
The end is near

As explosions were heard from a distance Mei was leading her troops to Kiri.Suigetsu and Chojuro were already in front of the port so the ninjas couldn't escape from it.Mei first wanted to settle the fight as peacefully as possible but she was out of solution.Kumo had already their army which could arrive at any moment while she didn't even knew how the fight between Yagura and Nao was going.

"Mei-Sama, we should wait until we completely surround the village.They're less than us but they can easily defend the village if we don't attack from all side.Knowing Yagura i think he ordered them to protect the Mizukage tower so the main force should be located at the center of the village."Said Ao as Mei nodded.

"You're right, but i'm starting to think that we should've attacked at a later date.Kumo decided to help Yagura only because they don't have anything to do for the moment.If we attacked while Kumo was at war with Konoha we could've win easily.Our troop at the north west were wiped by assassination squads from Kumo while they sent supplies to the village.Luck is really not on our side."Grumbled Mei as she sat down while Ao began to give orders to the different squads.

They were gonna attack from all side since the troops in the village wouldn't be able to defend themselves due to their little number.They were still strong so Mei wanted to attack the main group with Ao while her troops would chase after the smaller groups that will try to escape.

Of course went as planned and she was suddenly startled by the presence of a soldier.

"Mei-Sama we received some good and bad news.Kumo isn't going to participate in the conflict and thus it's army will go back to their village, they said that they didn't wanted to waste their troops on a conflict that was already lost.The bad news is that all the troops that were with Yagura are gonna enter the village.We can't stop them with the squads that were deployed in that area, we need to either ambush them or besiege the village."Said the Chunin as he finished his report.Ao came besides Mei and frowned.

"It's going to be more difficult than we thought.They were only a thousand in the village but if we let them enter they're gonna be nine thousand inside.We can still beat them but it will cost us most of our troops."

Mei bit her finger as she tried to think of a solution.She could ask Suigetsu to attack the village with the missiles once the army entered but it will destroy the village and they couldn't reconstruct it.She also could wait for Nao to finish his fight against Yagura but he would be too exhausted to fight.The only way was to either besiege the town and hope that the village will succumb to hunger, or they could....Launch a desperate assault on the village, hoping that the casualties won't be too high.

"ARGHHH!IT'S SO FUCKING FRUSTRATING!!"Shouted Mei as she bit on her finger so hard she drew blood.

"Mei-Sama i seriously think that the siege option is better, they won't be able to get any supplies from the port since Suigetsu is blocking it while we're blocking all the entrances."Said Ao but Mei shook her head.

"It's still too risky, if Yagura win his fight against Nao he will come back, attack us and thus making a path for the path for his troops to get out of the village.Or worse, we could be the one who succumb to hunger, with that we'll be forced to retreat and than Yagura will be able to secure a real alliance with Kumo."Said Mei with aggravation.

"In the end we need to have faith in Nao, only him can help us.If he were to lost than we will no other choice than to attack the village with our entire force."



Nao was trying to injure Yagura but he couldn't even made a dent on his shell.Yagura was just way too dangerous while in his Isobu form.Nao could injure him with katon but Yagura would use this to create a fog cloud with Suiton and charge a tailed beast bomb while Nao wouldn't be able to see him.


The entire forest was destroyed due to their fight, craters were spread through the entire area as Isobu was shooting water bullets at Nao like a madman.


Nao frowned and hid behind a rock.


He suddenly smirked widely, approaching Isobu discreetly while the tailed beast was searching for him.


Nao climbed Isobu's body and ripped his cloak.He rolled it in a ball and then took all the explosive tags he had in his pouch.He began to stick all the tags to the ball, creating an artisanal bomb.He checked it to see if it had any flaws and smiled.

'We'll see if you like to eat some bomb, fucking seashell!'

He walked on Isobu's head as the beast finally noticed him.


It began to trash around as Nao fell in front of it's mouth.


He threw it in it's mouth and jumped.


The explosion was so powerful that it sent Nao flying to a nearby beach.



Isobu had it's entire mouth burned while most of his skull took such a shock he couldn't think straight.It wasn't enough to kill it but it clearly damaged it greatly.


When it heard Nao's shout, Isobu rushed at him with hatred clear in it's eyes.Nao put his hand in his pouch and touched something in it.He frowned and debated whether to use it or not.


He turned around and saw Haku coming while twenty rebels followed her.


He shouted at her but she ran to him.

"We came here to help!I won't let you die here!!"


The rebel cheered as they readied themselves.They knew they were gonna die if they fought against Isobu but...It was a good day to die.

Nao pushed Haku and picked 'THAT' from his pouch.Haku saw that he had two vials in his hand so she was curious ,but her eyes widened in horror when she saw what it contained.


Nao smirked and winked at her.

"A monster, a scum, a psychopath...That's who i am Haku, but do you know that there was another word that described me?"

She gasped when he made some handsigns that she clearly recognized.



"Futon:daitoppa no jutsu!"

The rebels and Haku were sent flying away by a violent gust of wind while Nao faced Isobu, fidgeting the vials in his hand.

"Time to die Yagura....Can't believe you forced me to use something like that."

Nao opened the vials and grabbed what they contained, he eyed it cautiously but shook his head.

"It's too late now, i just need to do what i do best!!NOT GIVING A FUCK ABOUT ANYTHING AND KILLING PEOPLE!!!"

Hope you enjoy!!

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