
A Pure Hearted Mate

[ This story is at least 18+ for its erotic themes, depression, rape scene, violence, language, and depiction of a toxic relationship and abuse. ] This is taking place in the world of humans and werewolves. It begins with a twenty year old girl named Autumn. She is a very timid girl who has to go threw, like all the other girls who were 20 years old. The process of having a werewolf pick a mate. But she is completely aware of the situation, and is terrified of leaving everyone she loves behind. Let alone the idea of having to be with a total stranger. But as she tries to hold onto the small fragments of her normal life, she is dashed away by a werewolf who claims her as his mate. Will she be too scared to let herself except the position she's in? Will she learn to try and be open to him? Or will what becomes of her change the person she is for better? or worse?Will she gain more than she could ever receive and find happiness? Or will on going threats make it all too much for her to take? Let's see.

gemlover2 · Fantasia
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69 Chs

Chapter 44: Trial -Part 1

[ Autumn P.O.V ]

I woke up at five in the morning feeling tired still but noticed that I was unconsciously getting ready in my normal morning routine. But then Leo woke up and started to move frantically out of bed and I asked why he seemed panicked since it was pretty early

" What are you rushing for? We still have plenty of time. " but then he said quickly trying to get out of bed as he took his t-shirt off " We slept in! " I exclaimed surprised " What?! What do you mean we slept in? " he answered as I tried to brush my hair quickly

" We have a long road trip to get to the Green Mountain pack, and it'll take a while before we're all ready to start driving to pick up your Dad on our way there. " we got dressed but I wore my white dress with long black sleeve over coat and had put my hair in a pony tail for the time being to keep my hair out of the way. We all rushed threw the halls trying to bang on each others doors while trying to tell them to get ready because we had to get ready to leave. Everything seemed to be in a mess of disarray as we all scrambled to take our bags and putting them in the backs of the two cars we were taking.

Before we left I made it my priority to make sure the babysitter was there and knows what to do to take care of Jace and Grayson even after Leo kept trying to tell me we had to get going. I couldn't leave without knowing our boys were going to be well taken care of by the packs Phi. There won't be any friends or family to reach out to if they were in danger or something bad were to happen, and I couldn't shake the feeling that despite the pack house going to be guarded as usual. I felt like our boys were vulnerable and I didn't feel right leaving in a rush like this.

Once we had to leave we all knew the car seating arrangement. Leo was going to drive a black Toyota with me in the passenger seat while Randell and Summer are in the two back seats with one seat left for our Dad. Ron was going to drive a white car with Liz in the passenger seat with Nick and Jay in the back seats of which Leo requested for Luke to come along who was awkwardly in the third back seat with them.

After we drive for a while till we were able to pick up our Dad with Ron and the others trailing us from behind the trip there. It was now 8:30 am, and we were starting to drive threw leaving the Blue Moon pack.

It felt really worrying too when we were heading for the Green Mountain pack. I haven't been there before and in fact, I wasn't sure what to expect or plan for. I looked around as we drove for a couple hours. I snapped out of my long contemplation when I felt tingles shoot threw my left hand on my lap. I looked up noticing Leo was holding my hand comforting me while rubbing my hand with his thumb giving me a small reassuring look. It did help me a bit as the music in the car was playing before I started to look around once he said that we were getting closer to the boarder of the Green Mountain pack.

After we were let in and continued to drive threw there was a clear idea of the terrain. There were real jungle like vegetation trees and plants that was surrounding us. They looked nice to look at as we were driving threw it but I felt surprised when I noticed the light dotting of rain drops on the windshield of the car. As we were getting further and further to get to the capital city named Linkith, the more the rain started to get stronger making Leo turn the rain shield-whippers on.

It was nice to see the rain since I like it when it rains. The smell of it and just the cool feeling once it stops and it makes the soil and earth makes me feel strangely connected to the earth more. But now, I was worrying I started to think if we had umbrella's encase the rain doesn't stop. The rain after a while started to just drizzle now just when we Leo said also mind-linking Ron to tell the others in the car behind us.

" We've arrived on the outskirts of Linkith. " I felt my curiosity made me want to see quickly any view of the city, but I was feeling a little motion-sickness from the car moving for so long without stepping out. Leo then turned on the car vents to let cold air blow to try and help, but I was quickly getting cold. Once I caught sight of the city mine and Summer's along with my Dad had our mouth hung open as we looked threw the windows at the view of the city once Leo was driving on a long mountain road that lead further down into the city that was at least a couple thousand miles down.

