
Chapter 67 Lady Nagant Is one Onee-san crazy?

Indeed, Cannon-chan is a bitch... after handing over a bruised Aoyama to Yamafusa, I was assaulted by a new wave of visions from the future and I'm really getting tired of this, my first vision was of Midoriya fighting All For One along with a half-dead All Might with me as a backup, but now that future change, now we have a plausible future where the jerk Midoriya aka Naruto Verde, along with Bakugo, All Might, Endeavor, Hawks and Mirkyo against me, who was theatrical mind standing over the corpse of All For One.

To be honest I expected it but I did not expect the reinforcements, from Endeavor and Mirkyo, eventually I would fight with the Fried Chicken as soon as those above ordered him to kill me, as for the sexy Amazon rabbit I did not expect it. But I don't really see any problem, Cannon-chan brought reinforcements and crazy Power-Ups, I'll get reinforcements too.

It just so happens that my super secretary Namika-chan just got me permission to visit a certain Senpai locked up in Tartarus.

--Well it's time to recruit a sniper~

Saying that, I jumped out the window and flew towards Tartar.


Tartaro – Maximum Security Prison for Villains.

Surveillance room.

--So he's coming?

--Yes, the ice monster wants to visit the lady...

--Two monsters... what the hell is the administration thinking?

--Warning, unidentified flying object approaching.


--On command... visual, obtained... is it a Dragon?


--No, it's Ymir, captain.

--Speaking of the devil and he appears... Get ready!



The soldiers or in this case Tartarus guards are really capable, they established a perimeter and a total siege as soon as I landed on the upper wall of the entrance, black walls of concrete and metal, hundreds of large caliber weapons pointing from almost all angles. , truly a prison worthy of its name, too bad there are only humans in this place. The true most secure prison in the world is on the border between the United States and Canada, known as IceBox, those Americans really knew how to design a prison for dangerous villains, they implant a micro bomb in their hearts and an explosive necklace, if they reveal themselves they explode , if they see badly, they explode, if they leave their cell without permission they explode... in short, more than a prison it is a cemetery full of dead Men.

On the other hand, the Japanese Tartarus is just a high-tech prison but with few limitations for a true revolt.

--It has a nice Arcaide place~

--Thank you but I hope your visit is quick.

--Take me to Lady Nagant, the faster I talk to her the faster I can get out of here.


The Arcaid did not want me in his facilities and it is understandable, the high command knows what I did and they fear me on a physiological level, the idea that a single person massacred an entire city is too absurd for their minds to accept, for my sake. part is just another day at the office. Who told Endeavor that sending a ten year old to watch a civil conflict in Vietnam was a good idea?

Being guided by the Arcaid, I arrived at the visiting room, a completely white room with ridiculously thick glass separating the two parts of the room, there was only one chair for the visitor and the prisoner was waiting tied to a chair.

--Are you Ymir?

--Yes, indeed Nagant-senpai~

--senpai? Are you the new government dog?

--More specifically, I work with them, not for them~ They can't stop me but they can still pay enough to entertain me~

As in the reports, Lady Nagant was a beauty with pale pink and blue two-tone hair, even after years of imprisonment she was still beautiful and imposing, her eyes were empty and cold as the abyss, she could feel the air of death around her. , really a killer Wonderful!

--The situation is so bad that now they hire children... they really are a group of disgusting parasites...

--Right~ but they are still political officials~

Nagant snorted his hatred for the system as I smiled and nodded.

--What does he want from me, this adorable little Kohai?

--Help~ in exchange for your freedom~ the minister's old bitch owes me some favors or I can simply threaten her to get you out, I need a bodyguard and who better for the position than you~ Lady Nagant~

Nagant looked at me like I was crazy before laughing out loud.

--Hahahahaahahahahahahaha~ yeah, yeah, you're crazy kid, I killed a minister. Do you think that old bitch would let me out? I appreciate the offer but you're dreaming~ I don't know how many you've killed at that tender age but you're still young, get out of this shitty country and find a new life somewhere else.

The ex-heroine looked at me with a crooked smile and even in her dead eyes shone a faint light of hope or mockery.

--If I manage to get you out of here legally or illegally, would you accept the job~?

--Hahahahaha, you're going to stick with it~ ok~ if you take me out, I'll follow you, and if you let me kill those old ministry bastards, forget about the bodyguard I'll be your bitch~ boy~

--Oh~ You know Nagant-senpai~ I have a pass to legal polygamy in my pocket~

I laughed and took out a small card from my wallet, a document that identifies me as one of the members of the special bill for the repopulation of the nation. Nagant looked at the document with a ridiculous face before bursting out laughing again.

