


Theo's POV.

/"And you're just telling me this, seriously Derek?

You bring me to a bar to drink with you, so you could tell me how infected I am

and how haula is, when we could be planning our next plan on Vladimir./" I yell

not caring if people are starting to stare at us.

I don't know why I'm yelling, maybe because all this is too much for me to take

in, or because I'm mad at myself for doing this to haula and pouring the blame

on Derek.

/"Chill out dude, did you really think I'll bring you out here to tell you these

things, if we didn't have things covered. Lisa insisted I bring you out here

because she thought it would be better to tell you in a place where you don't

have to feel more unease.

She wanted you to not feel too burdened, she asked me to take care of you,

calming you down because man, this is too much and I know it with everything