
A Pure Hearted Mate

[ This story is at least 18+ for its erotic themes, depression, rape scene, violence, language, and depiction of a toxic relationship and abuse. ] This is taking place in the world of humans and werewolves. It begins with a twenty year old girl named Autumn. She is a very timid girl who has to go threw, like all the other girls who were 20 years old. The process of having a werewolf pick a mate. But she is completely aware of the situation, and is terrified of leaving everyone she loves behind. Let alone the idea of having to be with a total stranger. But as she tries to hold onto the small fragments of her normal life, she is dashed away by a werewolf who claims her as his mate. Will she be too scared to let herself except the position she's in? Will she learn to try and be open to him? Or will what becomes of her change the person she is for better? or worse?Will she gain more than she could ever receive and find happiness? Or will on going threats make it all too much for her to take? Let's see.

gemlover2 · Fantasia
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69 Chs

Chapter 36: Therapy

[ Leo P.O.V ]

Autumn was eating all the snacks that Liz and the others brought into the house for her. They were trying to encourage her to get better and even got these snacks that I haven't even herd of before because they originate from far away places. It is a new week and Autumn after telling me what had happened seems to genuinely be trying to try and let her guard down.

I went to the kitchen in the afternoon to get a bottle of water and noticed Autumn, Jay, and Liz were at the table littered with different chip bags and boxed candies. They were talking and having fun and I smiled seeing Autumn smiling and getting teased by Jay for stuffing her face with chips from a bag she was holding in her other hand. Then just as I walked over to the table to speak for her defense " Jay, you're just jealous that she can literally eat anything she wants without any cares. " she pouted and said " Maybe.." then Liz said " Well, even so you're still not fat so why are you jealous for? " then she started to chuckle when Jay looked flustered and said

" W-Well, you're one to talk! You gain just because you cook and make so much food! " but before anything could happen Ron and Nick walked into the room from the kitchen door. They held these boxes in their hands and said smiling widely

" Hey guys! " the boxes were all similar and had different looks to them. They said they got the strange snacks from the super market in the foreign food section. The name was strange and I was confused what the picture of these snacks were supposed to be.

' Pocky? Never herd of them, but they have different flavors to where I'm not even sure what they are supposed to be. ' There was a bag inside each box that is meant to put the food in the box and just snack on them from what I could see. I noticed that Autumn seemed to have trouble with letting her guard down around Ron, Nick, and Randell ever since she has been back. Now that I know why, it makes a world of difference why she seems to distrust them now. In my spare time I've been trying to look up things that Autumn might need to go threw to make sure she's going to be okay. Like going to a doctor specifically to make sure that her body is okay from the experience of being raped.

The doctor took note of her health and said that she's doing fine but I knew with this kind of thing there was a question on her mind that scared her and to be honest it scared me as well. That was would there be a possibility of her getting pregnant with his child? Autumn was more nervous because of everything that was going on during the time that she hadn't kept track in a while since she was last on her period.

Thankfully everything was clear and we didn't have to worry about that or her suffering from arthritis, chronic pelvic pain, digestive problems, intense premenstrual symptoms, or any non-epileptic seizures. I held her hand trying to support her threw all the different things that needed to be checked. Thankfully we had a female doctor which helped put both of our minds at ease. We were recommended to also try and seek out other means of therapy like prolonged exposure therapy and cognitive processing therapy. We've yet to find a therapist in the area that we can both or if she prefers just her to attend sessions. For now, we're going to get her health back to normal.

[ Autumn P.O.V ]

Lately with Liz cooking for me so much food. I've been noticing stuff about when I'm eating that I hadn't before. Like meat is tasting more gamey and vegetables taste almost plant-like like grass. Any kind of soup is very stomach turning making me have aches. Even details of what food taste like and texture I hadn't realized was when I eat. Like eating jello gives a similar texture to lard. Or when I chew on white rice or any rice it starts to water and becomes a gross goo like I'm tasting glue. ' I just have to eat more and get better. Hopefully I'm not becoming an anemic, because I honestly still don't feel really hungry like my appetite has gone up a little. It's just so hard when I just can't finish eating something. ' ' I'm at least making a little progress with the snacks. ' Upside, Liz is a great cooker, downside I don't have enough of an appetite to contain it all. I tried these Pocky's and found the snap they made when I'd break them was fun. They tasted good and seemed like a munchie.

