
Chapter 67

Four people, covered head-to-toe in protective wear, work silently. The work wasn't hard but it was best completed quickly so as to not disturb the habitat. An occasional release of smoke aided in the task. It didn't take long to acquire the raw materials nor to extract what they are really after, they had become practiced hands by this point.

The three Aburame and the foul mouth Uzumaki don't remove their protective wear until they are clear from the Apiary. Shino had long toyed with housing a hive, having a teammate that could grow plant life regardless of the season was an incredible boon to the endeavor. The apiary hadn't grown so large that Shino could start producing honey for commercial uses, it was little more than a hobby but one he got to share with Tayuya.

It may have surprised many that she took to caring for the bees but Shino knew it was because they didn't know her, only seeing the vulgar way she expressed herself. Even ninja trained to see beyond the surface level often failed to do so, just like with his clan and his Jinchuuriki teammate. It was perplexing as Shino didn't understand how you turned off critical thinking skills. How could you be selectively ignorant? It was a maddening conundrum.

"The hive seemed agitated today, son. You should reassess your safeguards to make sure no threats can infiltrate," Shibi relayed. Shino nodded in affirmation. "And Tayuya?"


"We're having a trivia night again, will you be joining Shino?"

"I don't know, will you fucking cheat again?" Tayuya asked. Shino could see the amusement on his father's face even if no one outside of the clan would ever be able to tell.


"Fine. I'll raid Stump's liquor cabinet."

"More sake from Mt. Myoboku would be nice," Eri said.

"I'll see, that shitty pervert Jiraiya likes to hoard it when no one's looking."

"Either way, we look forward to your presence. We will depart for now." Shino's parents head to their dwellings while Tayuya and he head back to the Uzumaki Manor.

"I'm going to figure out how he cheats."

"I believe, for my father, that is half the fun."

"Uh huh. And what's the other half?"

"The alcohol," Shino observed dryly.

"Yea, you Aburame can really put it away. You guys should let people know how fun you all are."

"Many avoid us for whatever reason, if they cannot bother then we see no reason to change that. It makes the special few we get close to all the more valuable." Tayuya rolled her eyes but Shino focused more on the small smile she wore.

"You on duty today?"

"No," Shino answered.

"You trying to fuck?"

"I am now."

"Cool," Tayuya said and then disappeared in a shunshin with Shino following behind.


Gaara's eyes danced across the page, the language flowery but easily grasped by the Kazekage. Iwa wanted a treaty with Konoha, and only Konoha. It was an agreement of mutual protection and an end to all hostilities between the two powers. It mentioned nothing of Suna and Gaara didn't have to think long about the potential consequences. Border skirmishes or a coincidental uptick in the number of missions that saw Iwa and Suna ninja standing in opposition. It would only take the wrong, or from Onoki's perspective, right incident to trigger a larger conflict.

If Onoki declared war on Suna, Konoha could side with Suna or with Iwa, who was also allied with Kumo. Whatever the just decision was, the smart decision would be to either sit it out or side with Iwa. It would make sense in the short term but would leave Konoha outnumbered when the other two villages turned on them.

Another alternative was for Gaara to put his people on high alert and watch as Iwa slowly chipped away at them, while the prolonged period of alertness burned out his ninja and left them in a vulnerable position. There were likely more options but not for one second did Gaara believe Onoki sincerely wanted peace.

Once finished, he put the treat request down and looked at Tsunade, "What will you do?"

"Exactly what Onoki wants. This was meant to either forestall a preemptive measure on our end or box us in while they readied themselves."

"I agree."

"But Onoki is too clever by half, that's his fatal flaw and I say we exploit it," Tsunade offered.

"How do you recommend we accomplish that?"

"Well, for one, I think it's time Konoha and Suna took their alliance to a new level. Maybe start conducting joint missions in Wind Country?" she asked with a sly grin.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Hokage-dono."

"Well, thank you, Kazekage-dono. Next, I suggest we add Kiri to our alliance."

Gaara contemplated the move. It would mean all five of Hidden Villages would be connected in some form or fashion. That could cool down tensions or push them over the edge entirely. He stared out of the window, the sunny skies of Konoha so different from those of Suna. He wondered what his father would do, what he hoped for in his quiet moments. He'd taken on Suna's harsh climate and made it his personality, believing strength came from it but there had to be more.

He hated Rasa, though his time ruling over the village helped him understand his father more he couldn't forgive the man for his choices. He could have done better. There were real constraints but nothing made the former Kazekage terrorize his own son. Suna was strong now but not because they improved battle effectiveness, not because they invented some new weapon but through cooperation. War was stagnating.

