
A Potter's Journey in Westeros (HP X GOT)

I don't own Harry Potter or A song of ice and fire. ------------------------------------------------------ After Slytherin left the castle, Godric Gryffindor made a pact with the children of the forest. He left his home through a mystical forest and traveled to Westeros. He later became the last Hero by defeating the white walkers. A thousand years later, Harry Potter was being hounded by the press and pestered by his fans. He decides that he needs to get away. When he learns of the house elves plight and Kreacher offers him an escape, who's he to refuse. In true Gryffindor fashion, he charges into this new world without even considering the consequences. Little does he know the true effect his presence will have on his new home. ---------------------------------------------------------- Cover Art: arishatistic (Contact me if you want it taken down)

TheNinjaWizard · Livros e literatura
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2 Chs

Prologue (2): Gryffindor's Journey

He was giddy at the idea of a new world. He would like nothing more than to explore it and fight against these immortals. His dreams of the new world were abruptly cut off as Helga straddled his lap. It was obvious what she wanted as the woman immediately dragged him closer for what was promising to be passionate way to pass the time.

The sun had begun to set as they finished. He brought Helga closer to his chest as they cuddled in the aftermath. The coolness of the forest was chilling him to the bone and her heat was welcome. Realizing something was amiss he jerked up at the chill in the night breeze still cradling the sated Helga to his chest. Looking around it seemed everyone's attention had found a brown skinned child that had walked along a snowy path, speaking to Moriban.

Looking behind the creature all that could be seen was bone white trees with blood red leaves that were dark before they arrived. Listening Godric couldn't understand a word being said. He wasn't alone as Rowena had a similar expression of befuddlement. The Centaurs had no such problem as Moriban communicated with the creature fluidly.

"Godric?" Helga mumbled into his chest. "Why's it so cold? Have you forgotten to summon the fur coverings again?"

"It looks like we have guests."

"Tell them to sod off. We haven't had a good romp like that since the last time Salazar was moaning about the new students."

"Yeah..." He sighed reminiscently. "Wasn't that last night?"

She just harrumphed and snuggled closer, squeezing his cock still embedded in her core. He struggled to breathe as she massaged his length until it hardened within her once more. Helga sat astride him and began to undulate her hips, her ample bosom swaying. It wasn't long before his fellow redhead had wrung out all of his seed from his spurting cock.

"Mm..." She sighed contently as she rested her head on his chest. "I really hope it quickens."

Godric only nodded dazedly as he lay mesmerized in the afterglow.

"Ahem!" coughed Moriban drawing Godric's attention. "If you've finished your mating, I'm sure you've realized that we have guests."

"Aye." He said rolling to his side, disentangling his limbs from Helga's to her moan of protest. "We've not understood a word you've said to the little creature. What've you learned about whatever it was? Are the myths true?" He covered Helga to keep her warm.

"It is as I feared."

"Godric, Rowena and Helga." Moriban began. It seemed the little creature eyes perked at the sound of their names. "This is ..." Moriban seemed to pause.

"You may call me Cresty. My name in the True Tongue is long." The child-like creature said. It caught them all in surprise though Moriban was the one to ask how did he speak this language.

"Back home it is known as the Common Tongue among the First Men and the Children of the Forest." The child answered morosely. "I'm afraid dangerous times lie ahead. The First Men have called for aid and we must abide the Pact. We've come here because we will need all the help we can get."

"What has you concerned? Have the creatures of the night awaken?" asked Moriban curiously.

"Yes. We have seen them in the trees far north. In the Land of Always Winter they gather and rally. We are afraid that they'll soon overwhelm us. Their numbers will only increase as the number of dead rises and so will the number of their wights. They have already started moving south. The First Men have sent us an emissary who has braved the creatures of ice to called upon our aid." The child said despairingly. "It's why, for the first time in eons, we have crossed the path again to beg for assistance. After warring for millennia our numbers aren't what they used to be.

There was only one thing that resonated in Godric's mind as he listened. He was instantly intrigued by the thought of waging war for millennia. It was all he knew how to do after all.

"You would ally yourselves with people you've fought against? That sounds very concerning. How do you know these people aren't fooling you around just to stab you in the back?" Rowena, ever the critic, asked.

"They gave us their word on the Isle of Faces. They are bound by their oath to us."


"Humans can't use magic as we can."

"So there's nothing but their word that keeps them bound. Have you no fear of treachery? What happens whe-" Godric had enough of Rowena's questioning. She was a woman and so she didn't understand the ways of man.

