
A Pure Hearted Mate

[ This story is at least 18+ for its erotic themes, depression, rape scene, violence, language, and depiction of a toxic relationship and abuse. ] This is taking place in the world of humans and werewolves. It begins with a twenty year old girl named Autumn. She is a very timid girl who has to go threw, like all the other girls who were 20 years old. The process of having a werewolf pick a mate. But she is completely aware of the situation, and is terrified of leaving everyone she loves behind. Let alone the idea of having to be with a total stranger. But as she tries to hold onto the small fragments of her normal life, she is dashed away by a werewolf who claims her as his mate. Will she be too scared to let herself except the position she's in? Will she learn to try and be open to him? Or will what becomes of her change the person she is for better? or worse?Will she gain more than she could ever receive and find happiness? Or will on going threats make it all too much for her to take? Let's see.

gemlover2 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Chapter 46: Trial -Part 3

[ Autumn P.O.V ]

As we stood outside the door and the guard that had led us to it was standing just to the side of it waiting for us to have a moment to collect ourselves before opening the door to let us in. My stomach was turning in turmoil and then I felt Leo brush my hand lightly as I felt him saying softly taking our attention off of the door.

" We're going to be alright.." but I felt even my wolf was nervous and was whimpering for all this to go away. She won over me for a brief second, just enough for me start to move my hands to hold his face as I kissed his lips before nuzzling him trying to feel more comfort. I felt him tense up a second before he started to hold the small of my back which shot a jolt of awareness and stimulation threw my spine. I responded to his serious but slightly sweet tone

" It'll be alright, baby. I'll be in the same room as you, and you are not in any real danger while you're in there. " I felt his hands holding me close which provided a calming supportive feeling when he understood my sudden burst of affection. I was so scared that I realized that I forgot that I should be furious and yelling my statements with anger and trying to scorn Alpha Andrews but my fear won over my sense of pride.

I said trying to calm my nerves before I feel like throwing up " O-Okay, " I then felt as I looked into his eyes that I could feel him worrying too. His hands did shake slightly but I knew he was making an effort to make them stop. But then I felt him lean his face closer to mine before I knew that he was starting to place little peck on my neck and cheek randomly. When he stopped I could feel him stroke my back tenderly causing warmth to rub threw my back making me enjoy leaning even closer. He then whispered to me

" Don't worry, I'll try to be beside you the whole time. " I knew that was a comforting thought but I knew that I'd have to deal with things on my own too and he might not be able to help me. I took a nod to understand and after a minute we both stood ready for the doors to open.

Once the wooden doors opened the view of the room was coming as we started to take steady strides. I tried to take in the room following Leo where I was supposed to go, but was focused on where I was going. Ron, Nick, Luke, Liz, Jay, and Summer were all veered off into the gallery, while my Dad was sitting in the front where we were headed. There's a bar separating the long ill seats which once we went passed these two doors we made our way to the section marked off for the prosecution. I tried to make myself comfortable in these wooden chairs with dark green cushions-Dad sitting on my left, next to me, while Leo occupied my right with a empty chair on the end of the row. The table had mics for multiple people standing waiting to be used.

It didn't take long before my Dad looked at me and was trying to start up a conversation. " It's great that we get to sit together. " " How are you two holding up? " he asked looking at both me and Leo leaning forward a bit to do so. I offered a weak smile as I said quietly

" We're just holding for now, " I responded while Leo added " We're fine for now, " he answered seeming to be still as much nervous as us " That's good, but I have to ask. I'm assuming that we have a lawyer or law guardian of some sort representing us on our behalf. " it had crossed my mind as he asked when I realized that I have no clue. I looked at Leo who understood my expression asking the same thing as he started to answer

" It is true that since we are over the eighteen mark that we will be having a lawyer. As an Alpha in this manner I'd have a lawyer ready to come and represent our wants and goals. The lawyer has to be approved by the judge though to approve that they are legitimate. " I felt slight embarrassment as I blushed for a quick second realizing that I didn't even bother to try and find that out. My Dad felt assured but I took this time to look around.

