
A Shadows Life

I exist and everyone knows what I am, but I'm often forgotten. I am always there, but go unnoticed. I have no features of my own, and yet I can be seen. I follow where you go and what you do, but no one ever does the same to me. I am visible and always present yet no one speaks to me. I disappear at night but no one goes to search for me or worries.

Vanilla_IceCream16 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


In all sizes and in all colors, curtains are a must have. It blocks the sun and gives privacy, not to mention it adds to your furnishings. I'm also there but I am not as useful as curtains. Where there is light there is darkness. I am a shadow. A curtains shadow to be more specific. While curtains do many jobs they don't actively move anywhere so I sit tranquil. Curtains and I sit in the background waiting and watching. When it's time for a change of furniture we get swapped out too, and put into storage. There we sit collecting dust waiting to be brought out to do our job again. The lucky ones get brought out of storage to be used again or get a new owner, but for an unlucky few, they go to the dump.

Search up my name on webnovel and read some of my other novels if you get bored :)

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