"Rowena! You know naught of these matters!" Godric boomed cutting her off. "A man is only a good as his word. These are true oaths. Ones that go deeper than magic."

"Aye, the red-haired one is right. They swore to us and they have not slighted us since we forged the Pact a couple of millennia ago, why start now?"

"Forget about the tender ways of women, my short friend. What is it that you need from us? How may we assist you?"

"We need help defeating the immortals. Before First Men first arrived and made our land their home we only had to contend with the ice demons. With our small size and dexterity it was easy slipping past them and eviscerating their slow-moving bodies. Now with the First Men that live with us, the ice demons have made an army of undead wights that can impede us and make it difficult for us to kill them."

"So it's not the immortals that are the issue here. You just need help to deal with their supporters. Hm..." Godric paced in a circle as he thought. "What of the First Men, as you called them, can't they assist you?"

"They are unprepared to deal with the nightly beings. When the humans rest at night the monsters strike them at their weakest."

"So you're not concerned for your own well being. It's more that you worry for your neighbours." Rowena said pensively. "You obviously know how to kill them. What could you possibly need from us? What would a proper weapon to fight these creatures be? Perhaps we can fashion you some more for the First Men. We can't allow these creatures access to the path! They'll wreak havoc to our school and disrupt our lessons."

"Rowena, it is very kind of you to offer but I think they are looking for more martial aid." Moriban said forcefully. "We centaurs will join our fellow keepers along the path and assist them as we can."

"Nonsense!" Godric exclaimed, he could see that a huge battle would be waged and desired the bloodlust and conflict. "Should these demons access the path they'll come harm the students of Hogwarts. It's as you said, we share the land so to do we share the duty to protect the path. It's no longer only the centaurs duty."

"What kind of weakness do they possess?" Rowena asked curiously.

"We only know of one. We Children of the Forest arm ourselves with obsidian daggers and arrowheads. They serve to fight evenly with immortals. The problem is that there is too many wights among them. Even now they must have thousands of wights. That number will continue to grow with every village they sack."

"I shall join you in these unknown lands and fight these beast of the cold! I doubt these monsters can withstand my flames." Godric exclaimed.

"What flames?"

"I'm a wizard!" Godric replied, brandishing his wand. "With the flick of my wrist I can create almost anything!"

"That's ludicrous!" Cresty sneered scathingly. "You, a human, doing magic? The very thought is insane."

"He built that castle yonder with magic." Rowena pointed out amused. Cresty had since turned to Moriban in looks for confirmation. He quickly darted up a tree to gaze upon the magnificent structure.

"Lies!" He cried from the tree top. "Where's the proof? I demand proof! The gods have only blessed us with their gift!"

"Gods?" Godric had turned to Rowena. "Do you know anything about Gods granting us magic?"

"There's always going to be witches and wizards that are going to mess around with the minds of muggles and make them believe the weirdest things. Right now theres a lot of noise being made about a wizard in Palestine that turned water into wine. He had garnered such a huge following that he caught the attention of the Roman Emperor. He was crucified and presumed dead only to be miraculously resurrected by his godly father. He's also the bloke that invented the Draught of Living Death."

"Wasn't that a millennia ago?"

"Aye. It's takes quite some time to convince the muggleborn. They usually accept it once we demonstrate the Draught." Godric felt that he was forgetting something. He looked down to see the child-like being paying rapt attention to their conversation.

"What's the immortals weaknesses? Perhaps I can recreate it with my magic. I'll give you a demonstration."

"Obsidian!" He said, still looking doubtful. "Fireglass."

"Hm... Perhaps I could conjure some fire instead. I'll create a raging inferno. How does that sound?"

"A Firestorm? Lunacy. I demand proof. No one can do as you say." Cresty said annoyed, he looked toward the centaurs and saw their looks of resignation. "Impossible. We Children are the only beings that can wield magic. It's power is our gift from our gods."

"Enough of your gods! Even I can turn water into wine."

"Prove me wrong! I would see your magic!"

And so Godric drew his wand, blasted the trees with water, huge smile on his face as he noticed the child's awestruck expression. When they were sufficiently soaked he incanted,

"Ignis Expugnatio"

Out came a raging flame that slithered as a snake from Godrics wand. He weaved it to and fro. He blasted through the canopy of the trees and up into the darkening sky. All the while Cresty looked with wide eyes at the flame, mesmerized. He took to the trees and rushed to the top following the flame as well as to get another look at the castle. He came down quickly a pensive look on his face.

