
A Reincarnated Tale : Pokémon

A middle aged white collar worker dies from exhaustion in the modern world and meets ROB. ROB judges the man, only to receive a good karmic value, giving the man a chance to reincarnate. ROB also gives the man the choice to choose a few wishes, but the man declines, not wanting any outside help. Seeing his honesty, ROB decided to let the man choose the world he wanted to go to instead, along with a healthy body, and a soon-to-be partner he didn't ask for. Is there romance? Yes! This is very much a slice of life journey through the Pokemon World. Current standing, MC works for the Aether Foundation, but has a high enough rank to enjoy his own freedom. Also decides to take the Professor route while going out on a journey with his friends. Current region: Kanto. Future regions remain unexplored. Three love interests. No more, no less. This is my second fanfic. *Cover art is not mine. I do not own Pokémon besides my own OC.

Aht · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
142 Chs

Chapter 30 Back To The Lab Again

Charmander or Squirtle?


*Ding* *Ding*

The loud steady sounds of an airplane humming through the sky was suddenly interrupted by a couple dings sounding off in each cabin. The cabin lights that were turned off slowly lit back up, revealing a bunch of sleeping people on board, wrapped in blankets, or leaning against their family.

As for me, I had woken up a bit ago. We were in our first class seats, in the same row we were in the last time, except this was a different plane. There was one main difference here though. Serena could be seen to the left of me, snuggled against my arm. She wouldn't let go of it no matter what I did after she fell asleep.

I didn't mind though. But thanks to the lights turning on, I could see her eyelids start to flicker as she squirmed around a bit. That only lasted for for a moment before Serena settled back in, and smiled as she leaned up against my arm. Serena didn't have any of her Pokemon out right now.

It wasn't just us either. Lillie could be seen off to the other row right across from us. Thankfully no one sat next to her so she was able to let Snowy take up the spare seat. It wasn't a packed flight. Lillie could be seen sleeping too, though it did seem she was beginning to stir awake. Snowy also slowly woke up, stretching her body.

As for me, it could be said I was in my own conundrum right now. In my lap was a small purple box of sorts that could be found from any general store if you headed to a certain direction inside of it. On top of it was a folded card. It appears this box was slipped into my luggage while we were on our way to Vaniville Airport.

I could only sigh looking at the box actually was, but I still proceeded to open the card, only to find some handwritten writing on it. I could recognize it too, these words came from Grace. It read :

Hi Itsuki!

I hope this little gift of mine made it your way. Treat it as a gift for celebrating your last big 5. It truly was a pleasure having you come over all the way from Alola these years to hang out with Serena. You've made her so happy that I lost track on how many times you did so, and I couldn't be happier for you two.

I could tell Serena was very happy since you two became a couple. If she hadn't been, well I would have kicked you out right then and there, hoho!

But in all honesty you two make a very cute couple, and as Serena's mom, I approve of it.

It looks like you two finally advanced a step in your relationship before heading out to return back home. I prepared this for you, so be sure to make good use of it!

As you begin your journey with Serena, as well as the girl I met, Lillie, I won't be around to watch over you. Well, you guys are now adults, so I don't need to worry about that now.

Just remember, whenever you two feel it's time to experience that connection, remember to use protection!


Grace, Your future mother-in-law

PS :

It's clear that girl Lillie likes you too, so man up and confess to her. I don't mind you sharing a relationship with both Serena and Lillie. I don't wish to see such s great friendship ruined~

Reading all of that, I became silent. Placing the card down to my side, I looked at the purple box underneath it.

"It definitely is that...", I uttered to myself, letting out a long sigh.

I don't need to spell out what Grace gave to me, do I? It is 'That'.

"What's what...?", A soft voice suddenly reached out to my ear.

Shifting my head I saw Serena waking up, and rubbing her eyes.

"It's nothing.", I replied to Serena. I then immediately hid the box from her eyes.

"You're hiding something, aren't you?"

"I don't know what you mean~", I grinned back at her with a teasing tone.

"Show it to me!"

"Show you what?"

"Geez, weren't you reading something just now?"

"Oh, so you did see that.", I answered her casually. "Here."

After I said that, I tossed Grace's letter into Serena's lap, who fumbled with it before catching it.

"A farewell letter, courtesy of my apparently future mother-in-law.", I grinned at Serena, which caused her cheeks to blush.

"F-future mother-in-law!?" Serena softly exclaimed, feeling embarrassed.

