A human with no dbz knowledge reincarnates in DBZ universe, and reincarnates into a saiyan.
The red ball flings toward me, I stare at the blast before I teleport behind it and in front of Jenny, I throw a punch and instead of being stopped by the barrier she created, my fist slams directly into her jaw flinging her head back, she stumbles back gritting her teeth angrily,
She sprints forward throwing a high kick, I duck under it jabbing at her stomach, it barely taps her before a shockwave shoots through her body making her cough out a pool of blood, she smiles at me with her teeth covered in crimson blood before her body flickers, My eyes widen as a punch goes directly through the back of my chest but I disperse into fog, and reappear behind her throwing a punch, she crosses her arms as she gets launched back slamming into an oak tree,
I don't know how her body flickered like that but she hasn't used that move yet, I stare at her barely conscious body as she flickers again appearing to my left, I stare at her before throwing a right hand, it slams into her chest causing hundreds of small cracks to echo through her body as her ribs begin to shatter completely, she covers her mouth with both hands as blood leaks through the gaps of her fingers,
She stumbles back before her body flickers again, but this time I use the instant transmission to teleport behind her, her eyes widen as my fist slams into her ribs again, she instantly hunched over vomiting blood, but this time I didn't give her an opportunity to flicker her body, I throw a barrage of punches at her body slamming my fist in her torso hundreds of times,
She collapses in front of me in a pool of blood, I look at her while raising my foot in the air, I slam it into the back of her head before a loud crunch is heard, as I break the back of her skull as her own bones pierce her brain killing her, I turn around and begin walking away,
as I was walking I saw in the corner of my eye a fist being flung towards me, I tried to teleport but I wasn't fast enough as the punch slams into my temple, my body gets flung back as I slam through multiple trees until I plant my feet onto the ground coming to a complete stop, I grab the right side of my head as blood begins to pour out of it, I look up and see Jellas stomping towards me, but she seems different,
She seems much larger and taller with bulging muscles as veins begin protruding through her skin, she grits her teeth in anger before she sprints toward me, in a matter of milliseconds she appeared in front of me throwing a punch, my eyes widen as I teleport behind her and fire a blast into her back, she stumbles forward knocking into a tree before turning around,
She creates a blast in her hand firing it toward me, I sidestep it before dashing back and firing my own, she runs through it as the blast bounces off her body, her body flickers, I look behind me and see a fist, I duck my head as the punch goes over the back of my head, I flip in the air before slamming my feet into her gut causing her to yell out in pain, she stumbles back while holding her gut, I land on my feet before turning around,
" How did you get so strong? " I ask her, but she doesn't respond I don't think she has control of both right now, she's in a completely blind rage, maybe the blast her sister shot had something to do with it, My train of thought is interrupted as Jellas flings a punch at me, I slip it throwing a left hook into her liver,
She begins to wildly throw punches at me, I duck and dodge the sloppy attacks while throwing counters into her body, but they seem to have zero effect on her, I continue to dodge her attacks before an explosion appears behind her, She steps forward from the impact of the blast, I throw an overhand slamming it into her chin,
" AHH " she screamed out, I look over her shoulder and see the man I saw earlier, Comrosia is his name I believe, he extends his hand out as lighting begins pouring out, it slams into Jellas back as she begins shaking rapidly from the electricity...