The sky was still cloudy but the sun did show threw as it shined off the windows of the skyscrapers that could be seen among the other bunches of building that made up this huge city. The city was on all mountain basin foundations but had clear connections with rivers and even what looked like a beach.

That's when I remembered that Leo told me that Alpha Ian may be the oldest of the Alpha's and the fairest but he was a genius when it came to trading and diplomacy. With the pack being able to have access to the ocean for trading docs and shipping purposes. The Green Mountain pack is known to be the worlds foreground trading and shipping empires and this helps with settling diplomatic disputes and hardships.

In turn, since he took over being Alpha of this pack it has become a very stable and prosperous pack. The insignia of the pack is literally a mountain that's green; which you can see on some of the shipping containers on the shipping transporters. Leo and Randell were amused at seeing our faces that spoke all to well that we were tourist's in another pack.

The Blue Moon pack had always had strong alliances together ever since old times,and as this pack has gotten more powerful and successful the Blue Moon pack had great benefits from it. As we were getting closer to entering the city the more we wanted to stick our head out the windows to look up at the large towering structures of the building. As the car moved threw the wet black roads I couldn't help myself from sticking my head out just a little bit.

This place gave great New York feels and it wasn't exactly wrong since the traffic was pretty full. But it made us not move so much which was good for me to take pictures with my phone as I looked around. It took a while for the traffic to move, so when I saw my phone had a drop of water on the screen I pulled myself back into the car. I rolled the window up and noticed rain drops falling and landing on my window again. We've been stuck in the same intersection for about three green lights already.

I noticed it starting to rain a little harder but then I realized that Leo was leaning his left arm on the driver's seat door with his head leaning on his hand against it. His right arm was holding the wheel but I noticed his grip was getting tighter as he started to seem more and more irritated. I looked at him for a bit feeling concerned and understood his frustration. I started to lean on the cup holder a bit as I leaned and moved my left hand on his forearm and brushing it up to his wrist and hand. He looked at me once I touched him trying to ease him but then I felt him once I looked at his eyes that locked with mine. I offered him a small smile and I felt his arm loosening and not so tense.

He started to lift his head from his left arm that fell and started to grab the wheel and he gave me a small smile back, but when I was going to stop leaning and sit back in my seat. I felt him release his right hand from the wheel and quickly caught my wrist and started to gently rub up and down my wrist before trying to hold my hand. I missed him holding my hand but then I quickly looked at the road and noticed that the left turn lane was open and said pointing with my right hand.

" Hey, Leo, if you go there and turn we might be able to drive more in order to get out of this traffic. " he let go of my hand and started to move to the wheel helping both him and the other guys behind us get out of here. It worked well enough and we were at least moving but the rain was still pouring. The lights of the cars seemed to dance on the water that would splash from the cars wheels as they drove threw the building water on the asphalt roads.

I knew if Ron and Nick were in the car behind us with Luke, most likely they'd be wanting to leave him stranded because he might come across as flirting with Liz or Jay. I found that I could imagine it pretty well even without the mind-link to do it. I had asked Leo what task he had in mind for bringing Luke, and he simply said that he was to gather any rumors or Intel he could.

He said where there's a trial there's also rumors and skeptical people making them and it was best to have someone to fill us in on what the current state those present had on the topic at hand. It made sense but if I was still having a hard time talking in front of crowds in my own pack calmly. I knew I'd be a silent mess if there was going to be all the Alpha's and the Luna's not to mention those attending. I'm so screwed.

We were told we were getting close to the pack house around 10:30 am now. I felt once he told us that we were going to what looked like a black decorated gate of what looked like a mansion. Once we parked on the curb next to this gate Leo said that Randell can drive the car. He was going to walk out of the car to the gate to let them open it. I quickly looked in the glove compartment and Leo was just going to step out into the rain when I tried to tell him to wait for me to give him the small black umbrella.

" Leo! " I quickly tried to open the umbrella as I tried to open the door and he had moved in front of my door.

