
Kodaka Otsutsuki.

"So that's pretty much all i know."Said Nao.He hhad explained many things about this world to the woman but also all he knew about Kaguya, of course he omitted some details that should be known only by the people he trusted.

She was in awe of everything that happened to this primitive world while she was busy with her clan.She was also extremely happy to learn that Kaguya had children but she started to cry when she heard the end of the story.She was Kaguya's best friend a long time ago and felt incredibly guilty because of how useless she had been when Kaguya needed her the most.

"So.....Why was she banished?"Asked Nao, he wanted to ask that in the first place but he waited until she trusted him before asking.

"She.....She fell in love with a man from another clan a long time ago, our clan wasn't opposed to this since love was something that they valued more than anything.Unfortunately the man had just approached her to steal the secret of our clan, heartbroken Kaguya wanted to have revenge against him and thus used something that was a taboo in our clan.It was a weapon long forgotten that our clan had to protect until the return of the one who gave it to us.Of course no one had the right to use it but Kaguya was so desperated that she used it on the man, he died immediately but the clan couldn't just let such a thing slide.They offered her an ultimatum, she had to chose between prison for life or exile.She chose exile and ended on this planet."Said the woman but that only raised more questions for Nao.

"Then why did she consumed the chakra fruit?Why did she turned evil?Why did she manipulated everyone like that?.....Wait, manipulated?"Nao's eyes widened when he understood what happened.He didn't have clear memory about the story of the manga but he did remembered that Black Zetsu had a fair share in manipulation.

"Miss.....Do you know someone called Black Zetsu?"Asked Nao, the woman froze and turned to him with fear in her eyes.

"B-Black Z-Zetsu?Wh-Why are you asking that?How do y-you know him?"

Nao narrowed his eyes since it pretty much confirmed his theory.

"Miss, i need to know where Black Zetsu came from.Kaguya may have turned evil because of him."Said Nao, the fear in her eyes turn to rage as she looked at him.


Nao was surprised by her outburst but let her calm down as he waited for her answer.

"Hamagiri Otsutsuki.....H-He's the one who created Black Zetsu."Said the woman simply, even though it was clear that she had nothing but hatred for that Hamagiri.

"Hamagiri?Who's that?"

"He's the patriarch of the family?He's also the one who was entrusted with the task of protecting the weapon.He's the most powerful Otsutsuki to have ever existed, and if i remember correctly he created Black Zetsu to spy on Kaguya and make sure that didn't try to escape.I don't think that he ordered Black Zetsu to manipulate her though."Said the woman, confusing Nao.

"Then why do you seem to hate him so much?"

"I-I...A long time ago h-he killed my parents, his siblings, for power.He wasn't corrupted or anything but he was the kind of man who believed that only through absolute power, could he lead the clan to greatness."Said the woman, a solemn look on her face.

"If it's the case than maybe Black Zetsu gained a conciousness on his own.It wouldn't surprise me that something like that happen, after all Black Zetsu was the spy but no one spied on him.He could easily manipulate her in his position, while avoiding any type of punishment from Hamagiri."Said Nao, the woman gasped but it made sense to her.

"W-We need to help kaguya!She did nothing wrong!I know she's a good person!"Said the woman as she grabbed his shoulders.

"Don't worry i'm not against that but.....We can't do anything right now.We would need someone to free her and than we could kill Zetsu, thus ending his control over her.The only way to break the seal of the Sage of the Six path, would be to overpower it and send Kaguya's soul in an empty vessel, such as a white zetsu or a corpse."

The woman nodded as Nao made an awkward smile.

"So, what are you going to do until then?"

"I think i'm going to explore this world.I want to know why my best friend loves it so much."

"It changed since her time."Said Nao.

"*Sigh*Indeed but it's a world full of Human, and Human never truly change.They can't change their nature, for they need it much more than they think, if they tried to go against it their entire destiny would change, resulting in a massive chaos.Human won't ever change but i don't know them enough to judge them.If Kaguya really loved this world than i will quickly know why."

The woman got off the bed and climbed the window.

"Farewell for now, Human."She was about to go but Nao talked to her again.

"It's Nao, not human."

She lightly smiled, her face sported a little blush.

"And i'm Kodaka, you should remember it.Nao"

With that she disappeared, leaving only a white hair on his bed.He picked it up and smiled.

"Those Otsutsuki are difinitely more interesting than i thought.This world may be funnier than the previous one after all, not that i remember it.

Hope you enjoy it!

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I think i'll publish 15 chapters on the weekend if we reach 50 powerstones =)

Schrollacreators' thoughts