
A Sage in Danmachi

My Mc’s Op because that’s how i like them deal with it

Adrianix1234 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Making my perfect body

I finally fused my noble Phantasm with my soul, thus granting me all the knowledge of all the characters i know (including those of fanfics)

Now I'm a soul in destination for my new life, i used a new technique probably from a cultivation novel to change my fate, i will be born near orario, and have great potential that's all i care about my looks and everything else is random, including my race and even gender i been all genders, and even genderless i don't have a preference

I flew down and finally can see my new mom she's a werewolf hmm i guess I'll be werewolf or at least half werewolf

I then started my project i slowly but surely started modifying my still being created body first and most important modification was to my physique, i don't want a body limited in Talent thanks to my birth so i gathered a bunch of physiques, from various stories and made a new one, Basically is a better version of Yun Che's Physique that allows him to have conflicting energies without damaging him, i could theoretically have Mana,Ki,Qi Chakra, Haki,Nen, Adam, Divine power, Angel, Devil, Demonic and they will not fight each other

Obviously this physique is not only perfect for hoarding energies but also has an Omni Talent but i don't want to take it easy so I'll put it in limitless, the more i train in something the better my talent at it will become…

now talent is complicated so I'll explain it in a way that becomes easy for you to understand:

let's say that someone has the low affinity for fire and the same low affinity for time technically they are at the same level but by the time you master your first time spell you already mastered 10 of fire ones, it's because is more complicated to understand and use even though you have the same level of talent at them

Anyways my body has a perfect physique for growth, all those warrior races abilities are added to it, zenkai boost (unlimited version)

Kryptonian mind (you know that sh*t is super op right? They can use their super sight to see into the quantum realm if they wanted and their mind can still analyze and think normally when they should be getting their brain melted), Uzumaki Lifeforce, The best potential for whatever cultivation type i want to do, Regeneration (Not at Inmortality level but enough for the body to suffer after effects of a fight, i can even turn it on as an active and grow body parts liken a namekian)

Now body Powers, because of course i will add some, i dont Want a Sharingan, because its way more complicated that it could be

Im going to use another crazy Cultivation Physique, because why not, this one is called Mysteries of Heaven and Earth pupils

It's Innately sealed because its way to OP that if it isn't Heaven itself would do everything it can to kill me possibly even enslaving gods to do it's job for it

But even with it 99 seals in place its better than Sharingan

Because it can predict fate,(obviously is easier to see the fate of others than mine but i could still see my fate, then change it, like Eobard Does to all of Flases Timelines but there's a price

See and understand the great mysteries of well Heaven and Earth: meaning that even as a lv1 Adventurer i could see a technique performed by a 100 lv one and i could analyze, decipher and then improve it, because i understood it

Now your problably wondering why would i want to understand more techniques, i literally know everything about them… and you would be correct if it wasn't ghat I'm an anomaly, to the timeline, Hephaustus could one day see me blacksmithing and get enlightened and create more awesome techniques superior to the ones she had in the original timeline which i copied

Anyways, i also added Predator from Slime and Absorbtion from Re:Monster cause i can

Making me also a slightly shapeshifter

Now Physiques end here for now

Since it took me 5 months to add all that im now changing my Genes, Super Genes,Marvel Symbiotes and all Genes specialist from novels are going to help me here, i eliminated what i didn't want, my body will be as perfect as i can make it, i blended my two races without problems, technically im a new race, werewolf and… a elf? Humm who i am to judge… but if i wasn't me i would probably had died because of incompatibilities of the races

My racial stats from werewolf

natural retractable claws which is awesome,

More powerful senses, smell, hearing, sight( which doesn't matter thanks to my pupils)

Probably a high battle Instinct (nog at the Level of Utra Instinct… for now)

And from elf

A slight connection with Nature

Higher than average Reserves in energy

Higher control of Energies

High Lifespan (which including the Uzumaki Lifeforce will literally give me thrice the life span of High Elves)

Now to add something better my body at it's natural has the passive that you would receive from consuming Nzt

My body also doesn't have limit for growth in power, as a normal mortal i could destroy level 5 adventures if i train enough

Anyways, after making sure my Body doesn't have imperfect genes, I initiated my last step before finally being born, getting rid of all impurities, yes like cultivation, cause it's basically unlocking the potential

I slowly injected my purifying energy in my body, it hurt because im destroying and rebuild parts of my body that had impurities, cause you know i cant be expelling them

Finally after all that i was being born