The room had creamy white colored walls and dusty brown boxed and smooth cylinder shaped pillars. The wall face in front of us had large dark red boarder-lining brown curtains that were all shut. There was the judges seat that stood tall above all the others seats, overseeing the room. It had this beautiful wooden frame like a thrown standing high and proud on a platform.

Bellow it was on the left was a little area with a small table for the court clerk. To the right was witness stand an opening with these stairs steps to get to it. To the left and right sides of the pillars that stood beside the judges seat were these two almost exactly the same wooden doors.

I directed my gaze to the sides of the room. On the right stood these wooden benches that got higher the further back they were from each other. The backs of each of the benches had a sliver of wood that worked as a small table for those who'd it in the benches. I recognized that from the door we came from that there were many rows of chairs that were divided between friends and family, and those of the general public. I caught a look at Summer and the others.

Those seats were divided from the prosecution and defense tables by a wooden rail. There was also unmistakably the podium half way between the huge structure with the judges seat and the two tables. I looked to the left of the room filled with a lot of brown and wooden tones. There was a beautiful maple red looking wood that made up these smooth boxes for the jury.

It was then determined to me that the door to the left of the judges chair was the judges door that he'd come in threw and the one on the right was the jury's door to come in and be seated. It also is the doors I believe that they'll leave threw when we get a recess so they can determine their verdict.

I looked at the box and saw these great chair that were similar to the normal wooden chairs with dark green leather upholstery. I took note that we were early because the other Alpha's and Luna's weren't in here. Then again I don't know how this whole thing works anyway.

There were exactly six chairs with a good foot between a pair of two. A simple looking office clock hung on the wall overhead of the jury box, left from the jury's doors. The little hands proclaimed that it was almost time.

The courtroom filled with murmured voices; though I'm not really though I'm not sure how many knew about this trial. I guess those reporters did their jobs well in letting the word out as spectators of the public that managed to get in were seated in the far back of the courtroom. But I did notice an area for the defendant was an empty seat...for Alpha Andrews. The chairs are completely empty. The three of us all shared the occasional glance, but none of us were willing to say a word- too nervous what would be talked about once we did, probably. Finally, Leo decided to speak up noticing my long stair at the empty chairs and why when I felt him start to reach to hold my hand supportively that my hand flinched.

" Hey, it'll be alright. None of us want to be here. " he was looking at me trying to offer a small thin smile that seemed more strained, as his eyes locked with mine trying to set my nerves at ease.

" You can say that again, " I muttered, squirming in my seat thankful for the uncomfortable silence of the room was dissipating. " What I wouldn't give to be home right now. At least then I wouldn't have to feel paranoid at the ticking from the clock almost echoing in this room. " I groaned at the thought of how it would have great acoustics but felt Leo smile slightly as I felt him brushing circles on my hand. I wanted badly to leaned against him but I had to try and have a professional appearance.

But then I noticed the doors to the left side of the room from our seats were opening and soon followed Alpha Remus and Luna Carole who were walking out as the others filled behind them. I praised myself for getting it right that they'd come from that door as they started to walk into the jury box and taking their seats. Then I noticed that to the right side of the room was those benches before were filling with members of the press.

The room slowly seemed to feel more like it was getting more and more filled who were murmuring because they all had yellow or handheld notepads or even some with laptops focusing on writing. It took a couple minutes of relative silence as we awaited for the small rumble to get silenced until a door slams against against a wooden post, and the sound is enough to bring the courtroom to dead silence. Everyone's heads were slowly moving towards the door that I hadn't realized was on the right wall of the room. I couldn't see it because of the benches were drawing my attention and I didn't know what it was for.

