
A Phoenix's Fury

Naruto Phenex mysteriously disappeared over two hundred years ago. Before his disappearance, he was heralded as the strongest living Devil, and a prime candidate for Maou Lucifer, until he wasn't. Unbeknownst to everyone, it was by design. Naruto used a forbidden spell that allowed him to be reborn in another world. And now, he's back. Better and wiser than ever before... and nobody's ready for it.

StrongStyle777 · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: The Return of Naruto Phenex

75 Years.

That was how long it was since Naruto Uzumaki became the Hokage of Konoha. Something so unfathomable, yet it happened. People have factored it to the reputed vitality and longevity of the Uzumaki Clan, and while that is a sound assumption, that was not the case.

Naruto Uzumaki was not who everyone thought he was.

100 years ago, Naruto Uzumaki was born to Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage of Konoha. If Minato and Kushina survived that day, it would have been documented that Naruto originally had red hair, which turned to blonde following the sealing of the Kyubi into his infant body.

The reason for this was something only Naruto and a select number of people he trusted knew. It was the result of Naruto Uzumaki's soul merging with that of Naruto Phenex, an identity that remained dormant until his near death during his battle with Isshiki Otsutsuki. It was a battle that damaged the core of his soul, and he would have died if not for him being saved by his former essence as Naruto Phenex.

Conveniently enough, his personality both as Naruto Uzumaki and Naruto Phenex merged seamlessly. This led to him retaining his heart of gold, but at the same time, recognizing the imminent dangers that need to be dealt with. This led to continuous peace in the Elemental Nations. Just about every threat imaginable was either suppressed or converted into good.

This was the magic of Naruto Uzumaki, one that was further amplified by his awakening.

No Otsutsuki aliens or Kara can stop him.

Now, celebrating his 100th birthday, it was time for a change in scenery for Naruto Uzumaki.

'Sarada is still tough enough to take over as Kage, even at her age. Oh, I feel bad for Boruto. That kid can never take it easy when he has a wife like that,' Naruto thought to himself, a small smile making its way to his face as he fondly thought of the daughter of his two teammates, Sarada Uchiha... or as she goes by now, Sarada Uzumaki, his daughter-in-law.

The world no longer needs him, and he has certainly lived a fulfilling life, one that gave him answers to all the questions he used to have as Naruto Phenex.

That's right.

He was going back to his homeworld and hopefully, he could only get away with some bruises when his mother was done with him.

Layla Phenex would definitely be mad after finding out her child committed pseudo-suicide.

'It worked out for the best. Hopefully, she would understand. As painful as what I did was to the family, it allowed me to be at peace.' Naruto thought to himself.

If not for his rebirth in the Elemental Nations working out in the best possible way, he would probably have destroyed the Underworld upon his return. That, he was certain.

It was ironic upon later realization how he chastised Obito Uchiha for his rationale behind the Infinite Tsukuyomi. This was because Naruto Phenex exited his world as a victim of love and betrayal, a life-changing checkpoint that almost led to his descent into darkness.

The reason?

His failed romance with another devil by the name of Grayfia Lucifuge

Grayfia was a beautiful woman from one of the families- extra devils- that served Lucifer, the Lucifuges. She has the beauty, brains, power, and attitude to keep even the most eccentric of men in line. She was indeed a wonderful woman, one that immediately took his fancy.

She had originally been on the side of the Old Faction but after meeting the five heroes of the New Faction she defected and became a powerful ally of the new group. She quickly stood out to everyone but none more so than Naruto and another devil by the name of Sirzechs Gremory, who both fell to her overall traits.

At first, Grayfia felt the love of Naruto first, and the two became lovers and eventually, were engaged. They have been so in love at the time that it was every young devil's dream to have their own Naruto or Grayfia, based on their gender.

But while Naruto had fully given his heart to Grayfia, the woman eventually turned her back on Naruto and gave hers to another man.

It was only a few weeks after the defeat of the Old faction, Naruto was grinning ear to ear because he has good news to tell his soon-to-be lovely wife, Grayfia. He will be named Lucifer on their Wedding Day! Naruto Lucifer certainly sounded very good to his ears, and couldn't wait to inform her.

However, as he entered their house, the took step by step on the stairs to hear voices, which made his heart beat faster. Naruto then heard an unmistakable male voice he recognized.

How could he not?

This was the very same man he considered to be a brother.

Every step he took caused a bit of his heart to break off until eventually, it shattered altogether when he found Grayfia in their bed with none other than his best friend Sirzechs.

