

[ON A BREAK] "He may have forgotten her, but who said, love didn't remember?" When the Lormeians, the people blessed with powers, and the Mortales, the regular people, finally find truce after a long-fought war, the order is disrupted when a rebellious group of exiles, determined to take down, both groups, and rule Laverne on their own, avenge them in a war. In this chaos, will two souls ever find peace? "She had learned to survive so many times, that she had forgotten to live." Rosabella Agapov, the girl that could erase memories, is chosen to rule the Lormeians after the mysterious death of their previous king. With no connection to the royal world, she is thrown into a society that looks down at her, right from the beginning. What happens when this war is the only chance for her to prove herself worthy of being the queen? Will she choose her people? Or falter at the sight of her supposed-to-be mortal enemy, her first love? "He had fought so many battles within himself that his soul had no blood left to bleed." Hale Underwood, the heir to the forgotten Morale kingdom is chosen as the King after the separation. After years of being brainwashed that the Lormeians were his sworn enemies, he is forced to work with Rosabella to save his kingdom. But what happens when flashbacks of a girl he doesn't know haunt him late at night? Will he overcome his hatred and work with the one person who can save his kingdom? Or will he get consumed by his own darkness? "This hate of ours is making my heart beat a little too fast, my mouth dry up a little too much and my head swoon too quick. Is this what they mean, when they say, there is a thin line between hate and love?" Amidst exchanging curses and scowls at each other, will they end up exchanging their hearts? Read the book and find out what happens when sworn enemies taste love.

Dvanzy6 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs



I would have identified it anywhere else.

A Lormeian guard dressed in deep red was holding a man in his early thirties captive.

The guard's rugged face could easily scare away a common man.

"P- Please let me go! I accidentally fell! I wasn't trespassing."

My legs wouldn't stop as I jogged up to the two men.

Gabriel fell on the ground as the guard pushed the gun deeper onto his neck.

I hid behind the large trunk of the tree, waiting for the right time to pounce.


I hadn't seen him in years.

He was my older cousin, but more than that he was my childhood best friend.

His face had morphed a lot since the last time we met.

Despite that he still looked familiar.

His dark black hair, that were very similar to the dark hair that ran in my father's family were messed up from being repeatedly injured by the guard.

From what he had managed to utter, I could easily piece it together.

He must have fell into the river. His black clothes were completely drenched in water. Thankfully his hair looked close to drying up.

"I do not think you are speaking the truth, you rascal! You deserve to not live but be hanged in the Lormeian castle! Our Queen will be the one to decide your fate, but it will sure be a fatally sad one."

Gabe sighed and looked away.

The scene would have been almost comical if it wasn't for my cousin being the one at the doorstep of death.

I decided to jump in the moment the guard would turn to take Gabe to the castle.

My sword was almost ready, as my heart pounded a little. The last half of the whiskey would have been the cause for this, or maybe it was just my fear.

"Hey! Hey, you? Who is this fool hiding behind the tree trunk?"



"I will be staying at my chamber in the palace tonight, okay? Just ask for me if you need anything."

I nodded my head, knowing very well that I was not going to be asking for him.

All that he had done today was just more than enough. "Are you sure you are alright? You can stay here tonight."

I shook my head while gathering my dress in one hand, so I could leave the car.

"Thank you, once again, for letting me stay at your place today.|

His eyes crinkled as he smiled at me.


I left the car alone, after rejecting his constant offers to drop me off.

They were already going to be talking about Colin's death, and my direct absence after the discovery of his body.

I didn't want them to talk about anything between Edward and I.

To think of it, there was nothing between Edward and I.

He had fulfilled his duty as soon-to-be councilman, and I was just leaning on a part of my council.

Nothing else happened today.

He had made it pretty clear by removing all the chances of any romance between us when I was at his apartment.

If it were any other man, he would have gladly taken this opportunity.

To have me when I was this vulnerable.

Not because I was pretty, and desirable.

But because I was the queen.

Maybe, solely because of my power.

I didn't want to think much of this evening. I tried to convince myself to block almost any thought that would cross my mind.

I couldn't afford to think of Colin's death, or Hale's involvement in all this.

From what i had seen, he almost seemed instrumental for all of this, but my silly heart needed a break for today.

There will come a day where I will see Hale as the villain in my story.

And maybe it will come very soon.

But today was not the day.

Because I desperately needed a break.

I had already reached my chamber, but I didn't realize I was standing right outside.

I knew I had to walk in, before anyone saw that I was still outside and came up to me.

I almost flinched at the thought of Colin in my room, but shook my head.

This was alright.

He had found peace.

Maybe that was all I could tell myself, so that I could find my peace.

Colin had found his peace.

Colin had found his peace

Colin had found his peace

I inhaled deeply and entered the room.

Right near the bed was Mia. Looking at me in the most apologetic way she could.

I could see the sympathy in her eyes.

I knew I should have been strong in front of my people.

Especially in front of my people.

But there was something about Mia, and her motherly presence, that I just came undone.

She ran up to me and wrapped her arms around me, as I just broke.

"Mi- Mia."

"Shh, it's alright, my dear. It's alright."

She gently rand her hands down my back to comfort me. Her warm hug reminded me of that of my own mother.

If only I could still have had her right now.

"I- I am s- so sorry, Mia. I s- should have checked up on a- all of you."