" What is it? " he asked as I opened the door and on accident opened the umbrella into is face making any water on it flash him. I closed my door and said lifting the umbrella up scared to see his face once the umbrella wasn't blocking my view of it. Once I moved it over me I said nervously

" I uh..was trying to get you to give you an umbrella. So..you won't get soaked.." but the look he had was looking a little irritated and wet but when he was going to take a step closer to me without a word. Just as I was taking a breath in to say sorry for getting him wet his right hand grabbed my left wrist holding the umbrella and slammed his lips on mine backing me up against the car. I felt startled but liked even though his clothes were wet his warm lips was more than welcomed.

He started to pull back as we were both covered by the umbrella and the water from the top of the car and umbrella that water fell onto it slid down the side of the car was wetting my back. The cold from the water and wind in my dress left me feeling really cold and make me shiver so when he let me off the car my teeth were chattering feeling even my pony tail was wet. Only the pony tail so it was unpleasant how the water from it fell along the back of my neck making me realize that my legs could feel the mist from the rain on them making them shake a little.

I tried to keep my eyes on his but when he took the umbrella from my hand I think his eyes searched over me and noticed I was getting cold too and wet. But when I stepped on the curb after he stepped on it with the umbrella I felt him wrap his left arm around my waist pulling my body close to his. I think he was cold and thought I was trying to get him wet and wanted to get me back. But his body heat was very welcoming as I wrapped my arms around him in a sideways hug. He kept smirking at my still wet and cold state and how I'm holding him really close.

We got to the gate and told them that Alpha Leo and Luna Autumn were here. The gate opened and the two cars drove around a fountain in the front of a mansion that had some Greek columns and structure design to it as the car were parked along with at least five others.

The place seemed really nice but I was feeling really cold and started to nuzzle into Leo's neck trying feel how warm he was making me when it's getting even colder out here.

" Really that cold baby? " he asked looking down holding the umbrella in his right hand. I answered stopping and looking up at him " Yeah I am! You made it to where the entire back half of me is soaking wet it's only dripping water off of my dress onto my legs. " " I'm also getting worried because I don't know if my dress is see threw from the back. " I groaned and I knew he took a glance at my back to check if that was true. He said with a small grin

" Sorry, but you do have a pretty hot ass. I can even see your underwear.." the last part his voice went low and made a chill yet he was against run up my spine as I gasped slightly how he was gawking at me. I let out a not amused growl since I'm not nearing leggings or shorts with this thing. He stopped grinning when he took my growl as a sign to tread lightly or he's on think ice with me. But he just told me that he'd get me a change of clothes from my bags later so she can change into some dry clothes.

I was still annoyed with him and I felt him let go of my waist but then hugged his arms around me with his right arm the one out a little keeping the both of us from the rain and he whispered into my ear in a serious tone.

" There, now no one will see it. " I felt better that he was trying to make me feel less self-conscious and I did kinda like him holding me like this and how I was feeling a little bit warmer. We all were greeted by Alpha Ian who came out with a black umbrella with a plastic bottom to the umbrella. He had welcomed us since all of the Alpha's, Luna's, and family/close friends would be staying during the course of the trial while we're in town.

That's why the other cars are the other Alpha's and he had some of his men that worked as caretakers of the mansion help with taking our bags from the cars. Once we got inside with all of our bags I felt it was much warmer and drier. We were shown to our rooms like he probably did with the other guests since they probably were getting themselves settled in. There were staircases that extended to the left and right and really fancy chandeliers and walls and long rugs on the dark wooden floors that you could barely see. Once we were shown to our rooms and helped with our bags I wanted to make sure my Dad and Summer were settling in alright before going to mine and Leo's room.

Once everyone seemed to get themselves comfortable me and Leo went into ours. It was just as luxurious as the rest of the house and far more expensive looking than any bedroom I've been in before. I felt self-conscious of doing anything to this room how picture perfect it looked. The room alone looked like it had silk and gold molding on almost everything. Leo had our bags and put them in front of the huge king sized bed that had dark wood framing and a lot of sheets that made it actually look fit for a king. There was even a full length mirror that you can see your whole self in. I tried to look threw my clothes for something I could change into.

It was now 1 pm and I felt once I got changed into my clothes of black leggings and a dark green grey blouse Leo asked me sitting on the end of the bed holding his right arm on one of the dark brown polished bed posts. He got into some dry clothes which I picked up since I started to try and hang them over the shower in the bathroom for them to dry. I herd him ask once I was coming back into the room

" Want to try to get comfortable before we have to go and search for Alpha Ian in this place? " I wasn't really in a relaxing mood. I knew why we were here and it was all I could think about now. I shook my head but then I looked at Leo who was doing something weird as he sat on the side of the bed with wrinkled blanket sheets.