Eyes of everyone were locked with the only door present that had just opened. There by the door now was a man who was wearing clothes that reminded me of a forest rangers clothes. I figured as he stood aside the door now holding open. I felt like my body was freezing. It didn't want me to turn and see who was coming in. But slowly I turned my eyes to see trying to get a grip over this strange ominous feeling that the atmosphere had gotten.

Once my eyes caught sight of who it was being brought out I knew that my sense of safety was getting more and more unsure.

*' I mean, he was able to try and take advantage of me while in a prison cell that was burning him. How would him being out of a cell make me feel more safe?! '


I could see the glint of the handcuffs on his wrists, which filled my chest with a strange feeling of satisfaction seeing him in them. It didn't make me feel safe though because the idea of him being chained up like an animal suited him. The way he had long messy shaggy hair and didn't look like he was an Alpha at all and more or less less like a person. That to me was what he really should have looked like. At least then I can feel like he is being treated for what he is and did, but when I saw him in the iconic orange jumpsuit. I noticed that he had his hair cut back to how he had it and looked clean. The sight that he how he was before he was taken away to prison made me feel panicked. Maybe it was because I thought seeing him look so pitiful and hit rock bottom would help me feel like I was safer and in control.

But with him like before it's like nothing we did did anything at all to even touch him.

Even as two guards were practically yanking him threw the doorway while everyone in the gallery was watching a stony silence. When the two guards had him enter the room they were holding him by the arms with both hands. Alpha Andrews didn't pay attention to any of that. Even as his fellow Alpha's looked at him and the bailiff closed the door he came from behind him.

Instead, when he lifted his head he did it almost with pride and his eyes opened and swept over those in the back seat where I could see Jay, Liz and the boys all looking at him like the salt of the earth. While Summer looked at him in an almost confused expression like she didn't know how to hate or not once she finally got to see the one responsible for our pain. After her eyes caught mine for a second I knew she was concerned but when I quickly looked back at him.

Instead, he honed in on the three of us, his cold icy blue eyes, but instead of a murderous glare promising death. His eyes went on me looking passed Leo straight at me and the corners of his mouth turned upwards into a melancholy smile. I felt my rib-cage tighten as I found myself trying to swallow a large lump in my throat. I gulped hard but I think I was mentally try to swallow a scream of terror that threatened to slip out of me. My breathing was getting all over the place as he was slowly making his way to the defends table to be seated. All the while keeping his eyes on me as he moved but it felt like slow mode when he approached the table and broke his lingering gaze.

I felt my breathing becoming all over the place and shaky as my heart was starting to race. It hurt how much this sudden shutter was filling me and it almost felt so draining that I felt I was going to start to have tears forming in my eyes. My eyes were on the table top now and I couldn't get my breathing to calm down.

*' Please..please don't make me have a panic attack in this courtroom. I can't take it if that'd happen. ' ' I didn't think it'd be this bad. Was I hoping that if he looked like he did the last time I saw him that it'd make things easier?! Because now he's looking at me with those eyes. The eyes that seemed unfazed by anything and that smile...was he happy to see me like this?! '

' Now, I feel like he's more confident then ever and he still hold himself like he still has the power to do what he wants. How? How can he smile? I can't even fake a smile let alone a real one here!'*

I guess my attempt at gulping indiscreetly failed as I managed to try and breath in and out to calm down. Dad, though, notices my stifled sense of terror, and pats his right hand on my knee.

" Don't let him freak you out, okay? He has no power here. " he whispers to me trying to give me a calm smile to try and comfort me. As I look at him from my head still bowed a little facing the table. I looked back at the table my wolf couldn't give me much comfort since he entered the room she was just as frozen as me. Not even her bold nature could deny the look on his face.

*' But he's a monster, one who sees me as his play thing and I'm not safe in this room. How can I be okay practically trapped in here with him?! '*

I can't bring myself to say that to him or even say it out loud. Or even repeat to myself that he has no power here or over me. All of a sudden, I felt myself freeze. Frozen in place as my eyes locked with the table unable to move. But then I felt a warm sounding voice in my head snap me out of my thoughts


' Man, there was a lot of stuff in here! It took me a while to find your head and clear all of this stuff out of the way for you to snap out of it. '* I started to lift my head up tilted slightly as I looked to my right. I recognized this voice that finally wasn't mine. I started to hear more as I looked up at Leo who I could finally feel his hand that was still holding my hand but tightly now.

