
A romantic entanglement

"Daphne, I want to make you mine" The man says softly with passion burning in his icy blue irises. He leans in and kisses her lips slowly entering her mouth with his tongue. Daphne was conflicted, she did not know if he was asleep or awake however she couldn't take let this chance slip through her fingers. She wraps her hands around his neck and intertwined her tongue with his at last. Under the bright full moon, the two siblings bask in each other's warmth. Daphne was the adopted daughter of the King, Xavier Loah Skytria. She lived in the slums with her late mother before she was taken in by Xavier. She enters into an entanglement with Xavier's only son, Alexander Hugo Skytria. She hides her feelings knowing it won't end well if she confesses. She is often forced to endure his teases everyday unaware of his real intentions. Will Daphne persevere to the end or give up and follow her heart?

Jay_Montez · História
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Alexander POV: Part 2

When I started to crave Daphne, like a man craves for a woman, I left the palace on the pretense of a vacation to my fief, Yenes. I left before Daphne noticed me gone because I knew that if she had, I wouldn't be able to leave if she begged me to stay. The first few days I stayed at my mansion at Yenes, I buried myself in work, hoping to forget about my sexual desires for my little sister. But the more I tried to forget, the more I missed her.

My sexual frustration was exceedingly high, I resulted in pleasuring myself through masturbating. I knew I couldn't take it anymore when I had a wet dream about her.

I went into town for a change of scenery. I came across a brothel there and a nasty thought came to me. I shook it off and wanted to leave. Then I saw 'Her', Jeanette, A prostitute who worked there. She was smoking outside the brothel when she suddenly glanced at me. Her blonde hair was a tad bit messy and her pink eyes were stunning, She was not to my taste but why did I see Daphne in her?. She beckoned me with her right hand which she held her long black smoking pipe. Like a bewitched person, I came before her. She told me how handsome I looked though I was young and offered herself to me for a total of three silver coins and I agreed, hesitantly.

From that day forth, I visited Jeanette and used her as a temporary yet effective means of relieving my sexual frustration for Daphne. I told Jeanette about my feelings for Daphne and she accepted it. "I don't really care as long as you pay me handsomely" She said. I chuckled at her words and felt relieved that she didn't judge me. I spent 2 years in Yenes. When I told Jeanette I was going to go back, she was sad. She asked me to stay and told me how much she enjoyed my company.

"My company or my pockets?"-I asked, doubtful of her real intentions.

"That too but...."-Her eyes shifted to the ground. She looked shy.

Her expression confirmed my speculations, Jeanette had feelings for me. But what should I do?. I loved Daphne and I only wanted her.

"I have to go home, I miss her dearly".

"She's a lucky girl"-Jeanette understood immediately. It was my way of rejecting her.

"If your confession gets shuts down, you know where to find me".

"Haha, I won't even if she rejects me" My short laugh hid my seriousness. "You know Jeanette, Every time I spent time with you, I felt like I was running away. I don't want to anymore. I don't want to taint her with my darkness but I don't want to give her up to another. Complicated isn't it?".

"Ouch. Are you saying I made you cowardly?".

"No, I did that to myself. And now I must face this feeling head on" I replied honestly as I buttoned up my shirt.

"You do know you'd have to wait a few more years if you do not want to be imprisoned as a pedophile".

"You're one to talk. You slept with a sixteen year old boy despite being 10 years older".

"Call it love at first sight"

"Love at first sight my foot, Stop joking".

"I'm not though".

I turned to look at Jeanette and smiled. "I know" I kissed her on the cheek and left. As I exited the brothel, she called out to me from the balcony "Alex Dear!!, I hope she rejects you!!".

"How mean of her"-I thought grinning, as I waved at her and walked away.

The next day, I set off on my journey back home. When I arrived two days later, I went to greet Father first at his office in the main palace. Who knew Daphne had the same thought as I did.

She had grown up splendidly. Her face was more mature and her hair was longer too. She looked at me with cold eyes and bowed. She left immediately without saying a word. Though hurt, I had anticipated it. She must hate me for abandoning her for two years without a word.

After I greeted father, I went to visit Daphne at the Amelia mansion.

**Knock Knock**

"Who is it?"

"It's me Daph, can we talk?".

There was a huge silence before she gave me permission to enter. I closed the door behind me and waited there. A single window was open which let in a gentle breeze and some light to illuminate the room. My eyes shifts and lands on her as she stood up from the bed and walked toward me.

"What do you want brother?" I found her voice strangely distant. I knew it would take more than apologies to repair our relationship. "Daphne can I come closer to you?" My voice wavered. I was afraid she would turn me down but she didn't, It surprised me.

I advanced ahead and I stopped just two feet away from her. I had to choose my words wisely and apologizing was not an option. "I'm back Daph". Daphne's eyes widens, evidently she was not expecting to hear those words.

Instantly, tears began to flow down her cheeks. She looked more human and more beautiful when I saw light emerge from her emotionless eyes."W-Why are you so late?!. Why couldn't you stay with me?!!, You shouldn't have come back?!. Why now?!...." She tries to wipe her tears but to no avail, she just couldn't stop crying.

