
Start of the Genin exam


Screamed an angry Iruka who was starting to regret teaching this class.Most of the kids already knew all he wanted to teach them and just lazed around all day.Atleast he had students Hinata and Shino who were always serious.Sadly shino was becoming less and less present in class, for some reasons it seemed that the Aburame clan finally stopped taking all the abuse from everyone.They were always treated as a trash clan just because their techniques were.....Disgusting.That's why Konoha couldn't become more powerful, people these days only cared about beauty, wealth and honor.The aburame couldn't obtain beauty when they worked with insects, they didn't had any wealth as they never received any missions as for honor...Let's just say that people were quick to forget how important the Aburame had been during the second and third shinobi war.

"Today's the day you finally become Genin.I would've started by telling you all how proud i'm of you but you don't seem to really like when i talk too much, so let's procede to the exam.You already took the written exam so we're going to give your marks!"

The class became deadly quiet when Iruka said that.They wanted to know how good they had done on the written test since many believed it was the most important part of the exam.

Iruka began to give everyone their tests from the lowest to the highest.However everyone noticed that Sasuke and Sakura, those that always had the best marks, had already received their tests but Iruka still had three tests in his hands.

"It seems that this time we've had three perfect scores so i'm quite surprised."Said Iruka, he walked to Hinata but no one was really shocked.They knew that Hinata was smart despite being extremely shy.The next one was more shocking.

"Aburame Shino, you did even better than you did for the other tests.I'm starting to believe that it was all a plan."Said Iruka with a little glare.

"Indeed Iruka-Sensei.My father always told me that a ninja should save his strengh for the important battles and to hold it back when the battles were less important, as such i held back during the other tests.Due to that ,many believed me to be inferior to them while i had the potiental to be the first."Said Shino as the students frowned and glared at him.

"While my words could be considered as Arrogance they're not, i've confidence in my skills and i know how much i can do.This test wasn't enough to use my entire intellect, therefore i can consider it easy.Contrarily to some people i act as someone superior only when i've the results to back it up."Added Shino which only further annoyed everyone, especially Sakura and Sasuke.However Iruka chuckled and patted Shino's shoulder.

"You will become a great shinobi Shino, i can clearly see it."

"IRUKA-SENSEI!I'M SURE HE CHEATED WITH THOSE DISGUSTING INSECTS THAT HIS CLAN USES!!"Screeched Sakura while Iruka merely spared a glance at her.

"It seems that you're not smart to know that Shino couldn't cheat during this test.We had many ways to detect any cheaters on this test, one them being a chunin henged as a students seated at the back of the room."Said Iruka, Sakura blushed and stopped any further attempts to ridiculize Shino.Said Bug user smirked as he looked at the pink-haired student.

'I'm wondering how people like that can make it to the genin exam.The Hokage is way too lax with them, we need soldiers not fangirl, even though Ino can become a great shinobi.'Thought Shino.

Iruka then walked to Naruto who was at the corner of the room, looking at the village with a faraway look.

"Naruto congratulation, i always knew you could make it.You only needed to push yourself a little."Said Iruka with a smile that Naruto returned.

"Very well, since everyone received their tests we can procede to the next part.The taijutsu spar!"


Iruka smiled when he saw his students behaviours.He coughed to get their attention and continued.

"You all know how the taijutsu spar works but not all of you will participate.Some of you were already tested by members of you clan and in order to not waste any time you won't need to be evaluated another time."Said Iruka, Shikamaru smirked and went to sleep on his desk while Hinata blushed.She was glad of what happened when she was tested yesterday.During months she had trained with Kurenai and Anko, which resulted in her becoming more confident,a little sadistic but most importantly much more powerful.She had managed to hold her ground against her father and even land a hit on him, while he was fighting seriously.After that he was stunned and then he laughed.The last time he laughed was way before Hinata's birth yet he laughed after she hit him, he hugged her and patter her head.

"Hinata, i'm satisfied with your performance.I knew that pushing you like that was a bad idea but i never saw how bad it was.Today you managed to do something that i never thought you would do in your entire life, you made me forget my sorrow and my unreasonable hatred towards you.I can say it finally, Hinata i'm proud of you."

She would remember those words her whole life.It was all thanks to one person that she could train with Kurenai and Anko, but it was a story for another time.

The entire class moved outside as other instructors joined to help Iruka.

"Okay everyone, once i call your name you'll come forward and start the fight.The rules are simple since the Hokage changed them, judging them too....Inapropriated."Said Iruka, his gaze hardened and he looked at them seriously.

"The only rule is:No death allowed"

Hope you enjoy it!




As it was mentioned in the chapter, some clan heirs have already been tested beforehand, meaning that they won't participate in the taijutsu spars.Honestly i'm bad at writing fights with only taijutsu, so that's why i'll only write one interesting fight since there are only two people who are powerful and aren't heir of any clan.

Schrollacreators' thoughts