

Calista Swan a kind, hardworking woman who takes on the responsibility of taking care of her family in all aspects which mostly includes financially. When things were a little tight that's when she received the offer to go on a blind date on behalf of her friend! Things don't go quite well when she learns that her partner for the date is Isac, her company's CEO! Will she be able to continue working for the company as usual? Or things may take a turn? Calista's life is suddenly turned upside down when things don't go well and ends up being an utter mess. Calista faces problems, will love blossom despite the struggles?

Maddy_Madzz · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Trouble (5)

⚠⚠WARNING - This chapter contains scenes of Sexual/ Physical Harassment/Abuse. Please read at your own risk. If you're uncomfortable reading please skip this chapter.

Calista felt ashamed, sad and pathetic. Why was she in this situation when she could've just went home and slept. Her body was shivering from the cold breeze. She was half naked, her body almost gave up even before she tried to do anything. Her head was still ringing from the previous slap. She was having trouble trying to maintain her equilibrium and get back into her senses. Tears kept streaming down her face. As of now she couldn't do anything but cry, cry over how miserably weak she was, cry over how she was not able to do anything, cry over how she gave up even before she fought. All of this disgusted her.

She tried to pull her arms down to cover her body but it was held intact. His strong grip was hurting her but he didn't care. He only cared about one thing. Her body. His body was on fire when he saw her as he ripped the dress off of her body. He placed his mobile phone back in his pocket satisfied with the pictures. His arm snaked around her waist and pulled her closer. There was barely any distance between the two. Calista could feel his breath on her face. She hated how it felt. He smelled like liquor and cigarettes and an unfamiliar odor. She was able to understand that this person was drunk and not in his right sense. But that doesn't change the fact that he was being an absolute as*h*le.

Calista could not escape from the tight grip. She tried pushing him away. With every push his grip just tightened. Calista looked around to see if she had anything to use as her defense, but it was barely visible. It was too dark inside the valley and she couldn't spot anything.


Isac came back to office. On his way he heard a loud scream which seemed like it came from the valley near the office he wanted to check but it was dead silent again so he let it slide. He walked into the office.

He immediately spotted Calista's file as soon as he entered his office. He grabbed the file and came out of the office. He still had some doubts about the scream so this time he wanted to check if there was something going on and that's when he spotted something shocking.


Ryan loosened up a little so that he can undo his pants and get into action. Calista took the chance and slipped away with great difficulty. She managed to spot her bag earlier so she crawled towards it and found it. Ryan's hand held her legs and she aggressively swung the bag. It hit him right in head. He was getting angry. How dare she hit him. He dragged her by the legs. She screamed by the sudden movement.She couldn't tolerate the pain and sting that resulted from the vigorous dragging. He pulled her until he saw direct light. The valley was dark but he dragged her up until the valley's opening.

It was a place where nobody will see but they will be able to spot something if they took a closer look near that place. He flipped her and punched her hard in the face. Her eyes immediately teared up and blood started flowing from her mouth. Her face was stinging.

He aggressively stepped on her torso making her curl into a ball. He kicked and punched her again. He was stopped by a phone call. It was Penny.

"Hey Penny I'll call you later I have something to finish" He said as he looked at Calista with anger.

Calista struggled to move but she yelped in pain as he pulled her by her hair. He suddenly let go of her. She fell to the ground unable to move properly.

Once again her hair was pulled, this time he spoke "just so you know, I'm not letting you go out of pity but a situation calls for my absolute presence. I'm not done with you."

He dropped her head to the ground and left the place without another word.


Isac couldn't believe his eyes. He saw a lady crawling on the floor towards her bag. He was too schocked, but he quickly recovered from the shock and went forward to help her.

He grabbed her bag and was about to give it to her when she suddenly curled her body into a ball. He realised that she was scared so he slowly touched her. He felt very bad when he noticed the bruises on the back.

"Please don't be scared.. I'm just trying to help you" He spoke slowly trying to get a response from the lady.

Calista loosened up a little unconsciously. She knew that it was not Ryan she slowly uncurled herself and faced the man.

Isac was beyond shocked. He couldn't believe that it was Calista. He quickly tried to comprehend what was happening. He was too shocked that not even a single word came out of his mouth.

Calista was shocked as well. She couldn't believe that Isac was there and he was seeing her in such a condition. She felt ashamed and tears started streaming down her face uncontrollably. She felt bad. She felt disgusted by her own state.

Isac saw that she was heavily bruised and half naked, his heart ached at the state of her.He removed the coat that he was wearing and covered her. He slowly helped her get up. That's when Calista lost control of her body. She slipped down and was not steady.

"Let's go to the hospital" Isac spoke gently when he was still trying to lift her up. Calista nodded her head no with all the energy that she was left with.

She spoke struggling to get her voice and words out. "Please I.... Don't.. want to go.. to the... hospital.. andd... Pl-ease.... don't tell anyone... and my P-parents... about this... I beg you" she was crying and was ready to go on her knees.

Isac wanted her to go the hospital but she was against it.. so he decided to take her to his place. He knew that he cannot leave her anywhere and it was not safe for her.

Without another word he liffted her up and carried her to his car.