
A Song of Fire and Steel (Avatar the Last Airbender / GOT fanfic)

In the year 94 AG, General Iroh, Crown Prince of the Fire Nation set out on his campaign to sack the Capital of the Earth Kingdom. However this mission turned out to be ill-fated as the great Prince, his son and future heir, along with his Warships carrying the army and crewmen got caught within the clutches of a monstrous storm while at sea; only to appear atop the seas in a world of Ice and Fire with a decimated fleet. Confused, injured and weary, the remnants of the Fire Nation fleet must navigate their perilous circumstances and adapt. Will they survive what is to come? [Thrice Weekly Updates.]

Wangfire · TV
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35 Chs

New Frontier

He massaged his cramped hand, leaned back into his seat and looked the scroll before him. It was a draft for a new military operation.

With the discovery of hostile forces hiding in the mountains and forests, the security of the base was at risk. There was no way he would allow his people to be ravaged by wild men from the hills.

These individuals are to be rooted out at all costs!

'Haaah.' Iroh sighed and blew fire into his palms to warm up.

Further exploratory expeditions inland will be heavily impeded with the presence of these mountain men. It would be an uphill battle to root them out using regular Fire Nation tactics.

His troops didn't know the land, they were too few, there wasn't enough war supplies for a full mobilization and worst of all; the firebending forces were all significantly weaker in this new world and climate.

The mountain savages held field advantage, they were larger and according to the physicians, consuming powerful drugs to augment their already powerful physiques.

No, they couldn't fight these individuals like soldiers on a battlefield or they would lose. Instead, the troops needed to fight using anti-guerilla warfare tactics developed by the late General Bai Luo to root out Earth Kingdom forces from the more mountainous regions of the country.

Iroh made several adjustments to tailor the stratagem for this particular situation. They were not in the sweltering hills of the Jai Cao mountain range, fighting Earthbending mountain bandits.

For this situation he would need to create a new regiment of soldiers, they would range beyond the base and any fortifications established in the future. They would be vital in gathering information on the movements of natives, their potential attacks, and would be the frontline offensive on this new frontier.

These ranging campaigns would be carried out along side the Exploratory Expeditions. It will no doubt be dangerous, however for the campaign to work, exploration and charting of the surrounding lands were vital.

It was imperative that information was gathered about this new land. Unfortunately interrogation efforts of the native people have been slow and tedious even after more than a month of occupation. The people seemed to have a great amount of fear for them.

He couldn't tell if it was the difference in his people's physical features, their technology or their Firebending ability that frightened them so. In a way it could be all three.

Hence it was up to them navigate the hostile land. This was a new world after all, who knew what was out there to be found?

Not just that, there was also the need for securing water sources, finding land to farm, fuel sources, animals and crops to domesticate. Preliminary geological survey reports told his researchers that the island seemed to be volcanic in origin.

If that was the case then, it was likely they would be able harness the geothermal power of the island or construct buildings around hot springs. He had no idea how long they would be trapped in this world or if they could even go back.

Iroh stamped the paper and signaled the royal attendant to collect the lengthy scroll. Carefully and skillfully, the attendant collected the scroll sealed with his red, royal sigil. Not that of a general but a member of the royal household.

In the current times what his people needed now was leadership of the royal family. He eyed the stack of scrolls to his left. He'd spent most of his day reading reports, writing up orders and approving requests.

'It's about time for a tea break.' He stretched.

However as soon as he was about to order his attendants to gather the materials his head attendant entered his tent and bowed. "Your highness, it's time for your meeting."

"What!?" He looked at the elegant mechanical clock to his right and noticed it was time indeed.

"Ah.... It seems so indeed."

At the same time, another attendant walked in and announced the arrival of his subordinates.

"Tell them to wait a moment." He said to the woman who bowed and walked out.

"Attendant Lou, I'll be taking a short latrine break, in that time, prepare the meeting space and gather my tea equipment, it seems I'll be serving my subordinates some tea." Iroh nodded to his faithful old friend who bowed and retreated.

