
A Soldiers Life

For all the glory and recognition I wanted, for all the training I did to make it happen, and for the war it took for it to be achieved. It did not help me prepare for what is to happen. "Where the hell am I?" PS. English is not my main language. Hopefully you wont have stroke reading the fic.

Zaylent · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Authors Note (Must Read)

Hello, Zay here. I wrote this fic to pass time this summer, cause why not? Also I am a new author and I'm still developing my writing style so bare with me. This will be the first fic I'll write. The first few chapters start at Vietnam, means the fic is worldhopping.

The MC of this fic will be your average murder hobo but not the cultivation murder hobo, he'll spare some, hopefully. Also he may or may not be racist..... yeah, he'll be racist, sometimes.

Furthermore, the story will not always be historically or canon accurate more so in timelines(I suck at that kinds of thing), so don't expect it to be that way. Their will be real people that will be written in this fic.

The canon characters personality may differ to their original personality but I'll try to not deviate them too much.

Constructive criticism are much more welcome. Who knows they'll help me improve my writing style. Just please try not to destroy my psyche to write.

There are one Chappies each day, all week, except sunday.

And lastly, their will be harem. But its not the catch em all poke shit and whatnot, their will be relationship development for it to happen.

That's all, Thank you.