I stretched out my hand to touch her head but I was reminded of the incident with her history teacher and how I almost violated her in this very room. Her sweet scent was tickling my nose and I felt like I could lose control the next second. Though she was crying, my heart was running amok and I was strangely happy. "Say something you idiot!!" Daphne yelled angrily.

"Sorry. Can I hug you Daph?" Though shocked, she nodded her head in response to my request. I wrapped my hand around her shoulders and buried my face on her neck to stealthily inhale her scent. "Vanilla"-I thought.

I flinched when she put her arms around my waist without any hesitation. I blushed slightly and said "You are not making it easy Daph".

"What do you mean?" She asked curiously. I chuckled and looked at her face, placing my head on top of her forehead afterwards. "I meant that I lose my head whenever you're involved".

"It's that a bad thing?"-She questions, catching a few glances at my lips.

"No, not at all. I quite like it. It just proves how I find you totally irresistible" I brushed her cheeks with my hands, slowly moving forward. She turns her head away shyly "Is that so?".

I smiled and kissed the side of her forehead, subsequently dropping a few kisses on her face and slowly moving down to her neck. "Alex?...Ngh!" I bit her neck, placing a very visible kiss mark on her pale skin. "Sorry did that hurt you?". Daphne touches the place I bit her and replied "No, I feel odd for some reason".

"..."-I became speechless.


I covered my mouth with my right hand and looked away. "Does that mean it felt good for her?". Without realizing it, A door inside me opened. I wanted to see her react from my touch.

**Knock Knock**

"Princess, it's me Hannah"-A voice announces their presence outside the door.

I clicked my tongue in irritation and stepped back. Daphne then tells the girl to come in. The girl called Hannah shows curtsy to us before speaking her business. "Princess, The king is hosting a banquet tomorrow evening to celebrate His Highness return, Will you be attending?".

"Sure. Call for Madam Louise, I'll like to order in some dresses for the party".

"At once. And the young sir?, Will he be escorting you?". It seems like she didn't know who I was?. How refreshing.

Daphne chuckled. "This man before you is His royal Highness, Prince Alexander you know?".

"....!!!" The girl, Hanna becomes startled and bows her head to apologize for her rudeness.

"It's quite alright." I turned to Daphne...."I'll be taking my leave, I'll see you later".

"See you then" She smiled disappointedly, bidding me goodbye.

Now that I had gotten her forgiveness, I could now move on to the next phase of my plans. To dominate Her heart entirely. I created and used every opportunity I had to grow more closer to her. I flirted with her, through my words and actions. However, my advances would were undeniably rejected, seeing how she would avoid me. My patience was wearing thin and I had to satisfy my recurring rut by spending the nights with the female aristocrats in the capital.

* * * * * *

On the night I shared a bed with Lady Angela Bellari, the daughter of Duke Bellari.....

"Mhm?" I sensed a presence outside the door and glanced back. "Alex?" Lady Angela holds my face, looking disheveled and confused. "I thought I saw a cat, I guess not" I smirked.

"A cat?"-Lady Angela asked.

"Yes, a very special one" I decided to ignore the presence outside the door and focus my energy in pleasuring myself and Lady Angela.

The next morning....

"Mm" I awakened from sleep to see Lady Angela beside me. I snuck out of the bed to take a walk outside. I wore a red banyan with nothing inside and black trousers. After wearing my slippers, I left the room without making a sound. I was walking down the hallway when I caught some guards talking about how Daphne's arrival last night caught them off guard. I was already aware about her late night visit and that she was the one I heard outside the door last night. Without minding my appearance, I took a trip to the Amelia mansion to see Daphne. Luckily, it was just next door. The servants there were perturbed by my unforseen entry and kept their distance. The head butler of the Amelia mansion, Olivier, appeared before me and asked "Your Highness, Might I ask why you have chosen to grace us with your presence without notice?".

"I have come to see my sister, Can you tell me where she is?".

"The princess is attending to some matters in her living room, may I guide you there?".

"I appreciate it but no thank you, I'm fine on my own" I declined his offer and took off to see Daphne. After informally announcing myself, I received permission from her to enter the room. I saw the maid Rosette kneeling down before her, looking scruffy and dreadful. "What's going on Daph?".

"Getting things cleared out. What about you?, Why did you choose to visit so early? and dressed so lightly?" Daphne examines my entire body, letting out a fake cough after. I suppose a part of my plan worked?.

"I came to see you, I heard you visited the Phoenix palace last night" I said, marching towards her. I stood in front of her with eyes flaring with anticipation. I wanted to see if she would avoid me like always or lie to me. However, it was neither.

"I wanted to see you but I didn't want to intrude" Daphne remarked, looking away.

"Is she angry or disappointed?" I asked myself in my head as I sat beside her. I did not want to push any further. I glared at Rosette who was trembling like a rabbit in front of me.

"Okay then, Care to explain to me how she offended you?".