*' Autumn...I know this is really hard. Try to take comfort in the thought that all of the most powerful and respected leaders are right here in this room. '* I glanced at the Alpha's and Luna's and noticed some were looking at me, like Alpha Remus and Luna Carole were with concern and confusion at my state.

*' They so far are on your side. You are not the one on trial. ' *I felt his hand starting to brush my hand softly brush up my wrist a little. I could hear my wolf whimpering badly for our mates affection and to continue to comfort us. I started to feel my chest not feeling so tight anymore and my breathing starting to get on the right track, and my left hands was clenching in my lap so hard anymore and they weren't as white anymore.

*' Autumn...I would love nothing more than for you not having to be that terrified even when I'm holding your hand. I'd love to just wrap my arms around you until you calm down, but I have to try and refrain to be seen in here as an Alpha. '* I was locking my eyes on his face that was trying to give me a soft smile, which did make me feel that warmth in my chest again. His golden eyes locking with my expression softly and still holding a hit of worry in them. I was lost in them for second before realized his hand had moved and started to hold against the small of me back.

I felt his hand felt a little rough but it softened as I felt it pressing against the dress till it made contact with my skin. Then I felt it stroking up and down slowly with the slightest pressure that was causing my face to start to have more pink coming to my cheeks. As I felt a calming pleasure along with awareness rolling up and throughout my body causing me to feel strangely calm like a cat getting stroked.

*' Now that you're starting to get better. Just remember that I'm right here beside you. We're going to get through this. ' *I felt my body wanting to lean back and for him to be closer at least enough for me to hug his arm. I started to mind my mind again

*' Leo? I-I'm sorry if I scared you or made you really worried. God, the trial hasn't even started yet and I'm already this shaken up. '* I started to mutter looking down from his face. Herd him snicker as he said smiling

*' That's alright, especially as your first time in court, and with all these people here I don't blame you. ' ' But know this, '* his tone was changing to one that was more serious and determined

*' This is all going to end, come hell or high water. He is not going to stop us from him getting what he deserves. So, from here on in, lets both make sure of it. ' *my wolf felt liked she was back in business and ready to kick some ass. With growl of frustration, I shook myself out of whatever mindset I was in. I mentally slapped my hands on my cheeks and I was now focused. I had to also represent myself as the Luna of the Black Sun pack. I needed to do this, and I needed to be strong and stand up for myself. I started to straighten up and feel focused ahead of me. Though Leo's hand had moved and returned to holding my hand I said looking at him from the side.

*' Yeah, I got it! ' ' And Leo, I love you.. '* I felt him smile at me as I gave him a small smile in return and I felt his hand moved and opened up let me quickly lace my fingers with his as he clenched my hand. He responded sweetly ' I love you too, Autumn. ' my heart was beating a little fast at how wonderful it is to hear that. We started to focus our attention on what was going on and he asked me

*' Alright, do you want me to leave the mind-link on or?- '* he was interrupted when my wolf was melting in my head and said ' If only this courtroom was empty. God, I want you to flip us on this table or whatever and take us right here right now. ' the tone was heated and seductive as she mutters the last part and it made me blush as I exclaimed

*' Shut up!!Why are you back only to imagine and say something like that?! '* in my mind I was groaning and embarrassed because the idea alone actually had my legs clenching in response despite myself. I herd his wolf in my head musing over my wolfs suggestion in a smirk

*' Well, that's an idea, I'd more than would be willing to try some other time. I have always wanted to try it with my own bucket list I've been meaning to get to. '* his wolf started to say lowly listing things to provoke my body and her ' 1) Doing it on our desk at home, 2) Kitchen table back home- ' I mentally screamed not wanting to be caught between two horny dogs!