With that settled, he got to his feet and left via a rear exit to relieve his bladder. By the time his subordinates entered, he was already enjoying his cup of lade tea.

The assembled men and women saluted and took their places below the raised platform where he sat as royal decorum dictated.

"It's good to see everyone here. Let's enjoy some tea while we have this meeting." He said as attendant began laying out trays of tea before the assembled group.

He felt no small amount of pride as he saw quite a few bobbing adam's apples in anticipation as the fragrance of his tea diffused inside the tent.

If he didn't have the weight and responsibility of his whole nation upon his shoulders, he would have considered opening a tea shop...


Aoza Lee adgusted his clothing and fixed his glasses to his face. Many other colleges passed him in the shared space. He already had breakfast and now it was time to get to work.

Never had he thought he would end up in another world when he set sail upon the crimson tide a month ago. Though the event could be regarded as fantastical it was equally terrifying and crushing.

It was only the public and official speech of the Crowned Prince that held the population's moral intact and reminded them that those with the blood of the Fire Islands stood up to adversity and struggles.

He wondered about his family and their circumatsnces. He was from a poor background and long dreamed of being an official of the Fire Nation court. Though he had naught the funds to persue the profession. Instead he entered the Fire army to gain military benifts.

It was a sure fire plan, the state provided free university education to military officers. He entered the army as an infantryman and pursued his degree in political science. Though he majored in politics, he did a minor in language.

This was how he ended up here: 'Temporarily discharged from his position as a infantryman until further notice.' Now charged with making sense of the 'bar bar' language of the savage natives.

"Ready for another day lee?" The soft voice of his collague rung in his ears.

She chuckled as he turned to her with a grimace.

"Others complain about the appearance of the natives or their clothing, but to me it's the smell that bothers me most." He said while looking at her.

"Uhg don't remind me! I'm not even near the internment zone and I can smell the stench!" They both laughed at that.

He was enamoured by her pitch black hair and small smile. Formerly Private Uzime, was in a similar situation to himself. She too came from a poor background as well and joined the military to elevate her status as citizen born of the colonies.

Unlike himself, she was a bender and one of the few female officers who went out to war in the current era.

"I wonder why they don't like washing though. I've heard of some Earth kingdom people not washing but that's a rumour as you've said. But why do these people have to play into styreotypes of savages not washing?" He pulled his clothes closer to avoid the bitting cold.

She placed a finger to her chin in thought. "Well it think it has to do with their technological and physical limitations."

"While mainlanders like you don't experience much cold on the Fire islands, in many northern earth kingdom territories, there are long, bitter winters.

As a result, the culture of Earth Kingdom peasants is to shy away from bathing due to the many ancient folk tales of winter plagues and people dying if they drank or bathed in cold times as Earth kingdom citizens could'nt heat their water as readily as they can now with technology. Let's not even get into the absence of political centralization.

Medical knowledge was also lacking as well." It was times such as these he rememberd she was a history major.

"It'll take a while to remove their fear of us much less their fear of water." He spoke up.

"You're lucky. You're with the observation team. I actually have to get close to them." He continued as they navigated the rough walkways of the settlement.

She giggled sweetly and looked at him playfully. He could feel his cheeks burning despite the cold, he always admired her black eyes. It was unique among most people of the mainland who had amber, tawny or golden eyes.

"Speaking of.... How goes the linguistic progress?" She asked.

"W-well.. uh... my method is working out a little bit. I'm working with some of the children and trying to identify basic nouns. It's going to be a pain to make common ground with more abstract things though..." He quickly gathering himself.

"Well then keep at it! Let's meet at lunch!" she said as they reached the internment area and needed to head to their respective districts.

"Yeah, lunch..." He waved her direction and smiled.

Aoza didn't know how long he stood there, it took an icy draft carrying the stench of unwashed bodies to his face to break him out of his stupor.