What happened next led to Sirzechs almost being burned to a crisp and reduced to ashes as Naruto went into a fit of rage as he attacked his now former friend. Naruto even managed to sneak in an illusion technique that mentally scarred the Gremory.

It took the combined efforts of Naruto and Sirzechs' parents along with Grayfia, Serafall, Ajuka, and Falbium to eventually restrain him and stop him from killing Sirzechs. It didn't take them all long to figure out why he was angry with the state Sirzechs and Grayfia were in.

But even then, Naruto wasn't the strongest devil for nothing and got out of the restraint and punched a barely conscious Sirzechs with a flamed punch that made a permanent mark on his chest- a dark mark with the shape of a fist.

A week after the incident Naruto and Sirzechs did the only thing they could think of to resolve the problem and decided who Grayfia's heart belonged.

They fought, and a widespread battle between the strongest devils in existence ensued. A battle of pride and dignity that lasted for two days and nights.

A battle where the only goal was to draw blood.

Naruto destroyed Sirzechs. He toyed with him on the first day and destroyed him the following day. Naruto practically bathed in blood- to be more specific, Sirzechs' blood. Naruto typically wasn't vengeful and wasn't one to hold grudges, but experiencing a heartbreak of such degree made for an exception.

The bet itself was pointless to him, because deep inside, he knows Grayfia already has fallen for Sirzechs, and he does not want to marry an unwilling woman, no matter how much he loved her. He only agreed because it gave him the chance to properly channel his rage over the entire ordeal.

Sirzechs barely made it out alive, he only did so because Naruto let him live. Despite Sirzechs' transgressions, Naruto couldn't bring himself to kill someone who was practically his brother for most of his life.

For months, the talk of the Underworld was the Phenex's fury. It was a tale so grand, it was being told to devil children when they went to bed.

And on the day Naruto was supposed to be inaugurated as Maou Lucifer, he disappeared without warning.

The last words heard from him, were ones he spoke to Serafall Sitri.

"I'll be back," He said to a tearful Serafall, who at that time, had wanted to say something to him yet, was unable to do so.

'And now, it's time for me to return.' Naruto thought to himself.

He has long forgiven Grayfia and Sirzechs for what they did to him. He wouldn't be Naruto Uzumaki if he couldn't do that much. However, that does not mean he would once again extend his friendship to them. There's a fine line between friendship and reconciliation.

At best, he can only feel apathy for both of them.

Naruto found humor in the grave contrast between his two lives. In his first life, he was consumed by the hatred he felt for Grayfia and Sirzechs, to the degree he was thinking of going into places he wouldn't think of going. But in this life, he even forgave the same man who caused the death of his parents, even the entire village who ostracized him throughout his childhood.

Perhaps, it was fate at work... showing him both ends of the coin to allow him to properly reflect and answer his own questions.

One, to what extent can we extend forgiveness to those who have wronged us?

Second, can wounds be healed without inflicting them back?

Naruto has found his answers to those questions.

And now, it was time for him to show everyone his answers to those questions.

Naruto then heard a knock on his door, and upon giving permission, the door opened, which revealed Boruto Uzumaki and Sarada Uzumaki.

"Happy birthday, dad," Boruto said, smiling at his father. They might not always get along, but the love they held for one another will always be there.

"Happy birthday, Hokage-sama!" Sarada greeted and offered a leather-covered book to Naruto, who accepted it.

"No need to be overly formal, Sarada! You're practically my daughter and you're Hokage after today." Naruto chuckled at the flustered woman.

Boruto glanced sideways at his wife. They're already in their 80s, but Sarada still had the same hero worship for his father. It was honestly funny.

'And a little creepy.' Boruto added mentally.

"It's an honor to succeed you in guiding Konoha, Hokage-sama. I promise to take care of the village in your stead until Minato-kun is ready to take over," Sarada said as she bowed to Naruto, who again chuckled at how formal Sarada was.

"And I am sure you will succeed in that endeavor, Sarada. Your father would be proud to see just how far you have gone," Naruto praised the woman, dropping the name of her father, Sasuke, who died of old age a decade ago.

"So dad, is it time?" Boruto asked.

A couple of years ago, Naruto called upon Boruto and Sarada to reveal to them a secret that only Hinata was able to know, that of him being not of this world. He informed the two of his plans to retire following his 100th birthday and return to his original world. It was a tearful discussion between the three, but the couple understood.

Naruto Uzumaki has done everything that could be done. As harsh as it sounds, the world can now afford to function even without Naruto overseeing the world.

Thus, a plan was made between the three.