[ Leo P.O.V ]

But just as I was opening the water bottle Nick nudged my side with his right elbow and said quietly to me smiling " Hey, Leo, did you know a popular couples game involve these? " I wasn't interested in his silly games and didn't want to figure out what was in that mind of his. Then he stuck a..pocky in his mouth the part that wasn't dipped in white chocolate. Then he said holding it in his mouth sticking out " Just watch and see if you're interested, " I sighed as he started to make his way to Jay as I opened my bottle and took a sip from it as my eyes glanced at him with my head facing up.

Then I saw him wrap his arms around Jay's waist from behind and leaned his head on her right shoulder and said to her " Hey, " she looked back at him and noticed the pocky and then as I lowered my head my eyes widened in surprise when she moved her face to him. She started to take the other end into her mouth. Curiosity was the only thing keeping me analyzing this so closely. When they got closer they ended up kissing each other and I felt myself swallow at the idea of such a strange intriguing game. Then I herd a snap that snapped my attention to Autumn. She was trying the different pockies and my heart started to pound once my eyes focused on her biting the Pocky's and hearing each snap.

' I can't believe I'm going to be following Nick's example. I feel slightly ridiculous..' so, here I stand next to Autumn and decided to at least try a pocky which seems similar to a pretzel or biscuit. It actually is good for a snack for munching. But here I am...having put a pocky hanging from my mouth like an idiot not really knowing what I'm doing. I decided to go with the similar approach and leaned behind her and started to hold her close to me. Hoping I don't look too weird and she didn't seem to mind me holding her but once she looked at my face I felt lost for what to say. Her face looked confused as I looked at her with my mind that drew a blank.

Then she snickered and snapped me out of my frantic search for something to say. I then said still trying to use my teeth to keep the pocky from moving as I said kinda muffled " What? " then she smiled and said " You just look kinda goofy with it sticking out of your mouth like that. " but I started to forget my embarrassment thinking I have lost my attempt since it failed. Then I looked at her lips and I started to zone out as I asked moving my face closer to hers

" Want...to play a game? " she stopped smiling and giggling and seemed confused as what to do but then she put the other end in her mouth. I didn't exactly understand why but then before I could get excited I felt stupid because I didn't exactly know how to eat this thing to get closer. I knew the basis of who wins and looses. Once you get to the middle of the pocky the first person to pull away breaking it in the process looses. I assume if both aren't backing out they kiss.

I then pierced my lips to hold this thing and bit the end of the pocky in my mouth. I started to eat it and felt the other end weakly being held by my lips but noticed that Autumn followed too. My eyes became centered on her lips holding the other end. I used my lip to inch the pocky closer and closer to take another bite. ' I think I'm starting to get the appeal of this game. It's about anticipation to get closer to the other person's lips! ' we started to get closer but Autumn seemed new at this game too and looked a little confused once our face were mere inches apart and we wondered what we are supposed to do with the inch of the pocky remaining. Causing some time just wondering as we tried to decide what to do but once I muttered

" You just take the rest, or you could pull back. " once I said that her lips moved close to mine ,once our lips met when she used the tip of her tongue to slide the rest in her mouth to eat. God. I craved her lips so badly. The white chocolate of the pocky kinda rubbed on her lips to where when her lips touched mine I could taste it faintly. My arms tightened their grip around her as I started to feel my wolf along with me wanting to devour her sweet lips. She was surprised by me going in for a kiss but she seemed to go along with it and started to kiss back. Once I pulled back from her lips slightly I released my left arm as my left hand pulled another pocky out of the box and said placing in between my lips again looking at her the whole time. ' This game isn't stupid, dang..it's fun. '

" This is fun, want to go again? "she seemed a little apprehensive but she said timidly " Alright, one more round but after that I'm not playing anymore. " she said that but me being a little more eager made the gap between are lips get shorter and shorter quicker. But once our lips met again she seemed more into the kiss as her arms wrapped around my neck trying to pull me closer. Despite what she said once we were done she grabbed another and blushed trying to play with me some more. I loved that look on her face though. I think she could feel the sparks of electricity once our lips would find their way to touch each other. I'm not sure if this means we're competitive but we both felt like winning anyway by kissing.

I started to really enjoy this game, but once we were out I frowned but before I could glance back at her she already just pressed her lips back on mine. I took a moment to understand what was going on. I smirked at her as I kissed back feeling her lighting a burning fire in my sole, but once I pulled back I nibbled her bottom lip before I started to lower my head down to nuzzle under her chin brushing her soft skin against my lips as I pecked at her neck and mark softly. I could feel her body shift and stir in my arms reacting to them against her but couldn't help but want to just hold my mate in my arms like this.

