


Haula's POV.

Its been three weeks since Theo had left and I haven't heard anything from him.

Nott even a call, text or something just nothing.

I wonder what he's doing over there, while I'm here crying myself to sleep at

night just by the fact that I fell too hard and fast for someone I knew for only

three weeks.

I had been brooding lately but I always hide it whenever my mom or Margret are

around. My mom even asked about him and I told her he is fine but we haven't

talked in a while, I couldn't bring myself to tell her about the fact that I

haven't heard anything from him since he left.

I'm such an idiot to actually think that this... This thing I and Theo had was

going to work, how could it?. The guy is a type of guy who would have girls

begging at his feet just to have a chance with him and when he approached me I