Upon Naruto's 100th birthday, Sarada Uzumaki would be made the 8th Hokage.

And the world would have to mourn together over the death of its greatest hero.

"Indeed, Boruto," Naruto said as both his son and daughter-in-law approached him and gave him a hug.

"I'll miss you, dad. Thanks for everything," Boruto said, fighting off the tears that were threatening to flow.

Naruto smiled at his son before taking a step back and began chanting a spell.

This was a spell he created in order to be able to return to his original world, one that took inspiration from the powers of Kaguya and Sasuke.

"Reditus (Return)"

A golden light engulfed Naruto, slowly devouring his essence.

"Thank you for everything, Boruto. And Sarada, take care of Konoha and my son in my stead. That kid may be old as bones, but he can still be dumb!" Naruto laughed at his son, who sent a glare his way.

The laughter continued until no trace of Naruto's presence was visible.

"That dad of mine... he just had to make fun of me before disappearing!" Boruto gritted his teeth and glared at the spot where Naruto was.

Sarada laughed at her husband. "Just let it go, okay? You're 80 for god's sake!" The new hokage said, patting Boruto's shoulders.

Sarada opened a window in Naruto's office and stared at the clouds. As the new Hokage, she will have to deal with a lot of things, on top of maintaining the peace Naruto has steadily built. The Uchiha turned Uzumaki hopes she can survive long enough.

With Naruto Uzumaki gone from the Elemental Nations, it is indeed the dawn of a new era.

Japan (One Week after Naruto's return to the world)

Kyoto, Japan. Home to the West Yokai Faction... and now, the temporary home of Naruto Phenex.

While Naruto would love nothing more than to return immediately to his home in the Underworld, he held it off a bit. Not because he was afraid, but because he severely lacked information. He has been gone from this world for quite some time and as he learned from his mentor, Jiraiya, information is key.

Naruto found out that in this world, he had been gone for 200 years. It would seem like a year in the Elemental Nations was equal to two years in this world, and if anyone would ask the blonde, that worked in his favor.

The reason is the revelation of the looming chaos that threatened the known world. Many forces have been making their moves, not just the Three Factions, but other pantheons as well.

The most alarming of which was the Khaos Brigade, a group supposedly led by the Infinite Dragon God Ophis. It was home to multiple factions with their own separate goals but united in the ultimate goal of defeating the Great Red, the Dragon of Dragons.

It concerns him little because if it comes to it, he can put an end to the Khaos Brigade. Naruto Phenex was an insanely powerful devil in his first life, but combined with the unfathomable power he accumulated during his life as Naruto Uzumaki, he is confident that he is unmatched in terms of might.

Currently, his agenda was to gain information on the known world, on his family, and once he got what he need, return to the Underworld.

From the information he gathered in the underworld, he now understood that he now had three siblings.

Ruval -who was his younger brother- had only been seven when he had left his home and now his brother had apparently gotten married and had a child of his own. Naruto also gathered that he was in the top ten in the rating games that the new faction had created.

He was proud of his younger brother, especially when he caught wind that Ruval might be attaining the rank of Ultimate Class Devil soon. He then remembered when Ruval was a cute little baby and he was the overprotective brother that cared about the baby.

Apart from Ruval, he gathered he had another younger brother named Riser as well as a little sister named Ravel who apparently looked a lot like their mother.

On the other side of what he has gathered, Sirzechs took over for him as Maou Lucifer and there was a looming alliance between the Gremorys and the Phenex with the arranged marriage between his second younger brother Riser, and Sirzechs' only sibling, Rias.

It worried Naruto a little bit because Rias Gremory was against the notion of being married to Riser, but it seems the issue was being forced mainly because of the falling out he's had with Sirzechs, and the families wanted an alliance with one another.

He feels a little bad for Rias, but that comes with the responsibility of being a pure-blood devil.

'But knowing Sirzechs, he'd probably bail his sister out. But that works in my favor.' Naruto thought to himself.

It was no secret to the supernatural world how Sirzechs cherishes his sister Rias. It was actually amongst the first things Naruto had found out when he began gathering information. With this information at hand, as well as the strength of both Riser and Rias, Naruto knows that the only way the wedding wouldn't work out is if Sirzechs pulled some strings and put an end to it.

The reason why Naruto wants it to happen is simple: if Sirzechs were to directly involve himself in the engagement between Riser and Rias, it would ultimately violate the clause wherein the Maou must not show favor to their former family, and Sirzechs would have to abdicate his throne as Maou Lucifer.

It was a position that Naruto has earned, and he will take it back.

