
A Sour Reunion

Edward stops they began to hear the sound of whistles behind their backs.

they around they would find a figure under a palm-snowed tree their face was covered by the shadow.

Edward could not recognize the person from this distance,


"We, meet again, Edward."

The figure says as they step out to the light of the sun, showing their faces at the two, as they stood there in complete shock, Edward's eyes widen when he saw this person in from of him,

"I-Is that you George?"

"Ooooh, you still recognized me after all f these years, Edward, or would say private Rhodes."

the man who Edward recognized as George steps into the light wearing a dark coat with a gray scarf around his neck, he stood tall there with confidence, as his face hasn't changed after all of this.

"How ar-are you alive?"

"To put simply, all thanks to these roaches, that I'm now in my peak appearance, and the final place that must have is now in front of me."
