucifer is like Ophis, is Kuro had absolutely no way of controlling Ophis and she was far smarter. He's ridiculously strong and he'll simply do whatever the Hell he wants. 

And when the devil decides you are drinking with him, you don't really get to say no.

Someone asked if I had a pat reon, so I made one, check it out, or don't. I won't be posting anything on there that I don't post here

www. Pat reon .com/user?u=13212571 

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