Originally, Naruto was content to let Sirzechs rule the Underworld, but then, he found out just how powerless the Devil Kings were at the moment, and a key factor in that is the lack of political maneuvering on the part of the Four Satans.

To put it simply, the Satans were a shell of their former selves, at least mentally.

Serafall tended to act like a child more than she does being a Maou, Ajuka became a recluse who barely left his lab, Falbium became so lazy that the Military of the Underworld barely did more than odd chores and Sirzechs would become more playful and silly.

It was unacceptable to Naruto, who came from a world where bureaucracy and all other aspects of government were functioning to full effect.

'To think devilkind had regressed to this degree' Naruto thought to himself.

The Phenex scion can only hope things would go as planned, so he can attempt to fix the internal problems of the Underworld.

A silky smooth voice then interrupted him from his thoughts.

"You seem to have quite the troubled face there, Naruto."

Naruto turned his head to the left and was met with the smiling face of Yasaka, a Nine-Tailed Fox Yokai and the leader of the West Yokai Faction.

"I'm just thinking about my return to the Underworld. I've missed everyone." Naruto told the woman, who was now seating on a couch.

"How was your information gathering?" Yasaka asked.

Naruto looked at the skies and replied, "I got everything I needed to gather."

The woman frowned. "So you're returning to the Underworld now?" She once again asked.

Naruto may have only been in Kyoto for a week, but Yasaka has grown to like his company. While her interest was still, in no way, romantic, she would miss Naruto's company.

"Maa, maa. Don't be like that, Yasaka! It's not like I'll be gone forever. You'll get plenty of chances to sneak up on me while I'm changing," Naruto laughed at the Yokai leader who shot him a glare.

"How did you even know that? You know what, don't even answer that question!" Yasaka pleaded as she covered up her eyes at the realization she was caught red-handed.

Naruto looked at Yasaka for a few seconds before returning his gaze outside.

"It's not like I actually mind. You know I'm a devil, right?"

Yasaka then pointed a finger at the blonde. "That's right! You must be using your devil magic to subtly seduce me! Oh, you demonic fiend!" Yasaka jokingly accused, covering her chest up, to no avail.

Naruto laughed.

"I had fun here, Yasaka. I would definitely be back soon, but my home needs me now. Tell Kunou I said goodbye, alright?" Naruto smiled at Yasaka, who smiled back and gave him a nod.

"As long as you remember."

Naruto nodded at the woman.

The Phenex magic circle then glowed beneath Naruto's feet and a second later, Yasaka was left alone in the room.

"Kaa-san! Was that Naruto? Tell him to get me more ramen!" The voice of Kunou made itself known to Yasaka.

Yasaka giggled to herself. Naruto was a good influence on Kunou... if only he didn't pass on his ramen addiction as well.


Phenex Mansion

The Phenex Mansion is still as beautiful as Naruto remembered it to be. The beauty of the large royal-looking Phenex palace did not diminish in any way, in fact, it was further improved if that was even possible. Beautiful roses decorated the walls of the palace in warm colors of red, orange, purple, and blue while the pillar still had the burning torches always on to guide their guests to the front door.

Walking forward and walking up the large door, he grabbed the handle and gently pushed it open. He never needed a key since anyone of Phenex blood or who was a servant of the Phenex family was keyed into the palace and could walk in without a problem. Anyone who tried to force their way in would get a nasty surprise in the form of being set on fire and then struck by a lightning bolt afterward. He couldn't help but shake his head at his father, who designed it that way. The guy was extreme when it came to designing runes.

Walking inside he had to stop and look around at the large hallway as many memories of his childhood rushed back to him. He had taken his first steps in this hallway and remembered waiting on the large staircase for his parents to come home with his little brother Ruval, and he remembered being disappointed at first when he found out Ruval wasn't a girl. He always wanted a sister, and luckily for him, he now had one. Oh, he couldn't wait to spoil her!

On the side, pictures of their family littered the tables and cabinets with a large painting of his parents settled on one of the walls, their looks amplified by the painting. His parents were actually both from the Phenex family but were not siblings or cousins or anything like that.

They were cousins twice removed. His father was part of the main branch of the Phenex family while his mother was part of the branch family. It was not uncommon for family members to marry other members of their family. A lot of the other devil families did it including Serafall's parents Lord and Lady Sitri who were second cousins as well. Devils were suckers for the purest of blood to the point that incest wasn't really uncommon.

As Naruto continued to walk through memory lane, another blond-haired man with blue eyes stared at him in shock.