--Hahahahahahahahaha~ the world must be even crazier and sicker than when I entered this place, oh~ bad boy, get this Onee-san out of this dump and take her for a walk~

Lady Nagant is crazy, really crazy, from what I heard and read in the reports, her sense of justice was ridiculously high but after killing, killing and killing on ministry orders, doubts arose in her mind, as well as a dependency on alcohol. In short, she's a murderer, alcoholic, crazy... but as far as I'm concerned, I only see a sexy and powerful Onee-san, hungry and thirsty.

--Sounds like a plan~ I'll be back in about 15 minutes~ wait for me Nagant-onee-san~

I winked at the crazy ex-heroine and left the visiting room, before pulling out my phone, time to make a terrorist attack.


Office of the Minister.



--Hello~ Minister-sama~

Please tell me it's not more bad news...

--No, no, no Minister-sama called to request the release of a criminal from Tartarus.

-- What the hell are you talking about Ymir?!

--I'll get Lady Nagant out of the Tataro, ease the papers or I'll get her out myself... although if I do it right some sons of bitches might escape, during my act~

-- Are you threatening me Ymir?!

--It's good that you get it quickly~ Minister-sama~ Now choose, give me Lady Nagant or let her open the Gates of Hell~?

--You bastard son of a bitch Ymir.

--Excuse me but my mother was a saint, turning me into a bastard is Endeavour's fault~ Now choose Minister... Will you release one of the mistakes of the previous management or a riot of epic proportions and the rise of a new King Demon~

"--Son of a... Get that bitch out of Nagant, but you'll be responsible for her Ymir. Take good care of your pet."

--That's the plan, by the way, they have about three months to kill All For One, or else that guy will come out on his own~ Chiao~


--Damned psychic brat... three months huh~?

The minister could only sigh as she called the Archaide of Tartarus, she knew that this boy did not give empty threats or lie about the future, he could be an unfortunate psychopath and genocidal patient but he did not lie about important things for national security, his loved ones dear ones are still in our hands and that was its only weakness and its inverse scale.


--Let Ymir's bastard get Nagant out, don't say anything, delete all recordings, nobody saw anything, nothing happened in the last four hours.

--Huh? huh ? _ HAI!

--I count on it.

--I'm getting too old for this...

The minister could only lean back in her chair while she took the bottle out of her drawer.

--For a better future...


Tartaro – Inner Courtyard.

--See, Nagant-onee-san~ no one can stop me~

--Are you a demon or what, everyone is afraid of you?

--Slaughtering the two largest criminal organizations in Japan in one day, killing more than 116,520 people, a rock giant, and devastating a city to a frozen hell, if you didn't fear me you would think I'm not doing a good job~

Rei and effectively get Lady Nagant out of jail.

I don't know what she's like in the original plan, I just know that she's a Female Fatale and the best weapon the government ever had and now she's by my side... Am I sounding like a super villain? Nah is it just my imagination?

--116,520 people? Ymir, how old did you say you were?

--17 this year~

--Those old wretches threw a child into hell!

Nagant roared and his arm turned into a rifle, while some tears formed in his eyes.

--Wow~ cool cowgirl~ they didn't throw me into hell, I was already there before.

Calm down Nagant before he starts shooting at the Tartarus guards.

--Calm down, I'll tell you my story while we enjoy the scenery...

Dragging Nagant onto Peterhausen's back, we flew out of the Tartaron not caring about the annoyed faces of the guards.

--Are you feeling better~ senpai?

--Do you have a giant flying lizard?

--Yes~ I have a giant flying lizard~

--Has the world gone to shit at this point?

--Basically~ yeah~

--I want a beer.

--The same here~ I'll take you to a good place.

--You pay... Ymir-dono.

--Just call me Daddy~ you didn't say it, that you would be my bitch if it takes you out of Tartarus~

I smiled like a third-rate villain and hugged Nagant's body before dragging us to my ice throne, sitting the beautiful ex-heroine on my lap.

--An evil dragon, a terrifying throne, and now a princess in your clutches. Are you seriously not a villain?

--Technically, I'm still one of the good guys~ Nagant-hime~

--Okay~ you got me~ Daddy~

--Good girl, now I will give you a reward.


I spent the next 36 hours completely dedicated to satisfying and reconditioning Lady Nagant, taking her on a sinful ride through every bar and motel in town and god, that woman was thirsty.