After I loosened my hold on her she started to arch her back leaning into me and once I started to lift my face out of her neck her face went into mine and she started to nuzzle against me slowly. I loved her soft lips touching on and off of my skin making me groan in my throat. She rested the side of her head against the side of my neck and I could feel her body relaxing letting me hold her small frame in my arms, letting my hands move up and down her back. Her scent was driving me crazy with how much I could smell it all over her and I laid my face into where her neck and shoulder met. I felt my wolf wanting to nibble at her and fool around with her for a bit for some fun. But then I just scooted a chair behind me as I started to stand up and moved the chair to connect with hers. Then I sat close to her and continued to hold her waist with my arms and whispered to her that we could continue eating some snacks. She pulled her head back and had a small warm smile, the kind that I adored to see.

We then faced the table and started to eat chips and Autumn tried to share some like getting me to at least try some so she doesn't feel like all the food is for her to eat. It was cute so I ate whatever she lifted to my face, most of it being chips, but I enjoyed holding her like this after a lot from today. I understood by how she was starting to act that she was getting a little uncomfortable for that as she started to notice that though Nick and Ron were going a little less intense as us. She might have caught her sister looking and Randell could tell her feeling uncomfortable seeing us getting a little..excited and the mood of the setting did change from talking with friends. Basically from Lovers lookout, to look out their all lovers. The fact that Randell was going to take a shot like that made them the only ones not kissing. My wolf did think that that wasn't our problem and he did say sternly ' Fuck them if they don't like the show then just don't watch! I want to get some more action with our mate already. '

I knew better that Autumn was being concerned and considerate for how we were making her sister feels. Plus, she looked a little bit like she was trying to put on an outer appearance as she tried to change our direction we were heading towards. It was kinda cute how she looked flushed but was blushing trying to act more casual. So I tried to assist her in acting casual too. I did get looks from Nick that said he approved of how far I got with the game he showed me once. Ron didn't comment but did find Nick releasing a whistle with his fingers at the show amusing.

Ever since she told me what happened to her. We've been a little distant and I've noticed Autumn not being as comfortable with showing me affection. I've been understanding and trying to get an appointment with our packs therapists. There are some Pi who want to become top therapist's like those I've made into Omicron which is the top therapist in the pack.

But being the top therapist means that they are really booked and are hard to set up an appointment. I also think based on the topic and Autumn's current condition. I've been trying to book a Omicron in the pack that is a woman who can talk to her and be more impactful for her. The pack usually only has one Omicron and four Pi's that work for them, but I had kept the old Omicron around along with naming a second one for the pack. I've been getting a hold of one by the name of Dr. Isabelle Omicron. I've had to go threw her secretary; which like the Rho of Pi's making sure that they have breaks in between appointments. They also are the ones that those seeking the therapist must come to in order to make an appointment so things do not become too chaotic if everyone wishes to speak with the Pi.

I've talked about going to one of the appointments scheduled and she seems a little hopeful but I can tell by the look she has as we were now waiting in the waiting room that she's anxious. I understand and share her uneasiness. You hear and see stuff about it but actually going to therapy for any reason is going to feel uncomfortable. With the main reason we are seeing Miss Isabelle especially is going to makes this first experience with therapy even more worth dreading. I feel concerned with how long the wait feels for the current appointment to be done. The more time the more I feel the uneasiness in Autumn starting to make me impatient.

The waiting room had rows of chairs that were lined around the room near the walls with a couple in the center. One door finally opened as a person walked out and was making their way to the desk where the Rho was trying to prepare for the next session.

[ Autumn P.O.V ]

The waiting room had been cleared by Leo so that we don't attract any unneeded attention. He sat in the seat to my left and though the room was fairly quiet and calming it still felt strange.

When the door opened and was held opened we caught sight of Dr. Isabelle the Omicron. She had these non-worn down jeans, a flowing ruffle shirt with short sleeves, and wore these ankle boots that were slightly open-toed and were a yellow-ish brown. We were told that she was ready to see us now so we started to sit up from the chairs and made our way towards the door. These shoes went well with her hair that was blonde and had brown parts mixed in.

Once we stood in front of her I felt her smile that was friendly a little easing when she said smiling " Welcome, Alpha Leo, Luna Autumn. It's nice to have you here with us today. " I smiled faintly from her greeting but felt her making me a little shy as I tried to hide my face behind Leo.