" Hmmmm...! " I tilted my head and asked as he had his eyes closed and his pointer and index finger were on his temples. He kept making this straining concentration sound.

" What are..you doing? " he kept his eyes closed tight and continued the sound slipping in-between the sounds " mind..hmm..control..." I smiled at how weird the fact that I know he can basically read my mind if he wants which made the idea of mind control very funny. I giggled at him being a goof as I started to walk closer to the side of the bed as he had his head lifted up to the ceiling gritting his teeth making groaning sounds with that weird sound.

I smiled at this and rolled my eyes real quick before I herd really small things quickly thrown in-between " ..kiss kiss..kiss.." I smiled wider as I started to move to sit myself on his with my legs spread out a bit as he finally stopped once I plopped down on his lap and looked down and moved his fingers from his head and opened his eyes. Just when he did that I had my hands on his chest lightly before placed a kiss on his lips. When I pulled back her grinned saying starting to hold my sides pulling me closer

" What do you know..it worked. " with that I kissed him again but this time he kissed back and started to move his hands to my back where he made himself fall on his back as we started to kiss more. I only went along with it because a) he was being cute, and b) I wanted to let it seem like it worked.

I made us stop and I got up out of the bed when I said that I was done and ready to go find Alpha Ian while exploring this place. Much to Leo's disappointment as he displayed a pouty face still sitting on the side of the bed as I was already up standing near the door.

I was far too troubled and worried for me to forget that we weren't here on a pleasure cruse and that we were going to need to keep our heads clear. Or at least one of us had to.

When we finally found Alpha Ian after me trying to lead the way only to get confused where we were and getting lost. He was in what looked like a living room but it was so huge that I thought it also worked as a dinning room. Once we were there almost all of the Alpha's and Luna's were present. I saw Alpha Remus in a suit as usual with Luna Carole with her right arm lock with his left. She greeted us once she saw us and waved with her left hand

" It has been a long time, nice to see you two again! I only wish under better circumstances though. " it had been so long that I was happy to see her again and manage to forget Alpha Ian was in the room. I said waving back as we both started to walk over to the two who were sitting on a couch that was on a rug in front of a gorgeous fire place that was huge.

" It has, it's great to see you again too. " I looked over to my left to see on a slightly bigger couch that seemed similar to the one they were sitting on was two faces I recognized too. It was the Alpha Jackson of the Blue Moon pack and his Luna Wendy. The two of them are also parents right now, but they have three. Two girls and a boy, and it reminded me that they are probably three and four years old.

" It's also nice to meet you both, Alpha Jackson, Luna Wendy. " I bowed from my waist since I was trying to do formalities. Leo stood to my left doing the same saying " It has also been a while since I've had your company. " Once we stood normally they both greeted rather calmly which I expected from them. Alpha Jackson had been the Alpha of the Blue Moon pack for less then a year from graduating from high school when he became Alpha. Luna Wendy was his sweetheart threw out his senior year and they were very happy when they knew that they were mates.

It's a kind of chance meeting for finding your mate you can only afford to hope of being so lucky. They didn't need to go threw not seeing each other again to find their mates. It also made Wendy becoming his Luna a very easy and natural thing for her to process. Alpha Jackson has brown hair in a hair style called a top knot where his hair is shaven on the sides but all his hair is long on the top. Right now, he had it in a casual small clip on the long ends of his hair near the back. He had hazel eyes that at times looked kinda yellow-ish green.

He had on a blue long sleeve loose shirt and blue jeans and brown shoes. Luna Wendy has a bit of a docile personality and she has curly red hair that reach her shoulders and the curls kinda just make her hair wavy. She has little freckles and blue eyes that reminded me kinda of Summer's eyes at times. She had a flower pattern summer dress on with nice sandal shoes on. It feels weird being a Luna to a Alpha and getting to actually meet them like this. It's a little strange since I've lived most of my life under their protection to where I knew all about their life before leaving. It was awkward since I went from respecting and admiring them to actually being thrusted into the same rank as them to where they show respect to me. But it's always nice to see them, like fellow students from the same school you meet again in life.

