
A romantic comedy with a ghost girl.

Saik is an expressionless boy who can see ghosts. Yuki is a ghost girl who has always been alone and has never had any friends. Saik dreams of being the perfect boy his mother dreamed of having and Yuki wants to have friends. Working with each other, they will both achieve their own dreams.... On the other hand, Cristal is a nice girl, who has no interest in love... Until Saik saves her, arousing some romantic interest in her, provoking jealousy in little Yuki. "A-am I in love with Saik?" Unknowingly, Saik managed to romance two girls, and a few more, though he doesn't realize it. With two goals in mind, Yuki will do her best to achieve them. "You'll fall in love with me and I'll make you smile, Saik!"

Hector_Angel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

CHAPTER 3- My only friend is weird.

CHAPTER 3- My only friend is weird.

(Pov- Yuki.)

A Family...

Saik climbed the stairs and entered his room.

... He's a nice boy, even if he doesn't seem like it ... He's not that handsome, but he's not ugly either ... A 9 out of 10 ... He never combs his hair and most of the time his hair covers his eyes ... If it were better combed, it would look very cute.

I'm starting to realize what kind of person Saik is ... He's not a bad boy, but he's not good either ... He's a guy who doesn't care what other people say ... And he only cares about himself ... I was a bit surprised that he considers me part of his family ... To be honest, I am very happy.

... I have a family again ... I am happy again.

I thought I would always be alone and have no one to talk to ... But thanks to Saik, my lonely life ended ... I have a friend. I have friends again ...! Although it's a bit sad that my only friend is a weird guy ... He never smiles and is a loner ... That makes me his only friend too!

Fufu Don't worry, Saik, I'll help you make friends ... And if a miracle happens, you will also get a girlfriend.

Leave it to me, your trustworthy friend. When you finish high school, you will have friends and a cute girlfriend!

I'd offer to be your girlfriend, but I'm a ghost and you're not my type. I prefer guys with glasses ... Although I doubt that you will accept me as a girlfriend, I died when I was 10 years old, I am a little girl ... Even though I am 15 years old ... But ghosts cannot grow old.

But don't worry, I'll help you get a beautiful girlfriend! Count with my help!

Over dinner, I told Saik about my plan so that he could make friends, but received a very "unexpected" response.

"No, thanks. I don't want to have friends ... And they are not necessary for me either. Thanks for the heads up."

"Oh... I knew you would say something like that."

"I guess I feel more comfortable without friends ... I feel calm and relaxed. Having friends will only take away valuable time."

"Woah… That is a very depressing way of thinking. What kind of life did you have?"

"A lonely life, I suppose."

Saik lifted the hair that covered his eyes and I blushed a little ... I knew he was cute if he combed his hair.

"W-wow ... You are cuter than I expected."


"I-I mean ... I've never seen your eyes so well ... They are pretty."

... "Thank you? I got used to covering my eyes with my hair so that the ghosts wouldn't realize that I could see them ... Although it also has its disadvantages. Being combed like this makes me look weirder and I can't wear glasses. I have to wear contact lenses."

... "You wear glasses."

"I used ... I guess seeing ghosts damaged my vision."

... No, Yuki, he doesn't wear glasses anymore, so you can't be attracted.

"By the way, did you like the soup? I don't know how to cook that well, but at least I tried."

"Y-yes, it's delicious ..."

Although it is true, he does not know how to cook ... The taste is a little weird, but he's a newbie at this, can't complain.

"Thanks for being nice... I know the taste is kind of weird, but at least it's edible ... I suppose."

You guess ?!

"I'll learn to cook better, I promise you."

... He's too kind, but he's also selfish ... Who really is the boy named "Saik"? A nice boy only to me or is he kind to everyone? I want to know him better.