' STOP IT! ' Leo intervened as well but I could tell he was enjoying the list by the slight look of male curiosity on his face at looking over me. *' Alright real-it-in, and I think that having the mind-link off might be better so that I'm not suspected of feeding you what to say. '*

I agreed but before he turned it off I nearly herd him say making me gasp surprised at him* ' We'll get to that list later-'* It was mean to turn it off and say something like that but I had forgotten about when I was drawn to the judges doors moving in the room not long after the doors Alpha Andrews came in through.

When Alpha Ian entered the room with his Luna who was going to sit in the court clerk seat. I suppose Luna Abby is going to be the one to write down the records of this trial down. Alpha Ian was an older middle age man with a light complexion and dark green and brown eyes, wearing the tradition black and white robes. Without a word in the room now, his presence alone demanded silence. This silence left as he was ascending to his seat with the fabric that matched his eyes his movements even held a grace to them. A kind of grace that you feel a sense of wonderment like you're holding your breath.

Much like the reaction you'd get from seeing a glorious and majestic thing like a dragon, everyone knew he was once the King of the Alpha's.

Once he stood at his seat overseeing the room he hand his own dark brown gavel in hand before I knew it everyone of the Alpha's and Luna's stood up from their seats. Leo started as well which I quickly followed noticing that as my Dad followed out of example I caught in the corner of my eye that Alpha Andrews even was standing up as his hands were bound.

I was just standing and realized that in a couple seconds Alpha Ian started to sit down in his chair that even sitting his height was still fairly tall and had a looming presence over the room. Once he sat the others were starting to slowly follow and sit down again. Once I sat down I noticed looking forward as the judge had slammed his gavel down on the stand as he proclaimed in a clear slightly husky voice.

" I, Judge Ian, using the authority vested in me by the legislating body of the Green Mountain pack, will now commence the trial for Alpha Andrews of the Golden Moon pack. "

I wasn't aware at the time, but those reporters in the room were taking note of the presses writing change what this case was. I also felt too distracted with what was going on to really know what to focus on the most. Once I had looked forward I realized that I was hanging onto any words that Alpha Ian or rather Judge Ian had to say.

" Call this case, Bailiff. " he requested as the bailiff started reading from a sheet of paper in a voice that everyone was to hear.

" The people of the pack of the Black Sun versus Alpha Andrews of the Golden Moon pack along with the nearly two hundred rogues that will be represented by him in this case. " the press and people in the room who were unaware of the situation were starting to mutter and whisper.

Rogues are known to be the kinds of people who are unable to except the rules of a pack or finds that they don't benefit from one so they leave it. Rogues are known to keep clear of their fellow rogues because they learned to not need to rely on anyone. To get rogues together takes a clear goal to use numbers to try and invade or attack a pack. The bigger the number the greater unease is in the group based on the time together, so they all need a very big reason to keep them all from loosing interest. Once everything is completed is when the rogues disband happily. So to hear such a high number of rogues all together of that size was cause for alarm.

It was when I tried to read the room was when I noticed that as I leaned forward in my chair was when I managed to see the chair on the end of the table had someone sitting there. I assumed that the man sitting there was our lawyer. I realized that I was so distracted with everything that I hadn't noticed his presence. He seemed fairly textbook when it came to his clothes but he had this strange presence to him.

