
A Short Hair Girl Will Not Lose In Romance?

Being part of the "Kami" family means you are a genius . Although Shiriku Kami, is not like his siblings, his siblings are geniuses that doesn't really work hard to be called geniuses in school . Now that Shiriku is finally in Highschool, he's gonna be enrolled in the School where his siblings made the "Kami" Family name famous from being geniuses . This idea would take a toll on Shiriku as he struggles to keep up and not embarrassed his family name on that school . While unexpected romantics shenanigans happened to befall onto him, which hinders him to fully focus on what he should choose.

Rikushin · Realista
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91 Chs

"Leadership Showdown: Fuyumi vs. Shiriku"

As they settled around the cafeteria table, Sachi's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Hey Riku, guess what?" Curious, Shiruku responded, "What?" wearing a questionable expression.

"Tomorrow we will be having our election for the class officers in our classroom, and I think you should run for president," Sachi suggested, her face beaming with enthusiasm. A surprised Shiriku questioned, "Me? A president?" Junichi, chiming in, supported the idea, "Yup! A president, huh? That sounds nice! I'll definitely vote for you, Riku."

However, Shiriku hesitated, expressing his doubts, "Nah, I think I'll pass. I'm not really a leader type of guy, and also, I'm nervous just thinking about it." Sachi reassured him, "Don't worry, Riku. You'll be fine. And besides, Fuyumi is also running for the president position, so I'm sure the two of you would have a great time."

Junichi's encouragement and Sachi's words didn't sway Shiriku. Fuyumi, with a mischievous grin, added, "Yeah, I'll definitely have a great time beating Shiriku for the president position." Determined not to back down, Shiriku declared, "Well, I was not thinking about running for president in the first place. But since you're so confident in winning against me, Fuyumi, I'll definitely pulverize you." He sported a gloating expression, setting the stage for a friendly yet competitive rivalry.

Fuyumi, not one to back down, retorted, "Heh, you are so on, Mr. Famous!" The friendly banter between Shiriku and Fuyumi filled the air, creating an energetic atmosphere around the table.

As the argument unfolded, Fuyumi leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms confidently. "Shiriku, do you really think you stand a chance against me? I've got the brains, the charisma, and the experience. You're just riding on the coattails of your genius siblings."

Shiriku, not one to back down, leaned forward, countering, "Fuyumi, being the class president is not just about being book-smart. It's about understanding your peers, leading with empathy, and creating a positive environment. Something tells me that's not exactly your strong suit."

Fuyumi scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Please, Shiriku. Your definition of 'positive environment' probably involves everyone praising your family's intellect. I'm here for progress and efficiency. Something this class sorely needs."

Shiriku chuckled, shaking his head. "Efficiency, huh? I bet your version of efficient leadership involves everyone conforming to your ideals. It's not about progress if it leaves others behind."

Fuyumi's eyes narrowed, her gestures becoming more pronounced. "Shiriku, you're underestimating the importance of strong leadership. I have plans, strategies to elevate our class. What do you have, other than a famous last name?"

Shiriku leaned in, a sly grin forming. "Fuyumi, leadership is not just about plans on paper. It's about connecting with people, understanding their needs. Your so-called strategies won't matter if the class doesn't trust you."

Sachi, watching the heated exchange, leaned over to Junichi, whispering, "Looks like we've got front-row seats to the battle of words. Who do you think will win?"

Junichi, munching on a snack, grinned. "Hard to say, but it's entertaining to watch. Let them have their showdown; it's all in good fun."

Back at the arguing duo, Fuyumi shot back, "Trust, Shiriku? Please. I'd rather have the respect that comes with competence. Maybe if you focused more on your studies and less on theatrics, you'd understand."

Shiriku, unfazed, retorted, "Theatrics? Fuyumi, I'm just being real. Leadership is about authenticity, not putting on a show. Our classmates need someone genuine, not just a high achiever."

As the debate intensified, Fuyumi leaned forward, emphasizing her points with precise gestures. "Shiriku, you're naive if you think authenticity alone can solve problems. We need someone with vision, someone who can shape our future, not just someone playing the role of 'Mr. Genuine.'"

Shiriku, grinning, responded with a touch of sarcasm, "Vision, huh? I don't see much vision in someone who sees leadership as a power play. We need a leader who understands the diverse needs of our classmates, not just someone dictating from a high horse."

Fuyumi's eyes flashed with determination, "And who decides what our classmates need? Someone with a famous last name or someone with a proven track record of success?" Her hand gestures punctuated each word, emphasizing her confidence.

Shiriku leaned back, adopting a contemplative pose. "Success is subjective, Fuyumi. I'd rather have a leader who listens, who collaborates, rather than one who imposes their version of success on everyone. Your track record may not be as flawless as you think."

Sachi, enjoying the exchange, whispered to Junichi, "This is getting intense! They're both bringing strong arguments."

Junichi nodded, munching on another snack. "It's a clash of ideologies. Let's see who convinces the class tomorrow."

The tension in the cafeteria was palpable as Fuyumi shot back, "Listen, Shiriku, your laid-back approach might work for casual conversations, but leadership requires decisiveness. We can't afford to be wishy-washy."

Shiriku, with a smirk, retorted, "Decisiveness is crucial, Fuyumi, but decisions made without understanding lead to chaos. We need thoughtful leadership, not rushed judgments that benefit only a few."

Sachi, turning to Junichi, teased, "So, any thoughts on who's winning?"

Junichi chuckled, "It's hard to say, but they both have their strengths. It's going to be an interesting election."

Back at the arguing pair, Fuyumi, with a final decisive gesture, declared, "I stand by my vision for progress and efficiency. Let the class decide who they believe can truly lead us forward."

Fuyumi, maintaining her grin, leaned back confidently in her chair, crossing her arms. "See? Even here, you still can't beat me." Her triumphant expression added a layer of playful mockery.

Shiriku, visibly annoyed, retorted with an angry face, "Pfft! I only stopped dissing you because my food was getting cold! You bit--"

Amused by the ongoing banter, Junichi chimed in with a hearty laugh, "AHAHAHAHA! You guys are so fun to watch, dissing each other. You looked like a married couple while arguing, right Sachi?" His playful wink at Sachi added a mischievous touch.

Sachi, chuckling, responded, "Y-yeah, they sure are. This is what I want – us enjoying each other's company even though Shiriku and Fuyumi-chan were dissing each other the whole time HAHAHA." Her laughter echoed in the cafeteria, creating a light-hearted atmosphere despite the intense argument.

Fuyumi, overwhelmed by frustration added with Junichi's remark about married couple, abruptly pushed her chair back, storming out of the cafeteria. Sachi, noticing her friend's distress, quickly exclaimed, "W-wait! Fuyumi!" With a worried expression, Sachi chased after her, leaving a momentary hush at the table.

Turning to Junichi and Shiriku, who were now watching the scene unfold, run back to their table and Sachi offered a quick apologetic nod. "Sorry about Fuyumi. I'll talk to her." Junichi, with a nonchalant "Okay..." acknowledged Sachi's words, while Shiriku, looking serious, sighed and encouraged, "Yeah... go on, Sachi. Tell her I'm sorry, and be ready!" A subtle smile played on Shiriku's face, indicating an underlying camaraderie beneath the heated arguments.

In the midst of the scene, Junichi's inner thoughts added a touch of humor, "Even a new married couple doesn't argue like that a lot. Those two aren't even dating each other. This feels like a scenario where it goes from enemies to lovers or was it enemies to friends, lol. But who am I to say?

I'm just Junichi, and well, I love cats!"

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