
The day of greif

It was 1984 , the sky was a bright blue with a cloud wandering here and there , the sun was shining brightly , a nice day right? for the most part yes ,but for a certain family it was a horrible day. Now you might ask what is the name of the family and I will happily tell you that the name of this family is the Schmid's , uncommon name right? and it's true , anyway the family consisted of the father Wincent , an mechanic /engineer , loving father and successful co-wner of Freddy Fazbear's , a robotics/restaurant company that has locations over the world. Next is Roselle the gracious mother a dancer and ballet teacher that has blonde shoulder length hair , beautiful emerald green eyes and a pretty tall figure standing at 1'67 , while Vincent stood at 1'78 with short dark-ish brown hair and two ocean blue eyes.They have three children, the oldest Terrance standing tall at 1'52 with his fathers brown hair and mothers green eyes , the middle child Elizabeth had her mothers hair with her fathers blue eyes stood at 1'34 , and the youngest Christopher who stood at 1'23 ,had short brown hair and blue eyes with a tint of green.Now why would this be a bad day? well today was Christopher's 10th birthday , he was so happy he was jumping and giggling while being with his mother , they had prepared a cake , part hats , drinks, snacks and candy at one of the Fazbear restaurants , but during the stay Terrance ,who usually did a few pranks to harden his younger sibling had a thought , and with the help of few friends decided to put him in the golden bears mouth for a few seconds, and they did it , the time was up and Chris was fine , so they grabbed a hold of him and tried to pull out , nothing but a rattle of the bears mouth ,tried again and Chris moved a bit and complained that his head was hurting , when they did a 3rd time the bears teeth clamped down and injured the boy thus sending him to the hospital.