Leo looked at the couches and I felt him start to walk over to the one that Alpha Remus and Carole were sitting. He sat down and I started to follow him and sat next to Luna Carole and Leo sat to my left and I could feel him sitting close to me. That's when I looked around the room and realized the funny thing about being here sitting next to an old friend and in front of the two I grew up hearing about across from me.

That when I got out of high school I felt accomplished but could never think about what I wanted to be or do for a career. I would instead start working more at a job that I wasn't really passionate about but was a hard worker. My life was simple and if I was adding my high school years it was fairly tame. I didn't really do much to rebel or stand out, so even after high school I couldn't quite know of a place in this world for me. I thought maybe it's just to work and stay out of the radar. But here I am more than a year later and I'm with someone that honestly feel very happy with and I'm sitting in a huge mansion with the power couples of almost all the packs of the world. It just hit me how crazy that shift in my life was!

Just like that two people I could hear coming down the staircase and they sounded in a heated argument.

" No I'm not! If you can just get off my back for a second you'd actually know more about me then that! " it sounded like a woman's voice then I felt myself flinch when I herd something got punched hard following a aggressive tone from a man

" Why do you have to make a seen about everything lately?! We're in someone else's house for goodness sake. " I glanced at Leo who I think felt me flinch and was giving me a quick look to reassure me. Then we started to hear the arguing stop for a second and then the two came into the living room appeared. I was surprised to see it was Alpha Anthony and his mate.

Alpha Anthony had dark red spiky hair short hair and a tan built frame and walnut colored eyes. He was wearing some formal white shirt with jean shorts on and sneakers. He had what seemed to be a cover up smile and his Luna didn't look happy and still looked pretty steamed. She had long brown hair with white highlights and it was all hanging on her left shoulder the ends hanging off her chest. She seemed to be a very attractive woman and had a good figure and all. I honestly could barely catch her eyes because she almost refused to face all of us. Maybe she was dragged her without any say about it?

" We're sorry for making you all wait, and for causing any noise you might have herd. " he started to look over everyone in the room but I think he was ignoring his mates state.

" Oh? I believe we're still awaiting Luna Abby, right? " I was confused but then I quickly understood when Alpha Ian responded with a small smile. Looking from near the fire place he said " Yes, she will be down in a little while. She said it was alright not to wait up seeing as that we do have more work to do since the trial is so close now. I'm afraid you might not get to see her much while you stay here. " I took notice Alpha Anthony sighed and sat down on the couch with Alpha Jackson and Luna Wendy casually while his Luna remained standing.

" That's too bad, then it would be a rare thing for us to have almost all of us gathered here like this. It would have been quite an unusual thing to see almost everyone. " each time he said almost I couldn't help know what he meant. It reminded me of why we were here and who was missing. I felt Leo move his hand to my right shoulder and started to rub it slowly giving me a small glance before returning to gazing at Alpha Anthony who once I looked in front of us again I realized he was staring at me.

He quickly put on this smile and said addressing me " So Alpha Leo is here, so you must be his Luna I've herd so much about. " " This is the first time we've met before isn't it? " I felt his smile was unnerving because as much as I wanted to keep this weak smile on and try and pretend like everyone else in the room like they weren't just fighting.

I said feeling a little nervous since I didn't know what might cause another fight seeing as his Luna she looked upset and was staying white with her arms crossed.

" I suppose this is, it's nice to meet you too Alpha Anthony. " he seemed to smile and said looking at Leo's hand on my shoulder with me so close to him.

" You seem to be a very nice woman, and are the rumors I've herd from Luna Carole and Alpha Remus true? " his eyes went to Leo's who I was looking up at as he said " Is it really true that biter and pessimistic Alpha is now acting like cuddly teddy bear? " he seemed to smirk as Leo seemed to roll his eyes in the process shooting Alpha Remus a look while saying

" No, I wouldn't say that. " I looked at Alpha Remus and him and I concluded an exchange from Leo asking with a look ' Really man? You had to do me like that? When have I given the impression that I'm a teddy bear? ' the look he gave back said ' Tsk..sorry man. '

Then I looked at Leo again and then Alpha Anthony said " I was just wondering since I haven't seen you keep this quiet in a room with all these Alpha's here in a long while. No bitter growls or groaning when we'd sit with our mates. " I felt this gave me a good idea of what he was like when he didn't have anyone. He kept holding onto hope while at the same time at odds with himself.

