
A slaughter to end it.

As Mei shouted all the troops moved towards the ennemy, passing through the forest and charging without caring for their own lives.

Suigetsu and Chojuro had already arrived in the village with their troops so the main objective was already secured but they still needed to kill the last soldiers of Yagura.


In the middle of the battlefield, an adult-looking Nao was in a rampage.His red, spiky and wild hair floating with the wind, while his eyes shone brightly with mad glee.


Mei appeared besides him and called him but he continued to kill the soldiers without looking back.

"Mei-Sama, he's not controlling his body at the moment, for some reasons it seems that he's in his Psycho mode but it was amplified, like this he won't be able to respond."Said Ao, Mei nodded and returned to fight alongside her subordinates.

None of the rebels dared to go at the middle of the battlefield, too afraid of what Nao could do to them.The Kiri-nin were in a seriously bad position, their commander was dead and they couldn't even get out of here.The rebels were blocking the borders and pushing them toward the center where the monster was slaughtering them like pigs.


Nao was akin to a demon for them, he continued to kill relentlessly with seemingly infinite stamina.They finally chose to push their way out and retread since Nao was way too dangerous.As they tried to break the rebels formation Mei appeared out of nowhere and shot a ball of lava at them, ending they attempt at retreating.After a few minutes someone stepped in front as a reprensentant of the Kiri-nin.

"WE SURRENDER!!!"Shouted the man, his shout making all the soldiers freeze and look at him.He was the higher-ranked man in the entire army so his legitimacy couldn't be questioned and as such they all wanted for the answer of the Rebels leader,Mei Terumi.


She wanted to kill them all just to be sure but she couldn't bring herself to kill those people.Most of them didn't even wanted to participate in this war, they were forced by their fear of Yagura.When they saw that Mei seemed to accept their surrender, they dropped their weapons to the ground thinking that the war had ended.

Mei looked at her army and then lifted her hand to the sky.


Just as the soldiers were about to cheers they all froze.An otherwordly killer instinct was felt throughout the entire battlefield, making most of the ninja drop to their knees.The wind became even more violent as water droplets started to rain on the soldiers.

A lone figure passed by them, walking as the ground seemed to crack under his dominating steps.

"End?You were about to say that the war ended?Mei.....The war end when i say it ends."Said the figure as Mei looked at him with great difficulty, her breath was rough and became even worse when she saw the expression on Nao's face.Blood flowed on his face, his yellow eyes had reverted to their normal form which was pretty lucky for him since no one really saw that he had the sharingan due to it being yellow.Underneath his cloak he wore a black jacket that had a snake emblem, the same as the one under his right eye.He also a black Anbu pants with black Anbu shoes, he didn't have a forehead protector but he had a red headband with the Uzumaki clan emblem on it.He had some nasty scars on his torso and his legs which were cause by Isobu and had already healed thanks to his Jikanton.

"N-Nao....I.....W-What a-are you g-going to d-do?"Said Mei who had trouble even speaking, the pressure was so heavy that she felt like her whole body was going to be crushed.Nao shouldn't be able to produce such pression but he was in an unknown state that made him even creepier than he usually was.

"Me?I'm gonna.....End this war...With my own methods."Said Nao as a pair of purple arms appeared on his body, followed by another and finally an armor created with Susano.Six sword appeared in his arms as he chuckled.

"You should close your eyes, my methods are pretty.....Unsightly"Said Nao casually but those words actually forced all the rebels to close their eyes, making them unable to see the horror that was going to happen?Unfortunately they could still hear, and they were about to regret it.

"WAIT!!WE ALREADY SURRENDERED!!ARGHHH!!!"Came the first scream followed by many others, in a few minutes the entire clearing was filled with atrocious screams coming from everywhere.Mei was reduced to a sobbing mess as she was too terrified to even move.Surprisingly Nao didn't laugh this time, he continued his massacre with a blank face.

"You surrendered to Mei but...I'm the one who take the decisions, because i'm the one who won this war.....Not entirely alone, but for the most part it was all me......In the end the winner is the one who write history....Don't worry, i'll be sure to write about how brave and powerful you were, keeping the massacre part to myself."Said Nao as he finished his last victims.

"I trust that one will be stupid enough to tell what happened today?No one will ever know....It will be my-our dark secret.Now that i think about it, i remember a time when i used to do things like this all days....It was my golden age.....I think."Said Nao.The rebels waited for the pressure to disappear and opened their eyes to see the atrocity....Corpses.So much corpses that they couldn't begin to count them.A sea of blood had formed under their feet as they walked lifelessly towards their village.They locked their eyes on the village, trying to ignore what could only be described at the most disgusting scene they saw in their entirely lives.


A sudden shout from a young, feminine voice made them froze.The entire army turned towards the girl who shouted.She looked to be no older than 14 and had both her arms ripped apart, her left eye was missing while her throat had been partially crushed.

Mei choked on her tears but avoided the girl and walked towards the village, all the rebels did the same.They ignored her as they saw the monster coming back for her.

The girl gasped when she saw him, his red hair hiding his utterly terrifying eyes.However he didn't killed her, he helped her get back on her feet and smirked.

"Little girl do you have any parents?"

"Y-Yes, t-they a-are civilians!"Said the girl with an anxious voice.The rebels had long passed by her and were too far away to hear them.

"Good...It would've been bad if i killed them.I'm impressed, honestly i never thought that you could resist all the damages that i inflicted you.I think that.....Yeah.....Do you want to become more powerful to protect your family?"Asked Nao with a gently face.It made her tense but she didn't sensed any malicious intent behind it so she nodded shyly.

"Of course you accepted....The people like you always accept....Very well, i'll teach you.....I'll make you stronger and in exchange you'll become my student.I'll go back to Konoha and you'te going to come with me, your family can come with you if you want..."

"Kaia, my name's Kaia."Said the girl but she was soon stunned by Nao expression.He looked like he was about to do another slaughter when he heard her name but he quickly calmed down.

"It's fate then....HAHAHA!Fate is a really funny thing!Kaia go back to your village and pack your things, as i said your family can come to Konoha with you.You have until tomorrow morning to prepare yourself, i won't wait more than that."Said Nao, Kaia nodded and ran towards the village.

Nao looked at the sky that seemed to have gain a red tint after the slaughter, and laughed.

"HAHAHAH!And thus the civil war in Kiri ended!!WITH A FUCKING SLAUGHTER!!!"

Hope you enjoy it!

Comment, review and vote!!

I did told you that Nao was a monster and a scum, it wasn't for nothing and trust me, you haven't seen anything yet.Sadly i think i'm not gonna include all the terrible actions of Nao in the story, sometimes people don't like when it gets too dark.

Schrollacreators' thoughts