
A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal

Once upon a time, there was happy loving family just like other. They used to have fight very often but atlas they cared and loved each other.Just like a normal day, a girl named Alina, loved her grandfather and her grandfather did her so. She used to care for him and her grand father also loved her a lot, she fought her parents so that Alina could get whatever she wants (demands)

So one day Alina with her parents and Grand father went to a mall and everything was going to good.

When they came out of the mall, it had became pretty cold and her grandfather was suffering and Asthama and was not feeling good. However,they reached home but after some day her grandfather went ill and his condition continued to be worser!

He got admitted in a hospital and his treatment was going on. Alina was sad and when there was a kind of negative energy among her parent, she understood something is wrong and she knew what it was! She had a strong and unshaken believe in God and they used to pray daily for her grandfather. Things start becoming worser and worser, her mother fell into depression and doctors were not able to do anything!

One day, his father came from Dubai, she thought it was a surprise but later at the door she heard a crying noise between her parents....

She didn't understand what happened and When she understood, she didn't wanted to hear!

Her mother said while crying "Daddy is no more!" She was lost and can't imagine what just happened. Her grandfather had died!

She loved her grandfather so much that he thought that her grandfather would never leave him and her grand father at the age of 70's pretends to be like of 30's. For her everything was gone in a minute....

Everything and the most important thing that faith and unshaken believe in God! Everything was destroyed in her life, she got broke! But still her life was going on.... She may have a weak believe in God or would have become Atheist but she still prayer for her grandfather....

Sometimes, somethings are not under control in our hands.

We should remember that whoever have came to Earth will go one day. Whether be rich or poor,King or beggar! We should be mentally prepared for Everything in life.

Alina thought that her grandfather will never die and will never age and will stay with her forever.

She thought he was immortal!

We should live every second of our life because we will never get that time back! Be happy in whatever situation you are in... Love and care for people who are always with you specially the old people...!

That's how Alina's slumber did her spirit seal!

~Syed Ali Abbas Rizvi

Live ever second of your like. Love and care for people who are always with you and never be in a stupid understanding like Alina!

Be prepared for everything and be strong!

That was my own life story in a very short way and changed a little bit....

Btw I am a guy....

I hope you guys would love it!

Ali9304creators' thoughts