
A Sage in Danmachi

My Mc’s Op because that’s how i like them deal with it

Adrianix1234 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

I’m Me

I opened my eyes, I'm… lost

Everything everywhere is books, weapons, and other things, i can see my reflection in a cooking pan… that's my face? I was probably average

I walked and walked in search of civilization but there's nothing here, just more things to pick up, swords, shields spears, books, kunais, cooking utensils, blacksmithing tools, tailoring, rituals, scrolls, even alchemy, everything that i would need to learn anything i want i continue to walk till i saw a sword

When i picked it up it rejected me, i could see techniques used by last owner, most of his fights and something inside me reacted

I started mimicking them, i honestly sucked, but i keep doing it again and again, till i started to become better, and better, then i was at the same level as the previous owner, to be honest the sword already accepted me, but something inside me wanted more, so i keep doing it till i got better and better that the last owner,

I didn't stop till i was sure i could beat this Vergil whoever he was with his own techniques

And then when i dropped this sword it disappeared, not completely, because i can feel that if i wanted i could summon it where ever i was

So i picked another weapon, and another and another, and i keep doing the same, their experiences their history, all their tricks, and advices i learned them all and then improved them

I learned everything most of them were good, but i continue to add more and more, fighting styles, cooking, alchemy everything i absorbed

When every tool was mastered by me

I got their treasures , their golden fingers

Their systems.

Then i started with the mental techniques all their ways of thinking i could replicate and improve, i had better plans that aizen, smater than reed richards, better at thinking than brian finch

Then i got to their soul powers, i became their soul, temporary Obviusly but i could copy everything about their soul that made them special…

Then i got to their physical bodies all their powers based on their genes, bloodlines or physiques became mine

Finally for the last step i became them… i relieved everything they lived and became better at them with their bodies, soul treasures and techniques

I got through a lot, i'been king, god, omnipresent even the heavenly geniuses, but also i been nothing special, all those people that weren't special, i have raped and been raped, i have enslaved and been enslaved. I been the best heroes and the worst villains and i been Spiderman and Venom, Voldemort and Harry Potter, Naruto and Kaguya,Senpai and the Yandere, Issei and Rias,Thanos and Death, Lucifer and Michael, Kratos and Zeus, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker.

I've been every single one of them and more

When i was finally done i found myself in fron of a statue, i touched it and finally remember who i was
