
A Silence in the Dark

A story of a 23 years old girl discovering some truths that were always hidden from us...She will discover many things in her journey of life...she will also find a true love in her journey...

Miah0 · Ação
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2 Chs


It is a very beautiful morning. The people of Hamburg (Germany) were all over the place with joy, as if they did not know about any sorrow, when suddenly there was a very loud noise and people started running in all directions.There was chaos in the whole city.Suddenly, It is reported in the news that a bomb has exploded in a very famous building in Germany.(At news)The reporters just reported that "due to the blast the building collapsed and hit another building causing the death of approximately 227 of people , And the rest of the 57 of people are fighting life and death in the hospital..."

A girl (23 years old) named Nancy lives in another City named Berlin (Germany), she was chilling in the house watching television and mobile while eating popcorn, she was on leave that day because she was not feeling very well, she just sat on the couch pick up the television remote and switch the channel, she certainly stopped news channel where the news about Hamburg's incident was coming. She was so shocked and said:"how can someone be so Cruel why they don't care about people's life? Aren't precious!!"... Then she closed the television and picked her phone and called her best friend she said: "have you seen the news about Hamburg's incident??do you think it is the same one that occur in our city five years ago..." her best friend reply that :"Are you okay??? Because how can the incident of past can be related to this one you better go to a doctor for checkup..." then Nancy's best friend ended the call, but Nancy kept saying believe me until she realized that the call was hanged up already. Nancy say's,"why no one is ready to understand my words. After all, someone has to listen me. How long will people continue to ignore what others say?"

(Ting tin) when Nancy was all about this a message comes from Dorothy on her mobile saying that tomorrow is my birthday party, and you have to come anyway. Nancy says, "ok and tell me the place." Dorothy's reply says that ,"party is at my house at 6 o'clock in the evening and don't miss the party otherwise you know the consequences we will talk later I have to go bye-bye" (Nancy puts pack her phone on the study table).... Affffffff tensions are on my head at the same time to the office tomorrow and its double shift I will have to take evening leave now… I just hope to get leave said Nancy.

(At 02:00 pm, next day at lunchtime going to the office of general manager to get evening leave for her friend's birthday party)

Knock!! Knock!! Sir may I come in? "Yes, you can!" said the General Manager. Nancy said,"Sir I need to leave for my friend's birthday party, may you approve my leave".

(after hearing Manager reply Nancy got shocked...)

It's my first time writing a novel...I just want to share my thoughts with you starting can be a bit slow but as you go with flow it will be amazing experience to read it...Nancy is the main character of the story . It's her life experiences of what she has been through . A silence in the dark...is also a novel about people's thought...


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