
A Short Hair Girl Will Not Lose In Romance?

Being part of the "Kami" family means you are a genius . Although Shiriku Kami, is not like his siblings, his siblings are geniuses that doesn't really work hard to be called geniuses in school . Now that Shiriku is finally in Highschool, he's gonna be enrolled in the School where his siblings made the "Kami" Family name famous from being geniuses . This idea would take a toll on Shiriku as he struggles to keep up and not embarrassed his family name on that school . While unexpected romantics shenanigans happened to befall onto him, which hinders him to fully focus on what he should choose.

Rikushin · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
91 Chs

"Do You Exist To Pissed Me Off?: Grocery #2


As Fuyumi and Kujou strolled through the grocery store, Kujou kept a watchful eye on her younger sister, her smile radiating warmth and kindness. With each step, she made sure to stay close to Fuyumi, offering support and guidance as they navigated through the aisles.

"Fuyumi, remember to only take what you need, alright?" Kujou reminded her gently, her tone filled with affection as she placed a comforting hand on Fuyumi's shoulder.

Fuyumi nodded in response, crossing her arms in a thoughtful manner. "Okay, Kujou," she replied, her expression serious as she took her sister's advice to heart. Despite her serious demeanor, Fuyumi appreciated Kujou's guidance and felt grateful for her sister's presence.

As they continued browsing, Fuyumi's attention was suddenly drawn to the soft drinks aisle. With a determined look in her eyes, she turned to Kujou and asked, "Hey, Kujou, can we go to the soft drinks aisle?"

Kujou smiled warmly at her sister's enthusiasm, her demeanor calm and composed as she replied, "Of course, let's go." Together, they made their way to the soft drinks aisle, Fuyumi's mind buzzing with excitement as she searched for the perfect drink.






Meanwhile, Shiroe couldn't contain his excitement as he walked through the grocery store, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. With Sachi and Shiriku by his side but hides at his back, both looking thoroughly confused, he was ready for some fun.

"Hehehe, it's time to bother someone," Shiroe chuckled to himself, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he led the way. Sachi and Shiriku exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what Shiroe had in mind but trusting him nonetheless.





As Fuyumi and Kujou browsed the soft drinks aisle, Kujou's demeanor suddenly shifted upon hearing a familiar voice. "Oh no... Is that idiot here?" Kujou thought to herself, irritation evident in her expression. Sensing her sister's sudden change in mood, Fuyumi became concerned. She gently tugged on Kujou's shirt to get her attention and asked, "Hey, Kujou, what's wrong? Are you okay? You seem different all of a sudden," Fuyumi inquired, her voice filled with concern for her sister.

Kujou flashed her sister a reassuring smile, attempting to mask her inner thoughts. With a gentle touch, she placed her left hand on Fuyumi's face, silently conveying her frustration. "Oh, my dear little sister Fuyumi, this is why I need you to crush your Kami," Kujou thought to herself, her expression a mix of determination and annoyance.

As the sisters turned their attention elsewhere, a voice interrupted their thoughts with a cheerful "Hello." Kujou let out a sigh, bracing herself as she slowly turned around to face the source of her irritation—Shiroe Kami. With a forced politeness, Shiroe greeted Kujou with a playful tone, "Hello there, Kujou~╮⁠(⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠)⁠╭."

Kujou clenched her fist, her anger simmering beneath the surface as she thought to herself, "Tsk, from Monday to Friday, we see each other at school, and now, why is it that we also meet on weekends?" Her expression hardened into one of serious anger, her eyes narrowing as she locked gazes with Shiroe.

Meanwhile, as Fuyumi poked her sister and moved to stand by her side, she couldn't help but notice the reason for Kujou's change in mood. With a dawning realization, Fuyumi thought to herself, "Oh... That's why... It's Shiroe-senpai."

Meanwhile, Shiroe, sporting a wide grin, waved his hand cheerfully as he greeted the Shimizu sisters. "Oh hooo... Well, if it isn't little Shimizu," he exclaimed with playful familiarity.

Facing the sisters, Shiroe's jovial demeanor faltered slightly as he noticed Fuyumi standing beside Kujou. "Stop poking my back and just come out and say hi to your friend, Shiriku," Shiroe said, clearly disturbed by the continuous poking from Shiriku.

Feeling startled upon hearing Shiriku's name, Fuyumi couldn't help but think, "Huh? Shiriku is here?"

Shiriku slowly emerged from behind his brother's back, his gaze initially lowered before he looked up and locked eyes with Fuyumi. With a friendly smile, he greeted her, "Oh... It's Fuyumi. Hello, Fuyumi."




Before Fuyumi could respond, Shiroe nudged his brother to alert him that Fuyumi was not alone. Shiriku's attention was drawn to a girl standing taller than Fuyumi. He looked at her and greeted, "Kujou Shimizu-senpai! Good evening."

Kujou, puzzled by the sudden greeting, glanced at Shiroe, who grinned mischievously and introduced Shiriku, "Oh, this is Shiriku, my little brother. You know, Fuyumi's own Kami."

Kujou crossed her arms and tilted her head slightly to the right, her expression serious as she remarked, "So it's you. You're the Kami that's going to get crushed by my sister, huh?" Her tone was chilly, sending a shiver down Shiriku's spine.

Shiriku fell silent for a moment but managed to smile at Kujou, saying, "Yes, senpai. I am that Kami. I'm Fuyumi's friend." Despite his polite response, Kujou was visibly ticked off by Shiriku's friendly demeanor, not accustomed to such behavior from a Kami.

Finally, Fuyumi broke her silence, her tone cold as she addressed Shiriku, "Oh, hi Shiriku. you need something?" She crossed her arms, her serious expression betraying her annoyance.

Shiriku was startled by Fuyumi's cold tone but tried to maintain his composure. However, he felt a weight on his shoulders and Fuyumi noticed, pointing out the hands resting there. With a smile, Shiriku gently asked, "Could you come down? I feel like I'm being strangled."

Just then, Sachi appeared and decided to join the interaction. With a cheerful smile, she hugged Shiriku from behind, resting her arms around his neck. "Hello, Fuyumi-chan~," Sachi greeted happily, her enthusiasm evident.

Fuyumi glanced at Sachi, her annoyance growing as she observed Shiriku struggling in Sachi's neck hug. "Could you please come down, Sachi? You're strangling him," Fuyumi said sternly, her tone indicating her disapproval of the situation.

Sachi giggled and released Shiriku, stepping back with a sheepish smile. "Sorry about that, Shiriku! I just wanted to say hello to Fuyumi-chan in a funny way," she explained, her energy undiminished.

Fuyumi nodded, her expression softening slightly as she acknowledged Shiriku's gesture. "Yeah, it's nice to see you too," she replied, her tone warmer than before.

Kujou, still annoyed by the situation, rolled her eyes and muttered to herself, "Ugh, Kami... Always causing trouble."

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