But then just as Alpha Anthony was going to continue " Well anyway, you seem very cute. I also from Alpha Ian here that you two even have your own pups at home. " at that I felt myself say kinda quietly

" Yes, that's right " I could quickly tell that Leo was puffing his chest out with pride which wasn't something he flaunted around. Then quickly Luna Carole faced me and exclaimed excited

" Oh by the Goddess, I'm so happy for you! How come I didn't get a phone call or something that your a Mom now? Oh, whatever, we NEED to catch up real quick. What else have you neglected to tell me? " at the same time Alpha Anthony responded " Really?! Wow, man. So not only did you find your mate but you even have kids? How many? " Leo didn't answer without trying to draw me back into the conversation and out of the one with Luna Carole.

He seemed to not want to boast about our kids without me being a part of it. Like if he took charge and made it seem like he scored a prize I'd get mad with him. For the most part I might have if he was being like that. I felt myself join in saying still apprehensive talking about this with his Luna not responding.

" On March 10th was when we had two twin boys. " once that was herd by everyone in the room I notice attention was drawn which I didn't want. Then Alpha Jackson and Luna Wendy asked being parents themselves

" So that means that soon enough they'll be turning one soon. What are their names? And if at all possible do they have full names? " as parents I understood the excitement of having another Alpha couple with kids to relate too. Leo started to hold my side now that his hand had slid down from my shoulder. It felt nice as he rubbed it a little and I think that was my cue that he was asking if he could say one of them. I leaned against him a bit staying quiet letting him answer

" Well the oldest of the two his name is Grayson Cal Xander. " then I felt him leave an opening for me as I added feeling a little more comfortable " Then there's the younger of the two we named him Jace Sol Xander. " after we were done the two parents commented on how nice of names we gave them. But then just as I thought we were going to go on about our boys I caught a muffled annoyance from Alpha Anthony who sounded irritated as he shot his mate a glare.

" Man, if only my mate would be so accommodating. " I looked at him once I caught that and then looked at his Luna who was beyond pissed and was turning around to leave in stomping strides.

I looked at Leo who noticed me wanting to help see if she was alright. Once I looked at him he nodded understanding and started to let go of my side and let me smile and give him a kiss on the lips before standing up and following after her. I followed her up the staircase and tried to think nervously what to say to her since I hadn't introduced myself. Then I caught her heading for what I assumed to be hers and Alpha Anthony's guest room.

" Umm..hello, I'm sorry but I was wondering if you are alright? " she looked at me as I said " I know something must be going on if you two are fighting, but I just felt concerned how everyone could just pretend like it didn't happen. " she looked at me and said upset

" It's just..we've been together for only a couple years now. But he keeps on trying to come onto me lately. " I felt myself say feeling my face blush while feeling sorry for asking

" Oh, " then she said " My name is Luna Ava and your name is Luna Autumn, right? " I said yes and we began to talk. She seemed to open up to me well enough, but I think because how well she was able to talk freely was because I was someone who actually wanted to listen. She told me that they have been together for years but she has trust issues and so it was hard to open up to him. Then lately Alpha Anthony has been starting to try and be more affectionate but also trying to come onto her. When she objects he gets upset and they start the argument the same.

It always came back to Alpha Anthony wanting her to bare and give him his own children and he thinks with the amount of time they've know each other that it's a reasonable time to start to try for a baby. This only made her more upset and overwhelmed since she thinks a couple of years is way less time needed before thinking about children let alone having them. She doesn't trust him enough to do that. She kept on telling him that she wasn't interested in having kids yet.

This only made him more upset because he thought this meant not ever and she simply was feeling like he wasn't listening to her or what she wanted as long as he could get her guard down long enough. She told me it had been going on for weeks, and instead of taking this time away from home and the stress of their pack. He saw this as an opportunity to try and convince her to sleep with him for hours on end to try and get her pregnant. This of course made her furious which she had every right to be from this pig headed and possessive Alpha.

After it became 4 pm we both walked back down into the living room where everyone was talking still but about something else. Once we came back in Leo was starting to move near Luna Carole so that I could walk over and sit next to him. I sat next to him and just as Luna Ava looked like she was approaching Alpha Anthony who was still sitting with some space that she could sit beside him. But before a small smile could come on his face she moved behind the coach refusing to take the spot he had for her. He was irritated and said looking annoyed

" Come on, why must you be so stubborn. You're being so selfish. " this I could tell made her freeze as I noticed the pain in her turned away expression was being endured I couldn't take it anymore. I felt a strong sense to defend her while letting her make him listen.

