
Meeting with Hiruzen and serious talk.

Nao calmly walked towards the Hokage tower while the villagers were eyeing him like a sheep would look at a wolf.They were totally scared by the man-Who's actually a 10 years old boy-since everyone knew what he did to the Uchiha, they wanted to get revenge for the one they called the prince of Konoha but, seriously...The guy was pretty much the strongest ninja they ever saw if you didn't count all those legendary ninjas, like Hiruzen and the Sannin.

Many Anbu were tailing him, jumping from to roof to roof.However he just walked without a care, he entered a Dango shop and bought a few Dango, he then ate them while the Anbu were watching every movements he did with such serious faces he felt like he was about burst into laughter.


It continued for a dozens minute until he reached the tower.Hiruzen was still waiting for him but since he was taking all this time to come, he sent an Anbu with a cat mask to search him.She found him pretty quickly as he was flirting with the receptionist who was so red like a tomato.She couldn't see his face but those eyes of his added to his aura of charisma and power was making her extremely horny.

"Mercenary Nao, the Hokage is calling for you, he's not the most patient man so you should come with me."Said Neko(Because of the cat mask) getting a sigh from Nao.

"*Sigh*You just ruined a good occasion.*Smirk*I think i know how you can apologize."Said Nao who was a few inches away from her face.It was hidden by the mask but she was getting turned on as her breath got rougher.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!Come with me now!"

Nao tilted his head and put his hand on the Anbu shoulder.

"Did you just tried to order me?"

His voice sounded incredibly creepy, and his eyes certainly didn't help to reassure the Anbu.The pressure she felt was otherwordly and she was about to kneel when it stopped.

"Now, i think you should really apologize.Don't wory i'll come for you later, you better not disappoint me because i'm gonna make you feel better than you ever felt."Said Nao while Neko fell on butt.

'Now that i think about it my body looks like the body of an adult but my face shows my real age, it would be a problem if she saw it.Meh!I'm just gonna fuck her with my clothes on, she will be too busy moaning like a bitch to notice it!'

"Ah!Nao, i see that you took your time to come here, why is that?"Asked Hiruzen who didn't looked angered by that, in fact he was pretty amused by it, Nao being one of the only people who dared to do that.Hiruzen wasn't called 'The God of Shinobi' for nothing, no one would dare to disrespect him except for the Sannin and a few jonin.

"I bought some Dango on the way and flirted with your receptionist, she got a nice face but her boobs are a little small.I mean i'm not the kind of guy who only likes big-breasted woman but even that pink-haired little bitch, Sakura is bigger than her."

Hiruzen chuckled when he heard Nao say that but he kept quiet.With time he stopped being all nice, now only the well-being of the whole village and Naruto was important to him.He would treat any other matters indifferently as if nothing mattered to him anymore.Of course it was the arrogance of the council and the whole bullshit with his old apprentices that made him like that.Orochimaru wasn't actually the worst since he actually became the better ninja out of the three, but Tsunade.....She brought extreme shame to him, a medical-nin who was afraid of blood and who wouldn't come to her village to save lives just because her little brother and boyfriends died.If Hiruzen had a face to face with her, he would tell her how pathetic and useless she was.

"Well take a sit, we won't talk for long but i have important things to tell you."

Nao sat down and glanced at Hiruzen with a little smile.

"I don't think i'm here to talk about the Uchiha since you don't care, and i've been here for only a few hours so it can't be a mission.What is it?"

Hiruzen looked at him and sighed, something that he was recently doing way too much.

"I know that Danzo and you are friend, or atleast that you two have a friendly relationship.Danzo want the Hokage hat and i'm not opposed to that.He will be a ruthless Hokage but his methods have become less inhumane with time, maybe i'm making a huge error but i don't care.I will let him become the Fifth Hokage after the Chunin exam, i want to see Naruto become a chunin before i step down.I see him as my grandson, but i think you already know that.I asked for you to come here because of this Chunin exam.According to Jiraya's spy network who's not useless for once, Orochimaru is plotting against us with Suna.He'll try to invade the village during the Chunin exam, with the help of Suna and Oto, his village.For now we'll just continue to spy on him since we don't have enough informations but me and Jiraya decided that you'll go to Suna and 'convince' the Kazekage to betray Orochimaru.Without Suna Oto cannot beat us, plus if you can convince Suna than we'll try to strike Oto first."

Nao pondered for a few seconds before nodding.

"I want Danzo with me.I can't tell you why yet, but he will help me 'convince' the Kazekage."Said Nao which made Hiruzen frown.

"You can't tell me why?I trust Danzo but it seems that he doesn't trust me back."

"Don't worry, until the mission start you'll have the opportunity to talk to him.Danzo doesn't know that you actually want him to become the Fifth hokage, after a long talk i'm sure he will tell you everything, you just need to be totally honest with him, you two are old teammates so it should be easy."

Nao exited the building after that, he came across the cat masked Anbu while he walked and told her to her to meet him in front of Ichiraku in a few hours.She accepted with a red face and he left satisfied with himself.

He still didn't had a home in Konoha since he was gonna create a new clan, and as such Konoha needed to create a new clan compound.Jiraya told him that they were gonna give an appartment until the construction was finished, so he just accepted it without complaining.

He sensed an ominous presence so he jumped on a nearby roof and used his Jikanton to create a barrier that froze time around his position.This technique was created so that no one could spy on Nao, since only the people allowed by Nao himself could enter the barrier without being trapped in the time freeze.

A figure appeared behind him, wearing a pinstriped outfit which stopped at the figure's knees,a green haori with white trimmings, and around his or her waist a brown sash with a fringed trail wrapped around his/her waist twice.The figure also wore a mask and a forehead protector but Nao didn't really looked at it.

"Nao-Sensei, we-"The fugure ,who was clearly a woman due to the tone of her voice, was interrupted by Nao.

"Yeah, yeah i know.You need my help to defeat that guy don't you?I'm sorry but i'm not stupid enough to fight him for now.With my current training i think i'll be ready in a year.By this time i'll also have a genin team, request help from Konoha for a C-rank mission in a village close to Kiri and i'll come to help you.After we arrive, you and Shark teeth will attack me so i can send my students back under the guise of the situation being too dangerous for them.After that i'll come with you to kill that fucker, with me, Shark teeth and the brown-haired bitch we should be enough to kill him.The Hokage will immediately know what i did and will hide all evidence of me helping in the civil war.Of course it will work only if no one tell that the Devil of the Forest was there, or i would've to deal with this annoying council."Said Nao while the figure nodded and hugged him.

"Thank you for help Sensei.We'll never forget all you did for us.You saved my life twice and now you're going to help me free my village from the tyran who rules it.I'll never thank you enough."

Nao patted her head and poked her mask.

"Don't worry, i know.I still want you to remember that i'm doing this only because of the advantages i could get from a victory of the rebel side.I'm a selfish monster, remember that well."

The figure sobbed and nodded.

"I-I know, b-but you'll always be m-my hero"

Nao smirked at how naive she was and free himself from her hug.

"See you soon, Sensei"


"*Sigh*See you soon, Haku"

Hope you enjoy it!

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