
A Second Chance At Living

Where do you go after you die? Heaven? Hell? A magic world? Remains as a spirit? Or reincarnation? Well when you die you go to a place called The Middle. It’s a place where you’re judged. If you pass you get a second chance at life but if you fail you get swallowed by nothingness.

Xcution18 · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Jason Honda

Narrator- Where do you go after you die? Heaven? Hell? A magic world? Remains as a spirit? Or reincarnation?


Well when you die you go to a place called The Middle. It's a place where you're judged. If you pass you get a second chance at life but if you fail you get swallowed by nothingness.


Jason- Huh? It's dar- ouch! My stomach hurts. Arghh where am I? Am I dead? I can't remember anything.




Jason-Ohhh I see.I remember now. I got shot in my stomach and bled out. I tried to save a girl from her asshole boyfriend but it looked like I needed the saving. I suffered for 2 hours until I died I guess. I'm so pathetic. At least I left that shitty place behind. Nothing can-be worst than that messed up world.




Jason- Ehh?


Voice- Welcome Jason.


Jason- Who the heck are you? You're to bright? A man? No it's sounded to sexy. Then a woman.


Voice- I'm your judge. I will be judging you in your next life. You will go to your new world; The Middle.






Woman- You're staring Jason. That's a bit rude isn't it?


Jason- Oh sorry, so, what's this breast place like? Damn it. The Middle I meant. I'm very sorry.


Woman- I'm known as Judge 070702, but you can call me Ai.


Jason- Okay. Ai you said you were my judge right so what exactly are you judging?


Ai- The Middle is a place of redemption. You have to be a better person blah blah.


Jason- "Blah, Blah." Great explanation.


Ai- If you pass you will be given an opportunity to be reincarnated on Earth. That means you must pass all the tests given to you.


Jason- Now why would I do something like that? It was shitty the first time around, why would go through all this trouble just to be reincarnated ? I hated over there with every fiber of my body.


Ai- Really?


Jason- Yes, so what's this middle place again?


Ai- It's a room.


Jason- A room? But didn't you say another world couple minutes ago?


Ai- I did?


Jason- Yes you did.


Ai- Then that was a joke. Ha ha


Jason- Very very funny joke, so where's this room?


Ai- The door will appear in front of you once you've moved on from your past.


Jason- My past? Funny. Now that's a joke.


Ai- Then you'll be swallowed up by nothingness and stay there for eternity. Normal humans can only stay here for 24 hours. As for you, you have only 5 hours before you get swallowed by the nothingness.


Jason- You say that like it's a bad thing. I don't see anything bad....okay let's just say I reincarnate. I'll make the same decisions, have the same heart and make the same mistakes. That's way worse than being swallowed by the nothingness.


Ai- Forgive yourself Jason. You were a kind and loving person.


Jason- And I'm dead because of that. The girl I've loved my entire life shot me and laugh while I bled out right in front of her. My last memory was watching her laugh. How can someone move on from that huh? I'd rather be erased by the nothingness than live a second life on Earth. Earth is a monstrous place and even over there normal humans judge you. A girl can't walk the streets without being ridiculed, People can't walk the streets freely because of their skin color, there's people who don't have their own rights. Who would want to live there? I don't want to be reincarnated because of my past, I just don't want to live in such a shitty place. Plus other people might take the second chance and try to be reincarnated but not me. I'd rather not exist and I had such a shitty first run at life, why would I want a second try at that?


Ai- Jason are you sure?


Jason- I'm sure.


Ai- Jason Honda you will be swallowed by the Nothingness. You were judged by 070702.




Jason- Hey Ai, Thank you.




Man- Ai, there's always going to be people like that. He made up his mind. If he wanted to be alive again then the door would have been opened. You judges are just their to guide the souls.


Ai- Yes my lord, I understand.