From what I could make out, he was human by his scent but it was hard to pinpoint it from everything in such a large room. He seemed to have a bit of a calm silence to him. When Judge Ian asked looking at the table

" Is council for the Defense present? " then a chair on the left end scooted out as a man with a tag on his suit said what I assume his name was Mike. He rises from his chair and said his gaze shooting up to meet his

" Yes, Your Honor. " so this was the poor guy saddled with defending Alpha Andrews. I can't begin to imagine the strain it'd put on him human or not. He responded now that Mike was beginning to be seated once again

" We shall proceed. Has the prosecution's council been prepared to testify? " we all responded that we were ready. He then said as his gaze moved to Luna Abby who had been typing

" Would the clerk read back the charges which this trial will be presenting against the one accused. " she had found this her moment to state all the charges in a very serious and almost reported tone

" The charges facing Alpha Andrews of the Golden Moon pack are as followed: First and foremost the charges of conspiracy and plotting the attack and domination over all the other packs. The charge of also sheltering and covering up the rogues using your pack and title to deceived your fellow Alpha's. " of course I knew that the reason the trial is so important is because we'd be here mostly to testify that he had betrayed and abused his power.

As the prosecution, we naturally went first, each of us being given a chance to testify that he had harbored the rogues and the admitting of holding the rogues. With the testimony from Alpha Andrews being brought up it was confirmed that the situation was simple and clear. I felt too uneasy at the idea if he actually got away and would attack. I couldn't help but wonder what would have become of the packs if he had succeeded.

I was so uneasy that I'm not really focusing on what is being said, though. I'd rather shift my eyes and ears literally anywhere else in the room: the composition of the jury, the stern look on the judge's face, the painfully tortuously slow ticking of the clock. The strange feeling of trusting a stranger as a lawyer for us even though I wasn't sure why we needed one. We weren't in the wrong in anyway, so why? This presence wasn't helping as far as I could tell so far.

Leo would be called upon and would need my testimony that I had seen them being held and over herd them as evidence as a witness to it. Leo's voice was just as stern as the judge but I knew how serious our claims were and how upsetting this whole thing was. To watch and testify against another. Leo was called up first, even if he can't give too much information, he remains passionate throughout. I liked his eloquent closing statement as he stood from his seat.

" Your Honor, I may not have been present in the acts committed. But I found that if I was honest, I'd say that I was not well aware of his action's he took. " " But when he had gone behind my back along with the Alpha's. I found what Luna Autumn had told me it wasn't something I was going to take lightly. " " Upon apprehending the rogues in his pack house it became clear that I do not know the man that stands accused here today. " after he was seated I murmured looking at him start to slowly start to loosen up trying to reach my hand out to grip his hand

" Good argument, " I felt his try to offer me an appreciative look in his eyes but didn't say a word as he then returned his attention to the judge. By the time the evidence of the routes that the rogues would take upon their attacks and times to return to the Golden Moon packs pack house. It surprised me that the routes and things that the rogues had been choosing to do. That once they had no leader it was normal for them to branch out on their own.

It was confirmed that the rogue activity over the passed year and a half was when Alpha Andrews started to assign the rogues under him to different packs at different times to provoke and test their skills.

This meant that when I first came to the Black Sun pack and all those incidents were caused because of him! So that time when I was taken by a supposed leader and that one rogue that died afterwards. All of those attacks that were what caused Leo to want to proceed to find a safe solution to it. It all was part of Alpha Andrews plan to push a pack to merging only to the point that he'd be able to attain enough power while slowly blaming the rogues. The more I started to hear the written confession he wrote of his plan the more I realized that he hadn't met me when he was carrying it out.

If he had he would be surprised to know that all those times he tried to attack the Black Sun pack he was putting me in danger as well. The ways he was willing to go to have his plan succeed made me notice as I looked to the left that Alpha Remus looked really unnerved. Alpha Remus and Luna Carole hadn't been affected much and had been pretty much out of the loop of what had happened and how bad it was. Now it was clear that this was going to be a tough way to find out about the details.

The details were very useful and Alpha Andrews did not shy away from being blunt or concrete when it came to what he wrote. The room became silent with slight murmurs in the room from all seats. I looked at the clock as I herd Alpha..I mean Judge Ian said in a calm but steady tone, his voice silencing the room

" Let it be stated that I along with the members of the jury will be reconvening for a brief recess to determine the verdict. " he slowly rose from his seat almost on cue the Alpha's and Luna's stood as well from their seats. They all left back in from the doors from which they entered. I noticed the bailiff was also having Alpha Andrews rise and being escorted out of the room threw that same door.

