
A Rainy Letter

Ara always wrote letters to Min and he also wrote letters to her but not a single one of their letters was out of reach of each other. There was someone who came between them and they did not know. They feel that the promise they made is no longer with them. What will happen when they find out that the one they trust the most is the one who is blocking their love?

By_Noon · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Blurred ‏‏Memories

She was sitting on the bed writing him a letter. A cold wind blew into her room. She raised her head in shock and looked at the glass wall in front of her.

The raindrops were rapidly hitting the glass wall. It was raining hard outside.

Just like it used to be then ...

"Raindrops ... how nice it feels when they slip on the glass, don't they?"

He was rustling his fingers on the glass window as he said.

At his words, he looked up at the window.

The classroom was empty at the time ... but they were both sitting there.

"It's raining so hard". She was saying

"Yes ... how nice it looks, doesn't it???"

There was a shine in her eye. She rolled her eyes quickly and removed her eyes from the glass wall.

She folded the letter and wrapped it in a wrapper and got out of bed.

And wearing slippers, she went to the court rack and took her coat from it and put it on.

And picking up an umbrella from the table, she started walking towards the door.

She left the room and walked a short distance to the door. She took out her sandals from the nearby shoe rack and placed the sandals she was already wearing on the shoe rack.

As she approached the lounge door, she saw the man standing in front of her and stopped her steps. She immediately grabbed the envelope in her hand and tried to hide it from his eyes.

But his eyes had seen the envelope and he smiled slowly.

"Where are you going?". He asked.

"It was just raining so I thought I'd take a walk". She was getting a little embarrassed.

He smiled again.

"You don't have to hide from me. Today is the 10th date, isn't it?. He said, closing the umbrella.

Ara looked down.

"What happened? Go, Otherwise it will be too late. The rain is getting heavier anyway". Suk said after a while.

She looked up at Suk and smiled softly and, crossing him, she went to the door.

"And listen....". She was about to leave when she heard suk's voice.

At Suk's call, she stopped and turned to him.

He reached into his hand stuck on his pants pockets and began to walk slowly.

And she was watching him in silence.

He slowly approached her.

Ara's breaths began to collide with Suk's. Ara began to feel nervous.

Suk looked into her eyes and got closer to her.

He hit Ara's forehead with his forehead.

"Come soon." He said with a smile and Ara also started smiling at his words.

He turned and walked to the lounge sofa.

He was watching her.

He sat on the sofa unbuttoning his coat. He smiled and motioned for Ara to leave.

Ara nodded, smiling, and turned toward the door.

She was watching the rain standing on the porch when the cold began to hit her body.

She opened the umbrella and as she walked, heavy drops of rain began to fall near the main door, hitting her umbrella.

Ara looked up at the sky. She could see raindrops slipping on the umbrella.


He was looking across the glass wall with her hands in his pockets. Raindrops were slipping on her glass-like umbrella. She looked so beautiful.

Suk's hair was on his forehead and was hitting his eyes.

Anxiously, he removed his hair from his forehead.

He was watching her go ...

Away from himself

The rain had subsided a little ... There were very few people on the way...

She was walking slowly on the wet road. The rainwater was sticking to her slippers. The cool and sweet air was hitting her beautiful face.

The letter box was far away... but...

When the rain stopped, the cold wind started blowing ...

And when the cold wind hit her, she felt "his" presence.

She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she did not know when she would reach her destination.

She walked over to the letterbox ... but she was still lost in thought.

In his memory...

"You don't remember me, Min? Has it never happened that you open my letter and read it ...? Have you forgotten me?". There was a lot of pain in her eyes. The letter box now looked dim.

"Suk saying that you have forgotten me ... I don't know why he said that, he knows how much you love me ... If you write a letter this time, I will definitely show it to Suk. "

The rain began to fall again.

She took the letter out of her purse and looked at the letter, then put it in the letter box and turned it over.

She had just taken a few steps back when the rain began to fall ... so fast… that it became difficult for her to return on foot ...

She stood on the sidewalk by the side of the road.

Raindrops were falling on the road and scattering ...

"Ara ...". He said in a loud voice. "Come to me soon or you will get wet ...?". He was gesturing to her and she came running towards him.

Why didn't you bring your umbrella ... You must have forgotten again ... You know, it's rainy weather". She was just smiling at him ... and Ara didn't realize she was still smiling as she remembered him.

""You forgot because you knew I would bring it." She leaned against the wall, slipped and sat down... She did not know when she put the umbrella down. Raindrops are slowly wetting her body.

"Are you listening to me ...?". He was saying and Ara stepped forward and kissed him on the cheek...

"I'm not kidding ...". he said, wiping his cheeks angrily.

"I'm not doing it either," Ara said with a smile.

And she sat there lost in her memories...


His eyes were on the road.

He was standing on the top floor of his office, where he could see the whole of Busan.

Today Busan was soaked in the rain. Just like that ... like he was soaked.

Due to heavy rains, there were very few road vehicles.

He looked up.

He was putting his hands in his pants pockets ...

His eyes were constantly watching the raindrops on the glass wall.

His eyes went to the road again.

There was a boy hiding himself under an umbrella ... and he was gesturing to a girl standing some distance away from him to come towards him...

She was getting wet in the heavy rain...

He was calling out her name aloud in the pouring rain. But maybe the girl wasn't getting his voice heard. The weather had suddenly become very deep... the rain was getting heavier.

He was just looking at them, unaware of his surroundings.

"Come to me soon or you'll get wet ...?". And she ran to him.

Why didn't you bring your umbrella ... You must have forgotten again... You know, it's rainy weather". The girl was smiling at him.

""You forgot because you knew I would bring it." It was raining so hard they couldn't hear their own voice.

"Are you listening to me ...?". He was saying in a loud voice.

And in response, the girl stepped forward and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm not kidding ...". he said, wiping his cheeks angrily.

"I'm not doing it either." The girl was smiling.

And when he heard them, he smiled.

"Listen, Min?". The girl stepped forward and grabbed his arm with both hands.

"Am I ...?". He said angrily.

"You could have come to me too... but why didn't you come". She was saying pampering."I got wet because of you". But the boy did not answer.

He was listening to them very carefully. But when the boy did not answer, he took one hand out of his pocket and placed it on the glass wall and placed his head close to the glass wall and began to listen to them carefully.

They will both be about sixteen years old.

"Min… Min...". She was calling him.


He turned back in panic.

"Ahh…". He took a deep breath.

David was standing behind...

He turned around in a second ...

He wanted to see them ... Again...

But now they weren't seeing him there ... not far away ...

He moved on... Putting both hands on the glass wall, he began to search for them with great uneasiness. But they weren't there anymore ... the road was deserted.

He wanted to see them again... just one more time.

"Min...". David put his hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at David.

His color had faded. His eyes widened again.

"What happened to you? How long have I been calling you?.

"I didn't hear." His voice was very low.

"Didn't hear…? What do you mean? What were you looking at?". He said as he approached the glass wall. His tone was both surprised and angry.

David looked through the glass. The roads were buzzing and the night was getting dark.

He turned to Min.

"Min...". He took a deep breath. "Let's go home now ... it's raining hard." Min did not answer.

"The office is empty ...". He paused. "When I saw the light in your room..." David left his word unfinished.

"Yes… I told everyone to leave early. "His eyes were downcast.

"I will drop you…".David motioned for him to walk.

"You are not looking well…".

"No ... I'm fine ...". Min's voice was trembling.

"No… Let's go." David said. And he nodded slowly.

Hopefully you like that... :)

By_Nooncreators' thoughts