
Bet and talk with Jiraya

"Oh yeah?You think you can become Hokage without anyone help ?"Asked Nao with a smirk.

"YEAHHH!!!"Shouted Naruto, his face from anger.

"Ok.Then let's make a bet!During the Chunin exam there will be a little break of one month before

the final start, you have until the end of this break to master the rasengan and create a different version of it with either suiton or futon.If you win, then it'll prove that you're worthy of becoming Hokage but if you don't, you'll have to become Jiraya's disciple."Said Nao while Naruto paled.The rasengan was a jutsu that he worked on for a year, unable to master it, but now he had 4 months to master it and create an elemental version of it.It's going to be hell for him, and Nao bloody smirk proved it.

Nao gave him a scroll the same size as the one Jiraya always had on his back and laughed.

"In this you'll find every information you may need to master it,also it will explain the process of adding an element to it.It's a very important scroll so you better study it seriously.Until then, good luck brat!!"Said Nao as he disappeared, using his jikanton.



Nao didn't really had anything to do since the only interesting thing that would happen this year will be the chunin exam, after that he will have 6 months until something good happened again.Of course there was the mission to Uzu and the Kaguya clan but those weren't that important for now.Talking about the kaguya clan he was surprised when Mei told him that they were alive, hiding in Ame while their heir, Kimimaro was working for Orochimaru.Mei wanted him to make them come back to Kiri, where they belonged but he needed to first train Kaia and then he would be able to go to Ame without worrying for the little girl.

He walked to Ichiraku ramen and sat down as he waited for Teuchi to come.He turned around as he heard a loud slurping noise and gasped.

"J-Jiraya?What the fuck are you even doing here?"Asked Nao as Jiraya looked at him and smiled.

"Well, i wanted to know why my godson loved this place so much so i came to taste the food and.....God that's delicious!!"Said Jiraya.Teuchi came a few minutes later and took Nao's order.

They both ate silently but when they finished Jiraya grabbed Nao and jumped on the roof of the building.

"What was that for?"

"Nao, something came up a little earlier than i thought.We already have the Uzu mission but that one is also very important."Said Jiraya, a rare serious look on his face maybe even more serious than the one he had the day before.

"Okay, and?What is it?"

"We need to get Tsunade back in the village.Konoha will need her during the invasion and even more after.Also i think it's the perfect occasion to see if your theory is real.I still don't think that Tsunade is the reincarnation of Asura Otsutsuki."Said Jiraya with a little disbelief in his voice, the idea sounded so stupid to him.

"It can't be Naruto since he's an Uzumaki while Asura is the ancestor of the Senju, so it has to be a senju.The only senju alive is Tsunade so she's his reincarnation.It's either that or Asura's reincarnation is still not born but that would be pretty weird as Sasuke, Indra's reincarnation is already 13 years old."

Jiraya shook his head and simply vanished in the darkness of the night.Nao didn't know what to do so he went home and slept.However when he woke up he saw an unusual sight.A pair of byagukan was watching him from a corner of the room.The figure was small, the same height as Naruto and had white hair.It was a woman who was looking at him, crouched in a corner with an intense gaze.

"Uhhh....Sup?"Said Nao nervously, this woman exuded an aura that he only ever felt in Naruto.The woman continued to look at him, her small nose twitched when she smelt something weird on him.

"Oh!That's Kaia's perfum, must have been because of her hug.By the way, who the fuck are you?"

"Y-You're interesting...Human"Said the woman as Nao was momentarily dazed by her smooth and beautiful voice.It was like music to the ears.

"Human?Wait!White hair...Byakugan......Extremely beautiful........Are you in any way linked to Kaguya Otsutsuki?"Asked Nao, the woman's ears perked up when she heard the name.She rushed at Nao and tackled him on his bed.She looked at him with great interest which matched his own even though he was more interested in her massive bust.She saw where his eyes went and covered her breasts while blushing.

"Don't look at me like that!My eyes are up there!You human are only interested in things like that!!"Said the woman, Nao merely chuckled and switched their position with him now on top.

"May i ask why you're so interested in Kaguya?Are you, perhaps......An Otsutsuki too?"Said Nao, greatly shocking the woman.

"H-How did you know ?!"

"..........."Nao looked at her and pointed at her eyes and hair.She blushed even more and turned her head.

"I'm interested in Kaguya because i'm searching for her.She went on this planet a long time ago and never returned.She was banished from our clan because of a simple mistake and i couldn't save her at that time.I came here to apologize and get her back home."Said the woman, a little tear dropping from her eye.

"How should i tell you this...Kaguya was.....Sealed, by her own son because he considered her too dangerous."


"H-Hmm.....You're still there?!"


Hope you enjoy!

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