"You wish to come with us?" Cresty asked excitedly. "We have a Pact with First Men. They worship our gods, protect our trees and we have peace. With your fire and creation magic you can serve us well in the coming war." He exclaimed.

"You can't just take Godric." She had disregarded his protest. "How about we make a Pact, as you call it, Godric in exchange for service." Rowena said. "With the rising number of students joining Hogwarts, I doubt Helga can keep up with the cooking and cleaning. Especially not considering her health. Soon there'll be too many students for her to look after and she won't have time to teach. I'm sure she'll teach you her recipes and magic to assist you in the maintenance of the Castle."

"You will teach us your ways?" Cresty asked curiously. "How long will we serve?"

"You serve until the Red Comet passes on this side." Rowena said.

"How many of us would serve at the castle?" The Child wondered.

"Six of you should be enough." Rowena stated without even seeking his input. He had to admit that he didn't mind the direction the conversation was heading though.

"Godric, you've been very quiet throughout this. Is there anything you'd like to say?" Rowena said turning to look at him. "Helga and I could see that you were withering away, and your teaching will suffer. I think a good battle would do you some good."

"It's been to long since I swung my sword Rowena. It's been too long since I've had a proper battle. Besides with me away perhaps the heat from the goblins will dissipate. They don't like that I still wield their blade." Godric said hopping on the balls of his feet. "I wish to visit this new world and fight these magical beasts. It'll be a grand adventure."

Meanwhile Cresty had returned to the snowy path where two other children were anxiously waiting. Exchanging some words, five more came along the path. Cresty had extended his arm as he reached them.

"We make this pact to serve your people. In our time of need we shall tend your castle and care for those under your care. We shall serve until the red comet passes and the path opens once again. You shall teach us your magics and in return Godric will aid our brothers in arms in our homeland and defeat our worst foe. This is said and so it shall be by grasping my hand and sealing our Pact." Crusty said.

Rowena had quickly put out her hand and grasped the creatures paw accepting the pact. Brands of fire enveloped their hands as they normally would when a unbreakable vow was sealed.

"Be well Godric. I hope to see you again. Don't worry about the Castle I've been working on something and with Helga's assistance all will be well." Rowena said. Godric nodded a smile on his face.

"Aye, you'll take care of Helga for me won't you? I'll miss our couplings. Say farewell to the family. In case I don't return." With that said he summoned some of his clothing from his room and conjured himself a rug sack. Waving farewell he charged down the snowy path and was whisked away into the bitter cold.

It wasn't long before he heard a cry for help. There not a dozen meters away was a man pinned under a white acromantula-like spider. Blasting it away with a curse he rushed forward and assisted the man to his feet.

"I think it's time that we joined up with the main army don't you." Godric said solemnly.

Wasting no time they immediately rushed south to prepare for battle. He made use of the natural terrain to prepare defences, hopefully impeding the immortals advance. He transfigured the pines needles of trees into needles of obsidian. He created pits of fiendfyre that would hopefully swallow their foes whole. Graves were dug and soldiers made of obsidian were laid to rest that would attack when provoked. With all these measures they continued south to regroup with the main army.

At the oldest of the strongholds, he turned the garden of stone statues into warriors of obsidian. These soldiers succefully turned the tide of the battle and helped them push back the immortals for the first time. When news of his prowess became known they had set him at the forefront of every battle. Men rallied to his side as he pushed onwards. Wights lay burned and dead in his wake. Fortresses were refortified as they reclaimed land and pushed back the icy invaders.

It wasn't long before both sides were entrenched in a deadlock. It took the arrival of the shepherds with their dragon-forged steel blades to finally turn the tide and end the battle for good.

Godric passed soon after. The children had taken him beyond the New Wall and buried him. He was entombed with his sword by the Children beneath the Weirwoods of the Haunted Forest never witnessing the Red Comet pass again.

At Hogwarts the Comet hadn't passed, the Children worked and waited. Their numbers continued to grow as they served at Hogwarts. Six became Twelve. Twelve became five hundred. When there were too many to serve at Hogwarts, they left to serve other families with new pacts.

A thousand years had passed. Voldemort fell and Harry Potter emerged victorious. A new age was beginning with the death of Salazar's heir. Now after eons, The Red Comet has finally returned to Hogwarts.