
A Second Chance [BL, Fanfic]

This is a fanfic for 2ha by Meatbun Does Not Eat Meat (Dumb Husky and His White Cat Shizun) I am the original author of the fanfic, by the way. It is also posted on AO3. Chu Wanning died at the last battle at Heavenly Lake. He could not kill TaXian-Jun at the end, and was instead transmigrated into his younger self along with Mo Ran after the latter killed himself. Chu Wanning was given a second chance to make things right. Could he or could he not change the course of events and save both his disciple and the world? This fanfic will be written mainly from Chu Wanning's perspective. -------- Image is obviously not mine, taken from official 2ha manhua :) Please support the original artist and canon author!!!

Lu_Shui · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
116 Chs


After he died, Chu Wanning's Earth Soul left his body and headed toward Sisheng Peak's Naihe Bridge. Together with all those who died during the Heavenly Rift, he stepped on ghost bamboo rafts that slowly drifted into the Underworld. While he gazed solemnly at what was lying ahead of him, a sad song was heard coming from both sides of the Yellow Spring.

"My body entered the thunder abyss and my limbs turned into mud paste. My head was cracked open and my eyes dried up and crushed into dust. Red ants ate my heart, the vultures pecked at my stomach… Only the soul returned… Only the soul returned…"

Chu Wanning looked down at himself. His white robe was almost completely soiled with blood. When he pressed a hand against his left chest, he did not feel a heartbeat. He truly had died. The heart that hurt so much these past months too, had died with him. He looked down at his right palm which carried two deep slashes from the time he was mending the Heavenly Rift. There was no longer any need to stay awake, was there?

Everything was over.

Chu Wanning closed his eyes and listened to the song.

"Only the soul returned… Only the soul returned…"

The Yellow Spring was very calm without a single wave. The quiet journey to the Underworld let those who died even the most violent death calm down, let go of the unfinished business in the mortal realm, and prepare themselves for the next life. In order to let go, a proper farewell was in order. The Yellow Spring led them past the Home-Viewing Pavilion, where the souls were allowed to look at their beloved people one more time to say goodbye.

Chu Wanning did not expect to see anyone. After all, he was only a piece of wood. He had neither family nor friends to say goodbye to. And yet he could not resist the temptation and took a look. His eyes widened when he saw a lot of people looking back at him. Chu Wanning smiled. Unexpectedly, although he himself believed that he was cold and indifferent to everyone, there were people who he cared for. His Shizun Master Huaizui, Xue Zhengyong, Madam Wang, Jiang Xi, and his three disciples. His eyes went from one person to another and stopped at Mo Ran.

"Mo Ran…"

The two words left his lips like a resigned sigh, like the last flap of wings before a bird died. He saved Mo Ran. He should be happy about it. He finally succeeded in his mission. He had changed both Shi Mei's and Mo Ran's fate. Mo Ran was going to be happy with Shi Mei by his side, and he trusted that Shi Mei would also be happy at Mo Ran's side. So why was Chu Wanning not happy?

Ah. Maybe because he felt a little lonely in his death.

A sad smile was plastered on Chu Wanning's face.

It was fine.

He would get used to it soon enough. He had been alone most of his life. It was normal to be alone in death. Besides, death was just a journey. A resting period between two life cycles.

Nevertheless, Chu Wanning did not feel comfortable looking at Mo Ran and Shi Mei in the Home-Viewing Pavilion. He averted his eyes and did not want to look anymore. Not at anyone, especially not Mo Ran.

Chu Wanning only glanced up again after they had passed the Home-Viewing Pavilion. After some time, they could see the end of their journey. A towering archway appeared in front of them, grand and magnificent in its appearance. Impeccable workmanship had resulted in detailed carvings along the walls. Though beautiful, the archway gave off a sinister feeling as it loomed over them like a decorated beast, ready to pounce on poor, defenseless souls and swallow them.

The bamboo rafts reached the shore, and countless souls climbed off the rafts and fell into a line. They were all standing in queue at the Road of the Underworld, waiting to enter through the Gate of Hell. The Gate was guarded by a ghost that was fanning himself. There was a huge gash in his stomach, causing his intestines to flow out whenever he moved too much. The guard stuffed his intestines back in impatiently as he queried each soul upon their death and let them into the Underworld with a stamped tag.

When it was Chu Wanning's turn, the guard stared at him for quite some time before asking, "What's your name?"

"Chu Wanning," came the reply.

"Chu? Surname Chu?" the guard gaped at him.

Chu Wanning, "Yes."

"How… How did you die?"

"I died from battle injuries."

The guard swallowed hard.

Chu Wanning raised an eyebrow. "Can I get a tag?"

"You do not look like a soldier," the guard said. "Are you by chance a cultivator?"


The guard handed Chu Wanning a tag and let him pass, but his eyes did not leave Chu Wanning's back for some time. And then he got busy with interviewing the souls again.

Chu Wanning entered the Underworld. It was the first level of Hell. At the entrance there was a big stone with two written lines, "Flesh turns to dust. Soul returns to Nanke Town."

So the first level of Hell was called the Nanke Town. Souls of dead people stayed in Nanke Town for eight to ten years until they were summoned by the judge to the second level for judgment purposes.

Nanke Town was not too different from the mortal realm. There were streets, houses, shops, and inns, similar to a real city in the living world. Souls had to stay for years in waiting, so they tried to get themselves comfortable with the place. Nothing gave them more comfort than what they were used to, so many souls continued doing what they used to do when they were still alive.

Those who just died had yet to accept their deaths. They lingered at the town entrance and sobbed about their untimely death.

"Wuwuwu, my husband… I am scared… Why am I here… Come and pick me up…. Wuwuwu…"

"Mom… Mom, help me…"

"Did anyone see my wife? She was walking next to me just now…"

Chu Wanning went past all the ghosts and headed toward the fifth street of Nanke Town. There, on the fifth street, stood a building that was known as "Shunfeng Building". It was where Chu Xun resided and worked as an official.

In front of the Shunfeng Building, a long table was put up. A dozen ghosts wearing painted wooden masks sat behind it, each of them busy serving a line of souls that were asking for information and favors. Chu Wanning stepped into one of the lines and moved forward slowly until he arrived at the front of the line. The ghost that was supposed to serve him had talked to a hundred souls before him, so he yawned and looked at Chu Wanning through bleary eyes.

"What are you… SIR CHU!"

The ghost immediately straightened up, sitting properly with an ink brush in his hand, ready to write anything into the records in front of him. At the mention of the two words "Sir Chu", the other ghosts that had also been sitting sloppily in their seats also sat up straight. If they were still alive, they would have thrown their backs from the sudden movements.

Their supervisor came over and noticed that something was amiss. His eyes fell on Chu Wanning, who stood there in bloody clothes. His mouth fell open when he saw the face of his superior.

"Sir Ch…"

He did not end his greeting. He instead blinked a few times at Chu Wanning. This supervisor just came down from the second floor, and Sir Chu was upstairs! How did he end up downstairs, looking disheveled like he had just gone through a torture round in the Hell of Weapons???

Chu Wanning turned to him and meekly said, "I would like to meet with Chu Xun. Can you bring me to him?"