She shook her head and wrapped her arms even tighter. Her warm embrace was the most comfortable I had been today.

After a minute or two of being like that, we parted.

She wiped away my tears and went to fetch me some chamomile tea.

It had always helped in my calming my nerves down, usually.

I just hope it helped today too.

I remained calm inside the room until she was there. But once she left to get the tea, my fear went haywire.

So did my guilt and panic.

I still don't know the whereabouts of Delilah and Lara, but all I could hope for was there complete safety.

I really felt selfish.

I should have come and checked up on them.

Before holding any court, they should have been my first priority, and I failed.

I tried not to look at the exact spot where I found Colin today morning. It was the only way I could keep myself from having another panic attack.

However, I couldn't help but find my way back to it.

I heard a knock on the door to my chamber and I almost fell out of the bed in fear.

Mia walked in, with a warm cup of tea in her hand. The steam from it was still visible.

Its aroma covered the entire room.

I breathed into it deeply, hoping to find my peace.

"Her you go, your Majesty."

I nodded and accepted the cup of beverage.

I sipped on it, as Mia sat on the edge of the bed.

"How are they?"

"Do not fret, Your Highness. Both have just gone to visit their family for a day or two. They will be back by the time of the annual ball."

I exhaled in relief, thanking Daeg desperately for keeping them safe.

She stayed there for another few minutes, but from the bags under her eyes, it was clear how exhausted she was.

"Alright then, Mia. I think I will be resting. You should too."

She nodded and helped me settle into my bed.

After convincing her I was alright, a countless times, she left for her quarters.

I had a big day tomorrow. I knew I would be just done by the end of tomorrow, and I knew I need to rest.

The ball was the day after tomorrow.

There were arrangements yet to be made and verified.

I was almost regretting taking up the responsibility to become the head of the planning committee.

On top of the funeral was tomorrow too.

I wasn't even sure whether I would be able to make an appearance at the funeral without making a scene.

I release a shaky breath and closed my eyes.

I was the queen.

I tried to remind myself.

I was the queen, and all of these were my responsibilities.

I couldn't back down from them when I was dying.

I can't back down from them now.

I forced myself to fall asleep, and find some rest, but my eyes just wouldn't stay shut.

I kept opening them, and glancing at the door.

Hoping for someone to enter but at the same time hoping to be left alone.

I had always felt safe in my chamber. It was the one place I knew I could be the young Lormeian girl that lived alone for six years.

But right now, looking at that spot, I was only reminded again and again that I wasn't that young Lormeian girl who had to fetch for herself.

I was the Lormiean Queen. Many lives were killed for mine to continue and many will continue to be killed too.

Along with that, I was responsible for lives other than my own, and maybe that was what scared the living shit out of me.

Why couldn't I sleep?

I tried to count backwards, just so that I would catch a wink of rest.

"Hundred, Ninety- Nine, Ninety- eight, Ninety seven, Ninety six, Ninety five, Ninety four, Nighty three, Nighty fucking shit, I can not sleep."

My eyes just wouldn't let me.

I shook my head and got up. Maybe a few minutes of staying awake would help me realize just how exhausted I was and I could fall asleep. But I couldn't.

It only made me ponder more and ended up giving rise to an even deep-rooted panic within me.

I got out of the bed, knowing that every fibre in me was against it.

I began walking towards the wing closest to mine.

All the councilmen lived there. Many, with their families.

I thought to myself, that maybe I could depend a little on others.

I knew it was just a way to convince myself for the present moment and then repent and pay the price in a very near future.

But I didn't want to think of any future, because now, I wasn't even sure if I was going to have one.

If I find one shred of an evidence that Hale was behind all of this, at the ball, even though I almost a hundred percent sure that he was, I was not stopping with a warning.

A life for a life.

That was how it worked.

And that was exactly how I was going to be working.

Once I reached Edward's chamber, I contemplated whether I should know or not.

Well, I was here already, wasn't I?

I could just, do it.

I needed sleep. I would get it here.

I slowly neared the door, and raised my hand to know carefully.

Regret was filling every nerve in my body, but I just didn't care.

Fuck, I was doing this.

Alright then, I closed my eyes, and counted.

One, my hand moved closer.

Two, it was almost there.

I would knock at three.


"Your Ma- Rosabella? Are you okay? Is everything alright?"

The door was yanked open and there stood a very bare Edward.

Hey Guys!

It's your author here! I have some news, so please, brace yourselves.

Alright, that was slightly unnecessary.

Hehe, but you know me. Ever the dramatic.

So, as I was saying, OUR BOOK GOT CONTRACTED! I had been updating irregularly for this very reason. I was occupied with the contracting process but I didn't want to reveal it to you all, as I wanted to keep it a surprise. Plus, my mental health was, and still is not the best. Writing for you guys always helps me.

Secondly, I have my mocks this month, and I am really really busy preparing for these exams as they are very important for my final grade. So, this month, I shall be updating 1-2 chapters per week. But from November, hopefully, you will be getting daily updates.

I am so, very thankful to have such supportive readers. A special thanks to Jennifer_Goliah for checking up on me. It's really difficult to manage everything at a time, but I really love writing this book, and reading all of your comments. They motivate me so much.

Thank you all, and I hope you continue to bear with me for this month.

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