"I agree but it is risky. If Onoki and Darui are set on attacking us, this may only increase their resolve and plan accordingly.'

Tsunade nodded at the point, it was a risk but outside of calling Onoki's bluff they were short on options. The two were deliberate in crafting their proposals, hoping to entice Kiri. Once finished, Gaara departed as he'd be leaving for Suna before nightfall. Now, Tsunade needed the cooperation from the heads of the Uzumaki Clan. Some ingenuity with her and Jiraiya's summons and she was in contact with the newlyweds in short order, though she could hear the annoyance in Orochi's voice.

"One day, Tsunade. Not even a full day."

"I know, I know but this is important. I need you to travel to Kiri, if we can establish an alliance with them it might make Onoki want to hold to his agreement."

"Then we should go to Iwa and kidnap his granddaughter or just kill the old fool. All of which could happen after our allotted time off," Orochi argued.

"Then you'd damn us to war."

"We are already damned to war, at least this way it is on our terms."

Tsunade could only sigh. Orochi wasn't wrong but the last of the Senju had to take the long view. Even if everyone assumed Onoki was lying, if she acted first then it would be a pretense for no village to ever believe Konoha truly wants peace. She'd cut off each future Hokage at the knees. It was a risk. The logic of the world stated she should simply ready her ninja and storm Iwa or Kumo. Konoha held the advantage, even without Suna's aid. But it would end the Will of Fire for generations and Konoha would be just another ninja village.

"I need you to do this for me, even if you don't agree."

"Fine but we will speak more about this upon my return," Orochi promised.

"I'm sure we will, now put Naruto on as he has a part in this he probably won't like."

"If it's about their swords, they can have them. All but the Kiba blades. I keep those."

That surprised Tsunade, a fact she didn't hide. "How'd you know, why are you ok with it and why keep the Kiba blades?"

"How'd I know? I'm smart." Tsunade and Jiraiya both rolled their eyes. "Why I don't care to give them up is simple, all those swords are gimmicky bullshit no real swordsman needs. They'll get a few promising ninja killed trying to master them. As for why I'm keeping the Kiba I have two reasons. First, because fuck Kaiga. Secondly, Kiri was involved in the sacking of Uzushio so this is reparations which is way less than I could demand and extract."

"That's fine. You two can leave early tomorrow." With nothing left to be said, Katsuyu dispelled in both locations. Tsunade resolved to do something special for the couple for ruining their honeymoon. Unbeknownst to Tsunade, her oldest friend had no intention of waiting to be made whole, planning to take matters into her own capable hands. Naruto sensed the mood had shifted even before she began to speak.

"Five days. That is what I was promised. Five days alone with you," she said, body rigid. Naruto approached her, taking her into his arms.

"I know, I'm disappointed too."

"Well, someone has to pay for this," Orochi said, her hands out of view, Naruto couldn't tell she'd been holding something since he approached her. Naruto couldn't respond before he felt the needle in his neck, the pen injector going into effect and everything going black.

Sometime later, Naruto awoke. He had no sense for how long he'd been out and everything still felt really fuzzy. Even with his impaired senses he knew a few things; he was naked, his wrists were bound and lastly, he was sporting a major hard o-

"Kukuku, it seems I timed that just right," Naruto heard. He tried to get up but the bindings on his wrists responded equally to any force he exerted. It was impressive seal work. Another revelation occurred when Orochi climbed on top of him, his body extremely sensitive to touch.

"What's all this about, Orochi-chan?" Naruto asked, her face just a breath from his.

"Oh, just a little something I'd created in case you'd been in need of convincing regarding the viability of our relationship."

"I've proven I don't."

"Ah, you have but my concoction has other uses," she stated. It was taking all the control she had not to simply indulge. Her maelstrom was under her complete control. She gently rubbed his whiskered cheeks as he leaned into her. "You may recall when you revealed your ability with the sub-elements I stated if you were older I'd have taken you right there until you begged for mercy twice."

"I remember."

"Then you may also remember you confidently stating you'd never begged for anything a day in your life. I seek to test your resolve."

"You're being very bad right now, Orochi-chan." Naruto was answered with a kiss, the sensation almost overwhelming and intoxicating. He writhed against his restraint but to no avail. He longed for further contact when Orochi broke away.

"Hmm, and I'm sure punishment is forthcoming so I might as well enjoy myself," she said with a predatory grin.