" It's nice to meet you.." I responded quietly after Leo said seeming calm " Yes, and I can't wait for us to get started. " I know he noticed my uneasy response and felt him glance at me as she said gesturing for us to follow

" Great, now please follow me and let us head to my room. " she started to walk threw this hallway and I felt Leo trying to get us to follow behind her. My nerves feel all on end. We went into this room that had the door opened by Dr. Isabelle. The door was normal white with a grey metal handle. The room we walked into I had noticed the first thing was that the room wasn't very big. The room had this couch with two tube pillows on both ends and had this arm chair to the right of it. She said standing by the door holding the handle

" Go ahead and sit wherever feels comfortable, " I didn't really know what to do like everything about me was being analyzed but then I felt Leo's hand on my left arm. He had directed me with him as we proceeded to sit on the couch.

I sat down next to him on his left and felt my eyes sticking quickly to the walls as I had tried to analyze the room before any talking is to start. The room had a nice white fur rug and a low coffee table in the middle of the room with a desk table in the corner to the left of the door. It had its own desk chair which once Miss Isabelle closed the door she started to make her way to it. The desk is black along with the chair for it. It has a blue digital clock resting in the corner of the desk closest to view and nearest to the door. There were boxes with tissues that were straight up along with a wooden shelves that looked like it had things sorted with tabs and things like rubber balls for stress relief. There's no windows or but the light seems to mostly come from different lamps. My attention was shot back from taking in this fairly comfortable ambiance.

" Alright, today's session will be the standardized fifty minute long session. Once the time is done I can not extend the session and you'll have to schedule another one. Is that alright? " Leo seemed confident in knowing how competent she is in her job, so when he said

" That should be fine, " and gave me a glance to check if I approve and I nodded and said feeling as I sat on this couch that I felt slightly uneasy " Okay, " he looked back at Dr. Isabelle and so did I. She then said smiling warmly

" It's my understanding that you are going to try and make these session's with both of you as both couple session's and also individual counseling, is that right? " I then felt myself think about it for a second before I felt Leo's hand placed on my right one. Then as I looked up I felt him lean his face close to my ear as he looked at me and asked in a whisper

" Is that what you'd prefer? Because individual session's can be very helpful too. " his hand was grasping mine gently and I responded before he pulled back " Okay, I think that'll work. " we then looked back at her and he answered since I'm still not that comfortable speaking yet.

" Yes, that'll work just fine. " As I listened to her she explained that unlike what we probably know about therapists from shows and media. That as a therapist she might ask for clarity, state something recent that's a statement from us as the client or if it seems better to think of us as patients. As we began with explaining the whole situation with Alpha Andrews in the beginning so that as a therapist she's able to understand where all of this started.

We continued and she asked me directing her hazel eyes at me " How did he make you feel when he first tried to hold you? " I was focusing on Leo and her going back and forth that I felt really shy to reveal this stuff. I felt Leo tightening his hold on my hand trying to get me to relax more. I said quietly

" Well, I felt confused and a little scared. " she then said with a calm look " Okay, and Leo tell me what was it you were feeling when you knew that Autumn was starting feel this kind of confusion? "" Because as you know, it's just as confusing as your mates lover to find out a potential second than the one who finds a second chance mate. " I felt my eyes move to him as he looked down before saying calmly

" I felt...concerned and a little aggressive. I wanted to shorten the chances of them meeting again. " she then asked " Do you think this is because you want to limit the chances for you to loose her or for her to leave you for him? " he tensed up a little and said " Maybe, I don't know..I haven't been prepared for this sort of thing, and I guess it was all I could think to do. " she seemed to take note on some paper she had on this clip board.

We continued to explain everything leading up to me being brought to Golden Moon pack. I went into detail which got easier but I could feel this tension building up from Leo when I mentioned the rogues. I know that she could tell too and she decided to tell us to consider what I was saying more deeply, or for us to sit in reflective silence. This way we can get more in touched with our thoughts and feelings.

It hit me just how traumatic that whole abduction was for me to go threw. Even now, I can't even bring myself to look or go even a little bit near the forest anymore. I guess getting abducted again was still in the corner of my mind. As we went on we both found that Dr. Isabelle wasn't trying to control the content of the session, but depending on our therapeutic orientation. We agreed on our agenda between the three of us in advance so that we could lead our therapist threw what we went threw.

When she checked the time we had a couple minutes left which made me check the clock by the door. I felt surprised how fast that went for fifty minutes. She smiled and said standing up as we soon did too from the couch and she saw us out and walked with us threw the hallway. She seemed nice and Leo and I decided to try and schedule our next appointment.

I felt a little better as we left feeling like we were actually making progress trying to work on all of the stuff that we have to deal with as people and as the Luna and Alpha. I felt a little happy and hopeful of what progress we'll make in our next appointment.