"Just read it.", I replied, letting out a sigh


Serena went quiet after that and opened the letter. It wasn't long but she could feel the warmth of her mother's words for it.

"Mom...", Serena replied happily. She got confused at what she mentioned last. But for her post remark, she nodded inwardly Serena could also tell that Lillie likes me too.

"So what's this gift Mom mentioned to you...?", Serena asked curiosity.

I didn't say anything, and only tossed the purple box at her. After she caught it, she looked at the front of the box. The moment I saw her look at it, her eyes turned wide and her cheeks turned a deep crimson.

"I-Itsuki, aren't these c--mmph!?", Serena tried to ask, but I immediately covered her mouth with my hand.

"Shh. I don't want to cause a scene here. From your reaction, you fully understand what this is, right?", I asked her after quieting her down.

Serena nodded her head.

"Good.", I replied, releasing my hand. Serena calmed down a bit.

"That mom...Guess she figured us out, hehe."

"Right? I'll store this away. I know it won't be a long time until we're ready for it anyway."

"Yeah, you do that. One day, we'll use it for sure. By the way, it looks like we're about to land."

"Did you enjoy your sleep?"

"Yeah" I can't wait to see what your home locks like. I didn't get the chance last time since we were at Summer Camp."

"I'll definitely show you two around. We'll have two days before I need to head to Gramps place to choose my starting Pokemon."

"Haha, good morning you two. Looks like you're having some fun already.", Another voice said reaching out to us.

We turned our heads, only to see Lillie smiling at us awake, rubbing Snowy with her hand.

"Ooh, you woke up, Lillie. Did you enjoy your sleep too?"

"Yup. Looks like we're in Kanto now and will be landing in a few."

"Yeah, Gramps did contact me and let me know he'll be waiting for us before we got on this plane." ( A/N : Just like with Gary, Itsuki will also start calling Professor Oak Gramps from here on)

"Got it.", Lillie acknowledged me.

"By the way, I did see what was written on Mom's last part. So when are you going to tell Lillie how you feel?", Serena whispered to me with a grin. Lillie saw this and wondered what what Serena had just whispered to me, as she couldn't hear.

"Only time will tell, but hopefully sooner than later.", I replied back to her, keeping it vague.

That response received a pout from Serena, which caused me to laugh.

At this rime we received a message from the flight attendants to get ready for landing.

"We will be landing into Viridian City Airport momentarily. Once again we thank you for flying with us.", the intercom spoke out.

All of us then prepared for landing. With a strong jerk, we felt the plane land, and we arrived in Kanto. Viridian City to be exact. It has one of the largest airports in Kanto and was the closest to home.

Deboarding only took a few minutes, and not too long after, the three of us heard an aged voice reach out to is after we passed security on the way.

"Hoho, looks like you guys arrived on time. Is that really you, Itsuki? You're much taller than what you seemed to be in our calls, and that's quite the tan you got there."

Professor Oak appeared before us with a smile, saying that.

"Gramps!", I yelled out happily. Placing down our bags I rushed at him and gave him a hug.

"Woah there, it's not like it's been a while since we last saw each other.", Oak said, grinning at me.

"True, but it's different seeing you in person. It's good to see you again."

"Likewise. But you really have grown up, haven't you? And it looks like you brought these two along too.", Professor Oak responded the hug, and looked at Serena and Lillie.

"Hello, Professor Oak.", Serena and Lillie responded.

"Everyone is here then. Let's go take your things to the car. My daughter and other grandson are very much looking forward to you."

"Haha, I bet they are. Are Ash and Green doing well too?"

"They are. The four of you are about to start your journey!"

"Haha, don't forget about us two either.", Serena laughed in response. "We'll be accompanying him as we journey through Kanto."

Hearing that, Oak nodded his head. We were able to catch up as we took our things to his car. Packing it away, the four of us left Viridian City Airport. It's a shame I didn't have time to explore Viridian City at this time, but well it will be soon enough. It will be our first major stop before passing through Viridian Forest.

Professor Oak became giddy seeing my shiny Alolan Ninetales in person for first time too, he wouldn't stop asking about her.

As we got on the road to Viridian City--cough cough, sorry wrong direction.

Retorting that, a certain song started to play in my head, distracting myself from the others. Serena and Lillie just absorbed in the sights as we drove along Route 1. As what it would take a day on foot, we drove through it in just a couple of hours. The roads were clear but in the tall grass around us we could see some Kanto Pokemon in the distance, which excited the two.