Once he left the room with the door closed behind him I felt myself release a breath I didn't know I was holding. We all leaned back in our chairs as people proceeded to sit up and convene into another room to wait- mostly the press and general public. I felt the tension in the room fading as everyone was trying to use this time for a much needed moment to process everything. I felt Leo seemed to lean in his chair the most with his eyes closed after letting out a long sigh. He caught my eyes looking at his face with slight concern as his eyes snapped to find mine. My Dad and the rest of us couldn't go into the back rows to check in on or talk with our friends and family

We had to stay at our table but before I could look away from them and to Leo I felt his left hand cupping my right cheek. Once I noticed I felt him still practically lying in his chair as his thumb started to gently caress my cheek with a straight face his eyes keeping me locked onto them.

My wolf preened at his touch as I found my hands holding his hand and wrist in them as I started to nuzzle and rub into his hand. I started to rub my left hand up and down his arm trying to help release tension in his body if only a little of it. I was glad that we were able to touch each other now that we weren't being stared down. I took note that Luna Abby was still sitting and typing as the clerk adding even what's happening during recess into the records. I didn't care to pay much attention to it though.

I felt the tension that built threw the passing hands of the clock as mine and Leo's stares fluctuated between the judges and the jury's room's. They remained closed but could open at any moment. With the verdict that based on the overwhelming evidence surely would allow us to have what is to be done with him decided.

[ Third Person P.O.V ]

After being brought back to the room he was before being brought to the courtroom. Alpha Andrews sat still on a metal chair with the posts merged with the floor. His fingers were entwined, resting on the cold metal table in front of him. His nervousness had subsided months earlier; he knew he no longer had control over his destiny. A year had passed since he was taking his first steps to finding Autumn. When he first sent those rogues he wanted to use them as scouts that couldn't be tracked nor traced back to him. He wanted them to find women who could be his mate to be found. They had been unsuccessful and with each time none had been found and brought to him. He became disheartened at still not being able to find his mate despite his vast reach.

It had also been a month since being expedited to the Green Mountain pack for the trial. Andrews now sat waiting to find out how the jury of his peers had ruled. His fate would be a heavy topic to discuss and follow threw with. It was when the bailiff herd word that it was time to take him back to the courtroom for the verdict.

As he was brought to sit once again as the jury started to enter the room along with the judge much like they had before. The foreman who presides over a jury and speaks on its behalf was starting to make its way to the front of the jury with papers ready to read. Once Judge Ian sat down in his chair and banged his gavel and said

" The trial will now commence. " " Has the jury reached a verdict? " the gaze of everyone swept over to the foreman who was Alpha Anthony who was standing, looking briefly at Alpha Andrews, and hen his eyes darted over to the people in the viewing area of the courtroom.

"Please rise," the bailiff requested. Instructions were ordered.Wes peered over at the jury: four men and four women. They had deliberated for three hours. He looked at each of their faces in turn. No one looked back at him. He felt very alone. He sighed deeply. A sudden apathy sapped him. He knew what the foreman had to say before he even parted his lips. He stared straight ahead. He was as still as a beam. As he heard the foreman begin, he closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

" On the charges of Seditious conspiracy to overthrow the balance of power between the clans, the jury finds the defendant...guilty. " with the details coming into more detail as the rest of the charges were being held to the same verdict. This meant that as they started to read Alpha Andrews sentence was when the impact of the word guilty really hit her

" Alpha Andrews, for abusing your title and given power we as members of the Alpha's. You're title will be revoked and in turn allow for either your Beta to usurp the title. If not we will arrange with the King how to place the responsibility of your pack onto someone else. "

With that the idea was clear, he had lost. He was going to be stripped of his title and power leaving him just another strong werewolf. Alpha Andrews's consciousness left the scene. He had spent the past months sitting in a cell waiting for this day. With the knowledge of the sentences he would probably received, he'd known his fate would be the same. He would spend the rest of his life in prison.