"B-Brother?" Naruto was stopped from his nostalgic trip by a gruff voice. He turned to his right and saw a male version of his mother staring at him with wide eyes. He soon realized that this man was the now grown-up Ruval as both his younger siblings probably had no idea what he looked like. Ruval wore the standard clothes worn by devil nobles, but thankfully, didn't share the arrogant face that most nobles had.

"Ruval! It's been too long, brother." Naruto greeted back and proceeded to hug his younger brother, who returned it. Both Phenex brothers had smiles on their faces and as both pulled away from their brotherly embrace both saw the mirrored grin the other had on his face.

"The last time I saw you, you were playing with a twig pretending to be a wizard and tripping on your robe!" Naruto teased his younger brother, who was thankful his wife wasn't around right now.

"That's really embarrassing, brother. Please don't remind me of those days." Ruval said quietly as the elder of the two Phenex chuckled and pat the younger one on his back.

"But, you were so cute then! A noble little kid claiming to match his big bro and go on adventures together. What did you call it? The Wizard and the Warrior bringing doom to Angels?" Naruto said and now, Ruval had an embarrassed look on his face. And was his little brother pouting? Nah, that's probably just his imagination. It might have been cute 200 years ago, but now, it is creepy.

"Brother, that was 200 years ago. Can you please let that go? Especially since I have a daughter now... Oh, fuck." Ruval palmed his face as he realized he just doomed himself more. Now, his adorable daughter won't think her daddy is a mighty devil anymore.

"Ease up, little brother. I haven't seen you for 200 years. Those were the memories of you that I have. Silly they may be, but they're precious to me. So Ruval, how's life?" Naruto asked Ruval, whose eyes softened at his brother's honest statement before he proudly told his elder brother of his family and the fact that he is officially an Ultimate Class Devil and was just awarded the rank last week.

"Are you returning for good, brother? Mother would love it if that was the case. She's still pretty shaken up by you leaving abruptly even if it happened a couple of centuries ago." Naruto wore a face of guilt as he heard that. Sure, he had no regrets about his expedition in the Elemental Nations, as the experience help shape him into who he was today, but his actions definitely affected the people around him.

His mother, for example.

Naruto's guilty expression turned into a happy one as he looked at Ruval, "I'm back for good, Ruval. My time away has been enlightening, and well, I think I'm better than ever. Speaking of mother, where is she?"

"Mother is in the gardens. I'll go and take you there. I really missed having you back brother." Ruval said and Naruto patted the back of his little brother, who gave him a smile.

Naruto and Ruval walked at a moderate pace toward the garden. Both brothers had small smiles on their faces. Naruto, for being able to meet his mother again, and Ruval, because he knew his brother would bring back their mother out of the shell she had retracted into.

After two minutes, the Phenex brothers found themselves outside and admiring the beauty of the gardens of the mansion. From a distance, the brothers saw their mother humming a tune, which both recognized as the same tune she use to lull them to sleep when they were children.

Naruto can't help but smile at the sight of his mother, humming a tune happily with her eyes closed. She looked just the same as she did before he left. Soon, her eyes opened and as they did, she dropped the sprinkler she held with her left hand. It was as if she saw a sight she never expected to see, and indeed she saw something unexpected. She saw her two baby boys looking at her. Not the usual Riser and Ruval- the two barely even spent time together. She saw Ruval alongside the son she could only see in her dreams for the past two hundred years.

Her knees trembled as her hand shot up to her mouth, trying to muffle the sobs coming from her but it proved futile. Her cries of happiness couldn't be hidden anymore as she openly sobbed at the sight of her son, the same one who disappeared 200 years ago. She did what any mother would do in her situation and ran towards her son and hugged him.

Naruto could feel his mother's tears flow through his clothes and felt his mother shake. He returned his mother's hug, and she tightened her hold on him as if he was to disappear if she let go of her darling baby boy. Naruto could hear the sobs loud and clear and it broke his heart.

Naruto Phenex had most of the things Naruto Uzumaki wished to have and ironically, the former took it for granted.

Ruval smiled at the interaction between the reunited mother and son duo. He smiled further when he saw his mother flash her first true smile in 200 years aside from the birth of his younger siblings. He wished his brother should have never left in the first place, but at least, he managed to come back. Hopefully, his brother's return would be the start of making things right for the Phenex Family.

"Hello, Mother," Naruto said.

Layla looked up at her son and shot him a genuine smile.

Naruto returned the smile and said, "I swear this is the last time I'll make you cry."

Naruto Phenex is back in the Underworld, and things are about to change.

One step at a time.

End of Chapter