Before long, we arrived in Pallet Town, home sweet Ala--, I mean home.

The first thing that we went to was my house of course, the mini sized mansion I grew up in. It's pretty inconspicuous on the outside, but it looks like Mom installed a fence with a flower bed out front while I was gone. Several berry plants could be seen off to the side as we parked the car in the space next to it.

"So this is your home, huh? Is that a field I see out back?"

"Looks like your mom likes gardening too. I can see several different types of berries. As I recall, Violet participated in the Kanto Conference in the past, so seeing this she must have raised her Pokemon with great care."

*Right? Let me show you guys inside. Gramps, you coming with us?"

"Sadly no.", Professor Oak said, shaking his head. He proceeded to help get our luggage out of his car, and I helped him.

"These next couple of days will be very busy for me. Our next batch of starter Pokemon arrived not too long ago and I need to make sure they're healthy for my next batch of trainers that are due to arrive. I hot four Pokemon I'm currently working on this time."

Hearing that I stood still.

"Your next batch of starter Pokemon...don't tell me?"

"Ahh. You're on the list of my next trainers. You'll be starting your journey in three days along with Gary, Ash and Green!"

"Three days...", I said, smiling back at him.

"So we got two days to enjoy Pallet Town then!"

"I'm sure we can explore the full town during that time. It doesn't look very big.", Serena and Lillie replied excitedly.

"Yeah. It ain't a big town. We'll see you around Gramps."

"Tell Violet I said hi!", Professor Oak said, opening his car door. Turning the engine on, his car left, leaving the three of us at the front door. His car sped toward the hill where his lab was situated atop of.

I got out my house keys and unlocked the door.

"Mom, I'm home!", I yelled out

"Oh my, there's a voice I haven't heard in a while.", another voice reached out to us. As we got in Serena and Lillie became shocked seeing how fancy the inside was, compared to outside. From the kitchen area, a figure emerged. It was a middle aged purple haired woman who seemed to be aging, as part of her hair was turning more pale.


"Pardon the intrusion."

"Is big brother back already?", a separate voice reached out to us too. A spiky brown haired figure showed up coming down from the steps that led to our bedrooms. The spikes have grown a bit and extended further down backside of his neck. He wore a black polo shirt and purple pants. An amulet of sorts could be seen around his neck.

"Yo, brother. Are these the two rumored chicks too?"

"Haha, it's good to see you again, Gary.", I said, approaching him. Extending my right arm, he extended his left. We clasped them together, and brought us closer. I then wrapped my spare arm around his back as he did mine A greeting fit for us.

"Ahh. Welcome home, Big Brother. Damn, you sure got tall didn't ya?"

"So this is your little brother Gary...", Serena spoke out behind me. "I'm Serena!"

"Lillie.", Lillie simply responded.

"Nice to meet ya two too. Welcome to our home."

"It really is good to see you again, Itsuki. Welcome home.", Mom also said, greeting us.

From there, I was able to formally introduce my girlfriend to mom, and she accepted her just as Grace accepted me. We settled in while Lillie greeted her, only for mom to pull her away for a few questions. Gary, Serena and I caught up with what was happening lately.

As for Lillie, she joined us a bit later with a light blush on her cheeks. She would steal a glance at me every so often. Serena caught onto this but would only giggle. I could only shrug it of for now.

Looks like Gary was ready to start his journey. Turns out he was going to meet up with Green too before we arrived, so instead he called Green over. Green rushed over immediately after hearing we returned and became excited.

The moment I saw Green arrive only to greet Gary with a short kiss, I knew the two had started dating. After learning that Green was trying to get closer to him in the last few years, Serena and I urged her to take the initiative, and it looks like it paid off. Good for her.

And on top that, I could feel no arrogance from this current Gary. Looks like Green has been keeping check for him.

As for Ash, well he didn't show up the day we returned. Typical of him to do so. We informed his mom but it looks like Ash actually forgot. We learned that Gary and Green graduated at the top of their respective classes while Ash struggled through his of any that wasn't related to Pokemon. It truly was a wonder how he even began his journey.

It does look like Green will be accompanying Gary for travelling too when we all leave in three days time. As for Ash, he only came to learn of us the day after we arrived, acting really surprised then.

The one funny thing though was whenever Ash would try approach us three, Amber would literally chase him out of the room. Seeing that never gets old. She could probably sense that Ash was a known trouble magnet.