" Alpha Anthony, with all do respect. I believe you should treat your mate with more respect and listen to her and make the effort to communicate in a way that's not an argument you hope to win at some point. " He seemed surprised by the coldness in my tone but once Luna Ava turned in response to my words she seemed to feel better and find her strength.

" Luna Autumn, with all due respect- " she cut him off " Respect, tsk yeah right. " He caught her remark and was surprised saying turning around to look at her from the couch.

" Are we really doing this here? " he asked almost in a hushed tone that was more of a warning not to continue it here. She then responded

" Why not whenever we fight they know anyway. Maybe it's just that you want to keep up your perfect idea of having a perfect relationship! Well news flash, we are not perfect. There's no such thing, and besides if I don't fit your idea of a perfect mate you blame me. " Leo was concerned but interested seeing this all going to blow up like this and why I was acting cold towards Alpha Anthony now.

" Do you even know how hard it was having to be silent while you commented that you don't like that I refuse to give you your own kids. You being so excited at the news of other Alpha's getting kids that you don't even care how I feel as long as it can satisfy your jealousy. " I wanted to support her and Luna Carole asked her

" What exactly did he do that's so bad again? " she quickly took a breath and said her hands clenched " First he tries to be more affectionate but then he tries to come onto me to try and get me pregnant. When I refused and made him stop he'd get angry and I need more time than three years to even think about having kids. " That's when Alpha Leo chimney in

" I don't see what is so wrong about taking things at a pace your comfortable and not based on pressure because of other people. " I looked at Leo happy he agreed but I said after giving him a peck on his cheek as he was holding me around my waist.

I said softly reminiscing about with Leo " When Leo asked if I wanted kids. I was very apprehensive for multiple reasons, but in the end I knew when I herd him when he talked about having kids. " " The way it made me smile at how sweet he'd think about kids even if he didn't have every detail planned out. In the end, we both knew we'd want to have kids with each other if it was to have them with the other person. " " That's how even a person like me who would have needed more time before trying. It felt right so it didn't seem too rushed and we both had a clear understanding of what we wanted. " I knew that Carole and the other girls shared a similar awe look. Then Luna Ava said starting to walk out of the room sadly in a quiet voice her anger gone

" Why can't I have that kind of normal conversation with you? Why can't my opinion and feelings matter to you? " Once she was leaving he shot up from the couch and started to realize his mistakes because he tried to call out to her and tried to follow her.

It had become dinner time since it soon became 6 pm. We ate at this big table together and Alpha Anthony and Luna Ava seemed to be on good terms. Everyone seemed to enjoy eating and I actually got to see Luna Abby. She sat beside Alpha Ian. She has a mature body and was wearing some nice jeans and a black sweater with long sleeves on. She has a light orange highlights in what looked like a blonde bob cut. Her eyes were a light red that was boarder line pink. After eating I wanted to talk with her and wanted to do it with just the two of us.

It was awkward at first but it got easier as we started to talk about our mares. I asked her what exactly made her fall for Alpha Ian. She simply said he was an okay goof butt something. She told me a story of their first Christmas together. How he dressed up as Santa with the whole beard and get up and stood inside the fireplace only able to see slightly above his waist.

He even said " Hohoho! " and got out of the chimney and started to make her laugh like crazy how sweet it was for him to make her comfortable in this huge house. It sounded funny and cute which was hard to imagine such a tall guy that seems very quiet and by the book to do that. After 8 pm me and Leo were heading to our guest room to settle in for the night.

Once I changed into some comfortable pajamas and brushed my teeth I noticed Leo was moving the sheets to get ready to get into the king sized bed. Something about this guest room made me feel uncomfortable staying in it. He tried to help when I slipped into the bed when it came to move all the blankets pulled up.

It surprised me that it was so big because when he had it all the way up it covered me to where I started to feel like I was trapped. Then I felt Leo slid against me which I had to pull away from to turn the lights off. Once the lights were off and tried to find my way around from under the blankets to find him. Once I did and started to nuzzle against him I felt his hand holding my waist and pulling me into his arms.

" Good night, sweetheart. " he cooed before kissing my forehead and pulling me to let me rest my head into his neck. I peck him on the neck before yawning and saying closing my eyes

" Night, babe. "