Waves of relief, surprise, and uncertainty rolled in all different angles from the room. Autumn felt more stunned than relieved at first until it all started to sink in as she glanced at Alpha Andrews. She saw Alpha Andrews jaw was clenched tight and was silent with rage. But as much as she wanted to be relieved there were still more.

" Now we will proceed tomorrow at 4pm to commence the second trial going over the other charges the defendant stands accused of. With that, " he banged his gavel " The meeting is adjourned. " everyone was allowed to rise as they all proceeded to get ready to leave threw the big wooden doors. Autumn and Leo were able to be with their friends and family and talk more to one another. Autumn and Leo both felt drained but strangely comforted by taking Alpha Andrews title and power. But they both feared and dreaded the next day where the more difficult trail begins. Even as they left the courthouse and went back to Alpha Ian's pack house, Autumn seemed in a state that she couldn't quite believe that they won. That not only that but she is almost in denial to where she feels like she's waiting to brace for something to happen. As she went straight to their guest room to think as she say on the side of the bed.

A part of her felt scared and quickly rummaged threw her bags and found her phone and quickly called to check up on how the Pi was handling Jace and Grayson. When she was answered and told everything was alright she ended the call and let out a sigh of relief. She thought something was wrong or had to be wrong for her to feel this uneasiness.

Leo went to the side of the bed taking her phone away as he sat with her trying to process and help see where she was at as he started to wrap his arms around her waist trying to pull her back to reality.

" Hey, " he said gently as he looked down at her. She snapped out of her thoughts as the feeling of her mate's close embrace made her look up at him as muttered quietly

" Hey, " he tried to smile at her and said so that they both could let themselves believe the words of today

" Today, he won't have any power over anyone anymore. I know that he seemed like an untouchable person, but he just as easily lost all that made him have power. " " We won, " with that he was slightly startled by sees tears streaming down her face. She hadn't realized it until she too noticed them. The idea that they finally actually won. Not just letting Andrews in a cell that didn't matter what happens. Not just the fight, but they actually won a case that had been going on and working so hard on for so long to just hear those two words. Autumn started whipping her face with her hands as he started to hold her in a hug smiling as he found she needed him. She started to stop crying but started to smile as well as they just started to hold each other. Autumn's happiness was making her heart rise with each calm breath as her wolf was whining at the comfort from our mate's touch. She began to wrap her arms around his neck as she started to nuzzle against him happily.

This made him happy and more relieved that she was feeling better but as much as he tried to hold himself back from nuzzling her he knew that while this was a cause for celebration. He knew

" Baby, tomorrow is going to be a hard day like today. It will be longer with the evidence we'll have to present and testifying. We have a lot of things he still needs to be charged with. " but with this her mind shot straight to her testimony on what happened.

*' Will I be able to testify with Alpha Andrews in the room commenting on his own statements? It'll be hard enough admitting to what he did to me since only Leo knows. How will I be able to speak up for people to hear me? '* These thoughts plagued her mind but quickly was swept away by Leo who noticed her body freeze when she started to think worried. He started to say grabbing her sides and lifting her onto his lap

" Hey, don't worry. It'll be a little like today. It will be a bit unpleasant but we can get threw this. Besides, " she felt his hands on her sides strumming up and down keeping her close

" if you make that same worried face again...I'll have to kiss your whole body till you feel better. " his face was mischievous slightly but his eyes still showed concern since it'd be hardest on her. She knew he was just trying to get her mind off of the overwhelming fear of the day to come.

None the less, he started to nuzzle her neck brushing her mark which made a moan slip out as he started to brush his lips up and down her neck. It was only then did they started to nuzzle and cuddle each other before going back to the living room to talk with the other Alpha's and Luna's. Along with Jay, Liz, Summer, her Dad, and the boys.