The first day passed before we knew it I returned home and introduced Serena and Lillie to my family. I did let mom know that Gramps was busy with his work and she accepted it, knowing that his work was meant for us.

This was January 3rd, Year 2010.

The first day we mainly spent the day catching up.

On the second day, January 4th, we went on a double date with Gary and Green. Green was informed of Lillie's situation too by Serena so we invited Lillie too, which surprised her. Overall the double date was amazing, we sampled a lot of Pallet Town of what it had to offer.

Ash was left in the dust. He wanted to join us, but Gary quickly shut him down, saying this event was only meant for adults and teased that he was still a kid. He even used his famous "Smell ya later" line as we left. As for Ash, he saw us proceed to hold hands as we left, which only left him confused.

He quickly got over it though. We informed Gramps we were doing this ahead of time so he let Ash play in the ranch.

The second day came and gone and we had a blast. During the two nights, Serena snuggled up against me sleeping in my bed. As for Lillie, we laid out a futon for her. My room was plenty big enough for both.

Each night after the two of us fell asleep, Lillie would look at us with a look of longing in her eyes, before falling herself.

Yet everything changed on the third day, when the fire nation suddenly attack--cough cough.

I mean, today officially marked the January 5th, the day I turn fifteen, celebrating the last big five. it was an important day to me, as today officially marked me becoming an adult.

In my past life in the Japanese society, one doesn't come of age until they turn twenty. However that coming of age happens to be fifteen here. People also seem to grow up a bit faster here, so that's probably why it's only fifteen.

Either way, I was woken up with two happy birthdays from Serena and Lillie, earning a kiss from Serena and a hug from Lillie. We basically made the most of this day, letting our Pokemon join in the fun. This time we included everyone and the day went by super quick.

After dinner I finally had my first taste of alcohol too, not that I'm too big on it. And if I had a preference, I'm more of a wine guy, not a beer guy. Beer definitely requires getting used to, otherwise it'd just taste bitter most of the time.

Once the night came, we went our separate ways. Me, Serena and Lillie would begin our journey tomorrow.

It was unfortunate but Gary Green and Ash wouldn't start theirs as they have yet to turn fifteen. We had a group meeting about this and decided that these three will start their journey after Green's last big five. After that they would leave together, should Ash make it on time of course. They would have half a year to reach the Kanto Conference with me, otherwise they'd be left out and wouldn't be able to partake in it until a year later.

They were also fine with me starting mine tomorrow too. That also meant I would get first dibs on who to choose as my starter Pokemon, haha!

And with all out of the way bidding good night to mom and Gary, it was well into the night. Gary seemed to have taken off to Green's place while mom decided to sleep on the first floor. Before we headed into the second floor, Mom gave a wink to Serena and Lillie, causing Serena to smile and say nothing and Lillie to blush silently.

I felt Serena grab a hold of my hand with hers while Lillie walked beside me. We vanished from sight, heading toward my room. It was oddly quiet as I heard our shuffling feet. With a sound of a closing door, it was just me, Serena and Lillie.

"Looks like your special day is almost over. It sure was amazing, wasn't it?", Serena asker me.

"Yeah. It was definitely a blast. It's sad the day's almost over."

"It doesn't have to be over yet you know. You got your lovely girlfriend in your arms, I wonder what she will do~", Serena replied with a teasing tone. Without warning she approached me, and wrapped her arms around me. I suddenly felt something soft press against my chest and more so my mouth. She locked her lips with mine.

Seeing Serena go in for a deep kiss right off the bat caught ne off guard, but I let her tongue swirl around mine. A few seconds passed before she parted ways, leaving behind a string of drool.

"Mmm...As I thought, kissing definitely feels good with the guy you like, hehe."

"Serena, you...", I tried to retort. Yet I was interrupted by her finger as she placed it over my lips.

"Nuh-uh, the night is only starting, Itsuki. Moreover, you're not going to keep Lillie in the dark here any longer, will you?", Serena asked seriously.

Hearing that, I turned quiet. I shifted my eyes toward Lillie, who had her cheeks flushed in red. I saw her take a deep breath, before she approached me. She then grabbed onto my shirt with one of her hands.

"Itsuki...I don't want to hide what I'm feeling anymore. I like you, I really do."", Lillie stated, finally admitting her feelings to me. Serena backed away for a bit to watch this.


