
A player in Jujutsu Kaisen

I am a player in the world of jujutsu Kaisen watch my journey to the top of the world and put my name into the heavens.

ThePpp_Pppp · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
133 Chs

The end of the dungeon(5)

I walked towards a random wall in the dungeon, mustering all the strength I had, and punched it with all my might. The wall cracked under the impact, showing that I had dealt some damage, although it wasn't as significant as I had hoped. But considering I was still only at level 5, it was better than nothing. Besides, I had plenty of unused stat points that I could allocate later.

A screen appeared before me, asking if I wanted to leave the dungeon. I pondered why it took so long for the screen to show up, but dismissed it as a minor inconvenience. I walked towards the chief's body, preparing to loot him.

Upon looting, I gained 200 gold, adding to the 500 gold I already had. "Now I have 700 gold," I said to myself, doing a quick mental calculation. Satisfied with the loot, I clicked "yes" on the screen to leave the dungeon.

In an instant, I found myself back where I had entered the dungeon, standing in front of the door leading to my room. I pushed open the door and dropped onto my bed, utterly exhausted. Sleep enveloped me swiftly.

Time skipped four hours, and I woke up to a notification in front of my eyes: "You have slept in a bed. HP and mana have been recovered." I sighed and dismissed the notification, only to notice that my shirt was torn and stained with blood. It seemed I had slept on the bed with the blood still on me, resulting in the bedsheets becoming soaked as well. I let out another deep sigh, removed the bloodstained sheets and my ripped shirt, and made my way to the laundry machine in the house. It was time to do some cleaning.

After finishing the arduous task of cleaning the blood from the bedsheets, I felt a bit tired and flopped down on my bed. I also packed my now ripped shirt into a small bag with other items I would never use again.

Curiously, I looked at the palms of my hands and felt a strange energy coursing through them. It was a familiar sensation, the same energy I had used to level up during my fight with the ogre. I wanted to explore its potential further. So, I sat down and focused on my mana, feeling its pure and refreshing essence. It felt like a blank page, ready to be filled with my imagination and limitless possibilities.

Carefully, I channeled some of that mana into my palm, allowing it to seep out through my skin and form a ball of energy. Opening my eyes, I beheld a beautiful blue ball of energy in the palm of my hand. A system notification appeared before me.

"You have created a skill. What would you like to call it?"

Looking at the ball of energy, a name immediately came to mind. "Purification Ball," I said softly.

The notification informed me that the skill "Purification Ball" had been learned. With a swipe of my hand, I dismissed the notification, but my gaze remained fixed on the mesmerizing energy ball.

I ceased sending mana to the ball, instead focusing on drawing the mana back into my body. As I did so, a notification chimed in my ears.

"Mana Absorption skill has been learned."

Having fully absorbed the ball of energy in my hands, I sighed and finally acknowledged a notification that had been waiting for my attention for a while.

"Mana Absorption: Level 1. The user can absorb 10% of any mana-based attack or defense."

"This is pretty nice," I remarked, satisfied with the skill description. I could absorb mana, which could prove quite useful. Feeling a surge of energy within me, I decided it was time to get some exercise. My

body seemed to crave adrenaline and excitement more frequently now.

As I jogged, I touched my chest, still feeling the remnants of the pain from my cracked ribs. It was a stark reminder of how close I had come to death in the dungeon. The thought sent a shiver down my spine. I couldn't dwell on it for too long, though. Instead, I placed my hands on my chest and focused on my current state.

"Status," I muttered, wanting to assess my condition.

Name: Kenzo Tatsu

Level: 6

Fatigue: Full

Job: N/A

Titles: The Player

HP: 1175

MP: 545

Strength: 21

Vitality: 21

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 15

Sense: 15

Remaining Points:29

"It's time to use some points," I muttered to myself, determined to allocate my stat points wisely. I distributed the points mainly to strength, vitality, and agility, hoping to improve my overall combat abilities.

Name: Kenzo Tatsu

Level: 6

Fatigue: Full

Job: N/A

Titles: The Player

HP: 1175

MP: 545

Strength: 21

Vitality: 21

Agility: 24

Intelligence: 15

Sense: 15

Remaining Points:20

As I uttered those words, I felt a sudden surge of strength coursing through my body, as if something explosive had awakened within me. I broke into a sweat, feeling stronger than ever before. I wondered just how much stronger I had become.

Leaving my room, I opened the door gently, ready to face whatever awaited me.