
A Short Hair Girl Will Not Lose In Romance?

Being part of the "Kami" family means you are a genius . Although Shiriku Kami, is not like his siblings, his siblings are geniuses that doesn't really work hard to be called geniuses in school . Now that Shiriku is finally in Highschool, he's gonna be enrolled in the School where his siblings made the "Kami" Family name famous from being geniuses . This idea would take a toll on Shiriku as he struggles to keep up and not embarrassed his family name on that school . While unexpected romantics shenanigans happened to befall onto him, which hinders him to fully focus on what he should choose.

Rikushin · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
91 Chs

"Distracted Distress: You Liked Being With Her?"

As they stepped out of the classroom, Fuyumi's mind was clouded with disappointment. She couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for allowing her infatuation with Shiriku to distract her from her studies. Uncertainty gnawed at her as she wondered how she had performed on the quiz, but she pushed the negative thoughts aside, hoping for the best as they walked down the hallway.

Meanwhile, Sachi and Junichi engaged in a lively discussion about their answers, their voices animated as they attempted to calculate their scores. Junichi furrowed his brow in confusion, scratching his head in frustration, while Sachi laughed at her own mistakes, her laughter echoing through the corridor. Shiriku, lost in his own thoughts, walked ahead of them, his expression thoughtful and contemplative.

Feeling a sense of distance between herself and Shiriku, Fuyumi hung back slightly, her steps slow and hesitant. Suddenly, Shiriku turned around, catching her eye with a concerned expression. "Hey, Fuyumi," he called out, his voice gentle and caring, "are you okay?"

Fuyumi's heart skipped a beat at the sound of his voice, her cheeks flushing slightly as she met his gaze. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, her voice betraying a hint of nervousness as she tried to maintain her composure.

Shiriku's smile was warm and genuine as he spoke, his eyes reflecting genuine gratitude. "I just wanted to say thanks for offering to study with Sachi," he said, his tone sincere and appreciative.

A wave of relief washed over Fuyumi as she returned his smile, her gratitude evident in her expression. "Thanks, Shiriku," she said softly, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Before their conversation could continue, Junichi and Sachi interrupted them, offering to accompany Shiriku and Fuyumi to the cafeteria to buy some drinks after the long quiz. Shiriku nodded in agreement. However, Fuyumi politely declined their offer, explaining that she had something else to take care of.




After they split up with Fuyumi, Shiriku found himself walking alongside Junichi and Sachi toward the school cafeteria. He couldn't shake off the nagging feeling in his gut, and he kept glancing back, hoping to catch a glimpse of Fuyumi, but she was nowhere in sight. Sachi, perceptive as always, noticed Shiriku's distraction and prodded him with a curious expression.

"What's up, Shiriku? You seem kinda spaced out," Sachi remarked, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.

Shiriku shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Ah, it's nothing. Just wondering if Fuyumi's doing okay," he replied casually, though the worry in his voice betrayed his true feelings.

Junichi, ever the optimist, chimed in with a reassuring smile. "She seemed fine to me. She just said she had some important stuff to take care of."

Sachi nodded in agreement, her expression reassuring. "Yeah, I'm sure she's alright. We've known each other since we were kids, so I'll know if something's up with her."

Despite their reassurances, Shiriku still couldn't shake off the uneasiness gnawing at him. As they arrived at the school cafeteria, they made their way to the drinks section. Sachi and Junichi quickly grabbed their favorite beverages, but Shiriku hesitated, unsure of what to choose. Sensing his indecision, Sachi stepped in with a friendly offer.

"Hey, Shiriku, want me to grab you something?" Sachi asked with a warm smile.

Shiriku nodded gratefully, feeling touched by their thoughtfulness. "Yeah, thanks. I'll just go for some water," he replied, his voice filled with gratitude.





Fuyumi bid farewell to Shiriku and the others, she found herself bumping into Ayaka and Aoi. Aoi greeted her politely, "Hey there, miss Fuyumi," while Ayaka chimed in with a friendly smile, asking about the quiz and specifically about Shiriku's performance. Fuyumi felt a pang of jealousy shoot through her as she heard Shiriku's name mentioned.

"He did pretty well," Fuyumi replied, trying to keep her tone casual. "He studied with the Ayaka Kazahana, so it's no surprise he aced it." Ayaka nodded in agreement, her smile warm and genuine. "Yeah, Shiriku is really worthy of being one of the Kami's. I'm glad I could lend him a hand."

As Ayaka and Aoi walked away, Fuyumi couldn't shake off the ticked off feeling she has. Watching them depart, she couldn't help but wonder if Shiriku valued Ayaka's help more than her own.





Fuyumi's irritation simmered beneath the surface as she trudged her way home. She couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that Shiriku's interactions with Ayaka were getting on her nerves. Despite her attempts to rationalize her emotions, the persistent irritation persisted, gnawing at her insides.

Upon arriving home, Fuyumi sought solace in the familiar comfort of her novels. Grabbing one of her favorite books from the shelf, she immersed herself in the captivating prose, hoping to distract herself from the turmoil of her thoughts.

But no matter how captivating the story, thoughts of Shiriku and Ayaka continued to intrude upon her consciousness, disrupting her attempt at escapism. She found herself wondering why Shiriku seemed more interested in Ayaka's assistance than her own. The irrationality of her irritation only intensified her frustration.

The following day dawned with the same undercurrent of irritation coursing through Fuyumi's veins. As she navigated the crowded hallway, she caught sight of Shiriku engrossed in conversation with Ayaka. The sight fueled her irritation, and she averted her gaze, unwilling to confront the unsettling emotions stirring within her.

Taking her seat at her desk, Fuyumi couldn't shake off the persistent thoughts of Shiriku and Ayaka. She wondered if they would resume their study sessions together and if Shiriku would continue seeking Ayaka's guidance. The sense of irritation gnawed at her, fueling her frustration and discontent.

As Shiriku approached Fuyumi's desk, he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. With a warm smile, he greeted her, "Good morning, Fuyumi!" His voice was friendly, though tinged with a hint of uncertainty, unsure of how she would respond.

Fuyumi felt a mix of conflicting emotions wash over her. Despite her inner turmoil, she forced a polite smile and returned his greeting. "Hey, Shiriku," she replied, her tone carefully neutral as she struggled to conceal her turbulent emotions beneath a facade of composure.

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