"Ever since you became as my caretaker, we grew closer day by day. I wasn't sure what this growing feeling was at first, but I felt it was something forbidden. I didn't have the courage to speak up about it. But after seeing how lovely Serena acts with you as your girlfriend in person, these feelings surfaced hard, and fast. I know you two are dating, but e-even if it's just for tonight, if you have a spot in your heart for me, will you let me be yours?", Lillie said with a resolute tone.

After Lillie said that, she looked at me right in the eyes and didn't back away. I didn't say anything and just walked up to her. Giving her a hug surprised her. What I did next caused her eyes to turn wide. I planted my lips against hers, opening her mouth with my tongue. It felt very subtle as we danced for a few seconds. The kiss ended shortly after. After we parted lips, I rubbed Lillie's head.

"Lillie, I like you too. No, I love you, just how I love Serena beside you. I was waiting for a chance to confess, but I felt it wasn't an appropriate time yet, so I was hesitant about this. Looks like you took the first step, heh.", I smiled back at her.

"Itsuki!", Lillie smiled back, heading in for another hug. Seeing this, Serena smiled too and joined our hug as well.

"Also, this won't just be for tonight, Lillie. Starting now, you will be my girlfriend too. Our society doesn't actually condemn guys for having more than one. So get that thought out of your head, okay? We will be a family of three."

"That's right, Lillie. You'll be with us from now on."

"Itsuki, Serena...thank you!"

"Hehe, looks like all is well that ends well, ain't it, Itsuki. Boy you sure did nab such a pretty girl. You're really beautiful, Lillie."

"Y-You really think I'm beautiful?"

"Haha, that's an understandable. You truly are beautiful, Lillie."

"Hehehe.", Lillie responded with a bashful giggle.

After that, I saw Serena grin and giggled as she spoke out.

"Now that that is out of the way, it's time to drop your pants, mister."

Hearing that, I stood there without blinking for a good moment.


"What, did you not see this coming? Even Lillie was in on this if we actually happened to make it this far tonight. And we did, so let's drop those pants.", Serena said. She then walked up to me and began to unfasten my belt. With a plop, she pulled down both my underwear and pants in one go.

As she did, my dangling member appeared right before her face, causing Serena to halt for a moment and her cheeks became as red as Lillie's were.

After that, she got down on her knees, and stared at it. Lillie also got down on her knees and approached me as well.

"It really is bigger up close...", Serena said softly.

"Yeah...", Lillie replied a bit absent-minded.

"You two...", I also tried to say, feeling their hot breath tickle on me.

"Well, since we were able to make it to this, this is mine and Lillie's gift to you, Itsuki. Just a bit of experiencing the taste of becoming an adult. Just note I'm saying it right now we won't be going all the way with you tonight. That moment will be saved for when we're ready."

"You two really thought ahead of doing this, huh? Well I can accept that last part. It won't be good if we rush that."

"Right? So to compensate for that, Lillie and I decided we'll let you blow two loads on us instead. As for what method, we leave that decision to you. Oh and if you want us to get naked too, we're fine with that."

"Yes...It'll be embarrassing, but I'm ready for you, Itsuki.", Lillie said, nodding her head.

"Heh, if that's the case then please do."

Hearing me say that, Serena and Lillie nodded their heads and proceeded to strip their clothes, letting me gaze at their beautiful naked bodies. Serena was just like a colorful peach while Lillie was pearl white. Serena had bigger breasts than Lillie too, only a difference of one size.

And just like that, my big 5 had come and gone, letting the night pass in bliss and ecstacy. I let Serena use her mouth while Lillie used her breasts to let me blow my two loads on them. It was their first time getting to know my taste too, and we all enjoyed the fun together. It truly did let me feel what it felt to be an adult.

Besides being a working member of society, I had never felt this type of experience before, it was completely new to me. And if this was just the beginning, I was very much looking forward to us connecting. It was a very special night for all three of us, that's for sure.

But soon the actual fated day approached, January 6th, 2010. This is the day I will begin my journey with these two beside me. And more importantly, it was time to receive my starter Pokemon from Gramps!

I woke up to a naked Serena and Lillie beside me. We were able to hop into the shower to get ready. We ate breakfast together, and said our farewell to mom, Gary, Green and Ash.

We will miss them, but we will likely cross paths sometime during our journey.

And now, we officially set off to Professor Oak's lab.

As the saying goes,

It was back to the lab again!


Another long chapter for you guys!

Don't forget to drop those power stones and leave comments below!

Let's get over 500 this week too!

Hi guys Aht here.

Here is the next chapter!

Don't forget to drop those power stones and leave comments below!

Ahtcreators' thoughts